942 resultados para Reversed agenda-setting


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A comprehensive strategic agenda matters for fundamental strategic change. Our study seeks to explore and theorize how organizational identity beliefs influence the judgment of strategic actors when setting an organization's strategic agenda. We offer the notion of "strategic taboo" as those strategic options initially disqualified and deemed inconsistent with the organizational identity beliefs of strategic actors. Our study is concerned with how strategic actors confront strategic taboos in the process of setting an organization's strategic agenda. Based on a revelatory inductive case study, we find that strategic actors engage in assessing the concordance of the strategic taboos with organizational identity beliefs and, more specifically, that they focus on key identity elements (philosophy; priorities; practices) when doing so. We develop a typology of three reinterpretation practices that are each concerned with a key identity element. While contextualizing assesses the potential concordance of a strategic taboo with an organization's overall philosophy and purpose, instrumentalizing assesses such concordance with respect to what actors deem an organization's priorities to be. Finally, normalizing explores concordance with respect to compatibility and fit with the organization's practices. We suggest that assessing concordance of a strategic taboo with identity elements consists in reinterpreting collective identity beliefs in ways that make them consistent with what organizational actors deem the right course of action. This article discusses the implications for theory and research on strategic agenda setting, strategic change, a practice-based perspective on strategy, and on organizational identity.


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O objetivo desse trabalho é identificar uma hipótese analisada há 40 anos em uma nova forma de comunicação. A proposta é buscar a comprovação do agenda-setting, ou agendamento, no Twitter durante a eleição para a Prefeitura de São Paulo no ano de 2012. Para isso, recorremos a três portais de notícias que nos serviram como laboratório de fontes , que nos pautavam na busca pela repercussão dessas notícias na Internet. A partir da definição de alguns termos que acompanharam os três principais candidatos à prefeitura de SP, partimos para uma procura por esses termos no Twitter, através da ferramenta The Archivist . Os termos foram divididos em positivos , negativos e neutros , para identificarmos qual o tipo de conteúdo era mais repercutido. Os resultados da pesquisa identificaram uma maior repercussão de termos que representavam atributos negativos dos candidatos, analisando o agendamento dos portais de notícias como uma forma de reforço desses atributos negativos, comprovando a agenda da contrapropaganda política no Twitter.


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Los movimientos sociales son uno de los motores del cambio social. Organizaciones como la Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca (PAH) denuncian injusticias y cuestionan la construcción de significados sociales a través del discurso. Impulsan estrategias de automediación para, especialmente a través de las redes sociales, influir en la agenda mediática y el debate público. Mediante un análisis crítico del discurso cualitativo, nuestro objetivo es conocer si la PAH introduce sus temas y encuadres en la agenda mediática. Los resultados demuestran que este movimiento activista logra condicionar de qué se habla y también cómo se habla, obteniendo una cobertura favorable.


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The nexus between states,non-state actors and intergovernmental organisations is an increasingly important area in both the study and practice of global governance. Hannah Murphy makes a meaningful contribution to this area in examining the informal role of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in relation to agenda-setting within the World Trade Organization (WTO). © Dean Coldicott, Deakin University 2012.


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Resumen: El presente estudio se enmarca en la teoría de la agenda setting. Esta teoría tiene dos niveles; en el primero sostiene que la agenda de los medios transfiere al público la importancia relativa de los asuntos públicos, en qué pensar y discutir. En un segundo nivel, sostiene que los medios también transfieren la manera como evaluamos a los protagonistas de esos mismos asuntos públicos, en este estudio en particular, a los políticos. La presente investigación describe y analiza la imagen y características que destacan los medios masivos de comunicación acerca de los candidatos políticos que compitieron durante las elecciones presidenciales en Argentina de octubre 2011


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Este trabajo contribuye al análisis de la incidencia del paradigma del Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible en el proceso de toma de decisiones legislativas en Colombia, concentrándose en la discusión y definición de la agenda legislativa sobre asuntos urbanos, durante el periodo 1991-2006.


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Este trabajo se enmarcará en la primera presidencia de George W. Bush y más específicamente entre el 11 de septiembre de 2001 cuando se dio el ataque a las torres gemelas y la invasión a Afganistán el 7 de octubre de este mismo año. En consecuencia lo que se busca con este estudio es demostrar que el gobierno estadounidense se ayuda de herramientas y elementos como la comunicación política, la fijación de agenda y el discurso para la inscripción del concepto terrorismo en la agenda gubernamental. Es así como genera un gran poder de influencia a nivel local logrando que los ciudadanos se tornen hacia el Estado y al mismo tiempo logra apoyo internacional generando el clima perfecto para legitimar la guerra anti-terrorista como una respuesta a los hechos ocurridos.


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The new tech has introduced the traits of the hypermedia, interactivity and convergence in the journalism field. Moreover, it has involved the emergence of new media and changes in the informative contents. In 2006 Al Jazeera in English was created for covering the underreported regions, inasmuch as new media arise, new contents do so, thus, the research examines the agendas of The Stream, the TV show from Al Jazeera that relies heavily on social networks.


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A exemplo do que ocorreu no Governo Federal com a Reforma Bresser, em outros países e, mais recentemente, nos governos estaduais, alguns municípios brasileiros vêm empreendendo modelos de administração voltados ao alcance de resultados, como uma política central de governo. Esta dissertação explora o processo de adoção da gestão orientada a resultados (GpR) em três dos principais municípios da região Sul do Brasil – Curitiba, Porto Alegre e Joinville – partindo do pressuposto de que a adoção deste modelo pode ser avaliada pela abordagem teórica de formulação de políticas públicas. É analisado o processo decisório para a introdução desta política nos respectivos governos, a partir da tipologia de agendas especificada por Kingdon (2003), conhecida como multiple streams framework. Os atores e empreendedores que influenciam neste processo são identificados, assim como o modo que eles exercem sua influência no encaminhamento das soluções e na definição dos problemas, com o objetivo a mapear o contexto que possibilitou a ascensão do tema à agenda decisória nos municípios estudados.


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O objetivo principal desta tese é analisar as particularidades de dois processos decisórios relacionados a políticas públicas do governo federal brasileiro, a saber, a formação de agenda e as escolhas de alternativas. Tais particularidades do processo decisório caracterizam-se por limitar, em um primeiro momento, o leque de temas que potencialmente poderiam ocupar um lugar de destaque frente aos governantes e, em seguida, por selecionar as alternativas viáveis de serem implementadas pelo poder público. Dessa maneira, serão objetos desta tese a compreensão do por que apenas determinados temas fazem parte da agenda de um governo e qual o grau de influência dos atores sociopolíticos sobre o processo de escolha de alternativas, de tal forma que algumas são seriamente consideradas enquanto outras são negligenciadas. Para analisar as particularidades dos processos decisórios foram feitas análises sobre dois casos do setor elétrico: a expansão da geração de energia elétrica durante o período que antecedeu a crise de 2001 e a criação de um novo modelo para o setor, nos anos de 2003 e 2004. Esta tese traz como hipótese que aspectos centrais de uma política não são alterados enquanto a coalizão dominante que a instituiu estiver no poder ¿ ainda que aspectos secundários possam vir a ser alterados durante esse período.


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The paper analyzes the regulatory framework for the Media in Brazil in the Federal Constitution and the nexus between democratization and constitutional process, interpreting relevant actors (government, political parties, civil society) and figured as the themes of communication and institutional political agenda. The obstacles to the regulation of many of the statements remain constitutional (right of communication; seal monopolies / oligopolies; regionalization of cultural production; nationalist character in control of broadcasting; compatibility between segments state, public and commercial; Social Communication Council), that replaces debate on the very principle of the right to communication regulation by analyzing the corresponding decisionmaking processes. This conflictual agenda-setting involves multiple interests, from strictly commercial aspirations of companies operating in this market, going by the increasing share of religious institutions who also want to expand upon practices of proselytizing until the interests of policy makers who also have control over a slice of that business.


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Numerous theories have been advanced in the effort to explain how a given policy issue manages to take root in the public sphere and subsequently move forward on the public legislative agenda—or not. This study examined how the social determinants of health (SDOH) came to be part of the legislative policy agenda in Britain from 1980 to 2003. ^ The specific objectives of the research were: (1) to conduct a sociopolitical analysis grounded in alternative agenda-setting theories to identify the factors responsible for moving the social determinants health perspective onto the British policy agenda; and (2) to determine which of the theories and related dimensions best accounted for the emergence of this perspective. ^ A triangulated content and context analysis of British news articles, historical accounts, and research commentaries of the SDOH movement was conducted guided by relevant agenda-setting theories set within a social movement framework to chronicle the emergence of the SDOH as a significant policy issue in Britain. ^ The most influential social movement and agenda setting elements in the emergence of the SDOH in Britain were issue generation tactics, framing efforts, mobilizing structures, and political opportunities grounded in social movement and agenda setting theories. Policy content or the details of the policy had comparatively little impact on the successful emergence of the SDOH. Despite resistance by the government, from 1980 to 1996 interest groups created a political understanding of the SDOH utilizing a framing package encompassing notions of inequality, fairness, and justice. This frame transmitted a powerful idea connected to a core set of British values and beliefs. After 1996, a shift in political opportunities cemented the institutional arrangements needed to sustain an environment conducive to the development and implementation of SDOH policies and programs. ^ This research demonstrates that the U.S. emergence of the SDOH on the policy agenda will depend upon: (1) U.S. ideals and values regarding poverty, inequality, race, health, and health care that will determine issue framing; (2) political opportunities that will emerge—or not—to advance the SDOH policy agenda; and (3) the mobilizing structures that support or oppose the issue. ^


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In the aftermath of the crisis, new instruments of economic governance have been adopted at the EU level. Until recently, these have been strongly dominated by what I assume to be the ECFIN coalition. However, at least since 2011, this coalition’s supremacy has been challenged by the competing coalition’s (EPSCO) willingness to rebalance the economic governance so that social concerns are better taken into account. Hence, drawing on the agenda-setting literature in the EU context, this working paper aims at retracing the process that has led to put this issue of the social dimension of the EMU on to the EU political agenda. Three hypotheses are made concerning the rise of this issue, the strategies employed by agenda-setters, and the policy subsystem of the economic governance. First, this study shows that the interest in this issue has been gradually fostered ‘from below’, at the level of the European Parliament and the European Commission. Second, due to its ‘high politics’ nature, this issue could only be initiated ‘from above’ (European Council) and then expanded to lower levels of decision-making (Commission). Specifically, DG EMPL has managed to attract attention to this issue and to build its credibility in dealing with it by strategically framing the issue and directing it towards the EPSCO venue. Finally, I analyze the outcome of this agenda-setting process by assessing to what extent the two new social scoreboards which form part of this social dimension have been taken into account during the 2014 European semester. The result of this analysis is that the new economic governance has not been genuinely rebalanced insofar as its dominant policy core remains that of the ECFIN coalition.


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The establishment of the Greater London Authority (GLA) in 2000 brought a new form of politics to London and new powers to formulate strategic policy. Through an investigation of the access of business interests in the formulation of London's strategic agenda, this article illuminates one aspect of the pressures on city government. It uses the urban regime approach as a framework for analysing the co-operation between the Mayor and business interests in shaping strategic priorities. Although there was a surrounding rhetoric that pointed towards a greater consensus-seeking approach, the business sector was very active in maintaining its privileged access. Strategic priorities were established in the GLA's first year and were then subsequently embodied in the London Plan. Our analysis is based on a detailed examination of this agenda-setting period using material from meetings, written reports and interviews with key actors. © 2005 The Editors of Urban Studies.