904 resultados para Revised Trauma Score
BACKGROUND: Multislice CT (MSCT) combined with D-dimer measurement can safely exclude pulmonary embolism in patients with a low or intermediate clinical probability of this disease. We compared this combination with a strategy in which both a negative venous ultrasonography of the leg and MSCT were needed to exclude pulmonary embolism. METHODS: We included 1819 consecutive outpatients with clinically suspected pulmonary embolism in a multicentre non-inferiority randomised controlled trial comparing two strategies: clinical probability assessment and either D-dimer measurement and MSCT (DD-CT strategy [n=903]) or D-dimer measurement, venous compression ultrasonography of the leg, and MSCT (DD-US-CT strategy [n=916]). Randomisation was by computer-generated blocks with stratification according to centre. Patients with a high clinical probability according to the revised Geneva score and a negative work-up for pulmonary embolism were further investigated in both groups. The primary outcome was the 3-month thromboembolic risk in patients who were left untreated on the basis of the exclusion of pulmonary embolism by diagnostic strategy. Clinicians assessing outcome were blinded to group assignment. Analysis was per protocol. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00117169. FINDINGS: The prevalence of pulmonary embolism was 20.6% in both groups (189 cases in DD-US-CT group and 186 in DD-CT group). We analysed 855 patients in the DD-US-CT group and 838 in the DD-CT group per protocol. The 3-month thromboembolic risk was 0.3% (95% CI 0.1-1.1) in the DD-US-CT group and 0.3% (0.1-1.2) in the DD-CT group (difference 0.0% [-0.9 to 0.8]). In the DD-US-CT group, ultrasonography showed a deep-venous thrombosis in 53 (9% [7-12]) of 574 patients, and thus MSCT was not undertaken. INTERPRETATION: The strategy combining D-dimer and MSCT is as safe as the strategy using D-dimer followed by venous compression ultrasonography of the leg and MSCT for exclusion of pulmonary embolism. An ultrasound could be of use in patients with a contraindication to CT.
Background: The Pulmonary Embolism Rule-out Criteria (PERC) rule is a clinical diagnostic rule designed to exclude pulmonary embolism (PE) without further testing. We sought to externally validate the diagnostic performance of the PERC rule alone and combined with clinical probability assessment based on the revised Geneva score. Methods: The PERC rule was applied retrospectively to consecutive patients who presented with a clinical suspicion of PE to six emergency departments, and who were enrolled in a randomized trial of PE diagnosis. Patients who met all eight PERC criteria [PERC(-)] were considered to be at a very low risk for PE. We calculated the prevalence of PE among PERC(-) patients according to their clinical pretest probability of PE. We estimated the negative likelihood ratio of the PERC rule to predict PE. Results: Among 1675 patients, the prevalence of PE was 21.3%. Overall, 13.2% of patients were PERC(-). The prevalence of PE was 5.4% [95% confidence interval (CI): 3.1-9.3%] among PERC(-) patients overall and 6.4% (95% CI: 3.7-10.8%) among those PERC(-) patients with a low clinical pretest probability of PE. The PERC rule had a negative likelihood ratio of 0.70 (95% CI: 0.67-0.73) for predicting PE overall, and 0.63 (95% CI: 0.38-1.06) in low-risk patients. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the PERC rule alone or even when combined with the revised Geneva score cannot safely identify very low risk patients in whom PE can be ruled out without additional testing, at least in populations with a relatively high prevalence of PE.
HIV escape in the central nervous system (CNS) despite undetectable viral load in the plasma has been observed and may contribute to HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. Favouring the use of HIV drugs with a good penetration into the CNS has been advocated, leading to the establishment of the CNS penetration-effectiveness (CPE) score. However, the relevance of this score is not fully established. Ciccarelli et al. compared two versions of the CPE scores in their capacity to predict cognitive dysfunction in HIV-infected individuals. The revised CPE score, but not the original one, showed an improved association with cognitive impairment. Prospective studies are warranted to assess the validity of the CPE score.
The Pulmonary Embolism Rule-out Criteria (PERC) rule is a clinical diagnostic rule designed to exclude pulmonary embolism (PE) without further testing. We sought to externally validate the diagnostic performance of the PERC rule alone and combined with clinical probability assessment based on the revised Geneva score.
BACKGROUND Assessment of pre-test probability of pulmonary embolism (PE) and prognostic stratification are two widely recommended steps in the management of patients with suspected PE. Some items of the Geneva prediction rule may have a prognostic value. We analyzed whether the initial probability assessed by the Geneva rule was associated with the outcome of patients with PE. METHODS In a post-hoc analysis of a multicenter trial including 1,693 patients with suspected PE, the all-cause death or readmission rates during the 3-month follow-up of patients with confirmed PE were analyzed. PE probability group was prospectively assessed by the revised Geneva score (RGS). Similar analyses were made with the a posteriori-calculated simplified Geneva score (SGS). RESULTS PE was confirmed in 357 patients and 21 (5.9%) died during the 3-month follow-up. The mortality rate differed significantly with the initial RGS group, as with the SGS group. For the RGS, the mortality increased from 0% (95% Confidence Interval: [0-5.4%]) in the low-probability group to 14.3% (95% CI: [6.3-28.2%]) in the high-probability group, and for the SGS, from 0% (95% CI: [0-5.4%] to 17.9% (95% CI: [7.4-36%]). Readmission occurred in 58 out of the 352 patients with complete information on readmission (16.5%). No significant change of readmission rate was found among the RGS or SGS groups. CONCLUSIONS Returning to the initial PE probability evaluation may help clinicians predict 3-month mortality in patients with confirmed PE. (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT00117169).
INTRODUCCIÓN • Los servicios de emergencia médica con helicópteros, en adelante HEMS (Helicopter Emergency Medical Service) son una herramienta consolidada en la asistencia sanitaria extra-hospitalaria y un componente esencial dentro de un sistema integral de emergencias. • Deben ser diseñados para mejorar la accesibilidad al diagnóstico y el tratamiento especializado en procesos severos y de rápido deterioro. • Deberían aportar el mejor tratamiento in situ con un elevado nivel de competencia y proporcionar una reducción del tiempo de traslado al centro de referencia. OBJETIVOS: • Describir las características y actividad global en 2014 de los helicópteros medicalizados de España. • Analizar la evolución de la actividad de los helicópteros de emergencias médicas (HEMS) en Andalucía entre 2003 y 2014. • Analizar las características así como el abordaje terapéutico de los traumatismos graves atendidos por los HEMS en Andalucía en 2013 y 2014. METODOLOGÍA: • Estudio descriptivo transversal mediante cuestionario semiestructurado a un profesional de cada helicóptero medicalizado de España: Se incluyen 31 helicópteros de emergencia médica, 4 de rescate medicalizado y 6 multi-propósito. • Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de los registros de las demandas asistenciales asignadas a los HEMS en Andalucía entre 2003 y 2014. • Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de las historias clínicas realizadas por los HEMS en Andalucía en 2013-14 a traumatismos graves, definido por la escala de trauma score revisada. RESULTADOS: • Se obtienen datos de actividad sanitaria de 35 helicópteros. En 2014 recibieron 10.824 activaciones y completaron 8.893 asistencias, el 79% primarias. Trasladaron 7.056 pacientes. Las facilidades HEMS de 65 hospitales de referencia fueron: 69% con helipuerto propio, 38% transferencia directa y el 45% homologados para operación nocturna. • En Andalucía en el periodo 2003-14 los HEMS recibieron 19.793 activaciones y completaron 14.646 asistencias, el 82% primarias. 8.792 pacientes fueron trasladados en helicóptero. Hay una reducción de la actividad desde 2007 paralela a la disminución de los accidentes de tráficos. • En 2013 y 2014 los helicópteros andaluces atendieron 700 pacientes con traumatismos. En 565 registros pudo calcularse el trauma score (RTS-T) que fue menor de 12 en 112 casos que consideramos graves. De ellos, el 47% fue ocasionado por accidente de transporte, el traumatismo craneal fue el más frecuente alcanzando el 67%. El 68% de los pacientes graves precisó una intubación orotraqueal en la escena. La mortalidad durante la asistencia fue del 9’8% para los pacientes graves frente al 0’4% de aquellos que consideramos no graves. CONCLUSIONES: • Los HEMS en España han tenido un notable desarrollo en los últimos 16. Años aunque la disponibilidad de HEMS nocturno es aun baja. Existe gran variabilidad entre los sistemas adoptados en cada comunidad autónoma. El equipamiento de seguridad del personal sanitario de muchas bases no alcanza estándares internacionales. • El rescate medicalizado está disponible sólo en 5 comunidades autónomas cuya gran experiencia puede guiar la introducción en otras. • Los HEMS de Andalucía tienen una elevada actividad global, con un notable incremento en el periodo 2003-2014. La misiones más frecuentes fueron la asistencia primaria a traumatismos, especialmente cráneo-encefálicos. La actividad a primarios alcanzó el máximo en 2007 y descendió en paralelo a los accidentes de trafico. En el periodo se triplicaron las cancelaciones a misiones primarias y se duplicaron los traslados interhospitalarios. • Existe gran variabilidad en la especialización del personal sanitario así como en el volumen y tipo de demandas realizadas en las diferentes bases HEMS de Andalucía. • Es necesario incrementar la cantidad y la calidad de helisuperficies de los hospitales de referencia en Andalucía para que permitan la transferencia sin ambulancia. • Son necesarios nuevos estudios que comparen la morbi-mortalidad y los tiempos de las asistencias realizadas por HEMS y por ambulancias terrestres.
To investigate the trace elements (TE) losses and status after trauma, 11 severely injured patients (Injury Severity Score: 29 +/- 6), admitted to the ICU were studied from the day of injury (D0) until D25. Balance studies were started within 24 hours after injury, until D7. Serum and urine samples were collected from D1 to D7, then on D10, 15, 20, and 25. Intravenous TE supplementation was initiated upon admission. SERUM: Selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn) levels were decreased until D7 and were normal thereafter. LOSSES: TE urinary excretions were higher than reference ranges until D20 in all patients. Fluid losses through drains contained large amounts of TE. BALANCES: Balances were slightly positive for copper (Cu) and Zn, and negative for Se from D5 to D7 despite supplements. Cu status exhibited minor changes compared to those observed with the Zn and Se status: Serum levels were decreased and losses increased. Considering the importance of Se and Zn in free radical scavenging, anabolism, and immunity, current recommendations for TE supplements in severely traumatized patients ought to be revised.
The objective of this study was to verify if replacing the Injury Severity Score (ISS) by the New Injury Severity Score (NISS) in the original Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) form would improve the survival rate estimation. This retrospective study was performed in a level I trauma center during one year. ROC curve was used to identify the best indicator (TRISS or NTRISS) for survival probability prediction. Participants were 533 victims, with a mean age of 38±16 years. There was predominance of motor vehicle accidents (61.9%). External injuries were more frequent (63.0%), followed by head/neck injuries (55.5%). Survival rate was 76.9%. There is predominance of ISS scores ranging from 9-15 (40.0%), and NISS scores ranging from 16-24 (25.5%). Survival probability equal to or greater than 75.0% was obtained for 83.4% of the victims according to TRISS, and for 78.4% according to NTRISS. The new version (NTRISS) is better than TRISS for survival prediction in trauma patients.
RESUMO Objetivo Identificar o padrão de intervenções de enfermagem realizadas em vítimas de trauma nas primeiras 24 horas de internação na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI). Método Estudo prospectivo, realizado na UTI de um hospital em São Paulo, Brasil. O instrumento Nursing Activities Score (NAS) foi utilizado para identificar as intervenções de enfermagem. Resultados A casuística foi composta por 200 pacientes, a maioria homens, com idade média de 40,7 anos, vítimas de acidentes de transporte. A média do NAS foi de 71,3% e o padrão de intervenções de enfermagem identificado incluiu as atividades de monitorização e controles; investigações laboratoriais; medicação, exceto drogas vasoativas; procedimentos de higiene; cuidados com drenos; mobilização e posicionamento; suporte e cuidado aos familiares e pacientes; tarefas administrativas e gerenciais; suporte respiratório; cuidado com vias aéreas artificiais; e tratamento para melhora da função pulmonar. Nas intervenções de monitorização e mobilização, houve a necessidade de cuidados além do normalmente requerido por pacientes de UTI. Conclusão Os resultados desta pesquisa trazem importantes contribuições para o planejamento de ações que visem a capacitação e o dimensionamento da equipe de enfermagem na unidade crítica.
Even 30 years after its first publication the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is still used worldwide to describe and assess coma. The GCS consists of three components, the ocular, motor and verbal response to standardized stimulation, and is used as a severity of illness indicator for coma of various origins. The GCS facilitates information transfer and monitoring changes in coma. In addition, it is used as a triage tool in patients with traumatic brain injury. Its prognostic value regarding the outcome after a traumatic brain injury still lacks evidence. One of the main problems is the evaluation of the GCS in sedated, paralysed and/or intubated patients. A multitude of pseudoscores exists but a universal definition has yet to be defined.
BACKGROUND: There is increasing evidence that a history of childhood abuse and neglect is not uncommon among individuals who experience mental disorder and that childhood trauma experiences are associated with adult psychopathology. Although several interview and self-report instruments for retrospective trauma assessment have been developed, many focus on sexual abuse (SexAb) rather than on multiple types of trauma or adversity. METHODS: Within the European Prediction of Psychosis Study, the Trauma and Distress Scale (TADS) was developed as a new self-report assessment of multiple types of childhood trauma and distressing experiences. The TADS includes 43 items and, following previous measures including the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, focuses on five core domains: emotional neglect (EmoNeg), emotional abuse (EmoAb), physical neglect (PhyNeg), physical abuse (PhyAb), and SexAb.This study explores the psychometric properties of the TADS (internal consistency and concurrent validity) in 692 participants drawn from the general population who completed a mailed questionnaire, including the TADS, a depression self-report and questions on help-seeking for mental health problems. Inter-method reliability was examined in a random sample of 100 responders who were reassessed in telephone interviews. RESULTS: After minor revisions of PhyNeg and PhyAb, internal consistencies were good for TADS totals and the domain raw score sums. Intra-class coefficients for TADS total score and the five revised core domains were all good to excellent when compared to the interviewed TADS as a gold standard. In the concurrent validity analyses, the total TADS and its all core domains were significantly associated with depression and help-seeking for mental problems as proxy measures for traumatisation. In addition, robust cutoffs for the total TADS and its domains were calculated. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest the TADS as a valid, reliable, and clinically useful instrument for assessing retrospectively reported childhood traumatisation.
In portfolio. 19 x 27 cm.
Recent studies in the area of psychological debriefing (PD) have reported adverse effects. This study examined one possible explanation for such effects, that of sensitisation to the possibility of pathology. Subjects were 161 psychology students (female, n = 121; male, n = 40) who had experienced trauma but received no previous treatment. Subjects either received an explanation (explanation group) or received no explanation at all (no explanation group) about trauma reactions prior to undertaking a therapeutic writing protocol. The hypothesis of increased morbidity where the possibility of pathology was made explicit was not supported. At 2 months, the explanation group had a greater reduction on Impact of Events Scale Revised JES-R) total scores, F(1, 151) = 3.98, p = .048, and on the General Health Questionnaire - 28 (GHQ-28) Anxiety and Insomnia subscale, F(1, 151) = 9.84, p = .002, and total score F(1, 150) 5.05, p = .026. High-avoidance copers in particular appeared to benefit from information provision, F(1, 148) = 4.2 6, p = .044. Results suggest that adverse findings associated with PD may not be due to information sensitising of participants to pathology and that the provision of information to trauma survivors appears to be a useful strategy. Recommendations were made regarding the management of those exposed to trauma and for future research.
The aim of the present study is to provide validation data regarding the Portuguese version of the Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire Revised in nonclinical individuals. Two studies were undertaken with two different nonclinical samples in order to demonstrate reliability, concurrent, predictive, and construct validity, and in order to establish an appropriate cut-score for nonclinical individuals. A sample of 810 community adults participated in Study 1. Results from this study provided information regarding scale internal consistency, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, and concurrent validity. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis established a cut-off score to be used for screening purposes with nonclinical individuals. A sample of 440 young adults participated in Study 2, which demonstrated scale score internal consistency and 5-month predictive validity. Further, 5-month test-retest reliability was also evaluated and the correlations of SBQ-R scale scores with two other measures that assess constructs related to suicidality, depression and psychache, were also performed. In addition, confirmatory factor analysis was undertaken to demonstrate the robustness of the result obtained in Study 1. Overall, findings supported the psychometric appropriateness of the Portuguese Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire-Revise
As experiências traumáticas precoces são um fator de risco preditivo de problemas psicopatológicos futuros. O Early Trauma Inventory (ETI) é um instrumento que avalia em indivíduos adultos experiências traumáticas ocorridas antes dos 18 anos de idade. Tal instrumento foi traduzido, transculturalmente adaptado e sua consistência interna foi avaliada. Vítimas de violência que preencheram os critérios de inclusão e exclusão foram submetidas a uma entrevista diagnóstica (SCID-I) e ao ETI. Foram incluídos 91 pacientes com o transtorno do estresse pós-traumático (TEPT). O alfa de Cronbach nos diferentes domínios variou de 0,595-0,793, e o escore total foi de 0,878. A maior parte dos itens nos vários domínios, com exceção do abuso emocional, apresentou índices de correlação interitem entre 0,51-0,99. A versão adaptada foi útil tanto na clínica quanto na pesquisa. Apresentou boa consistência interna e na correlação interitem. O ETI é um instrumento válido, com boa consistência para se avaliar a presença de história de traumas precoces em indivíduos adultos.