998 resultados para Rubber plants


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Includes bibliographical references (p. 144-157).


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Syzygium anisatum (formerly Backhousia anisata and Anetholea anisata) is an Australian rainforest tree with leaves that produce an essential oil (EO) that has the characteristic aroma of aniseed. It is referred to as aniseed myrtle or anise myrtle in the trade and the fresh and dried leaves of this plant are used as a herb in culinary applications. The EO is extracted by steam distillation of the leaves and the major aromatic volatile compound is anethole. The EO has broad spectrum antimicrobial activity but is more effective against bacteria than fungi. Indigenous Australians have used anise myrtle for its medicinal values and in recent times it has been used as a flavoring agent by the food and beverage industry. This chapter covers the use of anise myrtle EO in food and agricultural applications, botanical aspects, and chemical composition.


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Lemon myrtle has been traditionally used by indigenous Australians for cooking and healing. More recently, lemon myrtle leaves are used as a dry or fresh herb in food applications and the essential oil (EO) used as a flavoring agent in food and beverages. The leaf of the lemon myrtle (Backhousia citriodora) is steam distilled to produce the EO. Lemon myrtle EO is known for its characteristic lemon flavor and the major chemical component contributing to the aroma is citral. The EO has broad spectrum antimicrobial activity and is very effective against fungi and has increased the potential of using the EO in food preservation and treatment of postharvest diseases in fruits. This chapter covers the use of lemon myrtle EO in food and agriculture applications, general usage, botanical aspects, and chemical composition.


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Tasmannia lanceolata, commonly known as Tasmanian pepper leaf or mountain pepper, is an Australian native plant that produces an essential oil with a characteristic pungent flavor attributed to the sesquiterpene polygodial. The dried and fresh leaves are used in culinary applications. The essential oil is produced by a solvent extraction process, and the resultant concrete is a rich source of the principal pungent molecule polygodial and other volatiles. The Tasmanian pepper leaf extract has broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity and is very effective against fungi, especially yeasts. This demonstrates its potential to be used in the food industry as a natural preservative. Indigenous Australians have used Tasmanian pepper leaves for therapeutic purposes; in recent times, it is been used as a flavoring agent and enhancer of pungency in food products. This chapter covers the use of Tasmanian pepper leaf essential oil in food applications, its botanical aspects, and its chemical composition.


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The tingid Leptopharsa heveae, known as the lace bug, occurs in large populations in rubber tree plantations, limiting the production of latex due to losses of photosynthetic area and weakening of the infested trees. The alternative for the use of insecticides would be the release of biological control agents, but little is known about the natural enemies of L. heveae. The parasitoid Erythmelus tingitiphagus parasitizes eggs of the lace bug in rubber tree plantations. The knowledge of the population dynamics and the peak of occurrence of economically important insect species and their natural enemies are indispensable requirements for the establishment of efficient and rational control strategies. The objective of this work was to study the population dynamics of L. heveae and E. tingitiphagus in rubber tree plantations in the county of Itiquira, MT, Brazil. Mature folioles were collected weekly from the lower stratum of the canopy of the tree clones RRIM 600, PR 255, GT 1, PB 235 and PB 217, from August/2005 to February/2006. The parasitoid was observed during the whole study period. The population peaks of the populations of the L. heveae and E. tingitiphagus in the study area occurred at the end of October and beginning of November. This result demonstrates that measures for the control of L. heveae and population increase of E. tingitiphagus must be adopted before the peak population of this pest in cultivated rubber plantations.


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"Literature cited": p. 65.


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A trial was undertaken to evaluate the effect of microwaves on seed mortality of three weed species. Seeds of rubber vine (Cryptostegia grandiflora R.Br.), parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorous L.) and bellyache bush (Jatropha gossypiifolia L.) were buried at six depths (0, 2.5, 5, 10, 20 and 40 cm) in coarse sand maintained at one of two moisture levels, oven dry or wet (field capacity), and then subjected to one of five microwave radiation durations of (0, 2, 4, 8 and 16 min). Significant interactions between soil moisture level, microwave radiation duration, seed burial depth and species were detected for mortality of seeds of all three species. Maximum seed mortality of rubber vine (88%), parthenium (67%) and bellyache bush (94%) occurred in wet soil irradiated for 16 min. Maximum seed mortality of rubber vine and bellyache bush seeds occurred in seeds buried at 2.5 cm depth whereas that of parthenium occurred in seeds buried at 10 cm depth. Maximum soil temperatures of 114.1 and 87.5°C in dry and wet soil respectively occurred at 2.5 cm depth following 16 min irradiation. Irrespective of the greater soil temperatures recorded in dry soil, irradiating seeds in wet soil generally increased seed mortality 2.9-fold compared with dry soil. Moisture content of wet soil averaged 5.7% compared with 0.1% for dry soil. Results suggest that microwave radiation has the potential to kill seeds located in the soil seed bank. However, many factors, including weed species susceptibility, determine the effectiveness of microwave radiation on buried seeds. Microwave radiation may be an alternative to conventional methods at rapidly depleting soil seed banks in the field, particularly in relatively wet soils that contain long lived weed seeds.


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The arutors studied the impact of a forage legume, butterfly pea, on rubber vine at the early establishment phase under seven planting combinations at three nitrogen fertiliser levels. In pure stands, both species increased their shoot and root dry weight yield in response to nitrogen but rubber vine exhibited the greater response. In mixed stands, rubber vine and butterfly pea did not compete with each other at any nitrogen level. An over-yielding response resulted in all mixture combinations in terms of shoot and root yields. Total shoot and root mass of mixed stands significantly out-yielded their highest yielding pure stands by 8% and 27% respectively, suggesting that butterfly pea not only failed to reduce shoot and root growth of rubber vine, but actually improved its growth performance. Consequently, the introduction of butterfly pea to suppress rubber vine is not warranted.


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Petroleum, a mixture of organic compounds, comes from underground rock formations ranging in age from ten to several hundred million years. The process by which it is formed and developed is not yet completely known. Studies indicate that petroleum is formed mainly from microscopic-sized marine animals and plants. When these organisms died in water of low oxygen content, they did not decompose. Thus their remains sank to the bottom to be buried under accumulations of sediment. Their conversion to petroleum remains a subject of research even today.


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Many of the existing methods for the treatment of rubber latex centrifugation eflluent are not only unsatisfactory in their efliciency to effect near perfect treatment in bringing down the COD to optimum level, but also time consuming and need a large landspace. As the rate of effluent generation is extremely high (20 litres for kilogram of rubber) there is a need for development of efficient system,capable of rapid reduction of COD and BOD. Though the organic load of the rubber efiluent is very high, it does not contain much processed chemicals and therefore it can be considered as a ‘biological eflluent’. Further, the ratio of the Chemical Oxygen Demand to Biological Oxygen Demand (COD/BOD) of this effluent remain almost as a constant value. According to Montgomery (1967), estimation of BOD is not ideally suited for studies on process design, treatability, control of treatment plants, setting standards for treated effluents and assessing the effect of polluting discharges on the oxygen resources of receiving waters. Hence in the present study COD was measured to determine the impact of treatment system on the effluent. In the present study, attempts were made to evaluate the efficiencies of certain methods such as packed bed reactor using immobilized microbial cells, rotating biological contactor (RBC) and activated sludge process, for rapid and efficient treatment of natural rubber latex centrifugation effluent. In addition, studies were also carn'ed out to develop a suitable bioprocess for the coagulation of skim latex, as an alternative to the presently used acid coagulation process towards reducing the pollution load, besides recovering quality rubber