990 resultados para SAO-FRANCISCO CRATON


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The oldest fragment of continental crust recognized in South America occurs as an isolated Archean enclave in northeastem Brazil's Borborema Province, ca. 600 Ma Brasiliano-Pan African orogenic belt. This Archean fragment, the Sao Jose do Campestre massif, is surrounded by large tracts of 2.2-2.0 Ga Paleoproterozoic gneisses and is located more than 600-1500 km from the much larger assemblages of Archean rocks found in the Sao Fransciso and Amazonian cratons, located to the south and west, respectively. Geochronological studies of the Sao Jose do Campestre massif show that its oldest rocks contain zircons with U-Pb ages up to 3.5 Ga and Sm-Nd T-DM model ages of more than 3.7 Ga, indicating that they represent reworked crust. This older nucleus is flanked by both reworked and juvenile 3.25 and 3.18 Ga rocks which arc intruded by both 3.00 and 2.69 Ga plutonic bodies. The protracted evolution the Sao Jose do Campestre massif is consistent with that of a larger continental mass as opposed to a small crustal fragment that grew in isolation. As such, the Sao Jose do Campestre massif is interpreted as representing a detached piece of an evolved craton that became entrained with younger rocks during a subsequent Paleoproterozoic accretionary-orogenic event. This hypothesis is bolstered by the presence of Paleoproterozoic gneisses that envelop the Sao Jose do Campestre massif, as well as the existence of ca. 2.0 Ga metamorphic zircon and monazite within its rocks. The occurrence of several different Archean cratonic basement inliers within the greater Paleoproterozoic crustal framework of the Borborema Province suggests that cratonic slices spalled off one or more larger Archean masses prior to the ca. 2.2-2.0 Ga Paleoproterozoic orogenic collage. A important challenge is to link these older fragments to their parent cratons. Although results are not unique, the pattern of ages and isotopic signatures observed in the Sao Jose do Campestre massif is similar to that seen in parts of the Sao Francisco Craton, and it is possible that the Sao Jose do Campestre massif is a fragment of an Archean continental fragment formed during an episode of continental breakup prior to 2200 Ma. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Farmers of the Submedio Sao Francisco Region (Brazil) have been spraying amino acids on mango trees with the objective of increasing panicle length and improving fruit retention and quality. This study, done in two experiments, tested the effect of amino acids sprayings at concentrations of 0.0%; 0.02%; 0.04% and 0.06%, on mango plants, 'Tommy Atkins', on the budding phase (panicles with 5 cm), fruit set and fruit growth (5 cm diameter). They were carried out from June to October in 2003, that is the natural period for harvest in the region, and from January to May, in 2004. There were no statistical differences in the first experiment among treatments regarding panicle length and fruit production, probably due to an appropriate management of nutrition, water and plant growth regulators, besides climatic conditions, mainly temperature and solar radiation. In the second experiment, significant increments in the panicle length of 13.37%, 11.70% and 21.4% were observed with amino acids concentrations, compared to the control. Increasing amino acids doses also enhanced the number of fruits per plant, thirty days before the harvest, in 16.17%, 45.32% and 37.38%, respectively, compared to the control, but there were no significant statistical differences. Characteristics of fruit quality during storage, as weight loss, total soluble solids, total titratable acidity and pulp firmness were not significantly affected by amino acids spraying. Changes on those variables were registered as a consequence of fruit ripening. Amino acids sprays lightly delayed the evolution of skin luminosity and Hue of pulp, but the differences could not be visually identified. The concentrations of amino acids were not efficient for improving the natural concentrations of these substances in the leaves, which could be the reason for the non significant effects on the variables analyzed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Nuna supercontinent was probably assembled in the Paleoproterozoic, but its paleogeography and the timing for its demise are stills matter of debate. A paleomagnetic and geochronological study carried out on the Mesoproterozoic Nova Guarita dyke swarm (northern Mato Grosso State, SW Amazonian Craton) provides additional constraints on the duration of this supercontinent. Paleomagnetic AF and thermal treatment revealed south/southwest (northeast) magnetic directions with downward (upward) inclinations for 19 analyzed sites. These directions are carried by PSD magnetite with high unblocking temperatures as indicated by additional magnetic tests, including thermomagnetic curves, hysteresis loops and the progressive acquisition of isothermal remanence in selected samples. A positive contact test with the host granite in one of the studied dykes further attests to the primary origin of the characteristic magnetic component. A mean site direction was calculated at D-m = 220.5 degrees, I-m = 45.9 degrees (alpha(95) = 6.5 degrees, K = 27.7), which yielded a paleomagnetic pole located at 245.9 degrees E, 47.9 degrees S (A(95) = 7.0 degrees). Ar-40/Ar-39 dating carried out on biotites from four analyzed dykes yielded well-defined plateau ages with a mean of 1418.5 +/- 3.5 Ma. The Nova Guarita pole precludes a long-lived Nuna configuration in which Laurentia, Baltica, North China, and Amazonia formed a long and continuous block as previously proposed for the Paleoproterozoic. It is nevertheless fully compatible with a SAMBA (Amazonia-Baltica) link at Mesoproterozoic times. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Gameleira lamprophyres are dykes and mafic microgranular enclaves associated with the shoshonitic Gameleira monzonite. This association belongs to the Paleoproterozoic alkaline magmatism from Serrinha nucleus, northeast Brazil. The liquidus paragenesis is diopside, pargasite, apatite and mica. Reverse zoning was identified in the groundmass alkali feldspar and was related to the undercooling of lamprophyric magma during the emplacement, with high growth rate of pargasite/edenite inducing disequilibrium between feldspars and liquid. Chemical data indicate that the lamprophyres are basic rocks (SiO2 < 48 wt%), with alkaline character (Na2O + K2O > 3 wt%) and potassic signature (K2O/Na2O ≈ 2). High contents of MgO and Cr are consistent with a signature of a primary liquid, and such concentrations, as well as Al, K, P, Ba, Ni- and light rare earth elements, are consistent with an olivine-free metasomatic mantle source enriched in amphibole, clinopyroxene and apatite. By contrast, the ultrapotassic lamprophyres from Morro do Afonso, contemporaneous alkaline ultrapotassic magmatism in Serrinha nucleus, were probably produced by melting of a clinopyroxene-phlogopite-apatite enriched-source. The identification of different mineral paragenesis in the source of potassic and ultrapotassic lamprophyres from Serrinha nucleus can contribute to the understanding of the mantle heterogeneities and tectonic evolution of this region.


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O estudo realizado com a finalidade de formular sistemas de producao mais rentaveis para a cultura do tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) industrial, constatou-se que, para os dois sistemas de cultivo confrontados (sistema tradicional e sistema modificado), o custo total da producao foi menor no sistema modificado, tendo ocorrido aumento da produtividade e da receita liquida. O emprego da tecnologia gerada pela pesquisa ocasionou uma reducao dos custos da ordem de 40% variando de Cr$ 126.563,00/ha no sistema tradicional para Cr$ 75.262,00/ha no sistema modificado. Com a elevacao da produtividade e a reducao dos custos, a receita liquida variou de Cr$ 182.462,59/ha no sistema tradicional, para Cr$ 393.751,41/ha no modificado. Com isto a razao beneficio/custo, que foi de Cr$ 1,44 no sistema tradicional, elevou-se para Cr$ 5,23 no sistema modificado.


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Em Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo textura arenosa, do submedio Sao Francisco, avaliou-se a dispnibilidade de fosforo no solo extraido pelos extratores de Mehlich e Bray 1 e estimaram-se niveis adequados de adubacao fosfatada para o tomateiro rasteiro (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill) no periodo de 1982 a 1983. Diferentes niveis de fosforo no solo foram criados atraves da adicao previa de quantidades crescentes de fosfato sob a forma de superfosfato triplo. Obtiveram-se correlacoes significativas dos teores de fosforo no solo com os niveis de fosfato aplicado e a produtividade da cultura. Os teores de P no solo obtidos pelos extratores de Mehlich e Bray 1 foram classificados, respectivamente, nos seguintes niveis: muito baixo, inferiores a 5 ppm e 7 ppm; baixo, de 5 ppm a 10 ppm e 7 ppm a 12 ppm; medio, de 11 ppm a 16 ppm e 13 ppm a 18 ppm; alto, de 17 ppm a 29 ppm e 19 ppm a 31 ppm; e muito alto, superiores a 19 ppm e 31ppm. As doses estimadas de fosforo a serem aplicadas ao solo em sulco para obter a produtividade otima esperada seriam: 120, 100, 70, 30 e 0 kg/ha de P2O5 para os niveis muito baixo, baixo, medio, alto e muito alto, respectivamente.


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Neste trabalho sao relatados: a importancia economica do tomateiro, a melhor epoca de seu plantio, e as principais pragas que limitam a producao do tomate industrial na regiao do submedio Sao Francisco. As pragas sao: a traca-do-tomateiro, Scrobipalpula absoluta; o microacaro ou acaro-do-bronzeamento, Aculops lycopersici; o acaro-vermelho, Tetranychus evansi; a broca-dos-frutos, Heliothis zea e Pseudoplusia oo; a larva-minadora, Liromyza sativae e a lagarta-rosca Agrotis ipsilon.


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A new species of the mailed catfish genus Harttia is described from the Sao Francisco River drainage, States of Minas Gerais and Bahia, Brazil. The new species is distinguished from congeners by the combination of an abdominal region covered by small bony plates; plates 3-4 times in eye diameter; interorbital width 3.1-4.0 in head length and greater than eye diameter; body width at anal fin origin 6.3-8.3 in standard length; margins of the head and pectoral fin spine of mature males with elongate and conspicuous odontodes; anal fin of males longer than of females. A key to Harttia species and a comparison with other species are provided.


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We present models for the upper-mantle velocity structure beneath SE and Central Brazil using independent tomographic inversions of P- and S-wave relative arrival-time residuals (including core phases) from teleseismic earthquakes. The events were recorded by a total of 92 stations deployed through different projects, institutions and time periods during the years 1992-2004. Our results show correlations with the main tectonic structures and reveal new anomalies not yet observed in previous works. All interpretations are based on robust anomalies, which appear in the different inversions for P-and S-waves. The resolution is variable through our study volume and has been analyzed through different theoretical test inversions. High-velocity anomalies are observed in the western portion of the Sao Francisco Craton, supporting the hypothesis that this Craton was part of a major Neoproterozoic plate (San Franciscan Plate). Low-velocity anomalies beneath the Tocantins Province (mainly fold belts between the Amazon and Sao Francisco Cratons) are interpreted as due to lithospheric thinning, which is consistent with the good correlation between intraplate seismicity and low-velocity anomalies in this region. Our results show that the basement of the Parana Basin is formed by several blocks, separated by suture zones, according to model of Milani & Ramos. The slab of the Nazca Plate can be observed as a high-velocity anomaly beneath the Parana Basin, between the depths of 700 and 1200 km. Further, we confirm the low-velocity anomaly in the NE area of the Parana Basin which has been interpreted by VanDecar et al. as a fossil conduct of the Tristan da Cunha Plume related to the Parana flood basalt eruptions during the opening of the South Atlantic.


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On December 9, 2007, a 4.9 m(b) earthquake occurred in the middle of the Sao Francisco Craton, in a region with no known previous activity larger than 4 m(b). This event reached intensity VII MM (Modified Mercalli) causing the first fatal victim in Brazil. The activity had started in May 25, 2007 with a 3.5 magnitude event and continued for several months, motivating the deployment of a local 6-station network. A three week seismic quiescence was observed before the mainshock. Initial absolute hypocenters were calculated with best fitting velocity models and then relative locations were determined with hypoDD. The aftershock distribution indicates a 3 km long rupture for the mainshock. The fault plane solution, based on P-wave polarities and hypocentral trend, indicates a reverse faulting mechanism on a N30 degrees E striking plane dipping about 40 degrees to the SE. The rupture depth extends from about 0.3 to 1.2 km only. Despite the shallow depth of the mainshock, no surface feature could be correlated with the fault plane. Aeromagnetic data in the epicentral area show short-wavelength lineaments trending NNE-SSW to NE-SW which we interpret as faults and fractures in the craton basement beneath the surface limestone layer. We propose that the Caraibas-Itacarambi seismicity is probably associated with reactivation of these basement fractures and faults under the present E-W compressional stress field in this region of the South American Plate. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Knowing the best 1D model of the crustal and upper mantle structure is useful not only for routine hypocenter determination, but also for linearized joint inversions of hypocenters and 3D crustal structure, where a good choice of the initial model can be very important. Here, we tested the combination of a simple GA inversion with the widely used HYPO71 program to find the best three-layer model (upper crust, lower crust, and upper mantle) by minimizing the overall P- and S-arrival residuals, using local and regional earthquakes in two areas of the Brazilian shield. Results from the Tocantins Province (Central Brazil) and the southern border of the Sao Francisco craton (SE Brazil) indicated an average crustal thickness of 38 and 43 km, respectively, consistent with previous estimates from receiver functions and seismic refraction lines. The GA + HYPO71 inversion produced correct Vp/Vs ratios (1.73 and 1.71, respectively), as expected from Wadati diagrams. Tests with synthetic data showed that the method is robust for the crustal thickness, Pn velocity, and Vp/Vs ratio when using events with distance up to about 400 km, despite the small number of events available (7 and 22, respectively). The velocities of the upper and lower crusts, however, are less well constrained. Interestingly, in the Tocantins Province, the GA + HYPO71 inversion showed a secondary solution (local minimum) for the average crustal thickness, besides the global minimum solution, which was caused by the existence of two distinct domains in the Central Brazil with very different crustal thicknesses. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Magnetic fabric and rock magnetism studies were performed on apparently isotropic granite facies from the main intrusion of the Lavras do Sul Intrusive Complex pluton (LSIC, Rio Grande do Sul, South Brazil). This intrusion is roughly circular (similar to 12 x 13.5 km), composed of alkali-calcic and alkaline granitoids, with the latter occupying the margin of the pluton. Magnetic fabrics were determined by applying both anisotropy of low-field magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and anisotropy of anhysteretic remanent magnetization (AARM). The two fabrics are coaxial. The parallelism between AMS and AARM tensors excludes the presence of a single domain (SD) effect on the AMS fabric of the granites. Several rock-magnetism experiments performed in one specimen from each sampled site show that for all sites the magnetic susceptibility is dominantly carried by ferromagnetic minerals, while mainly magnetite carries the magnetic fabrics. Lineations and foliations in the granite facies were successful determined by applying magnetic methods. Magnetic lineations are gently plunging and roughly parallel to the boundaries of the pluton facies, except at the few sites in the central facies which have a radial orientation pattern. In contrast, the magnetic foliations tend to follow the contacts between the different granite facies. They are gently outerward-dipping inside the pluton, and become either steeply southwesterly dipping or vertical towards its margin. The lack of solid-state and subsolidus deformations at outcrop scale and in thin sections precludes deformation after full crystallization of the pluton. This evidence allows us to interpret the observed magnetic fabrics as primary in origin (magmatic) acquired when the rocks were solidified as a result of processes reflecting magma flow. The foliation pattern displays a dome-shaped form for the main LSIC-pluton. However, the alkaline granites which outcrop in the southern part of the studied area have an inward-dipping foliation, and the steeply plunging magnetic lineation suggests that this area could be part of a feeder zone. The magma ascent probably occurred due to ring-diking. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Mantiqueira Province represents a series of supracrustal segments of the South-American counterpart formed during the Gondwana Supercontinent agglutination. In this crustal domain, the process of escape tectonics played a conspicuous role, generating important NE-N-S-trending lineaments. The oblique component of the motions of the colliding tectonic blocks defined the transpressional character of the main suture zones: Lancinha-Itariri, Cubato-Arcadia-Areal, Serrinha-Rio Palmital in the Ribeira Belt and Sierra Ballena-Major Gercino in the Dom Feliciano Belt. The process as a whole lasted for ca. 60 Ma, since the initial collision phase until the lateral escape phase predominantly marked by dextral and subordinate sinistral transpressional shear zones. In the Dom Feliciano Belt, southern Brazil and Uruguay, transpressional event at 630-600 Ma is recognized and in the Ribeira Belt, despite less coevally, the transpressional event occurred between 590 and 560 Ma in its northern-central portion and between ca. 625 and 595 Ma in its central-southern portion. The kinematics of several shear zones with simultaneous movement in opposite directions at their terminations is explained by the sinuosity of these lineaments in relation to a predominantly continuous westward compression.