987 resultados para Rio Claro and Piraçununga Formations


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Foram estudadas a composição e diversidade de abelhas em uma área agrícola no município de Rio Claro, Estado de São Paulo, de maio de 2003 a junho de 2004, utilizando armadilha de Moericke. O local de coleta, uma área com 58,08 hectares, caracteriza-se pela produção de grãos e a prática de plantio direto, sendo que 70% da área de entorno é utilizada para o plantio de cana-de-açúcar. Foram coletadas 456 abelhas distribuídas em 20 gêneros, pertencentes às famílias Andrenidae (4,8%), Apidae (40,8%) e Halictidae (54,4%). Espécimes dos gêneros Dialictus (38%) e Diadasia (30%) foram predominantes nesta área. A diversidade de espécies avaliadas pelos índices de Shannon e Simpson foram H =1,88 e 1/D= 4.15, respectivamente, e o índice de Equitatibilidade de 0,61.


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The main water source of the Rio Claro municipal district (DAAE) was analysed for determining the level of organic contamination. Temperature, pH, light penetration, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, total dissolved phosphate, ortophosphate, ammonia, heterotrofic bacteria, total coliforms, fecal coliforms, total yeasts and fermentative yeasts were analysed during one year with samples being collected on a monthly basis. Bathing quality of the water from sites 1, 2 and 3 were classified, respectively, as Satisfactory, Very Good and Improper based on fecal coliform counts. Total yeast counts were appropriate as a complement for the appraisal of fresh water contamination by coliform counts. Seventeen yeast species belonging to genera Candida, Cryptococcus, Kloeckera, Pichia and Rhodotorula were found but none of them could be correlated with a level of contamination. Candida famata, C. robusta-like and C. colliculosa were isolated at all of the sites and between the five species found only at the more polluted site, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa was prevalent.


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Brazil has an important role in the biomass burning aerosol activity. During the Dry Season (June-September) of 2009 an aerosol profiling campaign was carried out using a backscattering and Raman lidar system in Rio Claro-SP, Brazil (22°23'S and 47°32'W). The main goal of this campaign was to observe the biomass burning aerosol load due to sugarcane crops and also study the air dispersion conditions, planetary boundary and mixed layer daily evolution. In this paper we aim to present the preliminary results of the influence of this type of aerosol over the city of Rio Claro-SP, Brazil and one case study to evaluate the aerosol profile in a biomass burning episode that occurred in July, 2009. On July 15 an intense burning was observed about 300 m away from the lidar location. Throughout the measurements it was observed that the plumes reached up to 900 m, and that there was a time gap between the plumes. The gas analyzers showed a strong influence of this burning as it was noticed in the measurements of CO, NO x and nephelometer, whereas the PM10 did not have due to this burning, possibly because the particulate was deposited further from the emission source, not being detected by the equipment. © Sociedad Española de Óptica.


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Urban homegardens are green areas of households within the city limits and they have the potential to provide families with a cheap alternative for diet improvement, and to complement the income of the families who sell cultivated products. This research analyzes the contributions of old urban homegardens on food consumption and household economy. Data related to homegardens composition were collected by interviews and by collecting cultivated plants. Diets were assessed through a retrospective method (last 24 hours food recall) and administered every two months, during a year, to include seasonal variations. The diet of the sampled population was found to be dependent on certain foods, indicating a narrow food niche (Levins index = 25.9; Levins standardized index = 0.23). Variations in interviewees' diet are related to the consumption of fruits and vegetables, which are partly supplied by homegardens. Spices and teas consumed were obtained from homegardens, revealing its importance in food consumption and health. Among the 98 species found in homegardens, only 38% appeared in the interviewees' diet, indicating an under-exploitation of these homegardens. Our study found that the main role of homegardens is to supply variation in the diet, contributing to the consumption of different types of products.


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This study focuses on the presence of radon (Rn-222) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in soil gases at a gas station located in the city of Rio Claro, Sao Paulo, Brazil, where a fossil fuel leak occurred. The spatial distribution results show a correlation between Rn-222 and VOCs, consistent with the fact that radon gas has a greater chemical affinity with organic phases than with water. This finding demonstrates that the presence of a residual hydrocarbon phase in an aquifer can retain radon, leading to a reduced radon content in the soil gas. The data in this study confirm the results of previous investigations, in which the method used in this study provided a preliminary fingerprint of a contaminated area. Furthermore, the data analysis time is brief, and only simple equipment is required. (C) 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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This study aimed to simulate and evaluate the sediment transport in Upper Basin Stream Cachoeirinha in Rio Claro, SP, and compare the results with previous studies performed in the same basin. The modeling software used in this study was Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), which is a very comprehensive tool that discusses many physical processes. In this work, the hydrosedimentological processes were treated, aiming to understand the sediment production and transport. The Basin Stream Cachoeirinha has an area with predominantly agricultural use, especially sugar cane. The database for inclusion in software was constructed from the following elements: climatic, topographical, soil type and use and land cover of the area, also including the parameters of Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE). The analysis was conducted for a period of 16 years (1994-2010), which is the range of data available from CEAPLA. The results were analyzed in terms of annual runoff and sediment yield. The average sediment delivery in the simulation was 0.94 t/ha/year, while the maximum annual contribution was 7.28 t/ha/year


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The biogas originated from anaerobic degradation of organic matter in landfills consists basically in CH4, CO2, and H2O. The landfills represent an important depository of organic matter with high energetic potential in Brazil, although with inexpressive use in the present. The estimation of production of the productive rate of biogas represents one of the major difficulties of technical order to the planning of capture system for rational consumption of this resource. The applied geophysics consists in a set of methods and techniques with wide use in environmental and hydrogeological studies. The DC resistivity method is largely applied in environmental diagnosis of the contamination in soil and groundwater, due to the contrast of electrical properties frequent between contaminated areas and the natural environment. This paper aims to evaluate eventual relationships between biogas flows quantified in drains located in the landfill, with characteristic patterns of electrical resistivity in depth. The drain of higher flow (117 m3 /h) in depth was characterized for values between 8000 Ω⋅m and 100.000 Ω⋅m, in contrast with values below 2000 Ω⋅m, which characterize in subsurface the drain with less flow (37 m3 /h), besides intermediary flow and electrical resistivity values, attributed to the predominance of areas with accumulation or generation of biogas.


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Introdução. As doenças cardiovasculares constituem a principal causa de morbimortalidade na população brasileira. Desta forma, o Ministério da Saúde apresentou o HiperDia, um sistema de cadastramento e acompanhamento de portadores de HAS e DM atendidos na rede ambulatorial do SUS. Objetivo. Descrever o perfil dos hipertensos e diabéticos cadastrados no sistema HiperDia das oito unidades básicas do município de Rio Claro/RJ, no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2012. Métodos. Os dados de óbitos foram obtidos a partir do Sistema de Informações de Mortalidade (SIM), e as populações estimadas pelo IBGE, foram também obtidas na página do MS. As demais informações foram coletadas por meio de uma planilha de dados agregados, elaborada a partir da própria ficha de cadastramento do HiperDia e distribuído às unidades. Resultados. Pôde-se observar que a grande maioria dos pacientes cadastrados no HiperDia era portadora de hipertensão (95%) e que mais de 1/5 (21%) dos pacientes tinham as duas doenças concomitantemente. Além disso, mais de 4/5 (82%) dos pacientes com DM também apresentou HAS. As mulheres cadastradas foram maioria em ambas as doenças, tendo sido 63,2% e 71%, para HAS e DM, respectivamente. No que diz respeito à idade, ambas as doenças tiveram ocorrência mais elevada em grupos etários mais velhos, embora a prevalência de DM pareça ter se mantido constante para aqueles com 60 anos de idade ou mais. O fator de risco mais relevante para as duas doenças foi o sedentarismo, referido por 76% e 69% daqueles com HAS e DM, respectivamente. Conclusão. Conclui-se sobre a necessidade de modificar a ficha de coleta de dados do HiperDia e de monitoramento mais assíduo dos pacientes. Sugestões de Saúde Pública. Sugere-se inclusão de informações na ficha de coleta de dados do HiperDia sobre os níveis de glicemia e amputação de extremidades dos membros inferiores depois de três anos matriculados no programa, no caso de DM, e informação sobre a manutenção de níveis de pressão arterial sob controle, no caso de HAS, além de informações mais detalhadas sobre os fatores de risco referidos.


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Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de efetuar um levantamento da ocorrência de Meloidogyne exigua em seringueira em São José do Rio Claro, MT. Foram amostradas 191 propriedades agrícolas, totalizando cerca de 18.000ha. Os nematóides foram identificados no Laboratório de Nematologia do Departamento de Fitossanidade da FCAV/UNESP, em Jaboticabal, SP. Foram encontrados níveis populacionais de M. exigua entre 0 e 61.824 juvenis/5g de raízes.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Na última década, as recomendações curriculares de história e geografia para o ensino fundamental incentivaram a produção de atlas municipais, uma vez que permitem incluir num só volume mapas, textos, fotografias, gráficos, entre outras fontes de informação, a respeito do espaço local. Este artigo apresenta uma experiência em que a produção de atlas municipais se tornou projeto de pesquisa colaborativa entre pesquisadores da universidade e professores de geografia, história e ciências de três municípios. Problemas como recorte curricular, linguagem cartográfica e formação de professores consistem nos pontos principais da pesquisa, a qual traz uma contribuição significativa para a constituição de uma linha de pesquisa que vem sendo chamada de cartografia escolar.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work aimed a better understanding of the annual cycle of Cyphocarax modestus in the reservoir of water captation of Ribeirao Claro stream. The growth parameters were estimated through the analysis of length distribution and the relationships among time of smaller growth, alimentary activity, fat accumulation and reproductive period were considered. Besides, the instantaneous rate of natural mortality was calculated. Monthly samplings were accomplished in the Ribeirao Claro stream, in the reservoir of water captation of Rio Claro city. For that, 50 m of wait net was used, with meshes of 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5 cm measured between adjacent knots. The ELEFAN I program was used to estimate the growth parameters, and its application was done using the FISAT program. It was also used the seasonal version of von Bertalanffy's growth curve. It was considered that the reproduction of C. modestus is annual and concentrated from December to February, allowing the identification of different modas in the distributions, an essential condition for the conduction of that analysis type. The estimated parameters were: K = 0.34/year, L [infinity] = 15.40 cm, C = 0.2, Wp = 0.6 and M = 0.949/year, with the identification of four cohorts. The physiologic sequence in the annual cycle of the specie could be noted when data of accumulated fat in the visceral cavity, alimentary activity, reproduction time and time of smaller growth were analyzed together. It was noted that with the beginning of the maturation of gonads, the energy resources stopped being invested in the growth and passed to be used for reproduction.


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Concern regarding hydrological resources has been a theme of growing importance in Brazil, associating the development of new management policies and maintenance of natural areas related to rivers. An efficient way to maintain natural areas around rivers has been the development of greenways, and some cites have already adopted specific legislation in this respect. Following this growing evolution in the treatment of hydrological resources, this study was carried out to demarcate a greenway along the Corumbatai River in the state of São Paulo, Using multi-criteria analysis in a GIS environment. First, thematic maps were elaborated based on Landsat 7 satellite, aerial photographs and digital topographic base, Supported by field activities. With the use of multi-criteria analysis, for which ad hoe consultations were conducted to attribute weights to the thematic maps, a suitability map was elaborated for the allocation of the greenway. Sites that should be included in the greenway were also selected, such as areas appropriate for leisure activities, and ecologically important areas. Based on the suitability map, a pathway analysis was done, connecting the relevant points of interest, thus generating a greenway that runs along the Corumbatai River, with the aim of contributing to the conservation of this important hydrological resource. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Groundwaters; and surface waters around two waste disposal areas at Rio Claro municipality, nearly in the center of São Paulo State, Brazil, were chemically analysed with the purpose of evaluating the influence on the water quality of the chemicals released without any care with the environment and using a prevention system for the containment of environmentally polluting substances.