1000 resultados para Rio deJaneiro city


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Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo estudar a dinâmica do carbono dissolvido ao longo de um trecho do rio Acre, avaliando a influência da área urbana da cidade de Rio Branco, e da descarga de três de seus tributários (Riozinho do Rola, igarapé Judia, igarapé São Francisco), bem como a influência das mudanças hidrológicas sazonais. Foram realizadas campanhas de campo mensais, entre dezembro de 2006 e setembro de 2007, em cinco sítios no rio Acre e um sítio na foz de cada um dos três tributários. A cada amostragem 1 litro de amostra de água era submetida a filtração e dividida em alíquotas para as análises de carbono orgânico dissolvido (COO), carbono inorgânico dissolvido (CIO) e íons maiores (Ca² + , Mg² + , K + , Na + , NH 4 + , HCO 3 -, Cl¯, SO 4 ²¯, NO 3 - , NO 2 - , e PO 4 3-) . Além das coletas foram medidos in situ os parâmetros físico-químicos pH, condutividade elétrica, oxigênio dissolvido e temperatura da água. O pH médio anual no rio Acre variou de 6,46 a 6,54 entre os sítios e a condutividade elétrica apresentou valores médios anuais entre os sítios que variam de 69,93 a 77,84 µS cm¯¹. Nos tributários, os valores médios anuais de pH variaram de 6,10 a 6,51 e a condutividade elétrica apresentou valores médios anuais que variaram entre 54,08 e 153,03 S cm¯¹. Os cátions predominantes no rio Acre e nos tributários foram o Na + e o Ca 2+ e os ânions foram o cr e o sol-. A concentração média anual de COD no rio Acre variou de 4,62 a 5,17 mg l¯¹, sem diferenças significativas entre os sítios de amostragem. Nos tributários as médias anuais, de COD variaram de 3,55 a 6,55 mg r1. As concentrações foram, significativamente maiores no período de cheia, com médias que variaram de 6,26 a 6,39 mg l¯¹ nos sítios do rio Acre. O igarapé São Francisco foi o único tributário que não apresentou diferenças entre os períodos sazonais. O CID teve uma concentração média anual no rio Acre que variou de 527,91 a 598,18 µM, sem diferenças significativas entre os sítios de amostragem. As maiores concentrações foram observada na seca, quando as concentrações médias variaram de 816,31 a 998,52 µM. Nos tributários as concentrações médias anuais de CID variaram de 248,54 a 986,50 µM.Quanto a pressão parcial do CO2 (pCO 2 ) , os sítios no rio Acre apresentam valores médios anuais variando entre 3559 e 4059 ppm, sem diferenças entre os sítios e com os maiores valores ocorrendo no período de cheia. Com base nos resultados, pode-se concluir que a dinâmica do carbono dissolvido no rio Acre não apresenta variações significativas decorrentes das descargas dos tributários nem do lançamento de esgotos. Por outro lado, as mudanças hidrológicas sazonais são os maiores responsáveis pelas alterações nesta dinâmica.


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Due to the large economic development associated with the growing consumerist lifestyle of our capitalist society, the problem of uncontrolled solid waste generation worsens, which one is considered to be one of the main responsible factors for environmental degradation. As a case study and in order to solve the problem of large generation of municipal solid waste, this work aims to study the “plano diretor” of Rio Claro city, São Paulo. The “plano diretor” is a municipal law that provides guidelines for the administration of the city, which include guidelines for the management of solid waste generated in the city. The guidelines required in order to write the “plano diretor” are provided by the national law “estatuto da cidade”, providing information for the planning and development of the cities, as well as the management of the urban environment. However, only the “estatuto da cidade” does not provide enough instructions for creating management plans in order to solve the many problems from the urban environment. Thus, studies have been done about urban and environmental management, to understand how municipal management plans should be structured. As a form of seeking information that can complement the “plano diretor” to the creation of policies for managing solid waste of the city, the “Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos”(PNRS) emerges in 2010 as a document which provides principles, objectives and guidelines to create plans for Solid Waste Management at the national, state, regional and municipal levels. Therefore, it was possible to make a joint analysis of the “plano diretor” of Rio Claro with the PNRS to identify what is already done within the municipality about the solid waste management, and identify which aspects are most significant in the municipal solid waste management that the national policy provides. Yet studies have been done on the current municipal solid waste management...


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The water management in any area is highly important to the success of many business and also of life and the understanding of your relationship with the environment brings better control to its demand. I.e. hydrogeological studies are needed under better understanding of the behavior of an aquifer, so that its management is done so as not to deplete or harm it. The objective of this work is the numerical modeling in transient regime of a portion of the Rio Claro aquifer formation in order to get answers about its hydrogeological parameters, its main flow direction and also its most sensitive parameters. A literature review and conceptual characterization of the aquifer, combined with field campaigns and monitoring of local water level (NA), enabled the subsequent construction of the mathematical model by finite elements method, using the FEFLOW 6.1 ® computational algorithm. The study site includes the campus of UNESP and residential and industrial areas of Rio Claro city. Its area of 9.73 km ² was divided into 318040 triangular elements spread over six layers, totaling a volume of 0.25 km³. The local topography and geological contacts were obtained from previous geological and geophysical studies as well as profiles of campus wells and SIAGAS / CPRM system. The seven monitoring wells on campus were set up as observation points for calibration and checking of the simulation results. Sampling and characterization of Rio Claro sandstones shows up a high hydrological and lithological heterogeneity for the aquifer formation. The simulation results indicate values of hydraulic conductivity between 10-6 and 10-4 m / s, getting the Recharge/Rainfall simulation in transient ratio at 13%. Even with the simplifications imposed on the model, it was able to represent the fluctuations of local NA over a year of monitoring. The result was the exit of 3774770 m³ of water and the consequently NA fall. The model is considered representative for the...


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Em Lisboa, ao longo dos séculos, o homem foi conquistando as águas do Tejo. Hoje, após os diversos aterros, a frente ribeirinha da cidade é uma consolidada faixa de terreno, rematada por muros que, contra a «ondulação» do Tejo, definem uma expandida área que acolhe uma intensa actividade portuária. Foi nesta faixa junto do rio que se desenrolou parte importante da história de Lisboa, desde as ocupações romana e muçulmana, e também muito particularmente aquando do período dos Descobrimentos, da reconstrução pombalina pós-terramoto e do surto industrial do século XIX. Alguns destes momentos históricos encontram-se reflectidos nas inúmeras plantas, cartas e mapas disponíveis neste estudo, desde a Planta da Cidade de Lisboa : 1650, de João Nunes Tinoco, até ao Plano de Melhoramentos do Porto de Lisboa, de 1946. É com base nessas plantas, mas também em cartas manuscritas, relatos de época, gravuras e fotografias antigas – documentos em grande parte inéditos –, que este trabalho de investigação propõe cartografar este território, realizando desenhos originais que possibilitam um novo olhar sobre o seu processo de crescimento e consolidação. Assim, este estudo concilia todos estes elementos, constituindo uma análise completa que se debruça sobre a evolução da frente ribeirinha de Lisboa e que permite descobrir inúmeros aspectos até aqui desconhecidos, ajudando a responder à pergunta que hoje se coloca: perante o cenário que o porto actual atravessa, como melhor poderá Lisboa recuperar a relação com o rio?; THE CITY AND THE RIVER: ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF LISBON'S RIVERFRONT ABSTRACT: In Lisbon, over the centuries, man was conquering the waters of the Tagus. Today, after the various landfills, the city's riverfront is a consolidated strip of land, finished by walls that, against the "ripple" of the Tagus, define an expanded area that hosts an intense port activity. It was in this band along the river that unfolded important part of the history of Lisbon, from the Roman and Muslim occupations, and also very particularly during the period of the Discoveries, the post-earthquake reconstruction, and the industrial boom of the nineteenth century. Some of these historical moments are reflected in many plans, charts and maps available in this study, since the plan designated Planta da Cidade de Lisboa : 1650, made by João Nunes Tinoco, to the plan called Plano de Melhoramentos do Porto de Lisboa, drawn in the year of 1946. Based on these plans, but also in handwritten letters, time reports, antique prints and photographs – documents that are mostly unpublished – this research work proposes map this territory, performing original drawings that provide a new look at their growth process and consolidation. Thereby, this study combines all these elements, providing a complete analysis which focuses on the evolution of the Lisbon riverfront and that allows you to discover many aspects unknown until now, helping to answer the question that now arises: according to the present scenario that the harbour is going through, how can Lisbon recover the relationship with the river?


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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This study aimed to describe the behavior of oviposition traps for Aedes aegypti over time, to compare it with the larval survey and to investigate the association with climatic variables. It was conducted in São José do Rio Preto city, São Paulo. Daily climatic data and fortnightly measurements for oviposition traps and larval infestation were collected from October 2003 to September 2004. Three different periods were identified in the behavior of oviposition traps' positivity and mean number of eggs: increase, plateau and decrease in values. These measurements followed the variation of climatic data from the first and third periods. High correlation was obtained between the positivity and the mean number of eggs. The oviposition traps showed higher capacity to detect the vector than did larval survey. It was observed that the first (October to December) and third (May to September) periods were considered to be the most suitable to use oviposition traps than larval surveys.


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This study aimed to describe the behavior of oviposition traps for Aedes aegypti over time, to compare it with the larval survey and to investigate the association with climatic variables. It was conducted in São José do Rio Preto city, São Paulo. Daily climatic data and fortnightly measurements for oviposition traps and larval infestation were collected from October 2003 to September 2004. Three different periods were identified in the behavior of oviposition traps' positivity and mean number of eggs: increase, plateau and decrease in values. These measurements followed the variation of climatic data from the first and third periods. High correlation was obtained between the positivity and the mean number of eggs. The oviposition traps showed higher capacity to detect the vector than did larval survey. It was observed that the first (October to December) and third (May to September) periods were considered to be the most suitable to use oviposition traps than larval surveys.


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High lead concentrations up to 5478 mg kg-1 were detected in dry atmospheric precipitations in Rio Grande city and adjacent area. Lead anomalies cover up to 30% of the study area. Lead concentration measurement in dry atmospheric precipitation and suspended particulate matter provides a possibility to detect concentrations above lead threshold in the air. The most impacted areas are fishermen's villages. The most possible source of lead in the air is uncontrolled sub industrial activity of local population


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This investigation was carried out within the Parana sedimentary basin, Brazil, and involved the sampling of sludge and residuary waters that were collected from reservoirs/decantation ponds settled in two tanneries situated at Patrocinio Paulista, São Paulo State Two samples from each tannery were collected, stored in appropriate flasks and transported to the LABIDRO for chemical analysis The LABIDRO (Laboratory of Isotopes and Hydrochemistry) of the Petrology Department at the Geosciences and Exacts Sciences Institute of UNESP is situated in Rio Claro city, about 240 km distant from the investigated area The data for residuary waters were compared with guideline values established by two different legislations (a) Rule No 12486 (NTA60) established in 20(th) October 1978 by São Paulo State for defining the potable water standards and (b) Register 997 published on 31 May 1976 that defines the permissible concentration limits in effluents to be released to water bodies (coastal, fresh or ground water) in São Paulo State The results confirmed that leather production is an activity with high environmental impact, despite improvements that may be achieved by tanneries


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)