872 resultados para Sílica (CCA)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo a aplicação do método colorimétrico de determinação do silício na análise da silica total e solúvel em solos. Para a realização de tais objetivos foram focalizados, entre outros, dois aspectos principais: o estudo sobre os interferentes e a solubilização da silica, mediante ataque de amostra, a quente, com um ácido mineral e ácido fluorídrico, seguido da adição de ácido bórico. Uma vez estabelecidas as condições adequadas à solubilização, os procedimentos estudados tiveram sua precisão e exatidão avaliadas através de sua aplicação em amostras de areia cuidadosamente lavada. À seguir, procedeu-se à aplicação das técnicas preconizadas na análise de solos, associando-se ao método colorimétrico de determinação do silício, e, com a finalidade de comparação, as amostras foram analisadas também pelo método gravimétrico. Os dados obtidos permitem considerar as técnicas colorimétricas, bem como aquelas de solubilização da silica, satisfatoriamente exatas. Os teores de silica solúvel foram determinados a partir de extração por soluções aquosas de CaCI2 0,0025M, H3C-COONa 0,01 M, H2SO4 0,025M, e por água destilada, com o emprego do método do azul de molibdênio.
En el presente trabajo se describe una nueva familia de ligandos trifenilfosfina con sustituyentes trifluorometilo y ácidos carboxílicos. Se ha desarrollado un procedimiento sintético optimizado para estos compuestos, en el que se parte de derivados fácilmente accesibles y permite obtener las fosfinas con elevada pureza y rendimiento. El procedimiento es, además, fácilmente escalable. Las fosfinas sintetizadas han sido completamente caracterizadas por las técnicas habituales. Uno de los ligandos preparados se ha usado en una prueba preliminar de hidroformilación de alqueno con un catalizador Rh/fosfina, en la que se ha ensayado la recuperación del catalizador mediante intercambio de fase a pH controlado. Otro de los ligando se ha anclado a una sílica mesoporosa comercial, usando la función carboxílica. El material resultante del anclaje se ha caracterizado por medio de análisis elemental y RMN en estado sólido (SSNMR) de 31P y 29Si. El proceso de obtención de estas nuevas fosfinas ha permitido explorar el alcance y limitaciones de la reacción de hidrólisis del grupo trifluorometilo en fosfinas arílicas, mediante el uso de ácido sulfúrico fumante y ácido bórico. Parte de estos resultados han sido depositados como patente (Patente española P201231702, 2012). Por otra parte, la nueva familia de ligando fosfinas descrita en este trabajo será comercializados próximamente por Strem, bajo licencia de la UAB.
BACKGROUND: Chronic hepatitis C infection is a major cause of end-stage liver disease. Therapy outcome is influenced by 25-OH vitamin D deficiency. To further address this observation, our study investigates the impact of the vitamin D receptor (NR1I1) haplotype and combined effects of plasma vitamin D levels in a well-described cohort of hepatitis C patients. METHODS: A total of 155 chronic hepatitis C patients were recruited from the Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort Study for NR1I1 genotyping and plasma 25-OH vitamin D level measurement. NR1I1 genotype data and combined effects of plasma 25-OH vitamin D level were analysed regarding therapy response (sustained virological response). RESULTS: A strong association was observed between therapy non-response and the NR1I1 CCA (bAt) haplotype consisting of rs1544410 (BsmI) C, rs7975232 (ApaI) C and rs731236 (TaqI) A alleles. Of the HCV patients carrying the CCA haplotype, 50.3% were non-responders (odds ratio [OR] 1.69, 95% CI 1.07, 2.67; P=0.028). A similar association was observed for the combinational CCCCAA genotype (OR 2.94, 95% CI 1.36, 6.37; P=0.007). The combinational CCCCAA genotype was confirmed as an independent risk factor for non-response in multivariate analysis (OR 2.50, 95% CI 1.07, 5.87; P=0.034). Analysing combined effects, a significant impact of low 25-OH vitamin D levels on sustained virological response were only seen in patients with the unfavourable NR1I1 CCA (bAt) haplotype (OR for non-SVR 3.55; 95% CI 1.005, 12.57; P=0.049). CONCLUSIONS: NR1I1 vitamin D receptor polymorphisms influence response to pegylated-interferon/ribavirin-based therapy in chronic hepatitis C and exert an additive genetic predisposition to previously described low 25-OH vitamin D serum levels.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar alterações fisiológicas e bioquímicas em sementes de café submetidas à secagem rápida, em sílica gel, e à secagem lenta, em soluções salinas saturadas. As sementes foram secas até que atingissem os seguintes teores de água: 40, 30, 20, 15, 10 e 5% (base úmida). Após a secagem, uma parte das sementes foi imediatamente avaliada quanto ao desempenho fisiológico e ao perfil de enzimas do processo oxidativo, e outra parte foi avaliada após armazenagem em condição hermética, em câmara fria e seca, por quatro meses. A velocidade de secagem e o teor final de água tiveram efeito significativo sobre a qualidade fisiológica das sementes. Após a secagem rápida em sílica gel, as sementes toleraram teores finais de água mais baixos. No entanto, após a secagem lenta, as sementes com teores finais de água mais elevados apresentaram maior qualidade. O período de armazenamento não afetou a germinação, mas prejudicou o vigor das sementes. A secagem rápida apresenta maior potencial de dano ao endosperma do que aos embriões. O perfil enzimático das sementes de café é afetado pelo teor final de água e pela velocidade de secagem.
A simple chemical method has been developed to quantify the silanol groups (º Si-OH) in silica as well as in coated chromatographic supports for use in packed - column Gas Chromatography. After adsorption of 10 mg/mL methylene blue, centrifuging action and filtration, the absorbance of the solution was inversely proportional to the silanol quantity. The difference between the absorbance of the pure solution and that of the solid - free filtrate was related to the silica weight, yielding a quantitative analysis of these groups.
Results on the optimization of analytical methods for the determination of phosphorus in phosphino-polycarboxylate (PPCA), used frequently as scale inhibitor during oil production, by ICP-AES and ICP-MS are presented. Due to the complex matrix of production waters (brines) and their high concentration in inorganic phosphorus, the separation of organic phosphorus prior to its determination is necessary. In this work, minicolumns of silica immobilized C18 were used. Optimization of the separation step resulted in the following working conditions: (1) prewashing of the column with methanol (80% v/v); (2) use of a flow rate of 5 mL/min and 10 mL/min, respectively, for the preconditioning step and for percolation of the water sample; (3) final elution of organic phosphorus with 7 mL of buffer of H3BO3/NaOH (0.05 M, pH 9) with a flow rate of 1 mL/min. Sample detection limits (3s) for different combinations of nebulizers and spectrometric methods, based on 10 mL water aliquots, are: ICP-AES -Cross flow (47 mg/L) and Ultrasonic (18 mug/L); ICP-MS -Cross flow (1.2 mug/L), Cyclonic (0.7 mug/L) and Ultrasonic (0.5 mug/L). Typical recoveries of organic phosphorus are between 90 and 95% and the repeatability of the whole procedure is better than 10%. The developed methodology was applied successfully to samples from the oil-well NA 46, platform PNA 2, Campos basin, Brazil. Assessment of the PPCA inhibitor was possible at lower concentrations than achieved by current analytical methods, resulting in benefits such as reduced cost of chemicals, postponed oil production and lower environmental impacts.
Silica gel was functionalized with [3-(2-aminoethyl)aminopropyl]trimethoxysilane group (SF-AEATS) and the characterization by chemical analysis (N) and infrared spectroscopy confirmed the functionalization. The capacity of the modified silica to adsorb the complex Ru(III)-EDTA from ethanolic solution was studied. The selectivity coefficients of the complex formed on the support obtained was (Gñ), 2,07 x 10(4) L/mol and the average number of ligand bonded by one metal ion on the support (ñ) was ~ 1.
Some modifications made at silanization step and the introduction of r-nitrobenzil bromide as an alternative reagent to the 8-hydroxiquinolein immobilization in silica gel were important points that brought up the reduction of synthesis time, efficency improvement of the immobilization process and better hydrolysis stabilization to the final materials. The caracterization was made by infrared spectroscopy, elementary analysis, complexing capacity and acid-base properties.
A column packed with 5-(4-dimethylaminobenzylidene)rhodanine adsorbed on silica gel was used for the preconcentration of Cd, Ni and Zn at different spiked solutions prior to their determination by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. This column allowed recoveries over than 98% for the above elements and accurate analyses of coastal sea-water certified reference material were also achieved.
Propriedades fotofísicas de Eu3+ e Tb3+ imobilizados em sílica gel funcionalizada com beta-Dicetonas
Synthetic procedures, characterization and luminescent properties of Eu3+ and Tb3+ ions supported on silica gel functionalized with beta-diketones are presented. The functionalization with propyl benzoyltrifluoroacetone (BPG), dibenzoylmethane (DBM) and hexafluoroacetone (HPG), leads to new luminescent materials which photophysical properties depend on the group substituent in the beta-diketone. These systems were evaluated in terms of luminescence and lifetime of the Eu3+ and Tb3+ ions. Silica functionalization was confirmed by TGA and Elemental Analysis. The sample contents of ions were from 0,2 to 0,3 % (w/w).
An overview of the experimental procedures to prepare lamellar samples of silica, as well as the reactivity and possible applications of this kind of material is presented. Special attention is focused on the obtained materials by using neutral dialkylamine route through sol-gel process.
An overview about the homogeneous and heterogeneous methods of synthesizing silylating agents and applications of the organofunctionalized silica-gel samples was explored. The pendant molecules attached covalently to the inorganic surface displayed important properties to act as sequestrating agents for metals in aqueous and non-aqueous solutions. The large variety of basic centres anchored on organic molecules improve the capacity in adsorbing cations. The increase in adsorption is dependent on the number of basic atoms disposed on the pendant molecules on the surface. The combination of acidic and basicity properties favours the selectivity, such is exemplified by the thiol modified silicas towards mercury (II) cations.
Methylene blue (AM) was immobilised on surface of the silica gel modified with niobium oxide. This material was incorporated in a carbon paste electrode, which showed a redox couple in a potential of E= -113 mV vs SCE in KCl solution at pH 7.0. The formal potential, in 0.5 mol L-1 KCl at pH 7.0, shifted about 290 mV towards more positive values compared to those observed for AM solubilized in aqueous solution. The dependence on the formal potential with solution pH between 2 and 7 was much lower than those observed for AM solubilized in aqueous solution.