1000 resultados para Rock Physics


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The importance of supercontinents in our understanding of the geological evolution of the planet Earth has been recently emphasized. The role of paleomagnetism in reconstructing lithospheric blocks in their ancient paleopositions is vital. Paleomagnetism is the only quantitative tool for providing ancient latitudes and azimuthal orientations of continents. It also yields information of content of the geomagnetic field in the past. In order to obtain a continuous record on the positions of continents, dated intrusive rocks are required in temporal progression. This is not always possible due to pulse-like occurrences of dykes. In this work we demonstrate that studies of meteorite impact-related rocks may fill some gaps in the paleomagnetic record. This dissertation is based on paleomagnetic and rock magnetic data obtained from samples of the Jänisjärvi impact structure (Russian Karelia, most recent 40Ar-39Ar age of 682 Ma), the Salla diabase dyke (North Finland, U-Pb 1122 Ma), the Valaam monzodioritic sill (Russian Karelia, U-Pb 1458 Ma), and the Vredefort impact structure (South Africa, 2023 Ma). The paleomagnetic study of Jänisjärvi samples was made in order to obtain a pole for Baltica, which lacks paleomagnetic data from 750 to ca. 600 Ma. The position of Baltica at ca. 700 Ma is relevant in order to verify whether the supercontinent Rodinia was already fragmented. The paleomagnetic study of the Salla dyke was conducted to examine the position of Baltica at the onset of supercontinent Rodinia's formation. The virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP) from Salla dyke provides hints that the Mesoproterozoic Baltica - Laurentia unity in the Hudsonland (Columbia, Nuna) supercontinent assembly may have lasted until 1.12 Ga. Moreover, the new VGP of Salla dyke provides new constraint on the timing of the rotation of Baltica relative to Laurentia (e.g. Gower et al., 1990). A paleomagnetic study of the Valaam sill was carried out in order to shed light into the question of existence of Baltica-Laurentia unity in the supercontinent Hudsonland. Combined with results from dyke complex of the Lake Ladoga region (Schehrbakova et al., 2008) a new robust paleomagnetic pole for Baltica is obtained. This pole places Baltica on a latitude of 10°. This low latitude location is supported also by Mesoproterozoic 1.5 1.3 Ga red-bed sedimentation (for example the Satakunta sandstone). The Vredefort impactite samples provide a well dated (2.02 Ga) pole for the Kaapvaal Craton. Rock magnetic data reveal unusually high Koenigsberger ratios (Q values) in all studied lithologies of the Vredefort dome. The high Q values are now first time also seen in samples from the Johannesburg Dome (ca. 120 km away) where there is no impact evidence. Thus, a direct causative link of high Q values to the Vredefort impact event can be ruled out.


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An important application of solar thermal storage is for power generation or process heating. Low-temperature thermal storage in a packed rock bed is considered the best option for thermal storage for solar drying applications. In this chapter, mathematical formulations for conical have been developed. The model equations are solved numerically for charging/discharging cycles utilizing MATLAB. Results were compared with rock-bed storage with standard straight tank. From the simulated results, the temperature distribution was found to be more uniform in the truncated conical rock-bed storage. Also, the pressure drop over a long period of time in the conical thermal storage was as low as 25 Pa. Hence, the amount of power required from a centrifugal fan would be significantly lower. The flow of air inside the tank is simulated in SolidWorks software. From flow simulation, 3D modelling of flow is obtained to capture the actual scenario inside the tank.


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An important application of thermal storage is solar energy for power generation or process heating. Low temperature thermal storage in a packed rock bed is considered best option for thermal storage for solar drying applications. In this paper, mathematical formulations for conical and cylindrical rock bed storage tanks have been developed. The model equations are solved numerically for charging/discharging cycles. From the simulated results, it was observed that for the same aspect ratio between the diameter and the length of the thermal storages, the conical thermal storage had better performance. The temperature distribution was found to be more uniform in the truncated conical shape rock bed storage. Also, the pressure drop over long period of time in the conical thermal storage was lower than that of the cylindrical thermal storage. Hence, the amount of power required from a centrifugal fan was lower.


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Wave generation by the falling rock in the two-dimensional wave tank is experimentally and numerically studied, where the numerical model utilizes the boundary element method to solve the fully nonlinear potential flow theory. The wave profiles at different times are measured in the laboratory, which are also used to test the numerical model. Comparisons show that the experimental and numerical results are in good agreement, and the numerical model can be used to simulate the wave generation due to the submarine rock falling. Further numerical tests on the influences of the rock size, density, initial position and the falling angle on the wave elevation of the generated waves are performed, respectively. The results show that the size and density of the rock have strong effects on the maximum elevation of the generated wave, while the effects of the initial position and the falling angle of the rock are also significant. When the size or the density of the rock increases, the maximum elevation of the generated wave increases. The same effect on the generated wave would be produced if the initial position of the rock becomes closer to the surface, or the falling angle between the falling route and the vertical direction turns larger. In addition, the present numerical tests reveal that the submarine rock falling provides a new generation method for the breaking wave in the wave tank.


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General circulation models (GCMs) use the laws of physics and an understanding of past geography to simulate climatic responses. They are objective in character. However, they tend to require powerful computers to handle vast numbers of calculations. Nevertheless, it is now possible to compare results from different GCMs for a range of times and over a wide range of parameterisations for the past, present and future (e.g. in terms of predictions of surface air temperature, surface moisture, precipitation, etc.). GCMs are currently producing simulated climate predictions for the Mesozoic, which compare favourably with the distributions of climatically sensitive facies (e.g. coals, evaporites and palaeosols). They can be used effectively in the prediction of oceanic upwelling sites and the distribution of petroleum source rocks and phosphorites. Models also produce evaluations of other parameters that do not leave a geological record (e.g. cloud cover, snow cover) and equivocal phenomena such as storminess. Parameterisation of sub-grid scale processes is the main weakness in GCMs (e.g. land surfaces, convection, cloud behaviour) and model output for continental interiors is still too cold in winter by comparison with palaeontological data. The sedimentary and palaeontological record provides an important way that GCMs may themselves be evaluated and this is important because the same GCMs are being used currently to predict possible changes in future climate. The Mesozoic Earth was, by comparison with the present, an alien world, as we illustrate here by reference to late Triassic, late Jurassic and late Cretaceous simulations. Dense forests grew close to both poles but experienced months-long daylight in warm summers and months-long darkness in cold snowy winters. Ocean depths were warm (8 degrees C or more to the ocean floor) and reefs, with corals, grew 10 degrees of latitude further north and south than at the present time. The whole Earth was warmer than now by 6 degrees C or more, giving more atmospheric humidity and a greatly enhanced hydrological cycle. Much of the rainfall was predominantly convective in character, often focused over the oceans and leaving major desert expanses on the continental areas. Polar ice sheets are unlikely to have been present because of the high summer temperatures achieved. The model indicates extensive sea ice in the nearly enclosed Arctic seaway through a large portion of the year during the late Cretaceous, and the possibility of sea ice in adjacent parts of the Midwest Seaway over North America. The Triassic world was a predominantly warm world, the model output for evaporation and precipitation conforming well with the known distributions of evaporites, calcretes and other climatically sensitive facies for that time. The message from the geological record is clear. Through the Phanerozoic, Earth's climate has changed significantly, both on a variety of time scales and over a range of climatic states, usually baldly referred to as "greenhouse" and "icehouse", although these terms disguise more subtle states between these extremes. Any notion that the climate can remain constant for the convenience of one species of anthropoid is a delusion (although the recent rate of climatic change is exceptional). (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In studies related to deep geological disposal of radioactive waste, it is current practice to transfer external information (e.g. from other sites, from underground rock laboratories or from natural analogues) to safety cases for specific projects. Transferable information most commonly includes parameters, investigation techniques, process understanding, conceptual models and high-level conclusions on system behaviour. Prior to transfer, the basis of transferability needs to be established. In argillaceous rocks, the most relevant common feature is the microstructure of the rocks, essentially determined by the properties of clay–minerals. Examples are shown from the Swiss and French programmes how transfer of information was handled and justified. These examples illustrate how transferability depends on the stage of development of a repository safety case and highlight the need for adequate system understanding at all sites involved to support the transfer.


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Empirical relationships between physical properties determined non-destructively by core logging devices and calibrated by carbonate and opal measurements determined on discrete samples allow extraction of carbonate and opal records from the non-destructive measurements in biogenic settings. Contents of detrital material can be calculated as a residual. For carbonate and opal the correlation coefficients (r) are 0.954 and ?0.916 for sediment density, ?0.816 and 0.845 for compressional-wave velocity, 0.908 and ?0.942 for acoustic impedance, and 0.886 and ?0.865 for sediment color (lightness). Carbonate contents increase in concert with increasing density and acoustic impedance, decreasing velocity and lighter sediment color. The opposite is true for opal. The advantages of deriving the sediment composition quantitatively from core logging are: (i) sampling resolution is increased significantly, (ii) non-destructive data can be gathered rapidly, and (iii) laboratory work on discrete samples can be reduced. Applied to paleoceanographic problems, this method offers the opportunity of precise stratigraphic correlations and of studying processes related to biogenic sedimentation in more detail. Density is most promising because it is most strongly affected by changes in composition.


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We studied preservation/dissolution cycles and paleoproductivity in eight sediment cores from the Peru Basin south of the highly productive surface waters of the eastern equatorial Pacific. Stratigraphy is based on stable oxygen isotopes and on combined magnetostratigraphy and biostratigraphy. Sediment cores which span the last 8 m.y., were retrieved during cruise 79 with RV SONNE close to the carbonate compensation depth (CCD). In general, sediments show Pacific-type carbonate cycles. We interpret a pronounced carbonate peak between 6 and 7 Ma as the result of a western and northern extension of the highly productive Peru Current. Decreased carbonate contents from the late Miocene to the late Pliocene might be associated with a slow contraction of the latitudinal extent of the high-productivity belt north of the study areas. During the Pliocene, carbonate variations showed 400 kyr cycles indicating the growth and decay of ice sheets, which should have been associated with pulsations of the Antarctic ice cap. An abrupt collapse of the carbonate system occurred at 2.4 Ma. Higher frequency variations of the carbonate record indicate the major increase of the northern hemisphere glaciation. During the Quaternary, carbonate fluxes are high during glacials and low during interglacials. Large amplitude variations with long broad minima and maxima, associated with small migrations of the lysocline and the CCD (< 200 m), are indicative of the preservation/dissolution history in the Peru Basin. During the early Pleistocene, climatic forcing by the 41 kyr obliquity cycle is not observed in the carbonate record. During the last 800 kyr, variability in the carbonate record was dominated by the 100 kyr eccentricity cycle. Fluxes of biogenic material (calcium carbonate, organic carbon, opal, and barium) were greatest during glacials, which imply higher productivity and export production of the Peru Current during cold climatic periods. Dissolution was greatest during interglacials as inferred from the relatively poor preservation of planktonic foraminifera and from the low accumulation rate of carbonate. After the Mid-Brunhes Event (400 ka), we observe a plateaulike shift to enhanced dissolution and to intensified productivity.


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A incorporação de elementos da cultura primeira do estudante no processo de ensino-aprendizagem foi defendida pelo pedagogo francês Georges Snyders (1988) em sua obra \"A Alegria na Escola\". Esta pesquisa contribuiu com essa interface, identificando, no discurso de canções do rock n\' roll, elementos textuais que possibilitem reflexões no âmbito conceitual, epistemológico e sociopolítico sobre a exploração do espaço. O objeto de estudo neste trabalho são canções do período entre as décadas de 1960 e 1970 que possuem representações sobre a astronomia e as missões espaciais. O uso do rock justificou-se pelo fato de temas sobre exploração espacial aparecerem no trabalho de diversos artistas desse gênero musical, permitindo reflexões em nível conceitual, epistemológico e sociopolítico sobre a ciência, a tecnologia e suas relações com a sociedade e o ambiente. Além disso, identificamos que tanto o rock quanto as missões espaciais foram fenômenos culturais que dependeram em sua gênese dos avanços da tecnologia e da ciência e tiveram sua repercussão na sociedade através de processos midiáticos. Essas canções foram selecionadas entre os diversos gêneros de rock, e analisadas a partir de referenciais semiodiscursivos. As atividades foram aplicadas em situações formais de ensino - ensino médio e ensino superior -, em formação continuada de professores e projetos de ensino não formal na escola. No processo de ensinoaprendizagem, foram desenvolvidas atividades que envolviam leitura-comentada da canção, identificando na letra, melodia e harmonia, aspectos que evidenciavam um discurso crítico sobre a ciência e sua relação com a sociedade e o ambiente. Essas atividades envolveram três instâncias: Elaboração, Aplicação e Análise. Como referencial norteador dessas etapas, nos valemos das teorias socioculturais de Vigotski (2001), Snyders (1988) e Freire (2013).