959 resultados para SANA Hotels


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The objective of this study was the identification of the attributes and dimensions of service quality affecting the service performance of the five stars resort hotels located in the Cape Verde Islands. The reason boosting the initiative to do this research was the paramount role of the resort hotels in the development of the travel and tourism sector in Cape Verde, and the impact that today this sector has had in the economy of that country. The research opens with a literature review on the service quality theory in the hotel industry, starting from the middle of the 1980s with the classic model of service quality and SERVQUAL instrument to the analysis of recent models of service quality measurement in the hotel industry, as it is an example the scale of items developed in 2003 in the Lodging Quality Index (LQI). Furthermore, the study elaborates an analysis on the importance of the travel and tourism activities in the Cape Verde Islands, and it evidences the enormous importance of those activities in the performance of the Cape Verdean hotel industry. In sequence the study analyzes in details the hotel industry of Cape Verde and it identifies the market size of the five stars resort hotels and their current operators in that market. Moreover, the research develops with an online questionnaire elaborated and sent through the platforms of travel websites and communities to the guests whom have experienced the service of the five stars resort hotels located in the Cape Verde Islands. The scope of the questionnaire was to assess the attributes and dimensions of service quality in the five stars resort hotels of Cape Verde. The results of the questionnaire were in sequence analyzed through descriptive and applied statistics, using Microsoft Excel and the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). Content validity analysis, factor analysis, and reliability analysis of the factors were made to purify an initial scale of 47 items of service quality. An instrument with three dimensions covering twenty four attributes of service quality assessment in the five stars resort hotels of Cape Verde was finally created. The three dimensions found were: staff competence; food and entertainment; and physical facilities. This study on the service in the five stars resort hotels of Cape Verde ends with brief comments on the status of service quality according to the identified dimensions and their attributes. In the conclusion, the study summarizes the whole work and gives some directions for future research.


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Jyri Vuorinen


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Keskustelun alku: Päivi Rainó // Virittäjä 4/1997


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Vastine Tapani Kelomäen artikkeliin Huomautuksia teoreettisen syntaksin käytäntöön // Virittäjä 1/1999, s. 52-62


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[Traditions. Afrique du Nord. Maroc]


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Les disminucions del perfil lipídic per sota del valor òptim es denominen hipolipidèmies. Les hipolipidèmies poden ser de causa primària, és a dir d'origen genètic, o secundàries a patologies com l’hipotiroïdisme o la caquèxia. Presentar valors per sota dels estàndards de normalitat és un factor de risc de patir desnutrició, retràs en el creixement, dèficit de vitamina E i/o A, malalties cardíaques i hepàtiques. A més, el colesterol forma part de les membranes cel·lulars, i si no es troba en les quantitats adequades les membranes perden la seva resistència i funcionalitat la qual pot produir hemorràgies cerebrals o demències. Per tant, per evitar aquest risc cal seguir una dieta vairada i equilibrada amb un percentatge lipídic adequat (<30%). Es recomana un consum adequat de lípids saludables com els monoinsaturats i els poliinsaturats, i una ingesta controlada en grasses saturades.


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Hotels and second home rentals are two of the most important tourist accommodation options in Spain. In terms of seasonality, almost all previous studies have analysed tourism demand from the point of view either of total arrivals or the number of tourists lodged in a single accommodation type (hotels, rural accommodation, etc). However, there are no studies focusing on price seasonality orcomparing seasonality among different accommodation types. By using seasonality indicators and a price index constructed by means of hedonic methods, this paper aims to shed some light on seasonal pricing patterns among second home rentals and hotels. The paper relies on a 2004 database of 144 hotels and 1,002 apartments on the Costa Brava (northeast Spain). The results show that prices for second home rentals display a smoother seasonal pattern than hotels due to reduced price differences between shoulder (May and October) and peak periods (August)