997 resultados para Rudolph, Wilma , 1940-1994


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O objetivo deste trabalho é evidenciar a existência de relações entre progresso técnico e desenvolvimento econômico no processo de formação da economia brasileira. Em seu aspecto mais específico, refere-se ao estudo do desenvolvimento da eletrificação e seus efeitos sobre o crescimento industrial no Estado de São Paulo, no período compreendido entre as duas décadas finais do século passado até a década de 1930. Durante este período - quando a economia e a sociedade brasileiras se transformam pelo desenvolvimento de relações de produção de natureza capitalista, ocorridas a partir do fim do escravismo, da introdução do trabalho assalariado, da expansão cafeeira, do aparecimento da ferrovia e dos bancos, das primeiras indústrias e, enfim, de atividades voltadas ao desenvolvimento do mercado interno - , o desenvolvimento da eletrificação e, especialmente, o uso de força motriz elétrica na indústria constituíram transformações essenciais. A o provocarem alterações irrevogáveis na base técnica da indústria contribuíram, também, para a alteração do padrão de acumulação.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Top Row: Leo Cunningham, James Grissen, Joseph Bosza, Ralph Fritz, Robert Ingalls, Harry Anderson, Norman Call

5th Row: Harlin Fraumann,Milko Sukup, Robert Westfall, Robert Zimmerman, Edward Czak, Clifford Wise, Harold Lockard, Robert Kolesar, George Hildebrandt

4th Row: Rudolph Sengel, Albert Wistert, Reuben Kelto, Jack Butler, Tom Harmon, Holbrooke Seltzer, Glen Ireland, George Ceithaml

3rd Row: William Melzow, John Laine, Joseph Rogers, Paul Gannatal, Harry Kohl, Wallace Keating, Philip Sharpe, Rudy Smeja

2nd Row: Charles Schmeling, David Nelson, Michael Megregian, Fred Dawley, John Karwales, Louis Woytek, Clarence Hall, Robert Flora

Front Row: Frank Day, Robert Smith, Larry Wichter. Ted Kennedy, Forest Evashevski, Robert Kresja, Otto Chady, Elmer Madar


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Top Row: Leo Cunningham, James Grissen, Joseph Bosza, Ralph Fritz, Robert Ingalls, Harry Anderson, Norman Call

5th Row: Harlin Fraumann, Milko Sukup, Robert Westfall, Robert Zimmerman, Edward Czak, Clifford Wise, Harold Lockard, Robert Kolesar, George Hildebrandt

4th Row: Rudolph Sengel, Albert Wistert, Reuben Kelto, Jack Butler, Tom Harmon, Holbrooke Seltzer, Glen Ireland, George Ceithaml

3rd Row: William Melzow, John Laine, Joseph Rogers, Paul Gannatal, Harry Kohl, Wallace Keating, Philip Sharpe, Rudy Smeja

2nd Row: Charles Schmeling, David Nelson, Michael Megregian, Fred Dawley, John Karwales, Louis Woytek, Clarence Hall, Robert Flora

Front Row: Frank Day, Robert Smith, Larry Wichter. Ted Kennedy, Forest Evashevski, Robert Kresja, Otto Chady, Elmer Madar


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Le problème de la pauvreté au Québec n'est pas un fait inhérent à notre société contemporaine. Déjà, sous le Régime français, la colonie avait dû faire face à divers malaises sociaux dont notamment la pauvreté. Pour tenter de les endiguer, les dirigeants de la colonie se servirent du modèle d'assistance français, datant du 17e siècle, sous influence féodale et ecclésiale, pour le reproduire en Nouvelle-France. Ainsi, aux 17e et 18e siècles, la responsabilité des malades et des pauvres incomba aux réseaux de solidarité que constituaient la famille et la paroisse. Durant cette période, l'action de l'Église, grâce à des institutions telles que les Hôtels-Dieu et les hôpitaux généraux et celle de l'État, par sa politique subventionnaire, ne constituèrent toutefois qu'une intervention supplétive. Cependant, les débuts de l'industrialisation au 19e siècle, l'exode rural qui s'ensuivit ainsi que l'instabilité économique et l'immigration des populations britanniques, révélèrent l'insuffisance de la structure d'aide mise en place pour secourir les pauvres et les malades. Fondées à partir de 1830, différentes associations charitables se confrontèrent, elles aussi, à des problèmes d'ordre financier. À cause de sa situation névralgique comme institution sociale, l'Église s'assura graduellement, à partir de 1840, le contrôle des associations de charité mais surtout celui de l'administration de l'assistance au Québec. Et comme le dit si bien Jean-Marie Fecteau: «la charité devient, de plus en plus, affaire de religion et de groupe ethnique. Au cours de la décennie 1840, le mouvement s'amplifie.» En 1867, l'Acte de l'Amérique du Nord britannique attribua à la province de Québec, par l'article 92, la pleine juridiction en matière de bien-être et de santé sauf ce qui concerne les hôpitaux de la marine. La reformulation du code municipal en 1871 conféra aux municipalités, mais seulement à titre discrétionnaire, la charge de l'assistance directe et celle de soutenir les institutions de charité. [...]


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The valuation and property is an evolving industry and the participants within the industry are also changing. This change is due to improved technology and construction, global nature of business today, professional standards, legal and accounting issues and environmental matters. Throughout this change in the property industry, there has also been significant change in the structure and content of tertiary property courses in Australia. Over the past thirteen years each first year cohort commencing study in the property program at the University of Western Sydney have been surveyed in relation to their background, reasons for course selection and job expectations. This paper will review this annual survey and the profile of all first year students who commenced their studies in the Bachelor of Business (Property) degree [formerly Bachelor of Commerce (Property Economics) and Bachelor of Commerce (Land Economy)] for years commencing 1994 to 2006. The paper will also provide a detailed analysis of the type of student entering the property industry and their exposure to the valuation and property sectors prior to commencing their studies.


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Property is an evolving industry and the participants within the industry are also changing. This change is due to improved technology and construction, global nature of business today, professional standards, legal and accounting issues and environmental matters. Throughout this change in the property industry, there has also been significant change in the structure and content of tertiary property courses in Australia. Over the past ten years each first year cohort commencing study in the property program at the University of Western Sydney have been surveyed in relation to their background, reasons for course selection and job expectations. This paper will review the annual survey and the profile of all first year students who commenced their studies in the Bachelor of Business (Property Economics) degree [formerly Bachelor of Commerce (Property Economics) and Bachelor of Commerce (Land Economy)] for years commencing 1994 to 2003.


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This paper summarises results from an evaluation of the adequacy and utility of the Australian Competency Standards for Entry-Level Occupational Therapists © (OT AUSTRALIA, 1994a). It comprised a two-part study, incorporating an online survey of key national stakeholders (n = 26), and 13 focus groups (n = 152) conducted throughout Australia with occupational therapy clinicians, academics, OT AUSTRALIA association and Occupational Therapy Registration Board representatives, as well as university program accreditors. The key recommendations were that: (i) urgent revision to reflect contemporary practice, paradigms, approaches and frameworks is required; (ii) the standards should exemplify basic competence at graduation (not within two years following); (iii) a revision cycle of five years is required; (iv) the Australian Qualifications Framework should be retained, preceded by an introduction describing the scope and nature of occupational therapy practice in the national context; (v) access to the standards should be free and unrestricted to occupational therapists, students and the public via the OT AUSTRALIA (national) website; (vi) the standards should incorporate a succinct executive summary and additional tools or templates formatted to enable occupational therapists to develop professional portfolios and create working documents specific to their workplace; and (vii) language must accommodate contextual variation while striking an appropriate balance between providing instruction and encouraging innovation in practice.


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The closure of large institutions for people with intellectual disability and the subsequent shift to community living has been a feature of social policies in most western democracies for more than two decades. While the move from congregated settings to homes in the community has been heralded as a positive and desirable strategy, deinstitutionalisation has continued to be a controversial policy and practice. This research critically analyses the implementation of a deinstitutionalisation policy called Institutional Reform in the state of Queensland from May 1994 until it was dismantled under a new government in the middle of 1996. A trajectory study of the policy from early conceptualisation through its development, implementation and final extinction was undertaken. Several methods were utilised in the research including the textual analyis of policy documents, discussion papers and newspaper articles, interviews with stakeholders and participant observation. The research draws on theories of discourse and focuses on how discourses of disability shape policy and practice. The thesis outlines a number of implications for policy implementation more generally as well as for disability services. In particular, the theoretical framework builds on Fulcher's (1989) disabling discourses - medical, charity, lay and rights - and identifies two additional discourses of economics and inclusion. The thesis argues that competing disability discourses operated in powerful ways to shape the implementation of the policy and illustrates how older discourses based on fear and prejudice were promoted to positions of dominance and power.