907 resultados para Rigid fixation


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This study reports the case of a patient with a severely resorbed mandible who was treated without a bone graft, using short implants, internal rigid fixation, rhBMP-2 and beta-tricalcium phosphate. A 76-year-old woman, with a severely resorbed mandible (less than 3 mm), reported a history of nearly 25 years of complete edentulism and consecutive treatment failures, with total bilateral exposed inferior alveolar nerves and complete bone resorption of the inferior border in some areas. The treatment of choice was the placement of a 2.0 mm thick unilock bone plate (MatrixMandible, Synthes Maxillofacial, Paoli, PA, USA), to reinforce the mandible. Eight short implants with a regular platform (Nobel Biocare, Goteborg, Sweden) were placed: three on the external oblique line on both sides and two on the symphysis. In order to augment mandible height and coat the exposed thread of the anterior implants, rhBMP-2 (Infuse Bone, Meditronic Sofamor Danek, Memphis, TN, USA) and beta-tricalcium phosphate (Cerasorb; Curasan, Kleinostheim, Germany) were used. Four 1.3 mm L miniplates were placed to support the graft. 14 months after surgery, the patient was satisfied and had excellent function without complications.


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AIMS: To identify the rates and reasons for plate removal (PR) among patients treated for facial fractures. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective review of files of 238 patients. RESULTS: Forty-eight patients (20.2%) had plates removed. The reason for removal was objective in 33.3% and subjective in 29.2%. The most common subjective reason was cold sensitivity, and the most common objective reason was wound dehiscence/infection. Women had PR for subjective reasons more often than men (p=0.018). Removal was performed more often for subjective reasons after zygomatico-orbital fractures than after mandibular fractures (p=0.002). Plates inserted in the mandible from an intraoral approach were removed more frequently than extraorally inserted mandibular plates, intraorally inserted maxillary plates, and extraorally inserted plates in other locations (p<0.001). Orbital rim plates had a higher risk of being removed than maxillary or frontal bone plates (p=0.02). CONCLUSIONS: Subjective discomfort is a notable reason for PR among Finnish patients, suggesting that the cold climate has an influence on the need for removal. Patients receiving mandibular osteosynthesis with miniplates from an intraoral approach are at risk of hardware removal because of wound dehiscence/infection and loose/broken hardware, reminding us that more rigid fixation devices should not be forgotten despite the widespread use of miniplates.


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This study analyzes short- and long-term skeletal relapse after mandibular advancement surgery and determines its contributing factors. Thirty-two consecutive patients were treated for skeletal Class II malocclusion during the period between 1986 and 1989. They all had combined orthodontic and surgical treatment with BSSO and rigid fixation excluding other surgery. Of these, 15 patients (47%) were available for a long-term cephalography in 2000. The measurement was performed based on the serial cephalograms taken preoperatively; 1 week, 6 months and 14 months postoperatively; and at the final evaluation after an average of 12 years. Mean mandibular advancement was 4.1 mm at B-point and 4.9 mm at pogonion. Representing surgical mandibular ramus displacement, gonion moved downwards 2 mm immediately after surgery. During the short-term postoperative period, mandibular corpus length decreased only 0.5 mm, indicating that there was no osteotomy slippage. After the first year of observation, skeletal relapse was 1.3 mm at B-point and pogonion. The relapse continued, reaching a total of 2.3 mm after 12 years, corresponding to 50% of the mandibular advancement. Mandibular ramus length continuously decreased 1 mm during the same observation period, indicating progressive condylar resorption. No significant relationship between the amount of initial surgical advancement and skeletal relapse was found. Preoperative high mandibulo-nasal plane (ML-NL) angle appears to be associated with long-term skeletal relapse.


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PURPOSE: The aim of this study is to implement augmented reality in real-time image-guided interstitial brachytherapy to allow an intuitive real-time intraoperative orientation. METHODS AND MATERIALS: The developed system consists of a common video projector, two high-resolution charge coupled device cameras, and an off-the-shelf notebook. The projector was used as a scanning device by projecting coded-light patterns to register the patient and superimpose the operating field with planning data and additional information in arbitrary colors. Subsequent movements of the nonfixed patient were detected by means of stereoscopically tracking passive markers attached to the patient. RESULTS: In a first clinical study, we evaluated the whole process chain from image acquisition to data projection and determined overall accuracy with 10 patients undergoing implantation. The described method enabled the surgeon to visualize planning data on top of any preoperatively segmented and triangulated surface (skin) with direct line of sight during the operation. Furthermore, the tracking system allowed dynamic adjustment of the data to the patient's current position and therefore eliminated the need for rigid fixation. Because of soft-part displacement, we obtained an average deviation of 1.1 mm by moving the patient, whereas changing the projector's position resulted in an average deviation of 0.9 mm. Mean deviation of all needles of an implant was 1.4 mm (range, 0.3-2.7 mm). CONCLUSIONS: The developed low-cost augmented-reality system proved to be accurate and feasible in interstitial brachytherapy. The system meets clinical demands and enables intuitive real-time intraoperative orientation and monitoring of needle implantation.


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Für Patienten an der Hämodialyse ist nach Versagen der klassischen arterio-venösen Fisteln oder Shunts ein direkter Gefässzugang mittels Katheter lebensnotwendig. Permanente zentralvenöse Katheter penetrieren die Hals- und Thoraxweichteile und die Haut ohne rigide Befestigung. Die Infektionsrate ist hoch und führt oft zur Explantation. Knochenverankerte Hörgeräte sind zur Behandlung bei Schalleitungsschwerhörigkeit etabliert. Das Implantat sitzt fest im Felsenbein und der Aufsatz penetriert die Haut. Schwere Infektionen, die eine Explantation nötig machen, sind sehr selten. Wir nehmen an, dass einer der Hauptgründe für die tiefe Komplikationsrate die starke Befestigung des Implantats am Knochen ist, wodurch die Hautbewegungen relativ zum Knochen minimiert werden. Basierend auf den Erfahrungen mit implantierten Hörsystemen haben wir einen perkutanen knochenverankerten Hämodialysezugang im Bereich des Felsenbeins als vorteilhafte Alternative zum herkömmlichen zentralvenösen Katheterzugang entwickelt. Dabei wurde die Felsenbeinanatomie und Knochendicke zur Lokalisierung des idealen Implantationsortes untersucht; die Schraubenstabilität im Knochen getestet; ein Titanimplantat inklusive Ventile und Katheter, sowie chirurgische Instrumente zur sicheren Implantation entwickelt. Der knochenverankerte Hämodialysezugang wurde auf Flussrate, Dichtigkeit und Reinigung getestet; die Platzierung des Katheters mittels Seldingertechnik in die V. jugularis interna über eine Halsinzision festgelegt. Die Resultate unserer Arbeit zeigen die technische Machbarkeit eines im Felsenbein verankerten neuartigen Hämodialysezuganges und bilden die Grundlage einer inzwischen bewilligten klinischen Pilotstudie.


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OBJECTIVE: Mechanical evaluation of a novel screw position used for repair in a type III distal phalanx fracture model and assessment of solar canal penetration (SCP). STUDY DESIGN: Experimental study. SAMPLE POPULATION: Disarticulated equine hooves (n = 24) and 24 isolated distal phalanges. METHODS: Hooves/distal phalanges cut in a sagittal plane were repaired with 1 of 2 different cortical screw placements in lag fashion. In group 1 (conventional screw placement), the screw was inserted halfway between the proximal border of the solar canal (SC) and the subchondral bone surface on a line parallel to the dorsal cortex, whereas in group 2, the screw was inserted more palmar/plantar, where a perpendicular line drawn from the group 1 position reached the palmar/plantar cortex. Construct strength was evaluated by 3-point bending to failure. SCP was assessed by CT imaging and macroscopically. RESULTS: Screws were significantly longer in group 2 and in forelimbs. Group 2 isolated distal phalanges had a significantly more rigid fixation compared with the conventional screw position (maximum point at failure 31%, bending stiffness 41% higher). Lumen reduction of the SC was observed in 13/52 specimens (all from group 2), of which 9 were forelimbs. CONCLUSIONS: More distal screw positioning compared with the conventionally recommended screw position for internal fixation of type III distal phalangeal fractures allows placement of a longer screw and renders a more rigid fracture fixation. The novel screw position, however, carries a higher risk of SCP


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The purpose of this study was to compare by qualitative histology the efficacy of rigid internal fixation with titanium system and the Lacto Sorb® system in mandibular fractures in rabbits. Thirty male adult rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus were used. Unilateral mandibular osteotomies were performed between the canine and first premolar. The animals were divided into two groups: for Group I - rigid internal fixation was performed with titanium system 1.5 mm (Synthes, Oberdorf, Switzerland), with two screws of 6 mm (bicortical) on each side of the osteotomy. For Group II-rigid internal fixation was performed with PLLA/PGA system 1.5 mm (Lacto Sorb®, WLorenz, Jacksonville, FL, USA). The histological analysis evaluated the presence of inflammatory reaction, degree of bone healing and degree of resorption of the Lacto Sorb® screws. The results of both fixation systems were similar, only with a small difference after 15 and 30 days. In Group I a faster bony healing was noted. But after 60 days, bony healing was similar in both groups. It is concluded that both PLLA/PGA and titanium plates and screws provide sufficient strength to permit mandibular bone healing. The resorption process of PLLA/PGA osteosynthesis material did not cause acute or chronic inflammatory reaction or foreign body reaction during the studied period. © 2004 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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PURPOSE: The purpose of this systematic review was to evaluate relapse and its causes in bilateral sagittal split setback osteotomy with rigid internal fixation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Literature research was done in databases such as PubMed, Ovid, the Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar Beta. From the original 488 articles identified, 14 articles were finally included. Only 5 studies were prospective and 9 retrospective. The range of postoperative study records was from 6 weeks to 12.7 years. RESULTS: The horizontal short-term relapse was between 9.9% and 62.1% at point B and between 15.7% and 91.3% at pogonion. Long-term relapse was between 14.9% and 28.0% at point B and between 11.5% and 25.4% at pogonion. CONCLUSIONS: Neither large increase nor decrease of relapse was seen when short-term values were compared with long-term. Bilateral sagittal split osteotomy for mandibular setback in combination with orthodontics is an effective treatment of skeletal Class III and a stable procedure in the short- and long-term. The etiology of relapse is multifactorial: the proper seating of the condyles, the amount of setback, the soft tissue and muscles, remaining growth and remodeling, and gender were identified. Age did not show any correlations. To obtain reliable scientific evidence, further short- and long-term research of bilateral sagittal split osteotomy setback with rigid internal fixation should exclude additional surgery, ie, genioplasty or maxillary surgery, and include correlation statistics.


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PURPOSE: The purpose of this systematic review was to evaluate horizontal relapse and its causes in bilateral sagittal split advancement osteotomy (BSSO) with rigid internal fixation of different types. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A search of the literature was performed in the databases PubMed, Ovid, Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar Beta. From 488 articles identified, 24 articles were finally included. Six studies were prospective, and 18 were retrospective. The range of postoperative study records was 6 months to 12.7 years. RESULTS: The short-term relapse for bicortical screws was between 1.5% and 32.7%, for miniplates between 1.5% and 18.0%, and for bioresorbable bicortical screws between 10.4% and 17.4%, at point B. The long-term relapse for bicortical screws was between 2.0% and 50.3%, and for miniplates between 1.5% and 8.9%, at point B. CONCLUSIONS: BSSO for mandibular advancement is a good treatment option for skeletal Class II, but seems less stable than BSSO setback in the short and long terms. Bicortical screws of titanium, stainless steel, or bioresorbable material show little difference regarding skeletal stability compared with miniplates in the short term. A greater number of studies with larger skeletal long-term relapse rates were evident in patients treated with bicortical screws instead of miniplates. The etiology of relapse is multifactorial, involving the proper seating of the condyles, the amount of advancement, the soft tissue and muscles, the mandibular plane angle, the remaining growth and remodeling, the skill of the surgeon, and preoperative age. Patients with a low mandibular plane angle have increased vertical relapse, whereas patients with a high mandibular plane angle have more horizontal relapse. Advancements in the range of 6 to 7 mm or more predispose to horizontal relapse. To obtain reliable scientific evidence, further short-term and long-term research into BSSO advancement with rigid internal fixation should exclude additional surgery, ie, genioplasty or maxillary surgery, and include a prospective study or randomized clinical trial design with correlation statistics.


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The formation of new blood vessels is a prerequisite for bone healing. CYR61 (CCN1), an extracellular matrix-associated signaling protein, is a potent stimulator of angiogenesis and mesenchymal stem cell expansion and differentiation. A recent study showed that CYR61 is expressed during fracture healing and suggested that CYR61 plays a significant role in cartilage and bone formation. The hypothesis of the present study was that decreased fixation stability, which leads to a delay in healing, would lead to reduced CYR61 protein expression in fracture callus. The aim of the study was to quantitatively analyze CYR61 protein expression, vascularization, and tissue differentiation in the osteotomy gap and relate to the mechanical fixation stability during the course of healing. A mid-shaft osteotomy of the tibia was performed in two groups of sheep and stabilized with either a rigid or semirigid external fixator, each allowing different amounts of interfragmentary movement. The sheep were sacrificed at 2, 3, 6, and 9 weeks postoperatively. The tibiae were tested biomechanically and histological sections from the callus were analyzed immunohistochemically with regard to CYR61 protein expression and vascularization. Expression of CYR61 protein was upregulated at the early phase of fracture healing (2 weeks), decreasing over the healing time. Decreased fixation stability was associated with a reduced upregulation of the CYR61 protein expression and a reduced vascularization at 2 weeks leading to a slower healing. The maximum cartilage callus fraction in both groups was reached at 3 weeks. However, the semirigid fixator group showed a significantly lower CYR61 immunoreactivity in cartilage than the rigid fixator group at this time point. The fraction of cartilage in the semirigid fixator group was not replaced by bone as quickly as in the rigid fixator group leading to an inferior histological and mechanical callus quality at 6 weeks and therefore to a slower healing. The results supply further evidence that CYR61 may serve as an important regulator of bone healing.


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Failures of fracture fixation plates, often related to fatigue fractures of the implants, have been reported (Banovetz et al, 1996). While metallurgical defects can usually be excluded, many of these fractures can be explained with the biomechanical situation. This study investigated the biomechanics of two clinical cases, both of which used a 14-hole locking compression plate. In the first case, a titanium plate was used in a rigid configuration with 12 screws resulting in plate breakage after 7 weeks (Sommer et al, 2003). In the second case, a stainless steel plate, which endured the entire healing process, was used in a flexible application with only 6 screws.


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This study compared the fixation of autogenous onlay bone grafts with cyanoacrylate glue (Super Bonder) and with titanium screws. Twenty rabbits underwent bilateral parietal ostectomies. Bone segments were fixed anteriorly to the resulting bone defect. In group I, the grafts were fixed with 4 min long, 1.5 mm diameter screws; in group II, adhesive was used. The animals were killed after 5, 15, 30, 60 and 120 days. Histomorphometric analysis was used to quantify the maintenance of the graft area. Discrete areas of inflammatory reaction were seen in both groups after 5 days and for group II after 15 days. After 30 days, new bone formation was seen at the interface of the grafts. After 120 days, the graft was incorporated into the host bed in group I and partially incorporated in group II. There was a significant statistical difference regarding the mean graft areas between 15 and 120 days (p < 0.001) and between fixation methods (p < 0.002). Fixation with adhesive promoted a significantly greater area of bone graft than screw fixation, independent of time period. The adhesive was biocompatible, presented similar stability to the screw and maintained the bone area, although there was a delay in graft incorporation.


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Purpose: The objective of this study was to carry out a comparative evaluation of the mechanical resistance of 2 rigid internal fixation techniques for fractures of the mandibular condyle using miniplates.Materials and Methods: Fort), polyurethane resin replicas of human hemimandibles were used. The hemimandibles were sectioned to simulate a high subcondylar fracture and then stabilized with 2 fixing techniques using 2.0-mm system plates and screws. The fixation techniques were 2 separate 4-hole plates with 8 screws, and 2 overlaid 4-hole plates with 4 screws. Each system was submitted to load tests, with the application of the load in mediolateral and anteroposterior directions in an Instron 4411 universal assay machine (Instron, Norwood, MA).Results: Load values and peak displacement were measured. Means and standard deviations were evaluated by analysis of variance (P < .05) and Tukey tests, in which it was verified that the anteroposterior peak load value was affected by the arrangement of the plates on the models, although no differences were observed between the groups for the mediolateral peak load. The arrangement of the plates did not have any influence on peak displacement. Similarly, the final value of the mediolateral load was not affected by the arrangement of the plates on the model.Conclusion: The experimental model with 2 separate plates was statistically superior to the model with 2 overlaid plates only in relation to anteroposterior peak load. Despite showing superiority in mediolateral peak load and peak displacement, there was no statistical difference between the groups for these parameters. (C) 2009 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons


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Recent studies have evaluated many methods of internal fixation for sagittal split ramus osteotomy (SSRO), aiming to increase stability of the bone segments while minimizing condylar displacement. The purpose of this study was to evaluate, through biomechanical testing, the stability of the fixation comparing a specially designed bone plate to other two commonly used methods. Thirty hemimandibles were separated into three equal groups. All specimens received SSRO. In Group I the osteotomies were fixed with three 15 mm bicortical positional screws in an inverted-L pattern with an insertion angle of 90°. In Group II, fixation was carried out with a four-hole straight plate and four 6 mm monocortical screws. In Group III, fixation was performed with an adjustable sagittal plate and eight 6 mm monocortical screws. Hemimandibles were submitted to vertical compressive loads, by a mechanical testing unit. Averages and standard deviations were submitted to analysis of variance using the Tukey test with a 5% level of significance. Bicortical screws presented the greatest values of loading resistance. The adjustable miniplate demonstrated 60% lower resistance compared to bicortical screws. Group II presented on average 40% less resistant to the axial loading. © 2012 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.


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Our goal was to study the use of 2.0-mm miniplates for the fixation of mandibular fractures. Records of 191 patients who experienced a total of 280 mandibular fractures that were treated with 2.0-mm miniplates were reviewed. One hundred twelve of those patients, presenting 160 fractures, who attended a late follow-up were also clinically evaluated. Miniplates were used in the same positions described by AO/ASIF. No intermaxillary fixation was used. All patients included had a minimum follow-up of 6 months. Demographic data, procedures, postoperative results, and complications were analyzed. Mandibular fractures occurred mainly in males (mean age, 30.3 years). Mean follow-up was 21.92 months. The main etiology was motor vehicle accident. The most common fracture was the angle fracture (28.21%). Twenty-two fractures developed infection, for an overall incidence of 7.85%. When only angle fractures are considered, that incidence is increased to 18.98%. Although only 1 patient (0.89%) described inferior alveolar nerve paresthesia, objective testing revealed sensitivity alterations in 31.52% of the patients who had fractures in regions related to the inferior alveolar nerve. Temporary mild deficit of the marginal mandibular branch was observed in 2.56% of the extraoral approaches performed and 2.48% presented with hypertrophic scars. Incidence of occlusal alterations was 4.0%. Facial asymmetry was observed in 2.67% of the patients, whereas malunion incidence was 1.78%. Fibrous union, mostly partial, occurred in 2.38% of the fractures, but only 1 of those presented with mobility (0.59%). Condylar resorption developed in 6.25% of the fixated condylar fractures. Mean mouth opening was 42.08 mm. The overall incidence of complications, including infections, was similar to those described for more rigid methods of fixation.