996 resultados para Reversible data hiding
A boy with a right congenital hemiparesis due to a left pre-natal middle cerebral artery infarct developed focal epilepsy at 33 months and then an insidious and subsequently more rapid, massive cognitive and behavioural regression with a frontal syndrome between the ages of 4 and 5 years with continuous spike-waves during sleep (CSWS) on the EEG. Both the epilepsy and the CSWS were immediately suppressed by hemispherotomy at the age of 5 years and 4 months. A behavioural-cognitive follow-up prior to hemispherotomy, an per-operative EEG and corticography and serial post-operative neuropsychological assessments were performed until the age of 11 years. The spread of the epileptic activity to the "healthy" frontal region was the cause of the reversible frontal syndrome. A later gradual long-term but incomplete cognitive recovery, with moderate mental disability was documented. This outcome is probably explained by another facet of the epilepsy, namely the structural effects of prolonged epileptic discharges in rapidly developing cerebral networks which are, at the same time undergoing the reorganization imposed by a unilateral early hemispheric lesion. Group studies on the outcome of children before and after hemispherectomy using only single IQ measures, pre- and post-operatively, may miss particular epileptic cognitive dysfunctions as they are likely to be different from case to case. Such detailed and rarely available complementary clinical and EEG data obtained in a single case at different time periods in relation to the epilepsy, including per-operative electrophysiological findings, may help to understand the different cognitive deficits and recovery profiles and the limits of full cognitive recovery.
Rapport de synthèse : Cette thèse a étudié en détail le cas d'un enfant souffrant d'une hémiplégie congénitale sur un infarctus prénatal étendu qui a développé une forme particulière d'épilepsie, le syndrome des pointes ondes continues du sommeil (POCS), associé à une régression mentale massive. Les caractéristiques de cette détérioration pointaient vers un dysfonctionnement de type frontal. Une chirurgie de l'épilepsie (hémisphérotomie) a, non seulement, permis la guérison de l'épilepsie mais une récupération rapide sur le plan comportemental et cognitif, suivie d'une reprise plus lente du développement, avec finalement à l'âge de 11 ans un niveau de déficience intellectuelle modérée. L'intérêt de cette étude réside dans le fait que l'enfant a pu être suivi prospectivement entre l'âge de 4.5 ans et 11 ans par des enregistrements électro-encéphalographiques (EEG) ainsi que des tests neuropsychologiques et des questionnaires de comportements sériés, permettant de comparer les périodes pré-, péri- et postopératoires, ce qui est rarement réalisable. Un enregistrement EEG de surface a même pu être effectué durant l'opération sur l'hémisphère non lésé, permettant de documenter l'arrêt des décharges épileptiformes généralisées dès la fin de l'intervention. L'hypothèse que nous avons- souhaité démontrer est que la régression comportementale et cognitive présentée par l'enfant après une période de développement précoce presque normale (retard de langage) était de nature épileptique : nous l'expliquons par la propagation de l'activité électrique anormale à partir de la lésion de l'hémisphère gauche vers les régions préservées, en particulier frontales bilatérales. L'hémisphérotomie a permis une récupération rapide en déconnectant l'hémisphère gauche lésé et épileptogène de l'hémisphère sain, qui a ainsi pu reprendre les fonctions cognitives les plus importantes. Les progrès plus lents par la suite et l'absence de rattrapage au delà d'un niveau de déficience mentale modérée sont plus difficiles à expliquer: on postule ici un effet de l'épilepsie sur le développement de réseaux neuronaux de l'hémisphère initialement non lésé, réseaux qui sont à la fois à un stade précoce de leur maturation et en cours de réorganisation suite à la lésion prénatale. La littérature sur les déficits cognitifs avant et après hemisphérotomie s'est surtout préoccupée du langage et de sa récupération possible. À notre connaissance, notre étude est la première à documenter la réversibilité d'une détérioration mentale avec les caractéristiques d'un syndrome frontal après hémisphérotomie. La chirurgie de l'épilepsie a offert ici une occasion unique de documenter le rôle de l'activité épileptique dans la régression cognitive puisqu'en interrompant brusquement la propagation de l'activité électrique anormale, on a pu comparer la dynamique du développement avant et après l'intervention. La mise en relation des multiples examens cliniques et EEG pratiqués chez un seul enfant sur plusieurs années a permis d'obtenir des informations importantes dans la compréhension des troubles cognitifs et du comportement associés aux épilepsies focales réfractaires. ABSTRACT : A boy with a right congenital hemiparesis due to a left pre-natal middle cerebral artery infarct developed focal epilepsy at 33 months and then an insidious and subsequently more rapid, massive cognitive and behavioural regression with a frontal syndrome between the ages of 4 and 5 years with continuous spike-waves during sleep (CSWS) on the EEG. Both the epilepsy and the CSWS were immediately suppressed by hemispherotomy at the age of 5 years and 4months. A behavioural-cognitive follow-up prior to hemispheratomy, an per-operative EEG and corticography and serial post-operative neuropsychological assessments were performed until the age of 11 years. The spread of the epileptic activity to the "healthy" frontal region was the cause of the reversible frontal syndrome. A later gradual long-term but incomplete cognitive recovery, with moderate mental disability was documented. T9ris outcome is probably explained by another facet of the epilepsy, namely the structural effects of prolonged epileptic dischazges in rapidly developing cerebral networks which are, at the same time undergoing the reorganization imposed by a unilateral early hemispheric lesion. Group studies on the outcome of children before and after hemispherectomy using only single IQ measures, pre- and postoperatively, may miss particular epileptic cognitive dysfunctions as they are likely to be different from case to case. Such detailed and rarely available complementary clinical and EEG data obtained in a single case at different time periods in relation to the epilepsy, including peroperative electrophysiological findings, may help to understand the different cognitive deficits and recovery profiles and the limits of full cognitive recovery.
For the last 2 decades, supertree reconstruction has been an active field of research and has seen the development of a large number of major algorithms. Because of the growing popularity of the supertree methods, it has become necessary to evaluate the performance of these algorithms to determine which are the best options (especially with regard to the supermatrix approach that is widely used). In this study, seven of the most commonly used supertree methods are investigated by using a large empirical data set (in terms of number of taxa and molecular markers) from the worldwide flowering plant family Sapindaceae. Supertree methods were evaluated using several criteria: similarity of the supertrees with the input trees, similarity between the supertrees and the total evidence tree, level of resolution of the supertree and computational time required by the algorithm. Additional analyses were also conducted on a reduced data set to test if the performance levels were affected by the heuristic searches rather than the algorithms themselves. Based on our results, two main groups of supertree methods were identified: on one hand, the matrix representation with parsimony (MRP), MinFlip, and MinCut methods performed well according to our criteria, whereas the average consensus, split fit, and most similar supertree methods showed a poorer performance or at least did not behave the same way as the total evidence tree. Results for the super distance matrix, that is, the most recent approach tested here, were promising with at least one derived method performing as well as MRP, MinFlip, and MinCut. The output of each method was only slightly improved when applied to the reduced data set, suggesting a correct behavior of the heuristic searches and a relatively low sensitivity of the algorithms to data set sizes and missing data. Results also showed that the MRP analyses could reach a high level of quality even when using a simple heuristic search strategy, with the exception of MRP with Purvis coding scheme and reversible parsimony. The future of supertrees lies in the implementation of a standardized heuristic search for all methods and the increase in computing power to handle large data sets. The latter would prove to be particularly useful for promising approaches such as the maximum quartet fit method that yet requires substantial computing power.
OBJECT: Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS) is described as a clinical and radiological entity characterized by thunderclap headaches, a reversible segmental or multifocal vasoconstriction of cerebral arteries with or without focal neurological deficits or seizures. The purpose of this study is to determine risk factors of poor outcome in patients presented a RCVS. METHODS: A retrospective multi-center review of invasive and non-invasive neurovascular imaging between January 2006 and January 2011 has identified 10 patients with criterion of reversible segmental vasoconstriction syndrome. Demographics data, vascular risks and evolution of each of these patients were analyzed. RESULTS: Seven of the ten patients were females with a mean age of 46 years. In four patients, we did not found any causative factors. Two cases presented RCVS in post-partum period between their first and their third week after delivery. The other three cases were drug-induced RCVS, mainly vaso-active drugs. Cannabis was found as the causative factor in two patient, Sumatriptan identified in one patient while cyclosporine was the causative agent in also one patient. The mean duration of clinical follow-up was 10.2 months (range: 0-28 months). Two patients had neurological sequelae: one patient kept a dysphasia and the other had a homonymous lateral hemianopia. We could not find any significant difference of the evolution between secondary RCVS and idiopathic RCVS. The only two factors, which could be correlated to the clinical outcome were the neurological status at admission and the presence of intraparenchymal abnormalities (ischemic stroke, hematoma) in brain imaging. CONCLUSIONS: Fulminant vasoconstriction resulting in progressive symptoms or death has been reported in exceptional frequency. Physicians had to remember that such evolution could happen and predict them by identifying all factors of poor prognosis (neurological status at admission, the presence of intraparenchymal abnormalities).
BACKGROUND: PRES is a reversible neurotoxic state presenting with headache, altered mental status, visual loss, and seizures. Delayed diagnosis can be avoided if radiological patterns could distinguish PRES from cerebral ischemia. METHODS: Clinical and radiological data were collected on all hospitalized patients who had (1) discharge diagnosis of PRES and (2) acute CTP/CTA. Data were compared with 10 TIA patients with proven cytotoxic edema on MRI. RESULTS: Of the four PRES patients found, three were correlated with acute blood pressure and one with chemotherapy. At the radiological level, quantitative analyses of the CTP parameters showed that 2 out of 4 patients had bilaterally reduced CBF-values (23.2-47.1 ml/100g/min) in occipital regions, as seen in the pathological regions of TIA patients (27.3 ± 13.5 ml/100g/min). When compared with TIA patients, the pathological ROI's demonstrated decreased CBV-values (3.4-5.6 ml/100g). Vasogenic edema on MRI FLAIR imaging was seen in only one PRES patient, and cytotoxic edema on DWI-imaging was never found. CT angiography showed in one PRES patient a vasospasm-like unilateral posterior cerebral artery. CONCLUSIONS: If confirmed by other groups, CTP and CTA imaging in patients with acute visual loss and confusion may help to distinguish PRES from bi-occipital ischemia. These radiological parameters may identify PRES patients at risk for additional tissue infarction.
The medial hypothalamus is part of a neurobiological substrate controlling defensive behavior. It has been shown that a hypothalamic nucleus, the dorsomedial hypothalamus (DMH), is involved in the regulation of escape, a defensive behavior related to panic attacks. The role played by the DMH in the organization of conditioned fear responses, however, is less clear. In the present study, we investigated the effects of reversible inactivation of the DMH with the GABA A agonist muscimol on inhibitory avoidance acquisition and escape expression by male Wistar rats (approximately 280 g in weight) tested in the elevated T-maze (ETM). In the ETM, inhibitory avoidance, a conditioned defensive response, has been associated with generalized anxiety disorder. Results showed that intra-DMH administration of the GABA A receptor agonist muscimol inhibited escape performance, suggesting an antipanic-like effect (P < 0.05), without changing inhibitory avoidance acquisition. Although a higher dose of muscimol (1.0 nmol/0.2 µL; N = 7) also altered locomotor activity in an open field when compared to control animals (0.2 µL saline; N = 13) (P < 0.05), the lower dose (0.5 nmol/0.2 µL; N = 12) of muscimol did not cause any motor impairment. These data corroborate previous evidence suggesting that the DMH is specifically involved in the modulation of escape. Dysfunction of this regulatory mechanism may be relevant in the genesis/maintenance of panic disorder.
The purpose of my research was to contribute to the improvement and sustainability of the Special Needs Activity Program, and develop program implementation strategies that had practical outcomes. I conducted an evaluative case study of S.N.A.P in order to determine what a quality adapted physical activity (APA) program is, why S.N.A.P is considered a quality APA program, and what institutional policies and practices exist to support it. Data was collected via interviews, questionnaires, and observations. Data analysis involved inductive and deductive methods, and a SWOTAR evaluation. Results indicate that quality APA programs include: ‘people’, ‘environment’, and ‘expectations’; there are benefits of experiential learning; activity stations that promote creativity are valuable; several stakeholders do not know the details about S.N.A.P but recognize its value; the institution values what S.N.A.P provides, yet, there is nothing being done to sustain it. Future research should investigate the feasibility of implementing S.N.A.P in various contexts.
The furious pace of Moore's Law is driving computer architecture into a realm where the the speed of light is the dominant factor in system latencies. The number of clock cycles to span a chip are increasing, while the number of bits that can be accessed within a clock cycle is decreasing. Hence, it is becoming more difficult to hide latency. One alternative solution is to reduce latency by migrating threads and data, but the overhead of existing implementations has previously made migration an unserviceable solution so far. I present an architecture, implementation, and mechanisms that reduces the overhead of migration to the point where migration is a viable supplement to other latency hiding mechanisms, such as multithreading. The architecture is abstract, and presents programmers with a simple, uniform fine-grained multithreaded parallel programming model with implicit memory management. In other words, the spatial nature and implementation details (such as the number of processors) of a parallel machine are entirely hidden from the programmer. Compiler writers are encouraged to devise programming languages for the machine that guide a programmer to express their ideas in terms of objects, since objects exhibit an inherent physical locality of data and code. The machine implementation can then leverage this locality to automatically distribute data and threads across the physical machine by using a set of high performance migration mechanisms. An implementation of this architecture could migrate a null thread in 66 cycles -- over a factor of 1000 improvement over previous work. Performance also scales well; the time required to move a typical thread is only 4 to 5 times that of a null thread. Data migration performance is similar, and scales linearly with data block size. Since the performance of the migration mechanism is on par with that of an L2 cache, the implementation simulated in my work has no data caches and relies instead on multithreading and the migration mechanism to hide and reduce access latencies.
The rate at which a given site in a gene sequence alignment evolves over time may vary. This phenomenon-known as heterotachy-can bias or distort phylogenetic trees inferred from models of sequence evolution that assume rates of evolution are constant. Here, we describe a phylogenetic mixture model designed to accommodate heterotachy. The method sums the likelihood of the data at each site over more than one set of branch lengths on the same tree topology. A branch-length set that is best for one site may differ from the branch-length set that is best for some other site, thereby allowing different sites to have different rates of change throughout the tree. Because rate variation may not be present in all branches, we use a reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to identify those branches in which reliable amounts of heterotachy occur. We implement the method in combination with our 'pattern-heterogeneity' mixture model, applying it to simulated data and five published datasets. We find that complex evolutionary signals of heterotachy are routinely present over and above variation in the rate or pattern of evolution across sites, that the reversible-jump method requires far fewer parameters than conventional mixture models to describe it, and serves to identify the regions of the tree in which heterotachy is most pronounced. The reversible-jump procedure also removes the need for a posteriori tests of 'significance' such as the Akaike or Bayesian information criterion tests, or Bayes factors. Heterotachy has important consequences for the correct reconstruction of phylogenies as well as for tests of hypotheses that rely on accurate branch-length information. These include molecular clocks, analyses of tempo and mode of evolution, comparative studies and ancestral state reconstruction. The model is available from the authors' website, and can be used for the analysis of both nucleotide and morphological data.
Varroa destructor is a parasitic mite of the Eastern honeybee Apis cerana. Fifty years ago, two distinct evolutionary lineages (Korean and Japanese) invaded the Western honeybee Apis mellifera. This haplo-diploid parasite species reproduces mainly through brother sister matings, a system which largely favors the fixation of new mutations. In a worldwide sample of 225 individuals from 21 locations collected on Western honeybees and analyzed at 19 microsatellite loci, a series of de novo mutations was observed. Using historical data concerning the invasion, this original biological system has been exploited to compare three mutation models with allele size constraints for microsatellite markers: stepwise (SMM) and generalized (GSM) mutation models, and a model with mutation rate increasing exponentially with microsatellite length (ESM). Posterior probabilities of the three models have been estimated for each locus individually using reversible jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo. The relative support of each model varies widely among loci, but the GSM is the only model that always receives at least 9% support, whatever the locus. The analysis also provides robust estimates of mutation parameters for each locus and of the divergence time of the two invasive lineages (67,000 generations with a 90% credibility interval of 35,000-174,000). With an average of 10 generations per year, this divergence time fits with the last post-glacial Korea Japan land separation. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We describe a Bayesian method for investigating correlated evolution of discrete binary traits on phylogenetic trees. The method fits a continuous-time Markov model to a pair of traits, seeking the best fitting models that describe their joint evolution on a phylogeny. We employ the methodology of reversible-jump ( RJ) Markov chain Monte Carlo to search among the large number of possible models, some of which conform to independent evolution of the two traits, others to correlated evolution. The RJ Markov chain visits these models in proportion to their posterior probabilities, thereby directly estimating the support for the hypothesis of correlated evolution. In addition, the RJ Markov chain simultaneously estimates the posterior distributions of the rate parameters of the model of trait evolution. These posterior distributions can be used to test among alternative evolutionary scenarios to explain the observed data. All results are integrated over a sample of phylogenetic trees to account for phylogenetic uncertainty. We implement the method in a program called RJ Discrete and illustrate it by analyzing the question of whether mating system and advertisement of estrus by females have coevolved in the Old World monkeys and great apes.
Polycrystalline Ni nanowires were electrodeposited in nanoporous anodized alumina membranes with mean diameter of approximately 42 nm. Their magnetic properties were studied at 300 K, by measurements of recoil curves from demagnetized state and also from saturated state. M(rev) and M(irr) components were obtained and M(rev)(M(irr)) H curves were constructed from the experimental data. These curves showed a behavior that suggests a non-uniform reversal mode influenced by the presence of dipolar interactions in the system. A qualitative approach to this behavior is obtained using a Stoner-Wohlfarth model modified by a mean field term and local interaction fields. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Antimony based glasses have been investigated for the first time regarding the possibility of holographic data storage using visible lasers sources. Changes in both refractive index and the absorption coefficient were measured using a holographic setup. The modulation of the optical constants is reversible by heat treatment. Bragg gratings were written under visible light of an Ar laser and erased thermally.
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Synthese und Charakterisierung von Polymeren mit redox-funktionalen Phenothiazin-Seitenketten. Phenothiazin und seine Derivate sind kleine Redoxeinheiten, deren reversibles Redoxverhalten mit electrochromen Eigenschaften verbunden ist. Das besondere an Phenothiazine ist die Bildung von stabilen Radikalkationen im oxidierten Zustand. Daher können Phenothiazine als bistabile Moleküle agieren und zwischen zwei stabilen Redoxzuständen wechseln. Dieser Schaltprozess geht gleichzeitig mit einer Farbveränderung an her.rnrnIm Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird die Synthese neuartiger Phenothiazin-Polymere mittels radikalischer Polymerisation beschrieben. Phenothiazin-Derivate wurden kovalent an aliphatischen und aromatischen Polymerketten gebunden. Dies erfolgte über zwei unterschiedlichen synthetischen Routen. Die erste Route beinhaltet den Einsatz von Vinyl-Monomeren mit Phenothiazin Funktionalität zur direkten Polymerisation. Die zweite Route verwendet Amin modifizierte Phenothiazin-Derivate zur Funktionalisierung von Polymeren mit Aktivester-Seitenketten in einer polymeranalogen Reaktion. rnrnPolymere mit redox-funktionalen Phenothiazin-Seitenketten sind aufgrund ihrer Elektron-Donor-Eigenschaften geeignete Kandidaten für die Verwendung als Kathodenmaterialien. Zur Überprüfung ihrer Eignung wurden Phenothiazin-Polymere als Elektrodenmaterialien in Lithium-Batteriezellen eingesetzt. Die verwendeten Polymere wiesen gute Kapazitätswerte von circa 50-90 Ah/kg sowie schnelle Aufladezeiten in der Batteriezelle auf. Besonders die Aufladezeiten sind 5-10 mal höher als konventionelle Lithium-Batterien. Im Hinblick auf Anzahl der Lade- und Entladezyklen, erzielten die Polymere gute Werte in den Langzeit-Stabilitätstests. Insgesamt überstehen die Polymere 500 Ladezyklen mit geringen Veränderungen der Anfangswerte bezüglich Ladezeiten und -kapazitäten. Die Langzeit-Stabilität hängt unmittelbar mit der Radikalstabilität zusammen. Eine Stabilisierung der Radikalkationen gelang durch die Verlängerung der Seitenkette am Stickstoffatom des Phenothiazins und der Polymerhauptkette. Eine derartige Alkyl-Substitution erhöht die Radikalstabilität durch verstärkte Wechselwirkung mit dem aromatischen Ring und verbessert somit die Batterieleistung hinsichtlich der Stabilität gegenüber Lade- und Entladezyklen. rnrnDes Weiteren wurde die praktische Anwendung von bistabilen Phenothiazin-Polymeren als Speichermedium für hohe Datendichten untersucht. Dazu wurden dünne Filme des Polymers auf leitfähigen Substraten elektrochemisch oxidiert. Die elektrochemische Oxidation erfolgte mittels Rasterkraftmikroskopie in Kombination mit leitfähigen Mikroskopspitzen. Mittels dieser Technik gelang es, die Oberfläche des Polymers im nanoskaligen Bereich zu oxidieren und somit die lokale Leitfähigkeit zu verändern. Damit konnten unterschiedlich große Muster lithographisch beschrieben und aufgrund der Veränderung ihrer Leitfähigkeit detektiert werden. Der Schreibprozess führte nur zu einer Veränderung der lokalen Leitfähigkeit ohne die topographische Beschaffenheit des Polymerfilms zu beeinflussen. Außerdem erwiesen sich die Muster als besonders stabil sowohl mechanisch als auch über die Zeit.rnrnZum Schluss wurden neue Synthesestrategien entwickelt um mechanisch stabile als auch redox-funktionale Oberflächen zu produzieren. Mit Hilfe der oberflächen-initiierten Atomtransfer-Radikalpolymerisation wurden gepfropfte Polymerbürsten mit redox-funktionalen Phenothiazin-Seitenketten hergestellt und mittels Röntgenmethoden und Rasterkraftmikroskopie analysiert. Eine der Synthesestrategien geht von gepfropften Aktivesterbürsten aus, die anschließend in einem nachfolgenden Schritt mit redox-funktionalen Gruppen modifiziert werden können. Diese Vorgehensweise ist besonders vielversprechend und erlaubt es unterschiedliche funktionelle Gruppen an den Aktivesterbürsten zu verankern. Damit können durch Verwendung von vernetzenden Gruppen neben den Redoxeigenschaften, die mechanische Stabilität solcher Polymerfilme optimiert werden. rn rn