978 resultados para Rural labor
Comparison of the histories of three leading peasant organizations in the Pontal do Paranapanema region of Brazil-the Partido Comunista do Brasil (PCB) from 1945 to 1964, the Confederacao Nacional de Trabalhadores na Agricultura (CONTAG) from 1964 to 1984, and the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem-Terra (MST) from 1984 to 2004-suggests that continuity is as important as change in understanding Brazilian peasant movements. The MST has been considered a "new social movement" in that it has eschewed partisan politics, incorporated families as members rather than just male heads of household, had a national scope and a participatory decision-making structure, and been attuned to the international struggle over globalization. Placing it in historical perspective makes it clear, however, that this is not the first time that militants have organized around the concept of peasants as a political identity; that while the representation of peasants in the leadership of contemporary rural labor organizations may be greater than in the past, earlier peasant leaders also struggled on behalf of their class; that earlier peasant organizations had, if not a national presence, a substantial presence in the agricultural states of the time; and that attempts at international organization to unite peasant struggles around the globe are not entirely new. This is not to deny the innovative features of contemporary movements but to suggest that the investigation of past achievements will contribute to a fuller appreciation of these movements' conditions and prospects.
During the past decade, influenced strongly by World Bank land policies, many governments instituted a new mode of recreating the peasantry, one supposedly led by market forces through credit programs secured by land. Supported by large landowner organizations, defended as a conquest by the rural labor movement and combated by member organizations of the Via Campesina, the new mode of peasant renovation has inspired a diversity of interpretations both positive and negative. To evaluate these events, this article seeks to demonstrate the World Bank's intentionality in urging the implementation of market-led agrarian reform in developing countries; discusses the construction of immaterial territories in the context of this policy; analyzes the development of a people's think tank in response to the agitation of the Via Campesina Brazil and the negative impact of the credit system on peasants.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
This article offers theoretical and practical elements for an analysis of the Worker's Health Care Program developed by the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS). From a determined locus, the region of Franca, State of São Paulo, it aims at identifying the challenges for implementation of the National Occupational Health Policy, due to the particularities of the work/health relationship within the sugarcane agro-industry. It is based on group interviews involving health workers, specifically sanitary inspectors and the worker's health interlocutors. The results showed that health care professionals must be better prepared, from the technical point of view, to be able to perform actions related to workers' health. These results also indicated the need for a greater integration between health services, particularly when damage notification and workers' health surveillance are concerned.
Programa experimental desarrollado en el instituto de Formación Profesional de Ayllón (Segovia) basado en un modelo educativo polivalente y comprometido con su labor sociolaboral en un entorno afectado por la despoblación y la escasez de empleo.
"First printing: March 2001"--T.p. verso.
Cover title.
Bibliographical footnotes.
Bangladesh, often better known to the outside world as a country of natural calamities, is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. Despite rapid urbanization, more than 75% of the people still live in rural areas. The density of the rural population is also one of the highest in the world. Being a poor and low-income country, its main challenge is to eradicate poverty through increasing equitable income. Since its independence in 1971, Bangladesh has experienced many ups and downs, but over the past three decades, its gross domestic product (GDP) has grown at an impressive rate. Consequently, the country s economy is developing and the country has outperformed many low-income countries in terms of several social indicators. Bangladesh has achieved the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of eliminating gender disparity in primary and secondary school enrollment. A sharp decline in child and infant mortality rates, increased per capita income, and improved food security have placed Bangladesh on the track to achieving in the near future the status of a middle-income country. All these developments have influenced the consumption pattern of the country. This study explores the consumption scenario of rural Bangladesh, its changing consumption patterns, the relationship between technology and consumption in rural Bangladesh, cultural consumption in rural Bangladesh, and the myriad reasons why consumers nevertheless feel compelled to consume chemically treated foods. Data were collected in two phases in the summers of 2006 and 2008. In 2006, the empirical data were collected from the following three sources: interviews with consumers, producers/sellers, and doctors and pharmacists; observations of sellers/producers; and reviews of articles published in the national English and Bengali (the national language of Bangladesh) daily newspapers. A total of 110 consumers, 25 sellers/producers, 7 doctors, and 7 pharmacists were interviewed and observed. In 2008, data were collected through semi-structured in-depth qualitative interviews, ethnography, and unstructured conversations substantiated by secondary sources and photographs; the total number of persons interviewed was 22. -- Data were also collected on the consumption of food, clothing, housing, education, medical facilities, marriage and dowry, the division of labor, household decision making, different festivals such as Eid (for Muslims), the Bengali New Year, and Durga puja (for Hindus), and leisure. Qualitative methods were applied to the data analysis and were supported by secondary quantitative data. The findings of this study suggest that the consumption patterns of rural Bangladeshis are changing over time along with economic and social development, and that technology has rendered aspects of daily life more convenient. This study identified the perceptions and experiences of rural people regarding technologies in use and explored how culture is associated with consumption. This study identified the reasons behind the use of hazardous chemicals (e.g. calcium carbide, sodium cyclamate, cyanide and formalin, etc.) in foods as well as the extent to which food producers/sellers used such chemicals. In addition, this study assessed consumer perceptions of and attitudes toward these contaminated food items and explored how adulterated foods and food stuffs affect consumer health. This study also showed that consumers were aware that various foods and food stuffs contained hazardous chemicals, and that these adulterated foods and food stuffs were harmful to their health.
É urgente a necessidade da maior inclusão social dos estudantes que articulam a rotina de trabalho diurno e a educação formal noturna, objetivando melhorar as condições de vida através de aumentar oportunidades no mercado de trabalho. Por ser tema de extrema relevância social, a presente pesquisa busca compreender os desafios de alunos matriculados em cursos de Ensino Superior noturno no Instituto Multidisciplinar da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, destacando o processo de democratização do acesso e a permanência de jovens de camadas populares em quatro cursos de graduação. Descrevemos políticas públicas de acesso e de permanência dos estudantes nos cursos superiores noturnos de Pedagogia, História, Matemática e Administração, tendo em vista contribuir com a discussão da real efetividade destes cursos para a democratização da educação superior. O procedimento metodológico é a investigação qualitativa em estudo de caso. Nesta pesquisa, foram contatadas pessoas chave da universidade, aplicados 361 questionários e entrevistados 39 alunos de quatro cursos escolhidos. Os resultados relacionados aos fatores sociais que impõem o caráter compulsório do trabalho ao estudante universitário confirmaram que o jovem, dos cursos noturnos estudados deste Instituto Multidisciplinar, em geral, tem dificuldades de gerenciar sua vida para contemplar as diversas demandas, isto é, as sociais, familiares, educacionais e laborais. O jovem estudado costuma ter um perfil de vulnerabilidade socioeconômica. Os resultados também mostram em alguns discursos dos entrevistados alguns desafios de conciliar o curso noturno com a vida de trabalho. Assim, os resultados também revelam a necessidade de que mais recursos sejam destinados a programas com alunos com o perfil de vulnerabilidade socioeconômica. Apesar do perfil heterogêneo dos alunos desta pesquisa, os resultados apontam também que muitos aproveitam a oportunidade de continuidade de escolarização conciliando o trabalho diurno com a educação noturna. A opção destes por cursos de licenciaturas, como os de Matemática, História e Pedagogia, é atrativa pela maior facilidade de acesso devido a serem carreiras menos disputadas no ingresso à universidade pública. Embora a profissão docente em nossa sociedade não ofereça elevado prestígio social, ter a formação e o diploma de Ensino Superior ainda é para muitos jovens, uma possível trajetória que pode levar a mobilidade social. Assim, as políticas públicas precisam melhor atender os jovens deste segmento populacional que deseja estudar e trabalhar com educação.
Important advances in scholarship on the post-emancipation South have made possible a new synthesis that moves beyond broad generalizations about African American agency to identify both the shared elements in black life across the region and the varying capacity of freedpeople to assert their interests in the face of white hostility. Building on a number of recent studies of Reconstruction this article seeks to demonstrate that the varying capacity of freedpeople in South Carolina to shape and defend the new society that would emerge after the end of slavery was rooted in their relative strength at work and in their communities. In Charleston and its lowcountry rural hinterland, demographic strength combined with deeply-rooted traditions of collective assertion to sustain a remarkably vibrant grassroots movement that persisted beyond the overthrow of Reconstruction. From very early on, by contrast, former slaves dispersed across the rural interior found their freedom severely circumscribed by a bellicose and heavily-armed white paramilitary campaign.
Desde finais da década de 50, com o aparecimento e progressiva disseminação da televisão pelas casas portuguesas (atualmente, numa parte significativa delas, existe em mais do que um compartimento); passando pelo computador, na década de 70; e, finalmente, a forma como, na década de 90, se iniciou o processo de distribuição do telemóvel, há toda uma história associada sobre a qual é importante refletir. No meio rural português, qual foi o caminho traçado pelos seus residentes até à “domesticação” (Berker, Hartmann, Punie, & Ward, 2005; Silverstone, Hirsch, & Morley, 1992) de cada um dos media – televisão, computador e telemóvel? Da utilização quase exclusiva em espaços públicos até à sua integração no espaço doméstico e nas dinâmicas familiares e sociais, houve um percurso percorrido quer pelos media, que vão sofrendo alterações constantes, quer pelos indivíduos que se vão adaptando a essas alterações, mas também exigindo que os primeiros se vão moldando às suas necessidades e exigências, fazendo, por isso, que nunca percam o epíteto de “novo”. A existência dos meios digitais tem ainda outras particularidades associadas: a sua presença diária e transversal em todos os contextos nos quais os indivíduos estão habitualmente inseridos – familiar, laboral/escolar e de lazer -, a ocorrência em todas as gerações familiares e, consequentemente, de um modo generalizado, em todas as idades. Os avós, os pais (e, ao mesmo tempo, filhos) e os filhos (e, ao mesmo tempo, netos) fazem uma utilização mais ou menos frequente, mas que não é inexistente, originando, por isso, a designação de gerações de ecrã. Interessa, pois, fazer o estudo dos usos e apropriações dos novos media pelas diferentes gerações, para uma análise intergeracional, mas, mais ainda, compreender as implicações que esses usos têm no meio rural, por ser fortemente considerado como uma zona em desvantagem quanto à proliferação dos media e das tecnologias de informação e comunicação, quando comparada com a urbana. Apresenta-se uma análise e reflexão sobre o modo como os novos media penetraram no quotidiano de três gerações familiares (avós, pais e filhos) e na forma como estas, residentes no meio rural português, transformaram a apropriação dos media num ato contínuo. Esta análise e reflexão fundamentam-se no levantamento bibliográfico sobre a problemática e os dados empíricos obtidos através da aplicação de uma metodologia triangular: focus groups, diários e inquéritos por questionário.
Food prices have gone up to prohibitive levels for many of the world’s poor. The vast majority of those who are hungry in the world today are working in agriculture, either as small landholders or as waged agricultural workers. The majority of the food producers have not benefited from rising prices. Apparently, the bargaining power of many producers, just as that of the end consumers, has been weakened vis-à-vis the buyers and retailers of agricultural produce. This powerlessness is also in the face of governments that fail to provide an appropriate infrastructure for smallholders and social protection. The first part of the book provides an introduction to the immediate and structural causes of the food crisis. The second part contains contributions that not only highlight the plight of rural labour but also develop tools for measuring the decent work deficit. The last part emphasizes income security as a major precondition for food security. It looks at the experiences of Brazil and India with the extension of social protection for the poor.
This article aims to present an approach to the issue of farm or rural zone workers, including a labour law study of agrarian legal decisions, so as to demonstrate their importance in respect to social, economic and cultural rights in Colombia. The study will serve to illustrate through the history, the applicable law and the jurisprudence, the different ways in which farmers have been treated from the time of the origin until the arrival of modern systems of industrialization. It calls into question the effectiveness of existing laws and the role of the courts, in spite of globalization, to maintain the minimum rights and guarantees of farm workers who are considered to be a vulnerable population. In conclusion, this study seeks to illustrate the current role of the Labor law and the National Health Service in the area of demonstrating of the existence or absence of mechanisms to protect workers in rural areas and the need to create some mechanisms that involve social justice given its prime importance in the Constitution of 1991.