968 resultados para Rna-protein Interactions


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Background: A number of studies have used protein interaction data alone for protein function prediction. Here, we introduce a computational approach for annotation of enzymes, based on the observation that similar protein sequences are more likely to perform the same function if they share similar interacting partners. Results: The method has been tested against the PSI-BLAST program using a set of 3,890 protein sequences from which interaction data was available. For protein sequences that align with at least 40% sequence identity to a known enzyme, the specificity of our method in predicting the first three EC digits increased from 80% to 90% at 80% coverage when compared to PSI-BLAST. Conclusion: Our method can also be used in proteins for which homologous sequences with known interacting partners can be detected. Thus, our method could increase 10% the specificity of genome-wide enzyme predictions based on sequence matching by PSI-BLAST alone.


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The in vitro adenovirus (Ad) DNA replication system provides an assay to study the interaction of viral and host replication proteins with the DNA template in the formation of the preinitiation complex. This initiation system requires in addition to the origin DNA sequences 1) Ad DNA polymerase (Pol), 2) Ad preterminal protein (pTP), the covalent acceptor for protein-primed DNA replication, and 3) nuclear factor I (NFI), a host cell protein identical to the CCAAT box-binding transcription factor. The interactions of these proteins were studied by coimmunoprecipitation and Ad origin DNA binding assays. The Ad Pol can bind to origin sequences only in the presence of another protein which can be either pTP or NFI. While NFI alone can bind to its origin recognition sequence, pTP does not specifically recognize DNA unless Ad Pol is present. Thus, protein-protein interactions are necessary for the targetting of either Ad Pol or pTP to the preinitiation complex. DNA footprinting demonstrated that the Ad DNA site recognized by the pTP.Pol complex was within the first 18 bases at the end of the template which constitutes the minimal origin of replication. Mutagenesis studies have defined the Ad Pol interaction site on NFI between amino acids 68-150, which overlaps the DNA binding and replication activation domain of this factor. A putative zinc finger on the Ad Pol has been mutated to a product that fails to bind the Ad origin sequences but still interacts with pTP. These results indicate that both protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions mediate specific recognition of the replication origin by Ad DNA polymerase.


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Background: The trithorax group (trxG) genes absent, small or homeotic discs 1 (ash1) and 2 (ash2) were isolated in a screen for mutants with abnormal imaginal discs. Mutations in either gene cause homeotic transformations but Hox genes are not their only targets. Although analysis of double mutants revealed that ash2 and ash1 mutations enhance each other's phenotypes, suggesting they are functionally related, it was shown that these proteins are subunits of distinct complexes.Results: The analysis of wing imaginal disc transcriptomes from ash2 and ash1 mutants showed that they are highly similar. Functional annotation of regulated genes using Gene Ontology allowed identification of severely affected groups of genes that could be correlated to the wing phenotypes observed. Comparison of the differentially expressed genes with those from other genome-wide analyses revealed similarities between ASH2 and Sin3A, suggesting a putative functional relationship. Coimmunoprecipitation studies and immunolocalization on polytene chromosomes demonstrated that ASH2 and Sin3A interact with HCF (host-cell factor). The results of nucleosome western blots and clonal analysis indicated that ASH2 is necessary for trimethylation of the Lys4 on histone 3 (H3K4).Conclusion: The similarity between the transcriptomes of ash2 and ash1 mutants supports a model in which the two genes act together to maintain stable states of transcription. Like in humans, both ASH2 and Sin3A bind HCF. Finally, the reduction of H3K4 trimethylation in ash2 mutants is the first evidence in Drosophila regarding the molecular function of this trxG gene.


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The aim of the study is to evaluate the differences of protein binding of NAMI-A, a new ruthenium drug endowed with selective antimetastatic properties, and of cisplatin and to ascertain the possibility to use two drugs based on heavy metals in combination to treat solid tumour metastases. For this purpose, we have developed a technique that allows the proteins, to which metal drugs bind, to be identified from real protein mixtures. Following incubation with the drugs, the bands containing platinum and/or ruthenium are separated by native PAGE, SDS-PAGE and 2D gel electrophoresis, and identified using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Both drugs interact with essentially the same proteins which, characterised by proteomics, are human serum albumin precursor, macroglobulin alpha 2 and human serotransferrin precursor. The interactions of NAMI-A are largely reversible whereas cisplatin forms stronger interactions that are less reversible. These data correlate well with the MCa mammary carcinoma model on which full doses of NAMI-A combined with cisplatin show additive effects as compared to each treatment taken alone, independently of whether NAMI-A precedes or follows cisplatin. Furthermore, the implication from this study is that the significantly lower toxicity of NAMI-A, compared to cisplatin, could be a consequence of differences in the mode of binding to plasma proteins, involving weaker interactions compared to cisplatin.


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Due to the power of genetics, the mouse has become a widely used animal model in vision research. However, its eyeball has an axial length of only about 2 mm. The present protocol describes how to easily dissect the small rodent eye post mortem. This allows collecting different tissues of the eye, i.e., cornea, lens, iris, retina, optic nerve, retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), and sclera. We further describe in detail how to process these eye samples in order to obtain high‐quality RNA for RNA expression profiling studies. Depending on the eye tissue to be analyzed, we present appropriate lysis buffers to prepare total protein lysates for immunoblot and immuno‐precipitation analyses. Fixation, inclusion, embedding, and cryosectioning of the globe for routine histological analyses (HE staining, DAPI staining, immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization) is further presented. These basic protocols should allow novice investigators to obtain eye tissue samples rapidly for their experiments.


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Apoptotic beta cell death is an underlying cause majorly for type I and to a lesser extent for type II diabetes. Recently, MST1 kinase was identified as a key apoptotic agent in diabetic condition. In this study, I have examined MST1 and closely related kinases namely, MST2, MST3 and MST4, aiming to tackle diabetes by exploring ways to selectively block MST1 kinase activity. The first investigation was directed towards evaluating possibilities of selectively blocking the ATP binding site of MST1 kinase that is essential for the activity of the enzymes. Structure and sequence analyses of this site however revealed a near absolute conservation between the MSTs and very few changes with other kinases. The observed residue variations also displayed similar physicochemical properties making it hard for selective inhibition of the enzyme. Second, possibilities for allosteric inhibition of the enzyme were evaluated. Analysis of the recognized allosteric site also posed the same problem as the MSTs shared almost all of the same residues. The third analysis was made on the SARAH domain, which is required for the dimerization and activation of MST1 and MST2 kinases. MST3 and MST4 lack this domain, hence selectivity against these two kinases can be achieved. Other proteins with SARAH domains such as the RASSF proteins were also examined. Their interaction with the MST1 SARAH domain were evaluated to mimic their binding pattern and design a peptide inhibitor that interferes with MST1 SARAH dimerization. In molecular simulations the RASSF5 SARAH domain was shown to strongly interact with the MST1 SARAH domain and possibly preventing MST1 SARAH dimerization. Based on this, the peptidic inhibitor was suggested to be based on the sequence of RASSF5 SARAH domain. Since the MST2 kinase also interacts with RASSF5 SARAH domain, absolute selectivity might not be achieved.


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Le rôle des deux paires de bases universelles inverse Hoogsteen U : A ( RHUAs ) présentent chez les ARNt standards , une dans la boucle T et l'autre dans le noyau de la forme en L , a été étudiée. Pour chacun des RHUAs , un criblage génétique spécialisé in vivo chez les bactéries , le système suppresseur ambre ( pour l'étude de la RHUA dans la boucle T ) et le système d'ARNt de la sélénocystéine ( tRNASec ) ( pour l'étude de la RHUA dans le noyau ) , ont été utilisé pour générer des variants fonctionnels à partir de multiples librairies combinatoires . Ces variants ont ensuite été séquencé et soumis à une analyse systématique qui comprend la modélisation informatique et un type d'analyse phylogénétique. Les résultats du système suppresseur ambre ont montré un ensemble de variants fonctionnels qui ne nécessitent pas le motif RHUA dans la boucle T et qui ont remplacé la méthode standard de l'interaction entre les boucles D et T avec une double hélice interboucle , ILDH . D'autres études ont abouti à la détermination d'un modèle In silico de l'alternative à la norme standard de la boucle T, sous le nom de type III . Les résultats du système tRNASec ont révélé que pour cette ARNt exceptionnel, l'absence de RHUA ( dans le noyau ) assure une flexibilité accrue qui est spécifiquement nécessaire pour la fonction de tRNASec . Ainsi, les ARNt standards , à la différence de tRNASec , avec la présence universelle de RHUA dans le noyau , a été naturellement sélectionnée pour être rigide . Pris ensemble, la RHUA joue un rôle essentiel dans la stabilisation des interactions tertiaires.


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Les systèmes bactériens de sécrétion de type IV (T4SS) sont constitués d’un ensemble de 8 à 12 protéines conservées. Ces dernières sont utilisées lors de la translocation de protéines, la translocation de complexes ADN-protéines mais aussi pour le transport de ces derniers au travers de la membrane cellulaire. Les T4SS, en tant que facteurs de virulence pour beaucoup de pathogènes comme Brucella suis, sont donc d’excellents modèles cibles pour le développement de médicaments d’antivirulence. Ces médicaments, en privant le pathogène de son facteur essentiel de virulence : le T4SS, constituent une alternative ou encore une amélioration des traitements antibiotiques utilisés actuellement. VirB8, un facteur d’assemblage conservé dans le T4SS, forme des dimères qui sont importants pour la fonction des T4SS dans ces pathogènes. De par ses interactions multiples, VirB8 est un excellent modèle pour l’analyse des facteurs d’assemblage mais aussi en tant que cible de médicaments qui empêcheraient son interaction avec d’autres protéines et qui, in fine, désarmeraient les bactéries en les privant de leur fonctions essentielles de virulence. À ce jour, nous savons qu’il existe un équilibre monomère-dimère et un processus d’homodimerization de VirB8 dont l’importance est vitale pour la fonctionnement biologique des T4SSs. En se basant sur des essais quantitatifs d’interaction, nous avons identifié (i) des sites potentiels d’interaction avec d’autres protéines VirB du T4SS mais aussi (ii) isolé des petites molécules inhibitrices afin de tester la fonction protéique de VirB8. Afin de déterminer les acides aminés importants pour l’hétérodimérization de VirB8 avec VirB10, nous avons effectué des expériences de mutagenèse aléatoire, de phage display et d’arrimage moléculaire in silico. Ces expériences ont démontré l’importance de trois acides aminés localisés sur le feuillet β : R160, S162, T164 et I165. Ces derniers seraient importants pour l’association de VirB8 avec VirB10 étant donné que leur mutagenèse entraine une diminution de la formation du complexe VirB8-VirB10. L’objectif actuel de notre projet de recherche est de pouvoir mieux comprendre mais aussi d’évaluer le rôle de VirB8 dans l’assemblage du T4SS. Grace à un méthode de criblage adaptée à partir de la structure de VirB8, nous avons pu identifié une petite molécule inhibitrice BAR-068, qui aurait un rôle prometteur dans l’inhibition du T4SS. Nous avons utilisé la spectroscopie par fluorescence, l’essai à deux hybrides, le cross-linking et la cristallographie afin de déterminer le mécanisme d'interaction existant entre VirB8 et BAR-068. Ces travaux pourraient permettre de nombreuses avancées, notamment en termes de compréhension des mécanismes d’inhibition du T4SS. Notre objectif ultime est de pouvoir caractériser la séquence d’évènements essentiels à l’assemblage et au fonctionnement du T4SS. De manière globale, notre projet de recherche permettrait de révéler les grands principes d’assemblage des protéines membranaires, les processus de sécrétion de protéines chez les bactéries mais aussi de proposer une nouvelle stratégie lors du développement de drogues antimicrobiennes.


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Neoglycolipid technology is the basis of a microarray platform for assigning oligosaccharide ligands for carbohydrate-binding proteins. The strategy for generating the neoglycolipid probes by reductive amination results in ring opening of the core monosaccharides. This often limits applicability to short-chain saccharides, although the majority of recognition motifs are satisfactorily presented with neoglycolipids of longer oligosaccharides. Here, we describe neoglycolipids prepared by oxime ligation. We provide evidence from NMR studies that a significant proportion of the oxime-linked core monosaccharide is in the ring-closed form, and this form selectively interacts with a carbohydrate-binding protein. By microarray analyses we demonstrate the effective presentation with oxime-linked neoglycolipids of (1) Lewis(x) trisaccharide to antibodies to Lewisx, (2) sialyllactose analogs to the sialic acid-binding receptors, siglecs, and (3) N-glycans to a plant lectin that requires an intact N-acetylglucosamine core.


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The principal driver of nitrogen (N) losses from the body including excretion and secretion in milk is N intake. However, other covariates may also play a role in modifying the partitioning of N. This study tests the hypothesis that N partitioning in dairy cows is affected by energy and protein interactions. A database containing 470 dairy cow observations was collated from calorimetry experiments. The data include N and energy parameters of the diet and N utilization by the animal. Univariate and multivariate meta-analyses that considered both within and between study effects were conducted to generate prediction equations based on N intake alone or with an energy component. The univariate models showed that there was a strong positive linear relationships between N intake and N excretion in faeces, urine and milk. The slopes were 0.28 faeces N, 0.38 urine N and 0.20 milk N. Multivariate model analysis did not improve the fit. Metabolizable energy intake had a significant positive effect on the amount of milk N in proportion to faeces and urine N, which is also supported by other studies. Another measure of energy considered as a covariate to N intake was diet quality or metabolizability (the concentration of metabolizable energy relative to gross energy of the diet). Diet quality also had a positive linear relationship with the proportion of milk N relative to N excreted in faeces and urine. Metabolizability had the largest effect on faeces N due to lower protein digestibility of low quality diets. Urine N was also affected by diet quality and the magnitude of the effect was higher than for milk N. This research shows that including a measure of diet quality as a covariate with N intake in a model of N execration can enhance our understanding of the effects of diet composition on N losses from dairy cows. The new prediction equations developed in this study could be used to monitor N losses from dairy systems.