1000 resultados para Royal Library – Casa do Infantado (Portugal)
Leonardo da Vinci; 8 37/64 in.x 6 1/32 in.; pen and ink, over red chalk on paper
Leonardo da Vinci; 7 9/32 in.x 10 35/64 in.; pen and ink over black chalk on paper
Leonardo da Vinci; 3 27/64 in.x 5 15/16 in.; red chalk on paper
Leonardo da Vinci; 3 21/32 in.x 5 63/64 in.; redpaper chalk
Leonardo da Vinci; 10 15/16 in.x 7 3/4 in.; pen and ink with brown and greenish wash, over black chalk on paper
Leonardo da Vinci; 6 27/64 in.x 8 17/64 in.; black chalk on paper
Translator's dedication dated 1602.
Two pages on each leaf; collation of original: sig. A-I8 (fol. B8 wanting)
Signatures: *⁴ A-X⁴ Y⁴(+Y5) Z-2H⁴ I⁴(-I4).
The first part of v.1 contains the minor works of E. de Dynter with facsimiles of an early topographical map of Brabant and of colored coat of arms of the principal cities of Brabant reproduced from ms. 4192 (2097) of the Royal library of Brussels.
Based upon J. J. H. Westphal's ms. Catalog thématique des œuvres de Charles Philippe Emmanuel Bach, no. 5218 of the Fétis Collection of the Royal Library at Brussels.
En este trabajo presentamos el estudio de los glifos nahuas coloniales de antropónimos castellanos que contienen algún elemento occidental en su composición. Es decir, analizamos los «prestamos» que los tlacuiloque o escribas indígenas tomaron para escribirlos. Para llevarlo a cabo hemos revisado multitud de códices aunque somos conscientes de que no hemos tenido acceso a todos ellos. No obstante, consideramos que el resultado final recoge la mayor parte de ellos y ofrece datos que nos permitirá en próximos estudios relacionar antropónimos nahuas, topónimos, oficios, cargos, barrios, etc., en los que también se incluyeron elementos culturales occidentales.
The studies have aimed to overcome the confusing variety of existing persistent identifier systems, by; analysing the current national URN:NBN and other identifier initiatives providing guidelines for an international harmonized persistent identifier framework that serves the long-term preservation needs of the research and cultural heritage communities advising these communities about a roadmap to gain the potential benefits. This roadmap also includes a blueprint for an organisation for the distribution and maintenance of the Persistent Identifier infrastructure. These studies are connected to the broader PersId project with DEFF, SURF, DANS, the national libraries of Germany, Finland and Sweden and CNR and FDR from Italy. A number of organisations have been involved in the process: Europeana, the British library, the Dutch Royal Library, the National library of Norway and the Ministry of Education, Flanders, Belgium. PersID - III: Current State and State of the Art (IIIa) & User Requirements (IIIb) (Persistent Identifier: urn:nbn:nl:ui:13-9g4-i1s) PersID - IV: Prototype for a Meta Resolver System/ Work on Standards (Persistent Identifier: urn:nbn:nl:ui:13-wt1-6n9) PersID - V: Sustainability (Persistent Identifier: urn:nbn:nl:ui:13-o4p-8py) Please note that there are also two broader reports on the project as a whole: PersID - I: Project report and II:Communication. For further information please visit the website of the Persistent Identifier project: www.persid.org
The roundtable offered an opportunity to share experiences and perceptions of virtual research environments. John Doove (SURFfoundation) presented his impressions from the VRE projects. Jim Farmer, Instructional Media + Magic led a 50 minute discussion on key developments and challenges. The discussion included issues like: An emerging issue is the sharp and continuous increase of data in an era of limited resources. These increases often reduce the effectiveness of search-additional time is required to find expected results. Would new methods of search may be useful? Should this be included as services in a VRE? The form of much new 'knowledge' is in informal 'publications' such as blogs, email, audio, and video which lack the precise metadata of books and journal articles. Could VRE services assist in using these resources as well? The programme continued with discussions on business models for sustainability led by Birte Christensen-Dalsgaard, The Royal Library, and policy and funders' interventions led by Sigrun Eckelmann, DFG.
La ricerca parte dall’intento di indagare le relazioni che intrattenne Ellen Key con i fondatori delle scuole nuove in Europa a cavallo del Novecento e il contributo che lei offrì alla loro disseminazione. All’inizio del Novecento Ellen Key era al centro del dibattito pedagogico e femminista, non solo in Svezia ma in tutta l’Europa Centrale e anche in Italia, dove compì lunghi soggiorni (1900-1901 e 1906-1908). La pedagoga svedese fu un’intellettuale che sostenne strenuamente la libertà di espressione e di stampa, fu promotrice di una Carta dei diritti dei bambini e fautrice di politiche sociali per la protezione della maternità e della relazione madre-bambino. Al volgere del Ventesimo secolo si verificò l’emergere di una serie di esperimenti pedagogici innovativi che presero le mosse dalla Abbotsholme school fondata da Cecil Reddie, nel 1889, e si diffusero in Francia con la fondazione della Ecole des Roches da parte di Edmond Demolins, in Germania con le scuole di campagna (Landerziehungsheime di Ilseburg, Haubinda e Bieberstein) fondate da Hermann Lietz, la comunità scolastica di Wickersdorf e la Odenwaldschule di Paul Geheeb. Ellen Key si relazionò con questi importanti esperimenti pedagogici e, grazie ai suoi continui spostamenti, visitò alcune scuole nuove. Nello specifico la ricerca prende le mosse dall’analisi dei manoscritti e dei carteggi del fondo Ellen Key, presso la Biblioteca Reale di Stoccolma e la biblioteca privata di Ellen Key a Villa Strand. Dai documenti analizzati emerge come la scrittrice svedese, abbia assunto un ruolo di mediatrice per la disseminazione delle Scuole Nuove che nei primissimi anni del Novecento raggiunsero un elevato grado di diffusione.