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OBJECTIVE To determine the prevalence and clinical significance of hepatitis G virus (HGV) infection in a large cohort of patients with primary Sjögren¿s syndrome (SS). PATIENTS AND METHODS The study included 100 consecutive patients (92 female and eight male), with a mean age of 62 years (range 31¿80) that were prospectively visited in our unit. All patients fulfilled the European Community criteria for SS and underwent a complete history, physical examination, as well as biochemical and immunological evaluation for liver disease. Two hundred volunteer blood donors were also studied. The presence of HGV-RNA was investigated in the serum of all patients and donors. Aditionally, HBsAg and antibodies to hepatitis C virus were determined. RESULTS Four patients (4%) and six volunteer blood donors (3%) presented HGV-RNA sequences in serum. HGV infection was associated with biochemical signs of liver involvement in two (50%) patients. When compared with primary SS patients without HGV infection, no significant differences were found in terms of clinical or immunological features. HCV coinfection occurs in one (25%) of the four patients with HGV infection. CONCLUSION The prevalence of HGV infection in patients with primary SS is low in the geographical area of the study and HCV coinfection is very uncommon. HGV infection alone does not seen to be an important cause of chronic liver injury in the patients with primary SS in this area.


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OBJECTIVE To determine the prevalence and clinical significance of hepatitis G virus (HGV) infection in a large cohort of patients with primary Sjögren¿s syndrome (SS). PATIENTS AND METHODS The study included 100 consecutive patients (92 female and eight male), with a mean age of 62 years (range 31¿80) that were prospectively visited in our unit. All patients fulfilled the European Community criteria for SS and underwent a complete history, physical examination, as well as biochemical and immunological evaluation for liver disease. Two hundred volunteer blood donors were also studied. The presence of HGV-RNA was investigated in the serum of all patients and donors. Aditionally, HBsAg and antibodies to hepatitis C virus were determined. RESULTS Four patients (4%) and six volunteer blood donors (3%) presented HGV-RNA sequences in serum. HGV infection was associated with biochemical signs of liver involvement in two (50%) patients. When compared with primary SS patients without HGV infection, no significant differences were found in terms of clinical or immunological features. HCV coinfection occurs in one (25%) of the four patients with HGV infection. CONCLUSION The prevalence of HGV infection in patients with primary SS is low in the geographical area of the study and HCV coinfection is very uncommon. HGV infection alone does not seen to be an important cause of chronic liver injury in the patients with primary SS in this area.


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Introducción. Las Espondiloartropatias Seronegativas (EAS) son un grupo de enfermedades interrelacionadas que presentan compromiso inflamatorio articular y hallazgos extraarticulares. Por otra parte, las Enfermedades Autoinmunes (EAI) son un síndrome clínico caracterizado por la pérdida de la tolerancia inmune. Se encuentra en ellas activación de células B o T, conllevando a daño tisular en ausencia de cualquier otra causa. No existe evidencia sustancial para considerar las EAS como EAI, pero si pueden ser consideradas como enfermedades autoinflamatorias. Dado que la poliautoinmunidad es una de las más importantes características de las EAI, nuestro propósito fue investigar la relación entre EAS y EAI. Materiales y métodos. 2 grupos fueron analizados. Primero, evaluamos la presencia de EAI en una cohorte de pacientes con EAS (n=148). Segundo, examinamos la presencia de EAS en un grupo bien definido de pacientes con EAI (n=1077), incluyendo artritis reumatoide (AR), lupus eritematosos sistémico (LES) y síndrome de Sjögren (SS) Resultados. En el grupo de EAS, dos pacientes presentaron SS (1.4%) y 5 hipotiroidismo autoinmune (HAI) (3.5%). No se encontraron otras EAI en este grupo. La prevalencia de EAI en EAS fue 4.86%. En el grupo de EAI, 5 pacientes presentaron EAS (0.46%). Conclusión. Este estudio no sugiere relación entre EAS y EAI, reforzando la evidencia a favor de que las EAS corresponden más a enfermedades autoinflamatorias que a EAI


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Esta investigación pretende ofrecer un marco conceptual y analizar la relación entre el síndrome de burnout y el engagement desde el modelo de demandas y recursos de Demerouti, Bakker, Janssen, & Schaufeli (2001) en un grupo de enfermeras de urgencias del hospital universitario Méderi, sede Barrios Unidos (Bogotá). Para esto se realizará un estudio descriptivo correlacional donde se aplicarán: la versión argentina de Cosentino y Castro (2008) Escala de Deseabilidad Social de Crowne y Marlowe diseñada en 1960 (EDSCM), adaptada para medir la necesidad de los sujetos de obtener aprobación respondiendo de un modo culturalmente aceptable y apropiado; lo cual podría alterar los resultados de las demás pruebas. El Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human Services Survey (MBI- HSS) para medir el síndrome de burnout, el L’Utrecht Work Engagement Scala para medir el engagement y tomando en cuenta el caso Colombiano, se aplicará el cuestionario de condiciones intralaborales forma B, establecido por el Ministerio de la protección social para medir las demandas y recursos laborales. Para el análisis de resultados se utilizaron estadísticos descriptivos y correlaciónales entre las variables. Se aplico SPSS para el análisis de descriptivos y correlación de Spearman entre las diferentes variables.. El análisis teórico se fundamento en el modelo Demandas - recursos de Demelouti, Bakker, Nachreiner y Shaufeli (2001).


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Sjögren's syndrome (SS) is a late-onset chronic autoimmune disease (AID) affecting the exocrine glands, mainly the salivary and lachrymal. Genetic studies on twins with primary SS have not been performed, and only a few case reports describing twins have been published. The prevalence of primary SS in siblings has been estimated to be 0.09% while the reported general prevalence of the disease is approximately 0.1%. The observed aggregation of AIDs in families of patients with primary SS is nevertheless supportive for a genetic component in its etiology. In the absence of chromosomal regions identified by linkage studies, research has focused on candidate gene approaches (by biological plausibility) rather than on positional approaches. Ancestral haplotype 8.1 as well as TNF, IL10 and SSA1 loci have been consistently associated with the disease although they are not specific for SS. In this review, the genetic component of SS is discussed on the basis of three known observations: (a) age at onset and sex-dependent presentation, (b) familial clustering of the disease, and (c) dissection of the genetic component. Since there is no strong evidence for a specific genetic component in SS, a large international and collaborative study would be suitable to assess the genetics of this disorder.


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Objetivo: investigar la agregación de autoinmunidad en familiares en primer grado (FPG) de probandos con Síndrome de Sjogren (SS) con poliautoinmunidad y autoinmunidad familiar. Metodología: estudio de corte transversal en el cual se incluyeron 14 familias de mujeres con SS. Se realizó un análisis genético a través del cálculo de riesgos relativos para cada enfermedad autoinmune (EAI). La agregación familiar se calculó para los FPG, teniendo en cuenta la prevalencia de la enfermedad en cada familia y en la población general. Resultados: Se analizaron un total de 112 individuos, con una media de edad de 51.7 años ± 12.9. Veintidós individuos de los FPG tuvieron al menos una EAI (28.2%). La prevalencia de poliautoinmunidad fue del 93% y 6.4% en probandos y FPG, respectivamente. Se observaron valores que soportaron la agregación familiar para varias EAIs, entre ellas púrpura trombocitopénica idiopática, granulomatosis con poliangeiitis, síndrome antifosfolipídico, lupus eritematoso sistémico y artritis reumatoide. Discusión: estos resultados indican que las EAIs se agregan entre familias con SS, sugiriendo un origen común entre ellas. La elección de fenotipos clínicamente relevantes representa una nueva aproximación a la medicina personalizada en autoinmunidad.


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INTRODUÇÃO: São utilizados vários exames para avaliar os pacientes com queixa de boca seca e, especialmente, os pacientes com Síndrome de Sjögren, em que estes exames fazem parte de critérios de classificação para estudos científicos. OBJETIVO: Desta maneira, procurou-se avaliar se haveria concordância entre os resultados da sialometria e da cintilografia de glândulas salivares para, se esta concordância estiver presente, optar por apenas um dos dois exames. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODO: Foram avaliados 72 pacientes com boca seca, divididos em grupos não-Síndrome de Sjögren, com Síndrome de Sjögren primária e com Síndrome de Sjögren secundária. Os resultados de sialometria e cintilografia de glândulas salivares foram estudados, procurando-se dimensionar a concordância existente entre eles, através do teste de Kappa. RESULTADOS: Observou-se concordância igual ou próxima de zero entre os dois testes. CONCLUSÃO: Pelos resultados observados, não é possível fazer a opção por um ou outro exame, devendo ambos serem realizados.


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Neste artigo apresenta-se o caso clínico de uma doente de 45 anos de idade com tumefacção recorrente das parótidas, que, após quatro anos de evolução, é internada por febre vespertina, sudorese nocturna, toracalgia esquerda com padrão pleurítico, derrame pleural esquerdo, poliartrite e poliartralgia simétricas (padrão inflamatório) dos punhos, articulações interfalângicas proximais das mãos, joelhos e tibiotársicas, acompanhadas de rigidez matinal. Este quadro tinha dois meses de evolução e, após investigação, foi comprovado o diagnóstico de Lúpus Eritematoso Sistémico.


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A pure sensory neuropathy caused by lymphocytic infiltration of the dorsal root ganglia has been reported in a few patients with Sjögren's syndrome. The clinical, immunological, and electromyographic findings of five patients with this type of neuropathy and primary Sjögren's syndrome were reviewed. Typical clinical indications were the presence of a chronic asymmetrical sensory deficit, initial disease in the hands with a predominant loss of the vibratory and joint position senses, and an association with Adie's pupil syndrome or trigeminal sensory neuropathy. The simultaneous impairment of the central and peripheral evoked cortical potentials suggested that there was a lesion of the neuronal cell body. The neuropathy preceded the diagnosis of Sjögren's syndrome in four patients. Four patients were positive for Ro antibodies, but systemic vasculitis or malignancy was not found after a mean follow up of six years. These findings indicate that in patients with a sensory neuropathy the diagnosis of Sjögren's syndrome has to be considered, even if the patient denies the presence of sicca symptoms, and that appropriate tests must be carried out.


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Sjögren syndrome is a systemic autoimmune disease causing secretory gland dysfunction. This leads to dryness of the main mucosal surfaces such as the mouth, eyes, nose, pharynx, larynx, and vagina. 1 Sjögren syndrome may be a serious disease, with excess mortality caused by haematological cancer. 2 The cause of Sjögren syndrome is unknown, but factors postulated to play a role are both genetic and environmental .....


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No existen protocolos claramente establecidos para el tratamiento de la boca seca. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura médica de los últimos 10 años. Hemos utilizado las palabras: «dry mouth», «prognosis», «treatment» y «dentistry». En una primera búsqueda hemos encontrado 1.450 entradas. Con la restricción «clinical trials OR randomized controlled trial OR systemic reviews» se han reducido a 522, de las que 145 eran metaanálisis y revisiones sistemáticas. Se han eliminado las que no eran pertinentes al tema y han quedado reducidas a 53. Posteriormente se descartaron 24 (8 no pertinentes, 7 revisiones y 9 opiniones personales). De los 29 artículos analizados, 15 son ensayos clínicos controlados, 2 ensayos no controlados, 4 estudios observacionales, 2 revisiones sistemáticas y 5 revisiones. Los enfermos mejor estudiados son los pacientes con síndrome de Sjögren y los pacientes irradiados. El tratamiento se centra en el etiológico, preventivo, sintomático, de estimulación salival local y sistémicos. Podemos concluir que el tratamiento debe ser individualizado, pudiéndose aplicar sustitutos salivales y diferentes técnicas de estimulación mecánica. There are no clearly established protocols for the treatment of dry mouth. The aim of this paper is a systematic review of the literature of the past 10 years using the words «dry mouth», «prognosis», «treatment» and «dentistry». The initial search found 1,450 entries and within the restriction «clinical trials OR randomized controlled trial OR systemic reviews» it has been reduced to 522, which 145 were meta-analysis and systematic reviews. Papers not relevant to the issue were removed reducing the entries to 53. Twenty-four were dismissed (8 irrelevant, 7 reviews without adequate information and 9 personal opinions). Of the 29 items tested, 15 were controlled trials, 2 uncontrolled trials, 4 observational studies, 2 systematic reviews and 5 non systematic reviews. The most studied patients were Sjögren's syndrome and the irradiated patients. Treatments are focused on the etiology, prevention, symptomatic, local salivary stimulation and systemic treatments. It can be concluded that treatment must be individualized, salivary substitutes and mechanical stimulation techniques can be applied.