167 resultados para S. rotunda


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Contient : Chants royaux. Refrains ; 1 « Logis de Dieu signé du bel ymaige ». « OSMONT » ; 2 « Le lict d'honneur rempli de toute grace ». « BRASMETOT » ; 3 « Lampe illustrant l'eglise militante ». « OSMONT » ; 4 « Mer qui receoit et donne toute grace ». « OSMONT » ; 5 « Cloche sonnant le salut des humains ». « BRASMETOT » ; 6 « Parc virginal exempte de vermine ». « MAROT » ; 7 « Le val plaisant où Dieu voulut descendre ». « LESCARRE » ; 8 « Secours des cieulx, la pucelle Marie ». « BRASMETOT » ; 9 « Temple construict par divin artiffice ». « CRETHIN » ; 10 « Le noble corps de la belle Susanne ». « LESCARRE » ; 11 « Court sans erreur, sur toutes souveraine ». « BRASMETOT » ; 12 « Pour traicter paix salutaire aux humains ». « AVRIL » ; 13 « Cloistre de paix, sans envye et murmure ». « LESCARRE » ; 14 « Car ce qu'il veult, il le peult et le faict ». « BERTOULT » ; 15 « Le chois d'honneur où ne fut oncques blasme ». « BRASMETOT » ; 16 « La terre saincte où Dieu print sa naissance ». « OSMONT » ; 17 « De ung filz tout beau la mere toute belle ». « OSMONT » ; 18 « Mont distillant paix, salut, grace et gloire ». « LESCARRE » ; 19 « Le seau royal donnant grace aux humains ». « BRASMETOT » ; 20 « De tout impost et de suscite exempte ». « TURBOT » ; 21 « De tout peché par grace preservée ». « BRASMETOT » ; 22 « Le doulx myel aux humains salutaire ». « OSMONT » ; 23 « Pure en concept oultre loy de nature ». « MAROT » ; 24 « Le bien d'amour et le moyen de grace ». « PARMENTIER » ; 25 « La saincte paix du doy de Dieu signée ». « THYBAULT » ; 26 « Pure lycorne expellant tout venyn ». « LESCARRE » ; 27 « Sans vice aucun, toute belle conceue ». « BRASMETOT » ; 28 « La forte nef toute plaine de grace » ; 29 « Seule sans sy, divinement tyssue ». « CRETIN » ; 30 « Nom substantif rendant suppost au verbe ». « LESCARRE » ; 31 « Du bon pasteur le sacré tabernacle ». « CRIGNON » ; 32 « Pourpre excellent pour vestir le grant roy ». « CRIGNON » ; 33 « La saincte Bible où verité repose ». « THYBAULT » ; 34 « La main de grace aux pecheurs estendue ». « LESCARRE » ; 35 « Pour le tout beau conceue toute belle ». « THYBAULT » ; 36 « Au chois d'honneur l'honneur de la victoire ». « BRASMETOT » ; 37 « Beigle infaillible en tous caz approuvée ». « CRETIN » ; 38 « Le doctrinal, sans macule imprimé ». « LESCARRE » ; 39 « Le chariot du fort geant celeste ». « LESCARRE » ; 40 « En ung subject quatre pars concordantes ». « LEVESTU » ; 41 « L'ame parfaicte en forme raisonnable ». « LEPREVOST » ; 42 « La fille Adam, pelerine de grace ». « BRASMETOT » ; 43 « Ung aultre Adam et une Eve seconde ». « ALYNE » ; 44 « Harnoys d'espreuve au puissant roy de glore » ; 45 « Le regne franc de la loy tributaire ». « THYBAULT ; 46 « Sans lesion a passé par les picques ». « AUBER » ; 47 « L'oeil cler et nect, plain de grace et lumiere ». « BRASMETOT » ; 48 « D'un pouvre ver triumphante vesture ». « BRASMETOT » ; 49 « Le hault solleil qui luict sur tout le monde ». « TYBAULT » ; 50 « Sans estre assise en la chaire de peste ». « LESCARRE » ; Ballades. Refrains ; 1 « Des jardins la clere fontaine ». « AVRIL » ; 2 « Fontaine de paix et de grace ». « LESCARRE » ; 3 « La fontenelle de salut ». « BRASMETOT » ; 4 « Le blanc habit de purité ». « LESCARRE » ; 5 « La droicte eschelle d'innocence ». « LESCARRE » ; 6 « Mere, vierge et fille à son filz ». « BRASMETOT » ; 7 « Pomme sans ver et pourriture ». « LESCARRE » ; 8 « Marie, la mere de grace ». « THYBAULT » ; 9 « Croyre ce que l'Eglise en tient ». « LEBECIN » ; 10 « Exempte de tous infectz faictz ». « BRASMETOT » ; 11 « Pierre portant huyle et myel ». « LESCARRE » ; 12 « Beaulté excellente et parfaicte ». « CRIGNON » ; 13 « Dieu le peult, le fist et voulut ». « DEVAUX » ; 14 « Du cler solleil environnée ». « AVRIL » ; 15 « Le vray escusson de noblesse ». « BERTIN » ; 16 « La rose en Hierico plantée ». « LESCARRE » ; 17 « Franche du tribut general ». « CRETHIN » ; 18 « Exempte du premier peché ». « LESCARRE » ; 19 « Toute belle en ame et corps nect ». « BRASMETOT » ; 20 « La dame à l'aigneau sans macule ». « THYBAULT » ; 21 « La bouche adnonçant verité ». « THYBAULT » ; 22 « Le coeur, vray principe de vie ». « AVRIL » ; 23 « En ce concept tout parfaict faict ». « DOUBLET » ; 24 « Le samedi sainct et beni ». « LESCARRE » ; 25 « La haulte tour de fortitude ». « LESCARRE » ; 26 « La benoiste Vierge Marie ». « THYBAULT » ; 27 « Pour humains lyez deslyer ». « BRASMETOT » ; 28 « La franche terre du grand roy ». « PARMENTIER » ; 29 « Mouche rendant myel et cire ». « LESCARRE » ; 30 « Chandelle illuminant le monde ». « ALLIX » ; Rondeaux. Refrains ; 1 « Pour son plaisir ». « BRASMETOT » ; 2 « Qui qu'en parle ». « BRASMETOT » ; 3 « Par le meffait ». « TURBOT » ; 4 « Par la vertu ». « LESCARRE » ; 5 « Peuple devot ». « BRASMETOT » ; 6 « Pour traicter ». « AVRIL » ; 7 « Au son du cor ». « DOUBLET » ; 8 « Comme la rose ». « MAROT » ; 9 « Le dieu d'amours ». « LESCARRE » ; 10 « L'accord est faict ». « ALLYNE » ; 11 « Où penses tu » ; 12 « Royne des cieulx ». « TURBOT » ; 13 « Pan et Phebus ». « DOUBLET » ; 14 « Faulx detracteurs ». « LESCARRE » ; 15 « Povres humains ». « DAVAL » ; 16 « Pour donner fruict ». « LESCARRE » ; 17 « Est ce bien faict ». « S. WANDRILLE » ; 18 « Des imparfaictz ». « DESVAULX » ; 19 « Le jour sacré ». « BRASMETOT » ; 20 « Je suis sans sequente ». « AVRIL » ; 21 « Je mercy Dieu ». « AVRIL » ; 22 « Bien le §avez ». « TURBOT » ; 23 « En mon concept ». « BRASMETOT » ; 24 « Pour posseder ». « LE VESTU » ; 25 « De mon cher filz ». « LESCARRE » ; 26 « Preux roy Françoys ». « LESCARRE » ; 27 « Mon seul plaisir ». « PARMENTIER » ; 28 « Sans vice aucun ». « BRASMETOT » ; 29 « C'est mal pen© ». « CRETHIN » ; 30 « Ne pensez pas ». « THYBAULT » ; 31 « Contre Sathan ». « AVRIL » ; 32 « Mere de Dieu ». « THYBAULT » ; 33 « Le fier serpent ». « BRASMETOT » ; 34 « Mon cher enfant ». « THYBAULT » ; 35 « Hors paradis ». « BRASMETOT » ; 36 « Par mon cher filz ». « THYBAULT » ; 37 « Grace nous vient ». « LESCARRE » ; 38 « Seule sans sy ». « BRASMETOT » ; 39 « S'esbahit on ». « LE PREVOST » ; 40 « A ung chacun ». « AVRIL » ; Epigrammata. Premiers vers ; 1 « Nox erat, et Phebus radios agitare per orbem ». « CHAPPERON » ; 2 « Ecquis in electa genialem virgine sordem ». « BELLENGUES » ; 3 « Frigidus Argestes, glaciali pulsus ab Arcto ». « BELLENGUES » ; 4 « O meritis dignata novis, quo numine salvos ». « DEQUERCU » ; 5 « Dum tua sublimi contemplor numina sensu ». « BELLENGUES » ; 6 « Torva fronte minax, scelerumque acerrimus ultor ». « DEQUERCU » ; 7 « Vidimus Eoo qua Titani surgit ab ortu ». « MARC » ; 8 « Si violenta lues nigrique voragine Ditis ». « JEMBLES » ; 9 « Post operum curas lassis cum festa puellis ». « DEQUERCU » ; 10 « Venerat insultans latebras venator agrestes ». « THEOBALDUS » ; 11 « Urbs fuit eterno quondam delecta parenti ». « LECLERC » ; 12 « Lurida sacrilego qui toxica concipis ore ». « DEBEAUVAIS » ; 13 « Hostis atrox quondam magni tabularia regis ». « LECLERC » ; 14 « Post gemitus longos veterum cum nulla parentum ». « THEOBALDUS » ; 15 « Ordior empyreum mundum quem mole rotunda ». « LECLERC » ; 16 « Concipitur gelide sacro sub viscere matris ». « BELLENGUES » ; 17 « Fecit apis, quondam celesti egressa vireto ». « THEOBALDUS » ; 18 « Nullus originea Mariam rubigine lesam ». « CELESTINUS » ; 19 « Non colit obscenas divina potentia mentes ». « CELESTINUS » ; 20 « Orta mari magno, falsi tamen inscia limi ». « THEOBALDUS » ; 21 « Nondum Romulei renovarant secla Quirites ». « GEMELLUS » ; 22 « Duxit ab antiquo candentem farre farinam ». « THEOBALDUS » ; 23 « Flevimus a magna domitam Babylone Syonem ». « LAIR » ; 24 « Fulsit ab Eoo quadrata fenestra recessu ». « THEOBALDUS » ; 25 « Impia perpendens phrigii perjuria pacti ». « JO. « LIGARIUS » ; 26 « Nil rabidas voces, nil agmina livida pendit ». « THEOBALDUS » ; 27 « Duxit ab obscura radiosam nube columnam ». « TEXTOR » ; 28 « Nuper idumeo solvens a littore puppis ». « THEOBALDUS » ; 29 « Post nimios estus tellus cum torrida fruges » « JO. LIGARIUS » ; 30 « Audite, edomiti populi, quos martius horror ». « LAIR »


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Analizar la concepción de la historia transmitida en la escuela primaria entre los años 1945-1975, la cual, parece que fue positivista y política en contra de las nuevas tendencias y corrientes historiográficas que aparecen en Francia a partir de 1929. Considerando los contenidos como vehículos transmisores de ideología, se pretende determinar el sistema de valores transmitidos en los libros de texto de historia, la ideología subyacente, sus cambios posibles en relación con los cambios sociales y sobre todo políticos. El estudio se realiza a través de los libros de texto utilizados en la escuela primaria durante el período señalado, por considerar que este nivel es el más elemental y dado su carácter de obligatoriedad, es el mejor exponente de los modelos histórico-culturales transmitidos de forma general a los españoles que en el plazo de 30 años pasaron por las aulas de la primera enseñanza. La Historia se presenta como un conjunto de conocimientos llenos de mitificaciones y afanes apologéticos. En primer lugar, en su dimensión legislativa, se observan dos rasgos claves: la homogeneización de los contenidos y prescripciones sobre su direccionalidad. En segundo lugar, respecto a la selección de contenidos se observan unos cuestionarios totalmente sesgados, con un esquema que refuerza la ideologización ejercida en otras áreas curriculares. Las lecturas históricas presentan una temática de religiosidad y otros textos vienen referidos a reinas y heroínas patrióticas. A partir de 1970, los temas de la Edad Contemporánea cobran una inusitada importancia. La vehiculización de los contenidos al servicio de los grupos en el poder es evidente. Los cambios ideológico-prácticos del régimen se han visto reflejados en una visión e interpretación diferente de la historia a favor de este nuevo giro. A­ mismo, se ha producido una mayor liberalización en el modelo educativo, reflejado a través de los contenidos. Exento, en parte, de la instrumentalización incisiva y rotunda que se aprecia en los primeros años del gobierno autócrata. Todo lleva a pensar que, aún siendo siempre la educación proclive a la ideologización, lo es infinitamente más en régimen autocráticos y totalitarios, por el propio dogmatismo de éstos.


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Sphagnum peatlands in the oceanic-continental transition zone of Poland are currently influenced by climatic and anthropogenic factors that lead to peat desiccation and susceptibility to fire. Little is known about the response of Sphagnum peatland testate amoebae (TA) to the combined effects of drought and fire. To understand the relationships between hydrology and fire dynamics, we used high-resolution multi-proxy palaeoecological data to reconstruct 2000 years of mire history in northern Poland. We employed a new approach for Polish peatlands – joint TA-based water table depth and charcoal-inferred fire activity reconstructions. In addition, the response of most abundant TA hydrological indicators to charcoal-inferred fire activity was assessed. The results show four hydrological stages of peatland development: moderately wet (from ∼35 BC to 800 AD), wet (from ∼800 to 1390 AD), dry (from ∼1390 to 1700 AD) and with an instable water table (from ∼1700 to 2012 AD). Fire activity has increased in the last millennium after constant human presence in the mire surroundings. Higher fire activity caused a rise in the water table, but later an abrupt drought appeared at the onset of the Little Ice Age. This dry phase is characterized by high ash contents and high charcoal-inferred fire activity. Fires preceded hydrological change and the response of TA to fire was indirect. Peatland drying and hydrological instability was connected with TA community changes from wet (dominance of Archerella flavum, Hyalosphenia papilio, Amphitrema wrightianum) to dry (dominance of Cryptodifflugia oviformis, Euglypha rotunda); however, no clear fire indicator species was found. Anthropogenic activities can increase peat fires and cause substantial hydrology changes. Our data suggest that increased human fire activity was one of the main factors that influenced peatland hydrology, though the mire response through hydrological changes towards drier conditions was delayed in relation to the surrounding vegetation changes.


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Composition and distribution of megabenthic communities around Svalbard were investigated in June/July 1991 with 20 Agassiz trawl and 5 bottom trawl hauls in depths between 100 and 2100 m. About 370 species, ranging from sponges to fish, were identified in the catches. Species numbers per station ranged from 21 to 86. Brittle stars, such as Ophiacantha bidentata, Ophiura sarsi and Ophiocten sericeum, were most important in terms of constancy and relative abundance in the catches. Other prominent faunal elements were eunephthyid alcyonarians, bivalves, shrimps, sea stars and fish (Gadidae, Zoarcidae, Cottidae). Multivariate analyses of the species and environmental data sets showed that the spatial distribution of the megabenthos was characterized by a pronounced depth zonation: abyssal, bathyal, off-shore shelf and fjordic communities were discriminated. However, a gradient in sediment properties, especially the organic carbon content, seemed to superimpose on the bathymetric pattern. Both main factors are interpreted as proxies of the average food availability, which is, hence, suggested to have the strongest influence in structuring megabenthic communities off Svalbard.


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Sediments from the western and southern part of the Arabian Sea were collected periodically in the spring intermonsoon between March and May 1997 and additionally at the end of the Northeast Monsoon in February 1998. Assemblages of Rose Bengal stained, living deep-sea benthic foraminifera, their densities, vertical distribution pattern, and diversity were analysed after the Northeast Monsoon and short-time changes were recorded. In the western Arabian Sea, foraminiferal numbers increased steadily between March and the beginning of May, especially in the smaller size classes (30-63 µm, 63-125 µm). At the same time, the deepening of the foraminiferal living horizon, variable diversity and rapid variations between dominant foraminiferal communities were observed. We interpret these observations as the time-dependent response of benthic foraminifera to enhanced organic carbon fluxes during and after the Northeast Monsoon. In the southern Arabian Sea, constant low foraminiferal abundances during time, no distinctive change in the vertical distribution, reduced diversity, and more stable foraminiferal communities were noticed, which indicates no or little influence of the Northeast Monsoon to benthic foraminifera in this region.


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Five holes were drilled at two sites in the Sea of Japan during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 128. Site 798 is located on Oki Ridge at a depth of about 900 m. Sediment age at Site 798 ranges from Pliocene to Holocene. Site 799 is located in the Kita-Yamato Trough at depth of 2000 m and below the present calcite compensation depth (CCD); the sediment ranges from Miocene to Holocene in age. Samples from all holes contain benthic foraminifers. Faunal evidence of downslope displacement is frequent in Holes 799A and 799B. The vertical frequency distribution of some dominant species shows that significant faunal changes occur in Holes 798A-C on Oki Ridge. Based on the faunal change and the thickness of sediments, it appears that the Oki Ridge was uplifted more than 1,000 m during last 4 m.y. Benthic foraminifers also demonstrate that the water depth of Site 799 rapidly changed from upper bathyal to lower bathyal during middle Miocene time. The appearance of benthic foraminifer species common to anaerobic environments suggests that the dysaerobic to anaerobic bottom conditions existed during the evolution of the Sea of Japan. Faunal distributions also suggest that the 'Tertiary-type' species recognized in the Neogene strata of the Japan Sea coastal regions disappeared sequentially from the Sea of Japan during Pliocene to late Pleistocene.


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The relative abundances of benthic foraminifers from the Oman margin have been analyzed from ODP Sites 725 and 726 near the upper boundary of the oxygen-minimum zone (OMZ) and 728 near the lower boundary. The relative abundance pattern of the benthic foraminiferal species in the two shallow sites show synchronous changes, which, together with variations in the faunal composition, may be attributed to changes in the location of the upper boundary of the OMZ during the last 7 million years. At the deeper site, the relative abundance pattern shows considerable variation in the faunal composition during the last 8 million years. The strong dominance of the shallow-water species Ammonia beccarii during the early Pliocene at Site 728 suggests a water depth less than 400 m during the early Pliocene and subsequent subsidence during the middle and late Pliocene to the present > 1400 m water depth.


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Live (Rose Bengal stained) and dead benthic foraminiferal communities (hard-shelled species only) from the Pakistan continental margin oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) have been studied in order to determine the relation between faunal composition and the oxygenation of bottom waters. During R.R.S. Charles Darwin Cruises 145 and 146 (12 March to May 28 2003), 11 multicores were taken on the continental margin off Karachi, Pakistan. Two transects were sampled, constituting a composite bathymetric profile from 136 m (above the OMZ in spring 2003) down to 1870 m water depth. Cores (surface area 25.5 cm2) were processed as follows: for stations situated above, and in the upper part of the OMZ, sediment slices were taken for the 0-0.5 and 0.5-1 cm intervals, and then in 1 cm intervals down to 10 cm. For the lower part of the OMZ, the second centimetre was also sliced in half-centimetre intervals. Each sample was stored in 10 % borax-buffered formalin for further processing. Onshore, the samples were wet sieved over 63 µm, 150 µm and 300 µm sieves and the residues were stained for one week in ethanol with Rose Bengal. After staining, the residue was washed again. The stained faunas were picked wet in three granulometric fractions (63-150 µm, 150-300 µm and >300 µm), down to 10 cm depth. To gain more insight into the population dynamics we investigated the dead (unstained) foraminifera in the 2-3 cm level for the fractions 150-300 µm and >300 µm. The fractions >300 µm and 150-300 µm show nearly the same faunal distribution and therefore the results are presented here for both fractions combined (i.e. the >150 µm fraction). Live foraminiferal densities show a clear maximum in the first half centimetre of the sediment; only few specimens are found down to 4 cm depth. The faunas exhibit a clear zonation across the Pakistan margin OMZ. Down to 500 m water depth, Uvigerina ex gr. U. semiornata and Bolivina aff. B. dilatata dominate the assemblages. These taxa are largely restricted to the upper cm of the sediment. They are adapted to the very low bottom-water oxygen values (ab. 0.1 ml/l in the OMZ core) and the extremely high input of organic carbon on the upper continental slope. The lower part of the OMZ is characterized by cosmopolitan faunas, containing also some taxa that in other areas have been described in deep infaunal microhabitats.


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Assemblages of living deep-sea benthic foraminifera, their densities, vertical distribution pattern, and diversity, were investigated in the intermonsoon period after the northeast monsoon in the Arabian Sea in spring 1997. Foraminiferal numbers show a distinct gradient from north to south, with a maximum of 623 foraminifera in 50 cm**3 at the northern site. High percentages of small foraminifera were found in the western and northern part of the Arabian Sea. Most stations show a typical vertical distribution with a maximum in the first centimeter and decreasing numbers with increasing sediment depths. But at the central station, high densities can be found even in deeper sediment layers. Diversity is very high at the northern and western sites, but reduced at the central and southern stations. Data and faunal assemblages were compared with studies carried out in 1995. A principal component analysis of intermonsoon assemblages shows that the living benthic foraminifera can be characterized by five principal component communities. Dominant communities influencing each site differ strongly between the two years. In spring 1997, stations in the north, west and central Arabian Sea were dominated by opportunistic species, indicating the influence of fresh sedimentation pulses or enhanced organic carbon fluxes after the northeast monsoon.


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Biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental history of deep and surficial waters of the Japan Sea are addressed using sequences recovered from the floor of the backarc basin. The study is divided into two parts: (1) foraminifer biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental assessment of sedimentary sequences recovered from above igneous basement at the four sites and (2) detailed planktonic foraminifer paleoenvironmental analysis of Quaternary and Pliocene sequences from Sites 794 and 797 in the Yamato Basin. A total of 253 samples were examined for the foraminifer biostratigraphy and 325 samples for the detailed paleoenvironmental study of Quaternary and Pliocene sequences. Low abundance and sporadic occurrence of foraminifers limited interpretation of results. Foraminifer-bearing intervals were correlated where possible to diatom and calcareous nannofossil zonations, and the sequences were successfully assigned to the foraminifer zonation of Matsunaga. Unfortunately, extensive barren intervals and sporadic occurrences of planktonic foraminifers prevented zonation of Quaternary and Pliocene intervals, although some interesting conclusions about paleoenvironment were possible and are listed below. A sequence of Neogene (sensu lato) paleoenvironmental events were identified: (1) deepening of the Yamato basins to middle bathyal depths by the early to middle Miocene, an event contemporaneous with the age of some deep basins known from uplifted sections adjacent to the Japan Basin; (2) cooling of the Japan Sea in the early middle Miocene; (3) oxygenation of deep waters in the late Miocene; (4) further cooling of surficial water masses between the Olduvai Subchron and the Brunhes/Matuyama Boundary; and (5) extermination of lower middle bathyal faunas and replacement by upper middle bathyal faunas near the base of the Quaternary.


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Although the climate development over the Holocene in the Northern Hemisphere is well known, palaeolimnological climate reconstructions reveal spatiotemporal variability in northern Eurasia. Here we present a multi-proxy study from north-eastern Siberia combining sediment geochemistry, and diatom and pollen data from lake-sediment cores covering the last 38,000 cal. years. Our results show major changes in pyrite content and fragilarioid diatom species distributions, indicating prolonged seasonal lake-ice cover between ~13,500 and ~8,900 cal. years BP and possibly during the 8,200 cal. years BP cold event. A pollen-based climate reconstruction generated a mean July temperature of 17.8°C during the Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM) between ~8,900 and ~4,500 cal. years BP. Naviculoid diatoms appear in the late Holocene indicating a shortening of the seasonal ice cover that continues today. Our results reveal a strong correlation between the applied terrestrial and aquatic indicators and natural seasonal climate dynamics in the Holocene. Planktonic diatoms show a strong response to changes in the lake ecosystem due to recent climate warming in the Anthropocene. We assess other palaeolimnological studies to infer the spatiotemporal pattern of the HTM and affirm that the timing of its onset, a difference of up to 3,000 years from north to south, can be well explained by climatic teleconnections. The westerlies brought cold air to this part of Siberia until the Laurentide ice-sheet vanished 7,000 years ago. The apparent delayed ending of the HTM in the central Siberian record can be ascribed to the exceedance of ecological thresholds trailing behind increases in winter temperatures and decreases in contrast in insolation between seasons during the mid to late Holocene as well as lacking differentiation between summer and winter trends in paleolimnological reconstructions.


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The Neogene Bolboforma zones established in the North Atlantic have been correlated with the calcareous nannoplankton stratigraphy obtained by investigation of the same samples from DSDP Sites 12-116 (44 samples), 49-408 (76 samples), 81-555 (43 samples) and 94-608 (103 samples). The absolute ages for the zonal boundaries were determined by the paleomagnetic record of Site 94-608. This correlation and the age determinations are additional useful tools to develop a precise biostratigraphy of Neogene sediments in the Northern Atlantic.


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Early Miocene to Quaternary benthic foraminifers have been quantitatively studied (>63 ?m size fraction) in a southwest Pacific traverse of DSDP sites at depths from about 1300 to 3200 m down the Lord Howe Rise (Site 590,1299 m; Site 591, 2131 m; Site 206, 3196 m). Benthic foraminiferal species smaller than 150 µm are by far dominant in the samples, averaging from 78 to 89% of the total benthic foraminiferal assemblages in the three sites examined. Although about 150 benthic foraminiferal species or taxonomic groups have been identified, only a few species dominate the assemblages. These dominant species include Epistominella exigua, E. rotunda, and Globocassidulina subglobosa, which prevail in the three sites, and Oridorsalis umbonatus, E. umbonifera, and Cassidulina carinata, which occur usually in frequencies of between 10 and 30%. Faunal changes in Neogene benthic foraminiferal assemblages are not similar in each of the three sites, but faunal successions are most similar between the two shallowest sites. The deepest site differs in composition and distribution of dominant species. There are three intervals during which the most important changes occur in benthic foraminiferal assemblages: the early middle Miocene (14 Ma; the Orbulina suturalis Zone and the Globorotalia fohsi s.l. Zone); the late Miocene (6 Ma; the Globigerina nepenthes Zone) and near the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary at about 2 Ma. A Q-mode factor analysis of the faunal data has assisted in recognizing assemblage changes during the Neogene at each of the sites. Early Miocene assemblages were dominated by Globocassidulina subglobosa at Site 590 (1299 m), by G. subglobosa and Oridorsalis umbonatus at Site 591 (2131 m), and by G. subglobosa, E. exigua, and Bolivina pusilla at Site 206 (3196 m). In the early middle Miocene at Sites 590 and 591, a marked increase occurred in the frequencies of E. exigua. Epistominella exigua reached maximum abundance in the early Miocene in the deeper Site 206, and in the middle and early late Miocene in the shallower Sites 590 and 591. In the late Miocene, a spike occurred in the frequencies of E. umbonifera in Site 206, whereas the dominant species changed from E. exigua to E. rotunda at Site 590. Latest Miocene to late Pliocene assemblages were dominated by E. rotunda at Site 590, by E. exigua at Site 591, and by G. subglobosa-E. exigua (early Pliocene) and E. rotunda-E. exigua (late Pliocene) at Site 206. At the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary, E. exigua temporarily diminished in importance at Sites 591 and 206. Quaternary assemblages were dominated by E. rotunda and Cassidulina carinata at Site 590, by E. rotunda at Site 591, and by E. exigua at Site 206. These major faunal changes are all associated with known major paleoceanographic events-the middle Miocene development of the Antarctic ice sheet; the latest Miocene global cooling and increased polar glaciation; and the onset of quasiperiodic glaciation of the Northern Hemisphere. These major paleoceanographic events undoubtedly had a profound effect on the intermediate and deep water mass structure of the Tasman Sea as recorded by changes in benthic foraminiferal assemblages.


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Quantitative radiolarian assemblage analysis has been conducted on middle and upper Eocene sediments (Zones RP16 to RP18) from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1052 in order to establish the radiolarian magnetobiochronology and determine the nature of the faunal turnover across the middle/late Eocene boundary in the western North Atlantic Ocean. We recognize and calibrate forty-five radiolarian bioevents to the magneto- and cyclo-stratigraphy from Site 1052 to enhance the biochronologic resolution for the middle and late Eocene. Our data is compared to sites in the equatorial Pacific (Leg 199) to access the diachrony of biostratigraphic events. Eleven bioevents are good biostratigraphic markers for tropical/subtropical locations (south of 30°N). The primary markers (lowest occurrences of Cryptocarpium azyx and Calocyclas bandyca) which are tropical zonal boundary markers for Zones RP17 and RP18 provide robust biohorizons for correlation and age determination from the low to middle latitudes and between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Some other radiolarian bioevents are highly diachronous (<1 million years) between oceanic basins. A significant faunal turnover of radiolarians is recognized within Chron C17n.3n (37.7 Ma) where 13 radiolarian species disappear rapidly in less than 100 kyr and 4 new species originate. The radiolarian faunal turnover coincides with a major extinction in planktonic foraminifera. We name the turnover phase, the Middle/Late Eocene Turnover (MLET). Assemblage analysis reveals the MLET to be associated with a decrease in low-mid latitude taxa and increase in cosmopolitan taxa and radiolarian accumulation rates. The MLET might be related to increased biological productivity rather than to surface-water cooling.