85 resultados para Ribozyme


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We have investigated the efficacy of a hairpin ribozyme targeting the 5′ leader sequence of HIV-1 RNA in a transgenic model system. Primary spleen cells derived from transgenic or control mice were infected with HIV-1/MuLV pseudotype virus. A significantly reduced susceptibility to infection in ribozyme-expressing transgenic spleen cells (P = 0.01) was shown. Variation of transgene-expression levels between littermates revealed a dose response between ribozyme expression and viral resistance, with an estimated cut off value below 0.2 copies of hairpin ribozyme per cell. These findings open up possibilities for studies on ribozyme efficacy and anti-HIV-1 gene therapy.


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Strand-specific transcripts of a satellite DNA of the newts, Notophthalmus and Triturus, are present in cells in monomeric and multimeric sizes. These transcripts undergo self-catalyzed, site-specific cleavage in vitro: the reaction requires Mg2+ and is mediated by a “hammerhead” domain. Transcription of the newt ribozyme appears to be performed by RNA polymerase II under the control of a proximal sequence element and a distal sequence element. In vitro, the newt ribozyme can cleave in trans an RNA substrate, suggesting that in vivo it might be involved in RNA processing events, perhaps as a riboprotein complex. Here we show that the newt ribozyme is in fact present as a riboprotein particle of about 12 S in the oocytes of Triturus. In addition, reconstitution experiments and gel-shift analyses show that a complex is assembled in vitro on the monomeric ribozyme molecules. UV cross-linking studies identify a few polypeptide species, ranging from 31 to 65 kDa, associated to the newt ribozyme with different affinities. Finally, we find that an appropriate oligoribonucleotide substrate is specifically cleaved by the riboproteic activity in S-100 ovary extracts.


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A hammerhead ribozyme [R(-)] targeting the minus strand RNA of potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) and a mutated nonfunctional ribozyme [mR(-)] were designed, cloned, and transcribed. As predicted, both monomer and dimer transcripts of the active R(-) ribozyme gene could cleave the PSTVd minus strand dimer RNA into three fragments of 77, 338, and 359 bases in vitro at 25 and 50°C. The tandem dimer genes of R(-) and mR(-) were subcloned separately into the plant expression vector pROK2. Transgenic potato plants (cultivar Desirée) were generated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Twenty-three of 34 independent transgenic plant lines expressing the active ribozyme R(-) resulted in having high levels of resistance to PSTVd, being free of PSTVd accumulation after challenge inoculation with PSTVd, but the remaining lines showed weaker levels of resistance to PSTVd with low levels of PSTVd accumulation. In contrast, 59 of 60 independent transgenic lines expressing the mutated ribozyme mR(-) were susceptible to PSTVd inoculation and had levels of PSTVd accumulation similar to that of the control plants transformed with the empty vector. The resistance against PSTVd replication was stably inherited to the vegetative progenies.


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Like most proteins, complex RNA molecules often are modular objects made up of distinct structural and functional domains. The component domains of a protein can associate in alternative combinations to form molecules with different functions. These observations raise the possibility that complex RNAs also can be assembled from preexisting structural and functional domains. To test this hypothesis, an in vitro evolution procedure was used to isolate a previously undescribed class of complex ligase ribozymes, starting from a pool of 1016 different RNA molecules that contained a constant region derived from a large structural domain that occurs within self-splicing group I ribozymes. Attached to this constant region were three hypervariable regions, totaling 85 nucleotides, that gave rise to the catalytic motif within the evolved catalysts. The ligase ribozymes catalyze formation of a 3′,5′-phosphodiester linkage between adjacent template-bound oligonucleotides, one bearing a 3′ hydroxyl and the other a 5′ triphosphate. Ligation occurs in the context of a Watson–Crick duplex, with a catalytic rate of 0.26 min−1 under optimal conditions. The constant region is essential for catalytic activity and appears to retain the tertiary structure of the group I ribozyme. This work demonstrates that complex RNA molecules, like their protein counterparts, can share common structural domains while exhibiting distinct catalytic functions.


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In a previous examination using natural all-RNA substrates that contained either a 5′-oxy or 5′-thio leaving group at the cleavage site, we demonstrated that (i) the attack by the 2′-oxygen at C17 on the phosphorus atom is the rate-limiting step only for the substrate that contains a 5′-thio group (R11S) and (ii) the departure of the 5′ leaving group is the rate-limiting step for the natural all-RNA substrate (R11O) in both nonenzymatic and hammerhead ribozyme-catalyzed reactions; the energy diagrams for these reactions were provided in our previous publication. In this report we found that the rate of cleavage of R11O by a hammerhead ribozyme was enhanced 14-fold when Mg2+ ions were replaced by Mn2+ ions, whereas the rate of cleavage of R11S was enhanced only 2.2-fold when Mg2+ ions were replaced by Mn2+ ions. This result appears to be exactly the opposite of that predicted from the direct coordination of the metal ion with the leaving 5′-oxygen, because a switch in metal ion specificity was not observed with the 5′-thio substrate. However, our quantitative analyses based on the previously provided energy diagram indicate that this result is in accord with the double-metal-ion mechanism of catalysis.


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Clinical and experimental evidence suggests that spreading of malignant cells from a localized tumor (metastasis) is directly related to the number of microvessels in the primary tumor. This tumor angiogenesis is thought to be mediated by tumor-cell-derived growth factors. However, most tumor cells express a multitude of candidate angiogenesis factors and it is difficult to decipher which of these are rate-limiting factors in vivo. Herein we use ribozyme targeting of pleiotrophin (PTN) in metastatic human melanoma cells to assess the significance of this secreted growth factor for angiogenesis and metastasis. As a model we used human melanoma cells (1205LU) that express high levels of PTN and metastasize from subcutaneous tumors to the lungs of experimental animals. In these melanoma cells, we reduced PTN mRNA and growth factor activity by transfection with PTN-targeted ribozymes and generated cell lines expressing different levels of PTN. We found that the reduction of PTN does not affect growth of the melanoma cells in vitro. In nude mice, however, tumor growth and angiogenesis were decreased in parallel with the reduced PTN levels and apoptosis in the tumors was increased. Concomitantly, the metastatic spread of the tumors from the subcutaneous site to the lungs was prevented. These studies support a direct link between tumor angiogenesis and metastasis through a secreted growth factor and identify PTN as a candidate factor that may be rate-limiting for human melanoma metastasis.


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Hepatitis δ virus (HDV) replicates its circular RNA genome via a rolling circle mechanism. During this process, cis-acting ribozymes cleave adjacent upstream sequences and thereby resolve replication intermediates to unit-length RNA. The subsequent ligation of these 5′OH and 2′,3′-cyclic phosphate termini to form circular RNA is an essential step in the life cycle of the virus. Here we present evidence for the involvement of a host activity in the ligation of HDV RNA. We used both HDV and hammerhead ribozymes to generate a panel of HDV and non-HDV RNA substrates that bear 5′ hydroxyl and 2′,3′- cyclic phosphate termini. We found that ligation of these substrates occurred in host cells, but not in vitro or in Escherichia coli. The host-specific ligation activity was capable of joining RNA in both bimolecular and intramolecular reactions and functioned in a sequence-independent manner. We conclude that mammalian cells contain a default pathway that efficiently circularizes ribozyme processed RNAs. This pathway could be exploited in the delivery of stable antisense and decoy RNA to the nucleus.


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The RNA cleavage reaction catalyzed by the hairpin ribozyme shows biphasic kinetics, and chase experiments show that the slow phase of the reaction results from reversible substrate binding to an inactive conformational isomer. To investigate the structural basis for the heterogeneous kinetics, we have developed an enzymatic RNA modification method that selectively traps substrate bound to the inactive conformer and allows the two forms of the ribozyme-substrate complex to be separated and analyzed by using both physical and kinetic strategies. The inactive form of the complex was trapped by the addition of T4 RNA ligase to a cleavage reaction, resulting in covalent linkage of the 5′ end of the substrate to the 3′ end of the ribozyme and in selective and quantitative ablation of the slow kinetic phase of the reaction. This result indicates that the inactive form of the ribozyme-substrate complex can adopt a conformation in which helices 2 and 3 are coaxially stacked, whereas the active form does not have access to this conformation, because of a sharp bend at the helical junction that presumably is stabilized by inter-domain tertiary contacts required for catalytic activity. These results were used to improve the activity of the hairpin ribozyme by designing new interfaces between the two domains, one containing a non-nucleotidic orthobenzene linkage and the other replacing the two-way junction with a three-way junction. Each of these modified ribozymes preferentially adopts the active conformation and displays improved catalytic efficiency.


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The protein component of ribonuclease P (RNase P) binds to the RNA subunit, forming a functional ribonucleoprotein complex in vivo and enhancing the affinity of the precursor tRNA (pre-tRNA) substrate. Photocrosslinking experiments with pre-tRNA bound to RNase P reconstituted with the protein component of Bacillus subtilis ribonuclease P (P protein) site specifically modified with a crosslinking reagent indicate that: (i) the central cleft of P protein directly interacts with the single-stranded 5′ leader sequence of pre-tRNA, and (ii) the orientation and register of the pre-tRNA leader sequence in the central cleft places the protein component in close proximity to the active site. This unique mode of interaction suggests that the catalytic active site in RNase P occurs near the interface of RNA and protein. In contrast to other ribonucleoprotein complexes where the protein mainly stabilizes the active tertiary fold of the RNA, a critical function of the protein component of RNase P is to alter substrate specificity and enhance catalytic efficiency.


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The zebrafish system offers many unique opportunities for the study of molecular biology. To date, only random mutagenesis, and not directed gene knockouts, have been demonstrated in this system. To more fully develop the potential of the zebrafish system, an approach to effectively inhibit the expression of any targeted gene in the developing zebrafish embryo has been developed. This approach uses a transient, cytoplasmic, T7 expression system, injected into the fertilized zebrafish egg to rapidly produce high levels of a ribozyme directed against the mRNA encoded by the targeted gene to inhibit its expression. In a demonstration of this strategy, expression of the recessive dominant zebrafish no tail gene was effectively inhibited by using this strategy to yield a phenotype identical to that resulting from a known defective mutation in this same gene. This, ribozyme-mediated, message deletion strategy may have use in determining the function of genetic coding sequences of unknown function.


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Peptide bond formation by the ribosome requires 23S rRNA and its interaction with the 3′-CCA end of tRNA. To investigate the possible evolutionary development of the peptidyl transfer reaction, we tried to obtain peptide bond formation without the ribosome or rRNA simply by using a piece of tRNA—an aminoacyl-minihelix—mixed with sequence-specific oligonucleotides that contained puromycin. Peptide bond formation was detected by gel electrophoresis, TLC analysis, and mass spectrometry. Peptide synthesis depended on sequence complementarity between the 3′-CCA sequence of the minihelix and the puromycin-bearing oligonucleotide. However, proximity of the reacting species was not by itself sufficient for peptide bond formation. In addition, imidazole as a catalyst was required. Its role may be similar to the recently proposed mechanism, wherein A2451 of 23S rRNA works as a general base. Thus, peptide bond formation can be achieved with a simple, minimized system that captures the essence of an interaction seen in the ribosome.


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Ribozymes of hepatitis delta virus have been proposed to use an active-site cytosine as an acid-base catalyst in the self-cleavage reaction. In this study, we have examined the role of cytosine in more detail with the antigenomic ribozyme. Evidence that proton transfer in the rate-determining step involved cytosine 76 (C76) was obtained from examining cleavage activity of the wild-type and imidazole buffer-rescued C76-deleted (C76Δ) ribozymes in D2O and H2O. In both reactions, a similar kinetic isotope effect and shift in the apparent pKa indicate that the buffer is functionally substituting for the side chain in proton transfer. Proton inventory of the wild-type reaction supported a mechanism of a single proton transfer at the transition state. This proton transfer step was further characterized by exogenous base rescue of a C76Δ mutant with cytosine and imidazole analogues. For the imidazole analogues that rescued activity, the apparent pKa of the rescue reaction, measured under kcat/KM conditions, correlated with the pKa of the base. From these data a Brønsted coefficient (β) of 0.51 was determined for the base-rescued reaction of C76Δ. This value is consistent with that expected for proton transfer in the transition state. Together, these data provide strong support for a mechanism where an RNA side chain participates directly in general acid or general base catalysis of the wild-type ribozyme to facilitate RNA cleavage.


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The secondary structure of a truncated P5abc subdomain (tP5abc, a 56-nucleotide RNA) of the Tetrahymena thermophila group I intron ribozyme changes when its tertiary structure forms. We have now used heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy to determine its conformation in solution. The tP5abc RNA that contains only secondary structure is extended compared with the tertiary folded form; both forms coexist in slow chemical exchange (the interconversion rate constant is slower than 1 s−1) in the presence of magnesium. Kinetic experiments have shown that tertiary folding of the P5abc subdomain is one of the earliest folding transitions in the group I intron ribozyme, and that it leads to a metastable misfolded intermediate. Previous mutagenesis studies suggest that formation of the extended P5abc structure described here destabilize a misfolded intermediate. This study shows that the P5abc RNA subdomain containing a GNRA tetraloop in P5c (in contrast to the five-nucleotide loop P5c in the tertiary folded ribozyme) can disrupt the base-paired interdomain (P14) interaction between P5c and P2.


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An allosteric ribozyme that requires two different effectors to induce catalysis was created using modular rational design. This ribozyme construct comprises five conjoined RNA modules that operate in concert as an obligate FMN- and theophylline-dependent molecular switch. When both effectors are present, this ‘binary’ RNA switch self-cleaves with a rate enhancement of ∼300-fold over the rate observed in the absence of effectors. Kinetic and structural studies implicate a switching mechanism wherein FMN binding induces formation of the active ribozyme conformation. However, the binding site for FMN is rendered inactive unless theophylline first binds to its corresponding site and reorganizes the RNA structure. This example of cooperative binding between allosteric effectors reveals a level of structural and functional complexity for RNA that is similar to that observed with allosteric proteins.


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The strand transferase RAD51 is a component of the homologous recombination repair pathway. To examine the contribution of RAD51 to the genotoxic effects of ionising radiation, we have used a novel ribozyme strategy. A reporter gene vector was constructed so that expression of an inserted synthetic double-stranded ribozyme-encoding oligonucleotide would be under the control of the cytomegalovirus immediate-early gene enhancer/promoter system. The prostate tumour cell line LNCaP was transfected with this vector or a control vector, and a neomycin resistance gene on the vector was used to create geneticin-resistant stable cell lines. Three stable cell lines were shown by western blot analysis to have significant down-regulation of RAD51 to 20–50% of the levels expressed in control cell lines. All three cell lines had a similar increased sensitivity to γ-irradiation by 70 and 40%, respectively, compared to normal and empty vector-transfected cells, corresponding to dose-modifying factors of ∼2.0 and 1.5 in the mid-range of the dose-response curves. The amount of RAD51 protein in transfected cell lines was shown to strongly correlate with the α parameter obtained from fitted survival curves. These results highlight the importance of RAD51 in cellular responses to radiation and are the first to indicate the potential use of RAD51-targeted ribozyme minigenes in tumour radiosensitisation.