993 resultados para Rt-pcr


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A rapid, sensitive and highly specific detection method for Aquareovirus based on reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was developed. Based on multiple sequence alignment of the cloned sequences of a local isolates, the Threadfin reovirus (TFV) and Guppy reovirus (GPV) with Grass carp reovirus (GCRV), a pair of degenerate primers was selected carefully and synthesized. Using this primer combination, only one specific product, approximately 450 bp in length was obtained when RT-PCR was carried out using the genomic double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) of TFV, GPV and GCRV. Similar results were also obtained when Chum salmon reovirus (CSRV) and Striped bass reovirus (SBRV) dsRNA were used as templates. No products were observed when nucleic acids other than the dsRNA of the aquareoviruses described above were used as RT-PCR templates. This technique could detect not only TFV but also GPV and GCRV in low titer virus-infected cell cultured cells. Furthermore, this method has also been shown to be able to diagnose GPV-infected guppy (Poecilia reticulata) that exhibit clinical symptoms as well as GPV-carrier guppy. Collectively, these results showed that the RT-PCR amplification method using specific degenerate primers described below is very useful for rapid and accurate detection of a variety of aquareovirus strains isolated from different host species and origin. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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为调查葡萄植株携带葡萄卷叶病毒(GLRaV)的情况,以带毒和非带毒指示植物“品丽珠”为试验材料提取总RNA,并以此总RNA为模板进行RT-PCR扩增,建立了GLRaV的RT-PCR检测体系,并对GLRaV cDNA序列进行测定,结果成功地检测到了GLRaV。经多次试验证明,该检测结果准确可靠,可以用于GLRaV的检测。


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AIM: To evaluate the suitability of reference genes in gastric tissue samples and cell lines.METHODS: the suitability of genes ACTB, B2M, GAPDH, RPL29, and 18S rRNA was assessed in 21 matched pairs of neoplastic and adjacent nonneoplastic gastric tissues from patients with gastric adenocarcinoma, 27 normal gastric tissues from patients without cancer, and 4 cell lines using reverse transcription quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). the ranking of the best single and combination of reference genes was determined by NormFinder, geNorm (TM), BestKeeper, and DataAssist (TM). in addition, GenEx software was used to determine the optimal number of reference genes. To validate the results, the mRNA expression of a target gene, DNMT1, was quantified using the different reference gene combinations suggested by the various software packages for normalization.RESULTS: ACTB was the best reference gene for all gastric tissues, cell lines and all gastric tissues plus cell lines. GAPDH + B2M or ACTB + B2M was the best combination of reference genes for all the gastric tissues. On the other hand, ACTB + B2M was the best combination for all the cell lines tested and was also the best combination for analyses involving all the gastric tissues plus cell lines. According to the GenEx software, 2 or 3 genes were the optimal number of references genes for all the gastric tissues. the relative quantification of DNMT1 showed similar patterns when normalized by each combination of reference genes. the level of expression of DNMT1 in neoplastic, adjacent non-neoplastic and normal gastric tissues did not differ when these samples were normalized using GAPDH + B2M (P = 0.32), ACTB + B2M (P = 0.61), or GAPDH + B2M + ACTB (P = 0.44).CONCLUSION: GAPDH + B2M or ACTB + B2M is the best combination of reference gene for all the gastric tissues, and ACTB + B2M is the best combination for the cell lines tested. (C) 2013 Baishideng Publishing Group Co., Limited. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to validate the application of a commercially available multiplex reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay [He-mavision-7 System] for the seven most common leukemia translocations for routine molecular diagnostic hematopathology practice. A total of 98 samples, comprising four groups, were evaluated: Group 1, 16 diagnostic samples molecularly positive by our existing laboratory-developed assays for PML-RARalpha/t (15; 17) or BCR-ABL/t (9;22); Group 2, 51 diagnostic samples negative by our laboratory-developed assays for PML-RARalpha/t (15;17) or BCR-ABL/t (9;22); Group 3, 21 prospectively analyzed diagnostic cases, without prior molecular studies; and Group 4, 10 minimal residual disease (MRD) samples. Analysis of the two previously studied cohorts (Groups 1 and 2) confirmed the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the multiplex assay with regard to these two translocations. Additionally, however, in the


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The design and development of a 5' conjugated minor groove binder (MGB) probe real-time RT-PCR assay are described for rapid, sensitive and specific detection of swine vesicular disease virus (SVDV) RNA. The assay is designed to target the 2C gene of the SVDV genome and is capable of detecting 2 x 10(2) copies of an RNA standard per reaction. It does not detect any of the other RNA viruses that cause vesicular disease in pigs, or the human enterovirus, Coxsackie B5 virus (CVB5) which is closely related antigenically to SVDV. The linear range of this test was from 2 x 10(2) to 2 x 10(8) copies/mu l. The assay is rapid and can detect SVDV RNA in just over 3.5 h including the time required for nucleic acid extraction. The development of this assay provides a useful tool for the differential diagnosis of SVD or for the detection of SVDV in research applications. This study demonstrates the suitability of MGB probes as a real-time PCR chemistry for the diagnosis of swine vesicular disease. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conflicting results have been reported on the detection of paramyxovirus transcripts in Paget's disease, and a possible explanation is differences in the sensitivity of RT-PCR methods for detecting virus. In a blinded study, we found no evidence to suggest that laboratories that failed to detect viral transcripts had less sensitive RT-PCR assays, and we did not detect measles or distemper transcripts in Paget's samples using the most sensitive assays evaluated.

Introduction: There is conflicting evidence on the possible role of persistent paramyxovirus infection in Paget's disease of bone (PDB). Some workers have detected measles virus (MV) or canine distemper virus (CDV) transcripts in cells and tissues from patients with PDB, but others have failed to confirm this finding. A possible explanation might be differences in the sensitivity of RT-PCR methods for detecting virus. Here we performed a blinded comparison of the sensitivity of different RT-PCR-based techniques for MV and CDV detection in different laboratories and used the most sensitive assays to screen for evidence of viral transcripts in bone and blood samples derived from patients with PDB.

Materials and Methods: Participating laboratories analyzed samples spiked with known amounts of MV and CDV transcripts and control samples that did not contain viral nucleic acids. All analyses were performed on a blinded basis.

Results: The limit of detection for CDV was 1000 viral transcripts in three laboratories (Aberdeen, Belfast, and Liverpool) and 10,000 transcripts in another laboratory (Manchester). The limit of detection for MV was 16 transcripts in one laboratory (NIBSC), 1000 transcripts in two laboratories (Aberdeen and Belfast), and 10,000 transcripts in two laboratories (Liverpool and Manchester). An assay previously used by a U.S.-based group to detect MV transcripts in PDB had a sensitivity of 1000 transcripts. One laboratory (Manchester) detected CDV transcripts in a negative control and in two samples that had been spiked with MV. None of the other laboratories had false-positive results for MV or CDV, and no evidence of viral transcripts was found on analysis of 12 PDB samples using the most sensitive RT-PCR assays for MV and CDV.

Conclusions: We found that RT-PCR assays used by different laboratories differed in their sensitivity to detect CDV and MV transcripts but found no evidence to suggest that laboratories that previously failed to detect viral transcripts had less sensitive RT-PCR assays than those that detected viral transcripts. False-positive results were observed with one laboratory, and we failed to detect paramyxovirus transcripts in PDB samples using the most sensitive assays evaluated. Our results show that failure of some laboratories to detect viral transcripts is unlikely to be caused by problems with assay sensitivity and highlight the fact that contamination can be an issue when searching for pathogens by sensitive RT-PCR-based techniques.


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The ability of miRNAs to act as diagnostic biomarkers could be expanded by availability of improved methodologies to detect and analyse these molecules. We have therefore developed an assay with the ability to selectively analyse pools of miRNAs, using the specificity of PCR to select targets and the power of NGS to reveal isomiRs of the chosen targets in a total assay time of two days.


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Tesis (Doctora en Ciencias con Especialidad en Biotecnología) U.A.N.L. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, 2007.


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A dengue é a mais importante doença viral transmitida por mosquitos, no que diz respeito à morbidade e mortalidade, que afeta os seres humanos. Este vírus é transmitido pelos vetores Aedes albopictus e Aedes aegypti, este último é o principal vetor nas Américas. O controle da doença se baseia na vigilância laboratorial e vigilância entomológica. A vigilância laboratorial visa aprimorar a capacidade do diagnóstico, detectando precocemente a circulação viral e monitorando os sorotipos circulantes. Dentro deste tipo de vigilância, a RT-PCR é um método bastante usado no diagnóstico da doença em humanos e mosquitos, porém, a má conservação do material pode comprometer a integridade do RNA e trazer resultados falso-negativos. O desenvolvimento de melhores métodos de vigilância do vírus dengue (DENV) em mosquitos é de grande valor para os programas de controle. Desta maneira, o presente projeto visou otimizar a técnica de RT-PCR Multiplex para detecção de DENV em amostras de Ae. aegypti infectadas artificialmente pelo vírus. Primers que amplificam uma região de 80 pb do gene rpL8 de mosquito foram desenhados no site Primer3 e avaliados na ferramenta online Multiple Primer Analyzer, junto com primers que amplificam os sorotipos DENV. Não houve competição de primers e foi observado bandas distintas no gel de agarose. Foi avaliado o efeito de diferentes formas de preservação do material genético das amostras (RNAlater®, freezer -80°C e nitrogênio líquido) por 7 dias, onde não houve diferenças significativas em relação à integridade do RNA. O efeito de diferentes formas de extração de RNA (Kit da QIAGEN® , TRIzol® e Chomczymski-Sacchi) também foi avaliado e o método ChomczymskiSacchi obteve o melhor desempenho. A otimização desta técnica permitirá uma maior confiabilidade nos resultados, já que além da detecção dos sorotipos, haverá uma confirmação da qualidade do RNA, aprimorando a capacidade do diagnóstico e auxiliando a prevenção e controle da transmissão da dengue.


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TMV was tried to recover from a variety of branded cigarettes and cigars. Tobacco from six different brands of cigarettes and cigar were processed and reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction was employed for the detection of TMV. RTPCR confirmed the presence of TMV in tobacco from one brand of cigarette and one brand of cigar. Bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris) were inoculated manually with tobacco sap of cigarettes resulting in the production of localized disease lesions. Together, these results showed that tobacco used to make cigarettes and cigars can function as an effective disease vector, potentially aiding the movement of infectious TMV between countries. This is an important finding prompting a need to test smoking tobacco for other virus particles that infect tobacco plants and survive processing as well as considering biosecurity measures to limit virus transmission