894 resultados para Roís de Corella, Joan
Atmospheric gas plasmas (AGPs) are able to selectively induce apoptosis in cancer cells, offering a promising alternative to conventional therapies that have unwanted side effects such as drug resistance and toxicity. However, the mechanism of AGP-induced cancer cell death is unknown. In this study, AGP is shown to up-regulate intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels and induce apoptosis in melanoma but not normal melanocyte cells. By screening genes involved in apoptosis, we identify tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-family members as the most differentially expressed cellular genes upon AGP treatment of melanoma cells. TNF receptor 1 (TNFR1) antagonist-neutralizing antibody specifically inhibits AGP-induced apoptosis signal, regulating apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1) activity and subsequent ASK1-dependent apoptosis. Treatment of cells with intracellular ROS scavenger N-acetyl-l-cysteine also inhibits AGP-induced activation of ASK1, as well as apoptosis. Moreover, depletion of intracellular ASK1 reduces the level of AGP-induced oxidative stress and apoptosis. The evidence for TNF-signaling dependence of ASK1-mediated apoptosis suggests possible mechanisms for AGP activation and regulation of apoptosis-signaling pathways in tumor cells.
Left to right: Ralph Grahme, Joan Grahme, Ilse Schuster nee Gottschalk, and James Schuster;
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Portrait includes a number of family members who were able to get to England before the war and who chose to remain there.
Left to right: Ralph Grahme, Joan Grahme, Ilse Schuster nee Gottschalk, and James Schuster;
Digital Image
Portrait includes a number of family members who were able to get to England before the war and who chose to remain there.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have important functions in plant stress responses and development. In plants, ozone and pathogen infection induce an extracellular oxidative burst that is involved in the regulation of cell death. However, very little is known about how plants can perceive ROS and regulate the initiation and the containment of cell death. We have identified an Arabidopsis thaliana protein, GRIM REAPER (GRI), that is involved in the regulation of cell death induced by extracellular ROS. Plants with an insertion in GRI display an ozone-sensitive phenotype. GRI is an Arabidopsis ortholog of the tobacco flower-specific Stig1 gene. The GRI protein appears to be processed in leaves with a release of an N-terminal fragment of the protein. Infiltration of the N-terminal fragment of the GRI protein into leaves caused cell death in a superoxide-and salicylic acid-dependent manner. Analysis of the extracellular GRI protein yields information on how plants can initiate ROS-induced cell death during stress response and development.
Hydrogenperoxide (H2O2) is generated in mitochondria in aerobic cells as a minor product of electron transport, is inhibited selectively by phenolic acids (in animals) or salicylhydroxamate (in plants) and is regulated by hormones and environmental conditions. Failure to detect this activity is due to presence of H2O2-consuming reactions or inhibitors present in the reaction mixture. H2O2 has a role in metabolic regulation and signal transduction reactions. A number of enzymes and cellular activities are modified, mostly by oxidizing the protein-thiol groups, on adding H2O2 in mM concentrations. On complexing with vanadate, also occurring in traces, H2O2 forms diperoxovanadate (DPV), stable at physiological pH and resistant to degradation by catalase. DPV was found to substitute for H2O2 at concentrations orders of magnitude lower, and in presence of catalase, as a substrate for user reaction, horseradish peroxidase (HRP), and in inactivating glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. superoxide dismutase (SOD)-sensitive oxidation of NADH was found to operate as peroxovanadate cycle using traces of DPV and decameric vanadate (V-10) and reduces O-2 to peroxide (DPV in presence of free vanadate). This offers a model for respiratory burst. Diperoxovanadate reproduces several actions of H2O2 at low concentrations: enhances protein tyrosine phosphorylation, activates phospholipase D, produces smooth muscle contraction, and accelerates stress induced premature senescence (SIPS) and rounding in fibroblasts. Peroxovanadates can be useful tools in the studies on H2O2 in cellular activities and regulation.
Effects of fluctuations in habitat temperature (18-30 degrees) on mitochondrial respiratory behavior and oxidative metabolic responses in the euryhaline ectotherm Scylla serrate are not fully understood. In the present study, effects of different temperatures ranging from 12 to 40 degrees C on glutamate and succinate mediated mitochondrial respiration, respiratory control ratio (RCR), ATP generation rate, ratio for the utilization of phosphate molecules per atomic oxygen consumption (P/O), levels of lipid peroxidation and H2O2 in isolated gill mitochondria of S. serrata are reported. The pattern of variation in the studied parameters was similar for the two substrates at different temperatures. The values recorded for RCR ( >= 3) and P/O ratio (1.4-2.7) at the temperature range of 15-25 degrees C were within the normal range reported for other animals (3-10 for RCR and 1.5-3 for P/O). Values for P/O ratio, ATP generation rate and RCR were highest at 18 degrees C when compared to the other assay temperatures. However, at low and high extreme temperatures, i.e. at 12 and 40 degrees C, states III and IV respiration rates were not clearly distinguishable from each other indicating that mitochondria were completely uncoupled. Positive correlations were noticed between temperature and the levels of both lipid peroxidation and H2O2. It is inferred that fluctuations on either side of ambient habitat temperature may adversely influence mitochondria respiration and oxidative metabolism in S. serrata. The results provide baseline data to understand the impacts of acute changes in temperature on ectotherms inhabiting estuarine or marine environments. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Redox imbalance generates multiple cellular damages leading to oxidative stress-mediated pathological conditions such as neurodegenerative diseases and cancer progression. Therefore, maintenance of reactive oxygen species (ROS) homeostasis is most important that involves well-defined antioxidant machinery. In the present study, we have identified for the first time a component of mammalian protein translocation machinery Magmas to perform a critical ROS regulatory function. Magmas overexpression has been reported in highly metabolically active tissues and cancer cells that are prone to oxidative damage. We found that Magmas regulates cellular ROS levels by controlling its production as well as scavenging. Magmas promotes cellular tolerance toward oxidative stress by enhancing antioxidant enzyme activity, thus preventing induction of apoptosis and damage to cellular components. Magmas enhances the activity of electron transport chain (ETC) complexes, causing reduced ROS production. Our results suggest that J-like domain of Magmas is essential for maintenance of redox balance. The function of Magmas as a ROS sensor was found to be independent of its role in protein import. The unique ROS modulatory role of Magmas is highlighted by its ability to increase cell tolerance to oxidative stress even in yeast model organism. The cytoprotective capability of Magmas against oxidative damage makes it an important candidate for future investigation in therapeutics of oxidative stress-related diseases.
Cells exposed to genotoxic stress induce cellular senescence through a DNA damage response (DDR) pathway regulated by ATM kinase and reactive oxygen species (ROS). Here, we show that the regulatory roles for ATM kinase and ROS differ during induction and maintenance of cellular senescence. Cells treated with different genotoxic agents were analyzed using specific pathway markers and inhibitors to determine that ATM kinase activation is directly proportional to the dose of the genotoxic stress and that senescence initiation is not dependent on ROS or the p53 status of cells. Cells in which ROS was quenched still activated ATM and initiated the DDR when insulted, and progressed normally to senescence. By contrast, maintenance of a viable senescent state required the presence of ROS as well as activated ATM. Inhibition or removal of either of the components caused cell death in senescent cells, through a deregulated ATM-ROS axis. Overall, our work demonstrates existence of an intricate temporal hierarchy between genotoxic stress, DDR and ROS in cellular senescence. Our model reports the existence of different stages of cellular senescence with distinct regulatory networks.
Resumen: La presente investigación, de tipo descriptiva-correlacional y transversal, se centró en conocer la relación que existe entre el autoconcepto y la calidad de vida de los niños entre 8 y 12 años que concurren a los hogares de tránsito, en la ciudad de Concepción del Uruguay, Entre Ríos. La muestra (no probabilística, intencional) estuvo conformada por 64 niños, de ambos sexos, 33 varones y 31 mujeres. Los mismos tenían entre 8 y 12 años. Los individuos evaluados eran asistentes a los hogares de tránsito mencionados anteriormente. Las técnicas de recolección de datos utilizadas fueron las siguientes: la Escala Verbal para Niños y Adolescentes del Autoconcepto de Martina Casullo, adaptación de Piers-Harris (1964) y el Cuestionario para Calidad de Vida Kidscreen-27. La Escala Verbal para Niños y Adolescentes del Autoconcepto (Casullo, 1990), cuenta con seis dimensiones: comportamiento, estatus intelectual y escolar, imagen corporal, sentimientos de ansiedad, percepciones acerca del reconocimiento que otros hacen de la propia conducta (popularidad) y bienestar y satisfacción personal. El cuestionario Kidscreen-27 (Quintero, Lugo, García, y Sánchez, 2011) consta de cinco dimensiones: actividad física y salud, estado de ánimo y sentimientos, vida familiar y tiempo libre, apoyo social y amigos, y entorno escolar. Los datos fueron recabados por medio de la concurrencia a ambos hogares, solicitando previamente las autorizaciones correspondientes a los directivos, como así también a los padres y/o tutores de los niños. Respecto a los procedimientos de análisis de los datos, se utilizó el programa estadístico informático SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) versión 15.0 para Windows. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de las dos variables principales de esta investigación (autoconcepto y calidad de vida) con el objetivo de conocer los niveles con que se presentan en niños. Además, para conocer la relación entre ambas variables, se llevó a cabo el análisis de correlación de Pearson. Para estudiar si existe diferencia en el autoconcepto y la calidad de vida en función del sexo de los niños, se realizó análisis multivariados de varianza (MANOVA). Los resultados obtenidos indicaron niveles elevados en la mayoría de las dimensiones de las variables estudiadas (autoconcepto y calidad de vida). En cuanto a las distinciones según el sexo en dichas variables, no se encontraron diferencias significativas, sólo una variación mínima en dos dimensiones del autoconcepto, donde se visualiza que el comportamiento social y la popularidad es más elevada en los niños que en las niñas.Se hallaron, por otro lado, correlaciones estadísticamente significativas en la mayoría de las dimensiones de ambas variables, las mismas son: entre comportamiento y actividad física/salud; entre comportamiento y apoyo social/amigos; entre comportamiento y entorno escolar; entre estatus intelectual/escolar y actividad física/salud; entre estatus intelectual/escolar y estado de ánimo/sentimientos; entre estatus intelectual/escolar y entorno escolar; entre imagen corporal con apoyo social/amigos; entre sentimientos de ansiedad y actividad física/salud; entre sentimientos de ansiedad y estado de ánimo/sentimientos; entre sentimientos de ansiedad y apoyo social/amigos; entre popularidad y estado de ánimo/sentimientos; entre popularidad y apoyo social/amigos; entre bienestar/satisfacción vital y actividad física/salud; entre bienestar/satisfacción vital y estado de ánimo/sentimientos; entre bienestar/satisfacción vital y apoyo social/amigos; entre bienestar/satisfacción vital y entorno escolar; entre el total global del autoconcepto y actividad física/salud; entre el total global del autoconcepto y estado de ánimo/sentimientos; entre el total global del autoconcepto y apoyo social/amigos; entre el total global del autoconcepto y entorno escolar. Sólo una dimensión de la calidad de vida no se relaciona con ninguna de las dimensiones del autoconcepto, a saber, vida familiar/tiempo libre. En lo que respecta a las conclusiones, puede considerarse que los resultados de esta investigación verifican que existe correlación entre el autoconcepto y la calidad de vida de los niños concurrentes a los hogares de tránsito Santa Clara de Asís y la Casa del Menor
La Facultad de Recursos Naturales y del Ambiente (FARENA) en conjunto con el proyecto UNA-FAGRO DEPARTIR/ORGANIZACIÓN MUNDIAL PARA LA SALUD Y SEGURIDAD ALIMENTARIA, FAO, consideraron como objetivo principal Diagnosticar el estado actual del bosque de galería en los ríos Ochomogo y Nandarola, del municipio de Nandaime, Granada. En el río Nandarola se inventarió un área de 23.33 ha, encontrándose 321 árboles en 62 especies y 29 familias; la especie más representativa es el Guácimo de ternero(Guazuma ulmifolia Lam) con 30 individuos, y la familia más representativa es Mimosaceae con ocho especies. El área inventariada del río Ochomogo fue de 8.18 ha, se identificaron 154 árboles en 37 especies y 24 familias; la especie más abundante es Tigüilote(Cordia dentata Poir) con 19 individuos, la familiacon mayor representatividad es la Mimosaceae con cinco especies. Las variables silviculturales, iluminación respecto al río Nandarola equivale a un 51% de iluminación vertical plena, un 52% poseen fustes rectos sin ningún daño, y un 65% se encuentra libre de lianas. Por otro lado en el río Ochomogo se encontró un 57% de árboles que recibe iluminación vertical plena, con una calidad de fuste recto sin ningún daño de 45% y el 65% están libres de lianas. En general se puede decir que la población local y circundante ejerce presión sobre el recurso bosque; el caudal del río ha disminuido notoriamente por las actividades de extracción de madera para consumo energético; se evidencia la sustitución de especies nativas por exóticas como Teca (Tectona grandis L.F), Eucalipto (Eucalyptus spp.) y Neem(Azadirachta indica A. Juss) en las áreas de las riveras de los ríos, el aumento de áreas para potreros y el establecimiento de pasto, de plantaciones de cultivos de plátanos y de micro fábricas de ladrillos.