982 resultados para SATURATION PHYSICS


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The quasisteady structure of the corona of a laser-irradiated pellet is completely determined for arbitrary Z, (ion charge number} and re/ra (ratio of critical and ablation radii), and for heat-flux saturation factor/above approximately 0.04. The ion-to-electron temperature ratio at rc grows sensibly with Z,; all other quantities depend weakly and nonmonotonically on Z,. For rc /ra close to unity, and all Z, of interest (Z, < 47}, the flow is subsonic at rc. For a given laser power W, flux saturation may decrease (low/) or increase (high/) the ablation pressure Pa relative to the value obtained when saturation is not considered; in some cases a decrease in/with W fixed increases Pa. For intermediate^ ~0.1), Pa cc (W/r* )2/3 p\n\pc = critical density), independently of rc/ra; for/~0.6, Pa «s larger by a factor of about [rc/raf13. For rjra > 1.2 roughly, the mass ablation rate is C{Z,) [{m/kZ.f^Kr^Pl) l,\ independent of pc and/, and barely dependent on Z,(m, is ion mass; k, Boltzmann's constant; K, conductivity coefficient; and C, a tabulated function).


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"Contract N-onr-401-15."


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The bleaching of the n = 1 heavy-hole and light-hole exciton absorption has been studied at room temperature and zero bias in a strain-balanced InGaAs/InAsP multiple quantum well. Pump-probe spectroscopy was used to measure the decay of the light-hole absorption saturation, giving a hole lifetime of only 280 ps. As only 16 meV separates the light- and heavy-hole bands, the short escape time can be explained by thermalization between these bands followed by thermionic emission over the heavy-hole barrier. The saturation density was estimated to be 1 × 1016 cm-3; this is much lower than expected for tensile-strained wells where both heavy and light holes have large in-plane masses. © 1998 American Institute of Physics.


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To determine the effects of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in phosphatidylcholine (PC) on macrophage activity, peritoneal lavage cells were cultured in the presence of phosphatidylcholine rich in saturated or unsaturated fatty acids (sat PC and unsat PC, respectively), both used at concentrations of 32 and 64 µM. The treatment of peritoneal macrophages with 64 µM unsat PC increased the production of hydrogen peroxide by 48.3% compared to control (148.3 ± 16.3 vs 100.0 ± 1.8%, N = 15), and both doses of unsat PC increased adhesion capacity by nearly 50%. Moreover, 64 µM unsat PC decreased neutral red uptake by lysosomes by 32.5% compared to the untreated group (67.5 ± 6.8 vs 100.0 ± 5.5%, N = 15), while both 32 and 64 µM unsat PC decreased the production of lipopolysaccharide-elicited nitric oxide by 30.4% (13.5 ± 2.6 vs 19.4 ± 2.5 µM) and 46.4% (10.4 ± 3.1 vs 19.4 ± 2.5 µM), respectively. Unsat PC did not affect anion production in non-stimulated cells or phagocytosis of unopsonized zymosan particles. A different result pattern was obtained for macrophages treated with sat PC. Phorbol 12-miristate 13-acetate-elicited superoxide production and neutral red uptake were decreased by nearly 25% by 32 and 64 µM sat PC, respectively. Sat PC did not affect nitric oxide or hydrogen peroxide production, adhesion capacity or zymosan phagocytosis. Thus, PC modifies macrophage activity, but this effect depends on cell activation state, fatty acid saturation and esterification to PC molecule and PC concentration. Taken together, these results indicate that the fatty acid moiety of PC modulates macrophage activity and, consequently, is likely to affect immune system regulation in vivo.


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Recurrences are close returns of a given state in a time series, and can be used to identify different dynamical regimes and other related phenomena, being particularly suited for analyzing experimental data. In this work, we use recurrence quantification analysis to investigate dynamical patterns in scalar data series obtained from measurements of floating potential and ion saturation current at the plasma edge of the Tokamak Chauffage Alfveacuten Breacutesilien [R. M. O. Galva approximate to o , Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 43, 1181 (2001)]. We consider plasma discharges with and without the application of radial electric bias, and also with two different regimes of current ramp. Our results indicate that biasing improves confinement through destroying highly recurrent regions within the plasma column that enhance particle and heat transport.


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In-situ measurements in convective clouds (up to the freezing level) over the Amazon basin show that smoke from deforestation fires prevents clouds from precipitating until they acquire a vertical development of at least 4 km, compared to only 1-2 km in clean clouds. The average cloud depth required for the onset of warm rain increased by similar to 350 m for each additional 100 cloud condensation nuclei per cm(3) at a super-saturation of 0.5% (CCN0.5%). In polluted clouds, the diameter of modal liquid water content grows much slower with cloud depth (at least by a factor of similar to 2), due to the large number of droplets that compete for available water and to the suppressed coalescence processes. Contrary to what other studies have suggested, we did not observe this effect to reach saturation at 3000 or more accumulation mode particles per cm(3). The CCN0.5% concentration was found to be a very good predictor for the cloud depth required for the onset of warm precipitation and other microphysical factors, leaving only a secondary role for the updraft velocities in determining the cloud drop size distributions. The effective radius of the cloud droplets (r(e)) was found to be a quite robust parameter for a given environment and cloud depth, showing only a small effect of partial droplet evaporation from the cloud's mixing with its drier environment. This supports one of the basic assumptions of satellite analysis of cloud microphysical processes: the ability to look at different cloud top heights in the same region and regard their r(e) as if they had been measured inside one well developed cloud. The dependence of r(e) on the adiabatic fraction decreased higher in the clouds, especially for cleaner conditions, and disappeared at r(e)>=similar to 10 mu m. We propose that droplet coalescence, which is at its peak when warm rain is formed in the cloud at r(e)=similar to 10 mu m, continues to be significant during the cloud's mixing with the entrained air, cancelling out the decrease in r(e) due to evaporation.


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Perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics (pQCD) predicts that the small-x gluons in the hadron wavefunction should form a Color Glass Condensate (CGC), which has universal properties, which are the same for nucleon or nuclei. Making use of the results in V.P. Goncalves, M.S. Kugeratski, M.V.T. Machado, F.S. Navarra, Phys. Lett. B643, 273 (2006), we study the behavior of the anomalous dimension in the saturation models as a function of the photon virtuality and of the scaling variable rQ(s), since the main difference among the known parameterizations are characterized by this quantity.


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We present measurements of J/psi yields in d + Au collisions at root S(NN) = 200 GeV recorded by the PHENIX experiment and compare them with yields in p + p collisions at the same energy per nucleon-nucleon collision. The measurements cover a large kinematic range in J/psi rapidity (-2.2 < y < 2.4) with high statistical precision and are compared with two theoretical models: one with nuclear shadowing combined with final state breakup and one with coherent gluon saturation effects. In order to remove model dependent systematic uncertainties we also compare the data to a simple geometric model. The forward rapidity data are inconsistent with nuclear modifications that are linear or exponential in the density weighted longitudinal thickness, such as those from the final state breakup of the bound state.


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We have measured the azimuthal anisotropy of pi(0) production for 1 < p(T) < 18 GeV/c for Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. The observed anisotropy shows a gradual decrease for 3 less than or similar to p(T) less than or similar to 7-10 GeV/c, but remains positive beyond 10 GeV/c. The magnitude of this anisotropy is underpredicted, up to at least similar to 10 GeV/c, by current perturbative QCD (PQCD) energy-loss model calculations. An estimate of the increase in anisotropy expected from initial-geometry modification due to gluon saturation effects and fluctuations is insufficient to account for this discrepancy. Calculations that implement a path-length dependence steeper than what is implied by current PQCD energy-loss models show reasonable agreement with the data.


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We present the transition amplitude for a particle moving in a space with two times and D space dimensions having an Sp(2, R) local symmetry and an SO(D, 2) rigid symmetry. It was obtained from the BRST-BFV quantization with a unique gauge choice. We show that by constraining the initial and final points of this amplitude to lie on some hypersurface of the D + 2 space the resulting amplitude reproduces well-known systems in lower dimensions. This work provides an alternative way to derive the effects of two-time physics where all the results come from a single transition amplitude.


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Magnetic nanoparticles (NP) of magnetite (Fe(3)O(4)) coated with oleic acid (OA) and dodecanoic acid (DA) were synthesized and investigated through transmission electron microscopy (TEM), magnetization M, and ac magnetic susceptibility measurements. The OA coated samples were produced with different magnetic concentrations (78%, 76%, and 65%) and the DA sample with 63% of Fe(3)O(4). Images from TEM indicate that the NP have a nearly spherical geometry and mean diameter similar to 5.5 nm. Magnetization measurements, performed in zero-field cooled (ZFC) and field cooled processes under different external magnetic fields H, exhibited a maximum at a given temperature T(B) in the ZFC curves, which depends on the NP coating (OA or DA), magnetite concentration, and H. The temperature T(B) decreases monotonically with increasing H and, for a given H, the increase in the magnetite concentration results in an increase in T(B). The observed behavior is related to the dipolar interaction between NP, which seems to be an important mechanism in all samples studied. This is supported by the results of the ac magnetic susceptibility chi(ac) measurements, where the temperature in which chi' peaks for different frequencies follows the Vogel-Fulcher model, a feature commonly found in systems with dipolar interactions. Curves of H versus T(B)/T(B) (H=0) for samples with different coatings and magnetite concentrations collapse into a universal curve, indicating that the qualitative magnetic behavior of the samples may be described by the NP themselves, instead of the coating or the strength of the dipolar interaction. Below T(B), M versus H curves show a coercive field (H(C)) that increases monotonically with decreasing temperature. The saturation magnetization (M(S)) follows the Bloch's law and values of M(S) at room temperature as high as 78 emu/g were estimated, a result corresponding to similar to 80% of the bulk value. The overlap of M/M(S) versus H/T curves for a given sample and the low H(C) at high temperatures suggest superparamagnetic behavior in all samples studied. The overlap of M/M(S) versus H curves at constant temperature for different samples indicates that the NP magnetization behavior is preserved, independently of the coating and magnetite concentration. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3311611]


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A phonon structure in the photoluminescence of EuTe was discovered, with a well-defined zero-phonon emission line (ZPL). The ZPL redshifts linearly with the intensity of applied magnetic field, indicating spin relaxation of the photoexcited electron, and saturates at a lower magnetic field than the optical absorption bandgap, which is attributed to formation of magnetic polarons. From the difference in these saturation fields, the zero-field polaron binding energy and radius are estimated to be 43 meV and 3.2 (in units of the EuTe lattice parameter), respectively. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3634030]


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We present results on strange and multistrange particle production in Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 62.4 GeV as measured with the STAR detector at RHIC. Midrapidity transverse momentum spectra and integrated yields of K(S)(0), Lambda, Xi, and Omega and their antiparticles are presented for different centrality classes. The particle yields and ratios follow a smooth energy dependence. Chemical freeze-out parameters, temperature, baryon chemical potential, and strangeness saturation factor obtained from the particle yields are presented. Intermediate transverse momentum (p(T)) phenomena are discussed based on the ratio of the measured baryon-to-meson spectra and nuclear modification factor. The centrality dependence of various measurements presented show a similar behavior as seen in Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV.


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The mapping, exact or approximate, of a many-body problem onto an effective single-body problem is one of the most widely used conceptual and computational tools of physics. Here, we propose and investigate the inverse map of effective approximate single-particle equations onto the corresponding many-particle system. This approach allows us to understand which interacting system a given single-particle approximation is actually describing, and how far this is from the original physical many-body system. We illustrate the resulting reverse engineering process by means of the Kohn-Sham equations of density-functional theory. In this application, our procedure sheds light on the nonlocality of the density-potential mapping of density-functional theory, and on the self-interaction error inherent in approximate density functionals.