60 resultados para Rubrics
Ce mémoire s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une recherche de développement pédagogique d’objet, destinée à des enseignants du secondaire. L’objectif porte sur la conception, et la validation auprès d’un groupe d’experts, d’une grille visant l’analyse de la qualité de situations d’apprentissage et d’évaluation en lecture (GASAEL) conçues pour des élèves de niveau secondaire en difficulté d’apprentissage, notamment ceux du parcours de formation axée sur l’emploi (PFAE). La problématique expose la nécessité chez les enseignants de trouver des réponses ajustées aux besoins d’apprentissage des élèves ciblés, dans un contexte de programmes élaborés par compétences. La situation d’apprentissage et d’évaluation (SAE) est une instrumentation pertinente, mais demeure sous-utilisée. Le cadre conceptuel, guidé par le modèle de la situation pédagogique de Legendre (2005), assure l’analyse du contexte de la SAE et permet d’identifier ses caractéristiques. Ce cadre est suivi par la méthodologie de l’Analyse de la valeur pédagogique de Roque, Langevin et Riopel (1998) exposant la procédure d’analyse des fonctions du produit, au regard des besoins des utilisateurs. L’innovation de ce produit pédagogique tient en son caractère pragmatique; il propose à la fois l’analyse de la qualité des SAE, et une référence rapide à propos des concepts porteurs d’une SAE, fournis par des exemples ou des explications.
Este trabalho apresenta uma nova abordagem para avaliação automática de consultas SQL. Essa abordagem propõe uma solução para o desafio de estimular o aprendiz a aperfeiçoar a sua solução: buscando, além de uma resposta que retorna o resultado correto, uma consulta com complexidade próxima da solução ótima. Essa proposta pode ser utilizada em ambientes de educação a distancia ou na educação presencial em atividades de laboratório, incluindo as avaliações. A solução proposta tem como vantagens: (1) o aprendiz recebe um feedback instantâneo durante a atividade prática de programação, o qual permite ao aprendiz refatorar a sua solução em direção a uma solução ótima; (2) completa integração entre o ensino de conceitos de programação com exemplo de fragmentos de programas executáveis on-line; (3) monitoramento das atividades do aprendiz (quantos exemplos foram executados; em cada exercício quantas tentativas de execução foram feitas, etc). Este trabalho é um primeiro passo na direção de construção de um ambiente totalmente assistido (por exemplo com avaliação automática) para ensino da linguagem de programação SQL, onde o professor é liberado do árduo trabalho de correção de comandos SQL podendo realizar tarefas pedagógicas mais relevantes. O método, fundamentado em estatística e métricas da Engenharia de Software, pode ser adaptado para outras linguagens tais como Java e Pascal. Além disso, o LabSQL serve com um laboratório para experimentação de duas novas técnicas, uma de avaliação e outra de acompanhamento, que estão sendo pesquisadas em trabalhos em paralelos: (a) avaliação automática de questões conceituais discursivas, além de permitir as tradicionais perguntas objetivas, (b) método de acompanhamento através de montagem de uma rubrica de avaliação.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In this action research study of my classroom of 11th grade geometry, I investigated the use of rubrics to help me assess my students during homework presentations. I wanted to know more about the processes students went through as they did their homework problems, so homework presentations were implemented with the rubrics being the main form of assessment. I discovered that students are willing to speak about mathematics and can gain more understanding of mathematical processes as a result of homework presentations. The scores of the class improved after they talked about the homework assignments with each other. As a result of this research, I plan to keep on using homework presentations in my classroom to talk about homework, but discontinue the use of rubrics in assessment of students in mathematics. I also found students going to the board to solve problems in small groups are another helpful way to use presentations prior to assessment to help me understand where the students are with a new concept prior to assigning homework or giving an assessment.
[ES]El presente artículo de investigación tiene como objetivo principal evaluar cómo el uso de los textos musicales –canciones, como popularmente se conocen– influye en el aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera. Una investigación llevada a cabo con estudiantes de una clase de 2º de ESO nos ha servido para confirmar las hipótesis que en un principio teníamos en lo concerniente a la adquisición de las ocho competencias básicas mediante tareas en las clases de lengua inglesa. Así, el diseño de rúbricas con unos criterios e instrumentos de evaluación específicos nos ha permitido evaluar el grado de adquisición de competencias básicas concretas. [EN]This paper focuses on the impact that the use of music texts –commonly referred to with the term ‘songs’– has on students in teaching English as a foreign language. Through a survey carried out with students of a 2nd year class of Spanish Secondary Education, our initial assumptions in terms of acquisition of key competences in English learning were validated. in acquiring specific key competences by using tasks, rubrics –consisting of detailed assessment criteria and tools– were designed and implemented as the assessment method in order for students to successfully attain specific learning objectives.
This dissertation addresses the need for a strategy that will help readers new to new media texts interpret such texts. While scholars in multimodal and new media theory posit rubrics that offer ways to understand how designers use the materialities and media found in overtly designed, new media texts (see, e.g,, Wysocki, 2004a), these strategies do not account for how readers have to make meaning from those texts. In this dissertation, I discuss how these theories, such as Lev Manovich’s (2001) five principles for determining the new media potential of texts and Gunther Kress and Theo van Leeuwen’s (2001) four strata of designing multimodal texts, are inadequate to the job of helping readers understand new media from a rhetorical perspective. I also explore how literary theory, specifically Wolfgang Iser’s (1978) description of acts of interpretation, can help audiences understand why readers are often unable to interpret the multiple, unexpected modes of communication used in new media texts. Rhetorical theory, explored in a discussion of Sonja Foss’s (2004) units of analysis, is helpful in bringing the reader into a situated context with a new media text, although these units of analysis, like Iser’s process, suggests that a reader has some prior experience interpreting a text-as-artifact. Because of this assumption of knowledge put forth by all of the theories explored within, I argue that none alone is useful to help readers engage with and interpret new media texts. However, I argue that a heuristic which combines elements from each of these theories, as well as additional ones, is more useful for readers who are new to interpreting the multiple modes of communication that are often used in unconventional ways in new media texts. I describe that heuristic in the final chapter and discuss how it can be useful to a range of texts besides those labelled new media.
This paper reports a learning experience related to the acquisition of project management competences. Students from three different universities and backgrounds, cooperate in a common project that drives the learning-teaching process. Previous related works on this initiative have already evaluated the goodness of this multidisciplinary, project-based learning approach in the context of a new educative paradigm. Yet the innovative experience has allowed the authors to define a rubric in order to measure specific competences in project management. The study shows the rubric’s main aspects as well as competence acquisition evaluation alternatives, based in the metrics defined. Key indicators and specific reports obtained from data base fields in the web tool will support this work. As a result, new competences can be assessed, such ones like teamwork, problem solving, communication and leadership. Final goal is to provide an overall competence map to the students at the same time they improve their skills.
In the educational project described in this paper, new virtual 3D didactical contents have been developed to achieve specific outcomes, within the frame of a new methodology oriented to objectives of the European Higher Education Area directives. The motivation of the project was to serve as a new assessment method, to create a link between new programs of study with the older ones. In this project, new rubrics have been developed to be employed as an objective method of evaluation of specific and transversal outcomes, to accomplish the certification criteria of institutions like ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology).
This document presents an innovative, formal educational initiative that is aimed at enhancing the development of engineering students’ specific competences when studying Project Management (PM) subject. The framework of the experience combines (1) theoretical concepts, (2) the development of a real-case project carried out by multidisciplinary groups of three different universities, (3) the use of software web 2.0 tools and (4) group and individual assignments of students that play different roles (project managers and team members). Under this scenario, the study focuses on monitoring the communication competence in the ever growing PM virtual environment. Factors such as corporal language, technical means, stage, and PM specific vocabulary among others have been considered in order to assess the students’ performance on this issue. As a main contribution, the paper introduces an ad-hoc rubric that, based on previous investigations, has been adapted and tested for the first time to this new and specific context. Additionally, the research conducted has provided some interesting findings that suggest further actions to improve and better define future rubrics, oriented to communication or even other competences. As specific PM subject concerns, it has been detected that students playing the role of Project Managers strengthen their competences more than those ones that play the role of Team Members. It has also been detected that students have more difficulty assimilating concepts related to risk and quality management. However those concepts related with scope, time or cost areas of knowledge have been better assimilated by the students.
The value of project-based learning has lead to the inclusion of project development activities in engineering courses, being the Final Year Project (FYP) the most remarkable one. Several approaches have been proposed for assessing and grading FYPs but, among them, rubrics are becoming a standard for such type of assessment. However, due to the different characteristics and orientations of the projects (some are more practically oriented, some more theoretically), and the high amount of different competences to be evaluated (knowledge, working capability, communication skills, etc.), the definition of one unique rubric suitable for the evaluation of all FYPs presented in different degree programs, is a big challenge. In a former work, the educational outcomes expected from the FYP were defined and resulted in a proposal for their assessment. Afterwards, the proposal has been tested during one year within an educational innovation-project at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid which involved the follow-up of 8 undergraduate telecommunication students elaborating their FYPs. In this publication, our experience will be described, based on the emerging work taking place through the formalisation of the process which consisted in the following steps: i) establishment of a schedule for the whole process (publication of FYPs topics, selection of applying students and their enrolment, assignation of a jury to each FYP, elaboration and follow-up of FYPs, final report submission, oral presentation, etc.); ii) design of rubrics for each of three assessment parts: working process, final report and oral presentation; and iii) follow-up and evaluation of the involved FYPs. Finally, problems that appeared during this experience (e.g. administrative aspects, criticisms and suggestions from the students, tutors and juries involved) are discussed and some modifications in the assessment system will be proposed in order to solve or minimize these problems.
The competence evaluation promoted by the European High Education Area entails a very important methodological change that requires guiding support to help lecturers carry out this new and complex task. In this regard, the Technical University of Madrid (UPM, by its Spanish acronym) has financed a series of coordinated projects with the objective of developing a model for teaching and evaluating core competences and providing support to lecturers. This paper deals with the problem-solving competence. The first step has been to elaborate a guide for teachers to provide a homogeneous way to asses this competence. This guide considers several levels of acquisition of the competence and provides the rubrics to be applied for each one. The guide has been subsequently validated with several pilot experiences. In this paper we will explain the problem-solving assessment guide for teachers and will show the pilot experiences that has been carried out. We will finally justify the validity of the method to assess the problem-solving competence.
The competence evaluation promoted by the European High Education Area entails a very important methodological change that requires guiding support to help lecturers carry out this new and complex task. In this regard, the Technical University of Madrid (UPM, by its Spanish acronym) has financed a series of coordinated projects with the objective of developing a model for teaching and evaluating core competences and providing support to lecturers. This paper deals with the problem solving competence. The first step has been to elaborate a guide for teachers to provide an homogeneous way to asses this competence. This guide considers several levels of acquisition of the competence and provided the rubrics to be applied for each one. The guide has been subsequently validated with several pilot experiences. In this paper we will explain the problem-solving assessment guide for teachers and will show the pilot experiences that has been carried out. We will finally justify the validity of the method to assess the problem solving competence.
This research presents an innovative and formal educational initiative that is aimed at enhancing the development of engineering students’ specific competencies when studying Engineering Project Management subject. The framework of the experience combines theoretical concepts, the development of a real-case project carried out by multidisciplinary groups of three different universities, the use of software web 2.0 tools, and group and individual assignments of students that play different roles (project managers and team members). Under this scenario, this paper focuses on monitoring the communication competence in the ever growing Project Management virtual environment. Factors such as corporal language, technical means, stage, and management specific vocabulary among others have been considered in order to assess the students’ performance on this issue. As a main contribution, the paper introduces an ad-hoc rubric that, based on previous investigations, has been adapted and tested to this specific context. Additionally, the research conducted has provided some interesting findings that suggest further actions to improve and better define future rubrics, oriented to communication or even other competencies. As specific Project Management subject concerns, it has been detected that students playing the role of Project Managers strengthen their competencies more than those ones that play the role of Team Members. It has also been detected that students have more difficulty assimilating concepts related to risk and quality management. However those concepts related with areas of knowledge like scope, time or cost have been better assimilated by the students.