992 resultados para Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii


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La asociación Rhizobium-leguminosa constituye una interacción planta-microorganismo particularmente beneficiosa a nivel medioambiental debido a su capacidad promotora del crecimiento vegetal en condiciones de deficiencia de nitrógeno. Se ha demostrado que una excesiva concentración de metales pesados en el suelo afecta negativamente la competitividad bacteriana y al desarrollo de interacciones diazotróficas eficientes (Chaudri et al., 2000; Pereira et al., 2006). Por otro lado, el suministro de metales como Fe, Mo, Ni o Cu es fundamental para la biosíntesis de enzimas bacterianas relacionadas con el proceso de fijación de nitrógeno que ocurre en el interior de los nódulos de las leguminosas (Moreau et al., 1995). Con objeto de identificar sistemas génicos implicados en la homeostasis de níquel en bacterias endosimbióticas, se ha llevado a cabo una mutagénesis mediante inserción aleatoria de un minitransposón derivado de Tn5 en Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae UPM1137, una cepa capaz de resistir elevadas concentraciones de níquel y cobalto. Como resultado de esta mutagénesis se han obtenido 14 mutantes incapaces de crecer en medios suplementados con NiCl2. La localización de la inserción en estos mutantes muestra que una elevada proporción de los genes afectados codifican proteínas de membrana o proteínas secretadas. En paralelo, se ha obtenido la secuencia del genoma de la cepa UPM1137, lo que permite realizar estudios in silico comparando los genomas disponibles de varias cepas de R. leguminosarum bv. viciae, que presentan una menor sensibilidad a metales. El análisis bioinformático de los genomas secuenciados y la caracterización fenotípica de los mutantes obtenidos permitirá identificar potenciales sistemas de resistencia y su contribución a la homeostasis de metales.


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No Setor de Microbiologia do Solo, Departamento de Solos, da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brasil, de janeiro de 1994 a março de 1995, quatro estirpes de Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii foram avaliadas para recomendação para a produção de inoculantes de trevo vermelho (Trifolium pratense). Em experimentos de casa de vegetação, as quatro estirpes apresentaram igual eficiência na fixação do nitrogênio. Contudo, em experimento de mistura de pares de estirpes, a estirpe SEMIA 222 foi mais competitiva na formação de nódulos. Em meio levedura manitol sacarose, a taxa de crescimento foi maior para as estirpes SEMIA 222, T107 e T154 do que a estirpe SEMIA 235. O tempo de geração da estirpe 222 foi mais baixo, seguido da T107 e T154, e maior para a estirpe 235. Em inoculante com veículo de turfa esterilizada, avaliado até seis meses de armazenamento, as estirpes 222 e T154 apresentaram boa sobrevivência, enquanto em inoculante com a mistura das estirpes, a T154 dominou a população. As duas estirpes apresentaram similar sobrevivência nas sementes tratadas por inoculação simples e por peletização.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Na etapa inicial da troca de sinais moleculares entre macro e microssimbiontes, a interação do feijoeiro e estirpes de Rhizobium tropici, R. etli e R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli foi avaliada pela expressão dos genes nod de estirpes bacterianas, contendo a fusão nodA::gusA. Esta avaliação foi efetuada por meio da atividade da enzima ß-glucuronidase, utilizando, como indutores, exsudatos liberados pelas sementes de Mimosa flocculosa e Leucaena leucocephala. Além disso, avaliou-se o efeito da adição desses exsudatos no estabelecimento da nodulação do feijoeiro, cv. Carioca. Nos testes "in vitro", a mistura de exsudatos de sementes de feijoeiro e M. flocculosa promoveu aumentos sinergísticos significativos na expressão dos genes nod, tanto das estirpes de R. tropici (CIAT 899/pGUS 32 e F 98.5/pGUS 32) quanto de R. etli (CFN 42/pGUS 32). Em condições controladas, a adição dos exsudatos, tanto de M. flocculosa quanto de L. leucocephala, proporcionou aumento significativo na nodulação inicial do feijoeiro, quando foi inoculada a estirpe CFN 42 (R. etli). A nodulação do feijoeiro cultivado em vasos com solo não foi inibida pelo suprimento de N-mineral, quando se inoculou a estirpe CIAT 899 (R. tropici) e foram fornecidos exsudatos de sementes de M. flocculosa.


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Rhizobium leguminosarum (Rl) es una alfa-proteobacteria capaz de establecer una simbiosis diazotrófica con distintas leguminosas. A pesar de la importancia de esta simbiosis en el balance global del ciclo del nitrógeno, muy pocos genomas de rhizobios han sido secuenciados, que aporten nuevos conocimientos relacionados con las características genéticas que contribuyen a importantes procesos simbióticos. Únicamente tres secuencias completas de Rl han sido publicadas: Rl bv. viciae 3841 y dos genomas de Rl bv. trifolii (WSM1325 y WSM2304), ambos simbiontes de trébol. La secuencia genómica de Rlv UPM791 se ha determinado por medio de secuenciación 454. Este genoma tiene un tamaño aproximado de 7.8 Mb, organizado en un cromosoma y 5 replicones extracromosómicos, que incluyen un plásmido simbiótico de 405 kb. Este nuevo genoma se ha analizado en relación a las funciones simbióticas y adaptativas en comparación con los genomas completos de Rlv 3841 y Rl bv. trifolii WSM1325 y WSM2304. Mientras que los plásmidos pUPM791a y b se encuentran conservados, el plásmido simbiótico pUPM791c exhibe un grado de conservación muy bajo comparado con aquellos descritos en las otras cepas de Rl. Uno de los factores implicados en el establecimiento de la simbiosis es el sistema de comunicación intercelular conocido como Quorum Sensing (QS). El análisis del genoma de Rlv UPM791 ha permitido la identificación de dos sistemas tipo LuxRI mediados por señales de tipo N-acyl-homoserina lactonas (AHLs). El análisis mediante HPLC-MS ha permitido asociar las señales C6-HSL, C7-HSL y C8-HSL al sistema rhiRI, codificado en el plásmido simbiótico; mientras que el sistema cinRI, localizado en el cromosoma, produce 3OH-C14:1-HSL. Se ha identificado una tercera sintasa (TraI) codificada en el plásmido simbiótico, pero su regulador correspondiente se encuentra truncado debido a un salto de fase. Adicionalmente, se han encontrado tres reguladores de tipo LuxR-orphan que no presentan una sintasa LuxI asociada. El efecto potencial de las señales tipo AHL se ha estudiado mediante una estrategia de quorum quenching, la cual interfiere con los sistemas de QS de la bacteria. Esta estrategia está basada en la introducción del gen aiiA de Bacillus subtilis, que expresa constitutivamente una enzima lactonasa degradadora de AHLs. Para llevar a cabo el análisis en condiciones simbióticas, se ha desarrollado un sistema de doble marcaje que permite la identificación basado en los marcadores gusA y celB, que codifican para una enzima β–glucuronidasa y una β–galactosidasa termoestable, respectivamente. Los resultados obtenidos indican que Rlv UPM791 predomina sobre la cepa Rlv 3841 para la formación de nódulos en plantas de guisante. La baja estabilidad del plásmido que codifica para aiiA, no ha permitido obtener una conclusión definitiva sobre el efecto de la lactonasa AiiA en competitividad. Con el fin de analizar el significado y la regulación de la producción de moléculas señal tipo AHL, se han generado mutantes defectivos en cada uno de los dos sistemas de QS. Se ha llevado a cabo un análisis detallado sobre la producción de AHLs, formación de biofilm y simbiosis con plantas de guisante, veza y lenteja. El efecto de las deleciones de los genes rhiI y rhiR en Rlv UPM791 es más drástico en ausencia del plásmido pUPM791d. Mutaciones en cinI o cinRIS muestran tanto ausencia de señales, como producción exclusivamente de las de bajo peso molecular, respectivamente, producidas por el sistema rhiRI. Estas mutaciones mostraron un efecto importante en simbiosis. El sistema rhiRI se necesita para un comportamiento simbiótico normal. Además, mutantes cinRIS generaron nódulos blancos e ineficientes, mientras que el mutante cinI fue incapaz de producir nódulos en ninguna de las leguminosas utilizadas. Dicha mutación resultó en la inestabilización del plasmido simbiótico por un mecanismo dependiente de cinI que no ha sido aclarado. En general, los resultados obtenidos indican la existencia de un modelo de regulación dependiente de QS significativamente distinto a los que se han descrito previamente en otras cepas de R. leguminosarum, en las cuales no se había observado ningún fenotipo relevante en simbiosis. La regulación de la producción de AHLs Rlv UPM791 es un proceso complejo que implica genes situados en los plásmidos UPM791c y UPM791d, además de la señal 3-OH-C14:1-HSL. Finalmente, se ha identificado un transportador de tipo RND, homologo a mexAB-oprM de P. aeruginosa e implicado en la extrusión de AHLs de cadena larga. La mutación he dicho transportador no tuvo efectos apreciables sobre la simbiosis. ABSTRACT Rhizobium leguminosarum (Rl) is a soil alpha-proteobacterium that establishes a diazotrophic symbiosis with different legumes. Despite the importance of this symbiosis to the global nitrogen cycling balance, very few rhizobial genomes have been sequenced so far which provide new insights into the genetic features contributing to symbiotically relevant processes. Only three complete sequences of Rl strains have been published: Rl bv. viciae 3841, harboring six plasmids (7.75 Mb) and two Rl bv. trifolii (WSM1325 and WSM2304), both clover symbionts, harboring 5 and 4 plasmids, respectively (7.41 and 6.87 Mb). The genomic sequence of Rlv UPM791 was undertaken by means of 454 sequencing. Illumina and Sanger reads were used to improve the assembly, leading to 17 final contigs. This genome has an estimated size of 7.8 Mb organized in one chromosome and five extrachromosomal replicons, including a 405 kb symbiotic plasmid. Four of these plasmids are already closed, whereas there are still gaps in the smallest one (pUPM791d) due to the presence of insertion elements and repeated sequences, which difficult the assembly. The annotation has been carried out thanks to the Manatee pipeline. This new genome has been analyzed as regarding symbiotic and adaptive functions in comparison to the Rlv 3841 complete genome, and to those from Rl bv. trifolii strains WSM1325 and WSM2304. While plasmids pUPM791a and b are conserved, the symbiotic plasmid pUPM791c exhibited the lowest degree of conservation as compared to those from the other Rl strains. One of the factors involved in the symbiotic process is the intercellular communication system known as Quorum Sensing (QS). This mechanism allows bacteria to carry out diverse biological processes in a coordinate way through the production and detection of extracellular signals that regulate the transcription of different target genes. Analysis of the Rlv UPM791 genome allowed the identification of two LuxRI-like systems mediated by N-acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs). HPLC-MS analysis allowed the adscription of C6-HSL, C7-HSL and C8-HSL signals to the rhiRI system, encoded in the symbiotic plasmid, whereas the cinRI system, located in the chromosome, produces 3OH-C14:1-HSL, previously described as “bacteriocin small”. A third synthase (TraI) is encoded also in the symbiotic plasmid, but its cognate regulator TraR is not functional due to a fameshift mutation. Three additional LuxR orphans were also found which no associated LuxI-type synthase. The potential effect of AHLs has been studied by means of a quorum quenching approach to interfere with the QS systems of the bacteria. This approach is based upon the introduction into the strains Rl UPM791 and Rl 3841 of the Bacillus subtilis gene aiiA expressing constitutively an AHL-degrading lactonase enzyme which led to virtual absence of AHL even when AiiA-expressing cells were a fraction of the total population. No significant effect of AiiA-mediated AHL removal on competitiveness for growth in solid surface was observed. For analysis under symbiotic conditions we have set up a two-label system to identify nodules produced by two different strains in pea roots, based on the markers gusA and celB, encoding a β–glucuronidase and a thermostable β–galactosidase enzymes, respectively. The results obtained show that Rlv UPM791 outcompetes Rlv 3841 for nodule formation in pea plants, and that the presence of the AiiA plasmid does not significantly affect the relative competitiveness of the two Rlv strains. However, the low stability of the pME6863 plasmid, encoding aiiA, did not lead to a clear conclusion about the AiiA lactonase effect on competitiveness. In order to further analyze the significance and regulation of the production of AHL signal molecules, mutants deficient in each of the two QS systems were constructed. A detailed analysis of the effect of these mutations on AHL production, biofilm formation and symbiosis with pea, vetch and lentil plants has been carried out. The effect of deletions on Rlv UPM791 rhiI and rhiR genes is more pronounced in the absence of plasmid pUPM791d, as no signal is detected in UPM791.1, lacking this plasmid. Mutations in cinI or cinRIS show either no signals, or only the small ones produced by the rhiRI system, suggesting that cinR might be regulating the rhiRI system. These mutations had a strong effect on symbiosis. Analysis of rhi mutants revealed that rhiRI system is required for normal symbiotic performance, as a drastic reduction of symbiotic fitness is observed when rhiI is deleted, and rhiR is essential for nitrogen fixation in the absence of plasmid pUPM791d. Furthermore, cinRIS mutants resulted in white and inefficient nodules, whereas cinI mutant was unable to form nodules on any legume tested. The latter mutation is associated to the instabilization of the symbiotic plasmid through a mechanism still uncovered. Overall, the results obtained indicate the existence of a model of QS-dependent regulation significantly different to that previously described in other R. leguminosarum strains, where no relevant symbiotic phenotype had been observed. The regulation of AHL production in Rlv UPM791 is a complex process involving the symbiotic plasmid (pUPM791c) and the smallest plasmid (pUPM791d), with a key role for the 3-OH-C14:1-HSL signal. Finally, we made a search for potential AHL transporters in Rlv UPM791 genome. These signals diffuse freely across membranes, but in the case of the long-chain AHLs an active efflux system might be required, as it has been described for C12-HSL in the case of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We have identified a putative AHL transporter of the RND family homologous to P. aeruginosa mexAB-oprM. A mutant strain deficient in this transporter has been generated, and TLC analysis shows absence of 3OH-C14:1-HSL in its supernatant. This deficiency was complemented by the reintroduction of an intact copy of the genes via plasmid transfer. The mutation in mexAB genes had no significant effects on the symbiotic performance of R. leguminosarum bv. viciae.


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A gene encoding a homolog to the cation diffusion facilitator protein DmeF from Cupriavidus metallidurans has been identified in the genome of Rhizobium leguminosarum UPM791. The R. leguminosarum dmeF gene is located downstream of an open reading frame (designated dmeR) encoding a protein homologous to the nickel- and cobalt-responsive transcriptional regulator RcnR from Escherichia coli. Analysis of gene expression showed that the R. leguminosarum dmeRF genes are organized as a transcriptional unit whose expression is strongly induced by nickel and cobalt ions, likely by alleviating the repressor activity of DmeR on dmeRF transcription. An R. leguminosarum dmeRF mutant strain displayed increased sensitivity to Co(II) and Ni(II), whereas no alterations of its resistance to Cd(II), Cu(II), or Zn(II) were observed. A decrease of symbiotic performance was observed when pea plants inoculated with an R. leguminosarum dmeRF deletion mutant strain were grown in the presence of high concentrations of nickel and cobalt. The same mutant induced significantly lower activity levels of NiFe hydrogenase in microaerobic cultures. These results indicate that the R. leguminosarum DmeRF system is a metal-responsive efflux mechanism acting as a key element for metal homeostasis in R. leguminosarum under free-living and symbiotic conditions. The presence of similar dmeRF gene clusters in other Rhizobiaceae suggests that the dmeRF system is a conserved mechanism for metal tolerance in legume endosymbiotic bacteria.


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Lipid A from several strains of the N2-fixing bacterium Rhizobium leguminosarum displays significant structural differences from Escherichia coli lipid A, one of which is the complete absence of phosphate groups. However, the first seven enzymes of E. coli lipid A biosynthesis, leading from UDP-GlcNAc to the phosphorylated intermediate, 2-keto-3-deoxyoctulosonate (Kdo2)-lipid IVA, are present in R. leguminosarum. We now describe a membrane-bound phosphatase in R. leguminosarum extracts that removes the 4' phosphate of Kdo2-lipid IVA. The 4' phosphatase is selective for substrates containing the Kdo domain. It is present in extracts of R. leguminosarum biovars phaseoli, viciae, and trifolii but is not detectable in E. coli and Rhizobium meliloti. A nodulation-defective strain (24AR) of R. leguminosarum biovar trifolii, known to contain a 4' phosphatase residue on its lipid A, also lacks measurable 4' phosphatase activity. The Kdo-dependent 4' phosphatase appears to be a key reaction in a pathway for generating phosphate-deficient lipid A.


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One of the largest contributions to biologically available nitrogen comes from the reduction of N-2 to ammonia by rhizobia in symbiosis with legumes. Plants supply dicarboxylic acids as a carbon source to bacteroids, and in return they receive ammonia. However, metabolic exchange must be more complex, because effective N-2 fixation by Rhizobium leguminosarum bv viciae bacteroids requires either one of two broad-specificity amino acid ABC transporters (Aap and Bra). It was proposed that amino acids cycle between plant and bacteroids, but the model was unconstrained because of the broad solute specificity of Aap and Bra. Here, we constrain the specificity of Bra and ectopically express heterologous transporters to demonstrate that branched-chain amino acid (LIV) transport is essential for effective N-2 fixation. This dependence of bacteroids on the plant for LIV is not due to their known down-regulation of glutamate synthesis, because ectopic expression of glutamate dehydrogenase did not rescue effective N-2 fixation. Instead, the effect is specific to LIV and is accompanied by a major reduction in transcription and activity of LIV biosynthetic enzymes. Bacteroids become symbiotic auxotrophs for LIV and depend on the plant for their supply. Bacteroids with aap bra null mutations are reduced in number, smaller, and have a lower DNA content than wild type. Plants control LIV supply to bacteroids, regulating their development and persistence. This makes it a critical control point for regulation of symbiosis. MICROBIOLOGY


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IVET was used to identify genes that are specifically expressed in the rhizosphere of the pea-nodulating bacterium Rhizobium leguminosarum A34. A library of R. leguminosarum A34 cloned in the integration vector pIE1, with inserts upstream of a promoter-less purN:gfp:gusA, was conjugated into purN host RU2249 and recombined into the genome. After removal of colonies that expressed the reporter genes of the vector under laboratory conditions, the library was inoculated into a nonsterile pea rhizosphere. The key result is that 29 rhizosphere-induced loci were identified. Sequence analysis of these clones showed that a wide variety of R. leguminosarum A34 genes are expressed specifically in the rhizosphere including those encoding proteins involved in environmental sensing, control of gene expression, metabolic reactions and membrane transport. These genes are likely to be important for survival and colonization of the pea rhizosphere.


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Background: Rhizobium leguminosarum is an alpha-proteobacterial N-2-fixing symbiont of legumes that has been the subject of more than a thousand publications. Genes for the symbiotic interaction with plants are well studied, but the adaptations that allow survival and growth in the soil environment are poorly understood. We have sequenced the genome of R. leguminosarum biovar viciae strain 3841. Results: The 7.75 Mb genome comprises a circular chromosome and six circular plasmids, with 61% G+C overall. All three rRNA operons and 52 tRNA genes are on the chromosome; essential protein-encoding genes are largely chromosomal, but most functional classes occur on plasmids as well. Of the 7,263 protein-encoding genes, 2,056 had orthologs in each of three related genomes ( Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Sinorhizobium meliloti, and Mesorhizobium loti), and these genes were overrepresented in the chromosome and had above average G+C. Most supported the rRNA-based phylogeny, confirming A. tumefaciens to be the closest among these relatives, but 347 genes were incompatible with this phylogeny; these were scattered throughout the genome but were over-represented on the plasmids. An unexpectedly large number of genes were shared by all three rhizobia but were missing from A. tumefaciens. Conclusion: Overall, the genome can be considered to have two main components: a 'core', which is higher in G+C, is mostly chromosomal, is shared with related organisms, and has a consistent phylogeny; and an 'accessory' component, which is sporadic in distribution, lower in G+C, and located on the plasmids and chromosomal islands. The accessory genome has a different nucleotide composition from the core despite a long history of coexistence.


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Background and aims: To form nitrogen-fixing nodules on pea roots, Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae must be competitive in the rhizosphere. Our aim was to identify genes important for rhizosphere fitness. Methods: Signature-tagged mutants were screened using microarrays to identify mutants reduced for growth in pea rhizospheres. Candidate mutants were assessed relative to controls for growth in minimal medium, growth in pea rhizospheres and for infection of peas in mixed inoculants. Mutated genes were identified by DNA sequencing and confirmed by transduction. Results: Of 5508 signature-tagged mutants, microarrays implicated 50 as having decreased rhizosphere fitness. Growth tests identified six mutants with rhizosphere-specific phenotypes. The mutation in one of the genes (araE) was in an arabinose catabolism operon and blocked growth on arabinose. The mutation in another gene (pcaM), encoding a predicted solute binding protein for protocatechuate and hydroxybenzoate uptake, decreased growth on protocatechuate. Both mutants were decreased for nodule infection competitiveness with mixed inoculants, but nodulated peas normally when inoculated alone. Other mutants with similar phenotypes had mutations predicted to affect secondary metabolism. Conclusions: Catabolism of arabinose and protocatechuate in the pea rhizosphere is important for competitiveness of R.l. viciae. Other genes predicted to be involved in secondary metabolism are also important.


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Background The rhizosphere is the microbe-rich zone around plant roots and is a key determinant of the biosphere's productivity. Comparative transcriptomics was used to investigate general and plant-specific adaptations during rhizosphere colonization. Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae was grown in the rhizospheres of pea (its legume nodulation host), alfalfa (a non-host legume) and sugar beet (non-legume). Gene expression data were compared to metabolic and transportome maps to understand adaptation to the rhizosphere. Results Carbon metabolism was dominated by organic acids, with a strong bias towards aromatic amino acids, C1 and C2 compounds. This was confirmed by induction of the glyoxylate cycle required for C2 metabolism and gluconeogenesis in all rhizospheres. Gluconeogenesis is repressed in R. leguminosarum by sugars, suggesting that although numerous sugar and putative complex carbohydrate transport systems are induced in the rhizosphere, they are less important carbon sources than organic acids. A common core of rhizosphere-induced genes was identified, of which 66% are of unknown function. Many genes were induced in the rhizosphere of the legumes, but not sugar beet, and several were plant specific. The plasmid pRL8 can be considered pea rhizosphere specific, enabling adaptation of R. leguminosarum to its host. Mutation of many of the up-regulated genes reduced competitiveness for pea rhizosphere colonization, while two genes specifically up-regulated in the pea rhizosphere reduced colonization of the pea but not alfalfa rhizosphere. Conclusions Comparative transcriptome analysis has enabled differentiation between factors conserved across plants for rhizosphere colonization as well as identification of exquisite specific adaptation to host plants.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: [NiFe] hydrogenases are enzymes that catalyze the oxidation of hydrogen into protons and electrons, to use H2 as energy source, or the production of hydrogen through proton reduction, as an escape valve for the excess of reduction equivalents in anaerobic metabolism. Biosynthesis of [NiFe] hydrogenases is a complex process that occurs in the cytoplasm, where a number of auxiliary proteins are required to synthesize and insert the metal cofactors into the enzyme structural units. The endosymbiotic bacterium Rhizobium leguminosarum requires the products of eighteen genes (hupSLCDEFGHIJKhypABFCDEX) to synthesize an active hydrogenase. hupF and hupK genes are found only in hydrogenase clusters from bacteria expressing hydrogenase in the presence of oxygen. Results: HupF is a HypC paralogue with a similar predicted structure, except for the C-terminal domain present only in HupF. Deletion of hupF results in the inability to process the hydrogenase large subunit HupL, and also in reduced stability of this subunit when cells are exposed to high oxygen tensions. A ?hupF mutant was fully complemented for hydrogenase activity by a C-terminal deletion derivative under symbiotic, ultra low-oxygen tensions, but only partial complementation was observed in free living cells under higher oxygen tensions (1% or 3%). Co-purification experiments using StrepTag-labelled HupF derivatives and mass spectrometry analysis indicate the existence of a major complex involving HupL and HupF, and a less abundant HupF-HupK complex. Conclusions: The results indicate that HupF has a dual role during hydrogenase biosynthesis: it is required for hydrogenase large subunit processing and it also acts as a chaperone to stabilize HupL when hydrogenase is synthesized in the presence of oxygen.