924 resultados para Rock phosphate
As a rule, soils of the subtropical and tropical regions, in which rainfall is not limiting, are acidic, and low in phosphorus, and, to a less extent, in other macro and micronutrients as well, such a sulfur, boron and zinc. The establishment of a permanent agricultural prac. tice therefore, demands relatively high usage of liming and phosphatic fertilization, to begin with. Several approaches, not mutually exclusive, could be used in order to increase the efficiency of utilization of soil and fertilizer phosphorus so that, goal of diminishing costs of production is reached. The use of liming materials bringing up pH to 6.0-6.5 causes the conversion of iron and aluminum phosphates to more available calcium phosphates; on the other hand, by raising calcium saturation in the exchange complex, it improves the development and operation if the root system which allows c or a higher utilization of all soil nutrients, including phosphorus, and helps of stand water deficits which may occur. The role of mycorrhizal fungi should be considered as a way of increasing soil and fertilizer P utilization, as well as the limitations thereof. Screening of and breeding for varieties with higher efficiency of uptake and utilization of soil and fertilizer phosphorus leads to a reduction in cost of inputs and to higher benefit/cost ratios. Corrective fertilization using ground rock phosphate helps to saturate the fixation power of the soil thereby reducing, as a consequence, the need for phosphorus in the maintenance fertilization. Maintenance fertilization, in which soluble phos-phatic sources are used, could be improved by several means whose performance has been proved: limimg, granula tion, placement, use of magnesium salts. Last, cost of phosphate fertilization could be further reduced, without impairing yields, through impairing yields, through changes in technology designed to obtain products better adapted to local conditions and to the availability or raw materials and energy sources.
The lack of a standard method to regulate heavy metal determination in Brazilian fertilizers and the subsequent use of several digestion methods have produced variations in the results, hampering interpretation. Thus, the aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of three digestion methods for determination of metals such as Cd, Ni, Pb, and Cr in fertilizers. Samples of 45 fertilizers marketed in northeastern Brazil were used. A fertilizer sample with heavy metal contents certified by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was used as control. The following fertilizers were tested: rock phosphate; organo-mineral fertilizer with rock phosphate; single superphosphate; triple superphosphate; mixed N-P-K fertilizer; and fertilizer with micronutrients. The substances were digested according to the method recommended by the Ministry for Agriculture, Livestock and Supply of Brazil (MAPA) and by the two methods 3051A and 3052 of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). By the USEPA method 3052, higher portions of the less soluble metals such as Ni and Pb were recovered, indicating that the conventional digestion methods for fertilizers underestimate the total amount of these elements. The results of the USEPA method 3051A were very similar to those of the method currently used in Brazil (Brasil, 2006). The latter is preferable, in view of the lower cost requirement for acids, a shorter digestion period and greater reproducibility.
The phosphorus supply to crops in tropical soils is deficient due to its somewhat insoluble nature in soil, and addition of P fertilizers has been necessary to achieve high yields. The objective of this study was to examine the mechanisms through which a cover crop (Congo grass - Brachiaria ruziziensis) in rotation with soybean can enhance soil and fertilizer P availability using long-term field trials and laboratory chemical fractionation approaches. The experimental field had been cropped to soybean in rotation with several species under no-till for six years. An application rate of no P or 240 kg ha-1 of P2O5 had been applied as triple superphosphate or as Arad rock phosphate. In April 2009, once more 0.0 or 80.0 kg ha-1 of P2O5 was applied to the same plots when Congo grass was planted. In November 2009, after Congo grass desiccation, soil samples were taken from the 0-5 and 5-10 cm depth layer and soil P was fractionated. Soil-available P increased to the depth of 10 cm through growing Congo grass when P fertilizers were applied. The C:P ratio was also increased by the cover crop. Congo grass cultivation increased P content in the soil humic fraction to the depth of 10 cm. Congo grass increases soil P availability by preventing fertilizer from being adsorbed and by increasing soil organic P.
Inconclusive responses of the adult coffee plant to phosphorus fertilization have been reported in the literature, especially when dealing with application of this nutrient in high density planting systems. Thus, this study was carried out for the purpose of assessing the response of adult coffee plants at high planting density in full production (in regard to yield and their biennial cycle/stability) to the addition of different sources and application rates of P in the Zona da Mata region of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The experiment with coffee plants of the Catucaí Amarelo 6/30 variety was carried out over four growing seasons. Treatments were arranged in a full factorial design [(4 × 3) + 1] consisting of four P sources (monoammonium phosphate, simple superphosphate, natural reactive rock phosphate from Algeria (Djebel-Onk), and FH 550®), three P rates (100, 200, and 400 kg ha-1 year-1 of P2O5), and an additional treatment without application of the nutrient (0 kg ha-¹ year-¹). A randomized block experimental design was used with three replicates. The four seasons were evaluated as subplots in a split plot experiment. The P contents in soil and leaves increased with increased rates of P application. However, there was no effect from P application on the yield and its biennial cycle/stability regardless of the source used over the four seasons assessed.
Phosphorus fixation in tropical soils may decrease under no-till. In this case, P fertilizer could be surface-spread, which would improve farm operations by decreasing the time spend in reloading the planter with fertilizers. In the long term, less soluble P sources could be viable. In this experiment, the effect of surface-broadcast P fertilization with both soluble and reactive phosphates on soil P forms and availability to soybean was studied with or without fertilization with soluble P in the planting furrow in a long-term experiment in which soybean was grown in rotation with Ruzigrass (Brachiaria ruziziensis). No P or 80 kg ha-1 of P2O5 in the form of triple superphosphate or Arad reactive rock phosphate was applied on the surface of a soil with variable P fertilization history. Soil samples were taken to a depth of 60 cm and soil P was fractionated. Soybean was grown with 0, 30, and 60 kg ha-1 of P2O5 in the form of triple phosphate applied in the seed furrow. Both fertilizers applied increased available P in the uppermost soil layers and the moderately labile organic and inorganic forms of P in the soil profile, probably as result of root decay. Soybean responded to phosphates applied on the soil surface or in the seed furrow; however, application of soluble P in the seed furrow should not be discarded. In tropical soils with a history of P fertilization, soluble P sources may be substituted for natural reactive phosphates broadcast on the surface. The planting operation may be facilitated through reduction in the rate of P applied in the planting furrow in relation to the rates currently applied.
The objective of this work was to identify alterations in the histomorphology of the cortical bone tissue of broilers submitted to growing and finisher rations formulated with five different sources of phosphorus: dicalcium phosphate, simple superphosphate, triple superphosphate, monoammonium phosphate and Araxá rock phosphate. Histological images had their components segmented, and were called regions of interest (ROI). Images were analyzed through developed algorithms, using the SCILAB mathematical environment. Eleven features were considered in order to obtain a complete description of the bone images: percentage of bone by area, ROI area, ROI perimeters, ROI elongation, ROI angle and their respective standard deviations, besides entropy of ROI angles and a texture-oriented measure (lacunarity). The substitution of dicalcium phosphate in growing and finisher rations for any other tested source of phosphorus caused significant changes on the hystomorphology of the cortical broilers bones, for example: diminution of bone percentage by area, increase of lacuna area and worse matrix homogeneity. Changes were more pronounced in the Araxá rock phosphate treatments, with the highest fluorine content, than in simple superphosphate, triple superphosphate and monoammonium phosphate treatments, which were similar.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effectiveness of ruzigrass (Urochloaruziziensis) in enhancing soil-P availability in areas fertilized with soluble or reactive rock phosphates. The area had been cropped for five years under no-till, in a system involving soybean, triticale/black-oat, and pearl millet. Previously to the five-year cultivation period, corrective phosphorus fertilization was applied once on soil surface, at 0.0 and 80 kg ha-1 P2O5, as triple superphosphate or Arad rock phosphate. After this five-year period, plots received the same corrective P fertilization as before and ruzigrass was introduced to the cropping system in the stead of the other cover crops. Soil samples were taken (0-10 cm) after ruzigrass cultivation and subjected to soil-P fractionation. Soybean was grown thereafter without P application to seed furrow. Phosphorus availability in plots with ruzigrass was compared to the ones with spontaneous vegetation for two years. Ruzigrass cultivation increased inorganic (resin-extracted) and organic (NaHCO3) soil P, as well as P concentration in soybean leaves, regardless of the P source. However, soybean yield did not increase significantly due to ruzigrass introduction to the cropping system. Soil-P availability did not differ between soluble and reactive P sources. Ruzigrass increases soil-P availability, especially where corrective P fertilization is performed.
Fertilizer plant’s process waters contain high concentrations of nitrogen compounds, such as ammonium and nitrate. Phosphorus and fluorine, which originate from phosphoric acid and rock phosphate (apatite) used in fertilizer production, are also present. Phosphorus and nitrogen are the primary nutrients causing eutrophication of surface waters. At fertilizer plant process waters are held in closed internal circulation. In a scrubber system process waters are used for washing exhaust gases from fertilizer reactors and dry gases from granulation drums as well as for cooling down the fertilizer slurry in neutralization reactor. Solids in process waters are separated in an inclined plate settler by gravitational sedimentation. However, the operation of inclined plate settler has been inadequate. The aim of this thesis was to intensify the operation of inclined plate settler and thus the solids separation e.g. through coagulation and/or flocculation process. Chemical precipitation was studied to reduce the amount of dissolved species in process waters. Specific interest was in precipitation of nitrogen, phosphorus, and fluorine containing specimens. Amounts of phosphorus and fluorine were reduced significantly by chemical precipitation. When compared to earlier studies, annual chemical costs were almost eight times lower. Instead, nitrogen compounds are readily dissolved in water, thus being difficult to remove by precipitation. Possible alternative techniques for nitrogen removal are adsorption, ion exchange, and reverse osmosis. Settling velocities of pH adjusted and flocculated process waters were sufficient for the operation of inclined plate settler. Design principles of inclined plate settler are also presented. In continuation studies, flow conditions in inclined plate settler should be modelled with computational fluid dynamics and suitability of adsorbents, ion exchange resins, and membranes should be studied in laboratory scale tests.
Soil fertility constraints to crop production have been recognized widely as a major obstacle to food security and agro-ecosystem sustainability in sub-Saharan West Africa. As such, they have led to a multitude of research projects and policy debates on how best they should be overcome. Conclusions, based on long-term multi-site experiments, are lacking with respect to a regional assessment of phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizer effects, surface mulched crop residues, and legume rotations on total dry matter of cereals in this region. A mixed model time-trend analysis was used to investigate the effects of four nitrogen and phosphorus rates, annually applied crop residue dry matter at 500 and 2000 kg ha^-1, and cereal-legume rotation versus continuous cereal cropping on the total dry matter of cereals and legumes. The multi-factorial experiment was conducted over four years at eight locations, with annual rainfall ranging from 510 to 1300 mm, in Niger, Burkina Faso, and Togo. With the exception of phosphorus, treatment effects on legume growth were marginal. At most locations, except for typical Sudanian sites with very low base saturation and high rainfall, phosphorus effects on cereal total dry matter were much lower with rock phosphate than with soluble phosphorus, unless the rock phosphate was combined with an annual seed-placement of 4 kg ha^-1 phosphorus. Across all other treatments, nitrogen effects were negligible at 500 mm annual rainfall but at 900 mm, the highest nitrogen rate led to total dry matter increases of up to 77% and, at 1300 mm, to 183%. Mulch-induced increases in cereal total dry matter were larger with lower base saturation, reaching 45% on typical acid sandy Sahelian soils. Legume rotation effects tended to increase over time but were strongly species-dependent.
Effective use and recycling of manures together with occasional and judicious use of supplementary fertilizing materials forms the basis for management of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) within organic farming systems. Replicated field trials were established at three sites across the UK to compare the supply of P and K to grass-clover swards cut for silage from a range of fertilizing materials, and to assess the usefulness of routine soil tests for P and K in organic farming systems. None of the fertilizing materials (farmyard manure, rock phosphate, Kali vinasse, volcanic tuff) significantly increased silage yields, nor was P offtake increased. However, farmyard manure and Kali vinasse proved effective sources of K to grass and clover in the short to medium term. Available P (measured as Olsen-P) showed no clear relationship with crop P offtake in these trials. In contrast, available K (measured by ammonium nitrate extraction) proved a useful measurement to predict K availability to crops and support K management decisions.
It has been suggested that sources of P could be used to remediate metal-contaminated soil. The toxicity of four potential P sources, potassium hydrogen phosphate (PHP), triple superphosphate (TSP), rock phosphate (RP) and raw bone meal (RBM) to Eisenia fetida was determined. The concentration of P that is statistically likely to kill 50% of the population (LC50) for PHP, TSP and RBM was determined in OECD acute toxicity tests. 14 day LC50s expressed as bulk P concentration lay in the range 3319–4272 mg kg−1 for PHP, 3107–3590 mg kg−1 for TSP and 1782–2196 mg kg−1 for RBM (ranges present the 95% confidence intervals). For PHP and TSP mortality was significantly impacted by the electrical conductivity of the treated soils. No consistent relationship existed between mortality and electrical conductivity, soil pH and available (Olsen) P across the PHP, TSP and RBM amendment types. In RP toxicity tests mortality was low and it was not possible to determine a LC50 value. Incineration of bone meal at temperatures between 200 and 300 ◦C, pre-washing the bone meal, co-amendment with 5% green waste compost and delaying introduction of earthworms after bone meal amendments by 21 days or more led to significant reductions in the bone meal toxicity. These results are consistent with the toxicity being associated with the release and/or degradation of a soluble organic component present in raw bone meal. Bone meal can be used as an earthworm-friendly remedial amendment in metal-contaminated soils but initial additions may have a negative effect on any earthworms surviving in the contaminated soil before the organic component in the bone meal degrades in the soil.
he present model of agriculture is based on intensive use of industrial inputs, due to its rapid response, but it brings harmful consequences to the environment, and it is necessary the use of modern inputs. And an alternative is the use of rock biofertilizers in agriculture, a product easy to use, with higher residual effect and does not harm the environment. The objective of study was to evaluate the inoculation and co-inoculation of different microorganisms in the solubilization of rock phosphate and potash ground microbial evaluating the best performance in the production of biofertilizers comparing with rocks pure in soil chemical properties and, verify effect of inoculation of the bacterium Paenibacillus polymyxa in the absorption of minerals dissolved in the development of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp.). The first bioassay was conducted in Laboratory (UFRN) for 72 days in Petri dishes, where the rock powder was increased by 10% and sulfur co-inoculated and inoculated with bacterial suspension of Paenibacillus polymyxa grown in medium tryptone soy broth, Ralstonia solanacearum in medium Kelman, Cromobacterium violaceum in medium Luria-Bertani and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans in medium Tuovinen and Kelly,and fungi Trichoderma humatum and Penicillium fellutanum in malt extract. Every 12 days, samples were removed in order to build up the release curve of minerals. The second bioassay was conducted in a greenhouse of the Agricultural Research Corporation of Rio Grande do Norte in experimental delineation in randomized block designs, was used 10 kg of an Yellow Argissolo Dystrophic per pot with the addition of treatments super phosphate simple (SS), potassium chloride (KCl), pure rock, biofertilizers in doses 40, 70, 100 and 200% of the recommendation for SS and KCl, and a control, or not inoculated with bacteria P. polymyxa. Were used seeds of cowpea BRS Potiguar and co-inoculated with the bacterial suspension of Bradyrhizobium japonicum and P. polymyxa. The first crop was harvested 45 days after planting, were evaluated in the dry matter (ADM), macronutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) and micronutrients (Zn, Fe, Mn) in ADM. And the second at 75 days assessing levels of macro end micronutrients in plants and soil, and the maximum adsorption capacity of P in soil. The results showed synergism in co-inoculations with P. polymyxa+R. solanacearum and, P. polymyxa+C. violaceum solubilizations providing higher P and K, respectively, and better solubilization time at 36 days. The pH was lower in biofertilizers higher doses, but there was better with their addition to P at the highest dose. Significant reduction of maximum adsorption capacity of phosphorus with increasing dose of biofertilizer. For K and Ca was better with SS+KCl, and Mg to pure rock. There was an effect of fertilization on the absorption, with better results for P, K and ADM with SS+KCL, and N, Ca and Mg for biofertilizers. Generally, the P. polymyxa not influence the absorption of the elements in the plant. In treatments with the uninoculated P. polymyxa chemical fertilizer had an average significantly higher for weight and number of grains. And in the presence of the bacteria, biofertilizers and chemical fertilizers had positive values in relation to rock and control. The data show that the rocks and biofertilizers could meet the need of nutrients the plants revealed as potential for sustainable agriculture
Este trabalho procurou verificar o efeito da adição de duas fontes de fosfato prontamente disponíveis, superfosfato triplo e fosfato solubilizado obtido por via microbiológica e uma fonte não prontamente disponível, apatita de Araxá, na cultura do milho. em adição, foi verificado o efeito da inoculação do fungo Aspergillus niger, solubilizador de fosfato de rocha e da adição de matéria orgânica. Nos tratamentos em que se usou matéria orgânica, houve um aumento de população microbiana total do solo, mas nenhum efeito foi observado na produção e absorção de fósforo pela cultura do milho. Tanto o superfosfato triplo como a apatita de Araxá permitiram resultados mais favoráveis em termos de produção de massa seca e absorção de fósforo pelo milho em relação ao controle (sem fósforo) e à utilização de fosfato solubilizado. Também não se constatou efeito da inoculação de A. niger sobre a solubilização do fosfato de rocha, possivelmente devido à interferência dos microrganismos naturais do solo. O numero de microrganismos e a atividade da fosfatase ácida foram menores no solo fertilizado com superfosfato triplo que com apatita de Araxá.
A dinâmica do P no solo pode ser modificada em sistemas com semeadura direta. Os agricultores brasileiros vêm aplicando fósforo na superfície do solo para otimizar a operação de máquinas, embora não seja uma prática recomendada pela pesquisa. Foi conduzido um experimento para estudar os efeitos da aplicação de duas fontes de fósforo na superfície do solo e no sulco de semeadura da soja. Os tratamentos consistiram da aplicação ou não de 80 kg ha-1 de P total como fosfato natural reativo e superfosfato, aplicados na superfície do solo, sobre os resíduos da cultura anterior. Na semeadura da soja, tratamentos adicionais (80 kg ha-1 de fosfato natural ou superfosfato) foram aplicados ao sulco de semeadura. O solo foi amostrado até 40 cm de profundidade, antes da semeadura da soja e após a colheita. Uma amostra controle foi tomada de área adjacente, sem cultivo. Houve aumento nos teores de P até 40 cm de profundidade, após a colheita da soja, de modo que o aumento foi observado principalmente no P ligado ao Ca e no P orgânico. Entretanto houve decréscimo nos teores de P ligado ao Fe. A adubação com ambas as fontes de fosfato levaram a um decréscimo nos teores de P ocluso na superfície do solo quando comparada com a área sem cultivo.
Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar, comparativamente, a capacidade extratora de P da soja (Glycine max), milho (Zea mays), braquiária brizantha (Brachiaria brizantha) e milheto (Pennisetum glaucum), submetidos a diferentes doses do fertilizante fosfatado natural fosforita Alvorada, em condições controladas. Utilizou-se um Argissolo Vermelho distroférrico de textura média, corrigido e adubado com N, K e micronutrientes. As espécies foram cultivadas em vasos de 18 dm³ por 50 dias em casa de vegetação, com aplicação de 0, 100, 200 e 400 kg ha-1 de P2O5. As quantidades de fosfato natural foram calculadas com base na teor total de P2O5. O milho, ao contrário da soja, respondeu positivamente ao aumento da dose de P2O5 via fosforita Alvorada. A Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, apesar da menor produção de matéria seca em relação ao milheto, apresentou alta eficiência na absorção de P, mesmo com o fornecido deste nutriente por meio de fonte pouco solúvel. O milheto apresentou-se como importante espécie de cobertura do solo, graças ao alto potencial para produção de fitomassa e reciclagem de P num intervalo de tempo relativamente curto (50 dias).