494 resultados para Rex


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The objective of the present work is to investigate gift-giving behavior between humans and their pets, and whether the relationship between human and pet affects the choice and purchase of these gifts. Theoretical support comes from works by Wolfinbarger (1990) who categorized the motivations underlying gift-giving, Belk & Coon (1993) who observed gift-giving as an economic exchange, Belk (1993) who approached gift-giving as an act of agapic love, and finally Hirschman (1994) who described many forms of relationship between consumers and their pets. The present study is of exploratory character. In-depth interviews were conducted so then the feelings and emotions of the informants, necessary to the analysis, could emerge. It was assumed that agapic, unconditional love, guided the gifts choice and purchase. Nevertheless, interpretation of the records shows that motivations which led the humans to give gifts to their pets were many. The work shows these motivations in a matrix. Records also indicate that it is difficult to establish the threshold between on motivation and the other.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We report Phrixocephalus cincinnatus, a pennellid copepod infecting the eyes of flatfishes, from a single specimen of rex sole, Glyptocephalus zachirus, for the first time. In the typical host, the arrowtooth flounder, Atherestes stomias, the parasite occurred commonly in sampled populations from the Broughton Archipelago in British Columbia, infected primarily the right eye of the flounder, and on only one occasion presented more than two parasites per eye. The copepod attached to the choroid layer and ramified throughout the posterior compartment of the eye, resulting in the disruption of the retina and probably impairing host vision. Inflammation and hyperplasia progressed to necrosis and proliferation of connective tissue, resulting in the total destruction of the eye.


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La ricerca di Roberta Frigeni, svolta ad ampio spettro diacronico, è condotta su di una campionatura di specula principum - editi ed inediti - elaborati tra XII e XV secolo, e ne indaga il linguaggio quale referente privilegiato, rilevandone persistenze terminologiche e nuclei sintagmatici ricorrenti, al fine di individuare concetti utili a delineare un lessico politico proprio di questa testualità, in corrispondenza al sorgere dell’entità statale europea nel XIII secolo (con particolare riguardo all’area francese, ai regni di Luigi IX e Filippo il Bello). A partire da un’analisi critica delle tesi di Quentin Skinner circa la ‘ridefinizione paradiastolica’ del sistema delle virtù classiche entro il trattato De principatibus, lo studio innesca un percorso di indagine à rebours che - sondando il linguaggio - rintraccia nella trattatistica delle institutiones regum del XV secolo (Pontano, Patrizi, Carafa, Platina) e degli specula principum medievali (Elinando di Froidmont, Gilberto di Tournai, Vincenzo di Beauvais, Guglielmo Peraldo, Egidio Romano, Guido Vernani) una consonanza di motivi nella sintassi e nell’immaginario preposti ad illustrare le potenzialità semantiche del nome di prudentia, individuata quale unica virtù sopravvissuta alla ‘ridescrizione’ del codice etico operata da Machiavelli. Indagando i progressivi ampliamenti del campo semantico sorto attorno al nome della virtù di prudenza entro la letteratura speculare, la ricerca mostra come il dialettico rapporto con i lessemi di sapientia, astutia, fides ed experientia abbia avuto un ruolo determinante per il sorgere di un’immagine del principe emancipata dalla figura biblica del “rex sapiens”, e per la formazione di un lessico ospitale delle manifestazioni concrete del vivere politico ed economico. I processi di dilatazione e rarefazione del bacino semantico di prudentia sono, infatti, funzionali ad illustrare come il linguaggio della testualità speculare registri l’acquisizione di nuove strumentazioni teoriche grazie al rinnovamento delle fonti a disposizione lungo il secolo XIII, che - sostituendo progressivamente il più recente dossier aristotelico al solo apparato veterotestamentario - permettono di integrare la concezione delle virtù in senso operativo, adattandola alle esigenze politico-economiche dei nuovi contesti istituzionali monarchici.


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REX-ISOLDE ist ein Pilotexperiment zur Nachbeschleunigung radioaktiver Ionenstrahlen am on-line Massenseparator ISOLDE am CERN. Ein wichtiges Teilprojekt war die Realisierung der effizienten Umwandlung des kontinuierlichen niederenergetischen Ionenstrahles in kurze Ionenpulse hoher Qualität. Zu diesem Zweck wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit REXTRAP, eine gasgefüllte Penningfalle entwickelt, in Betrieb genommen und systematisch untersucht.


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Von A. Sliwa


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The project to verify the performance of space tether technology was successfully demonstrated by the launch of the sounding rocket S520 the 25tu. The project is the space demonstration of science and engineering technologies of a bare tape electrodynamic tether (EDT) in the international campaign between Japan, USA, Europe and Australia. Method of "Inverse ORIGAMI (Tape tether folding)" was employed in order to deploy the bare tape EDT in a short period time of the suborbital flight. The deployment of tape tether was tested in a various experimental schemes on ground to show high reliability of tape tether deployment. The rocket was launched on the summer of 2010 and deployed a bare electro-dynamic tape tether with length 132.6 m, which is the world record of the length deployment of tape tether. The verification of tether technology has found a variety kind of science and technology results as the first in the humankind and will lead a large number of applications of space tether technologies


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June 1924


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Contiene los fueros y privilegios de Cáceres.