999 resultados para Restoration materials
Composite resins and glass-ionomer cements were introduced to dentistry in the 1960s and 1970s, respectively. Since then, there has been a series of modifications to both materials as well as the development other groups claiming intermediate characteristics between the two. The result is a confusion of materials leading to selection problems. While both materials are tooth-colored, there is a considerable difference in their properties, and it is important that each is used in the appropriate situation. Composite resin materials are esthetic and now show acceptable physical strength and wear resistance. However, they are hydrophobic, and therefore more difficult to handle in the oral environment, and cannot support ion migration. Also, the problems of gaining long-term adhesion to dentin have yet to be overcome. On the other hand, glass ionomers are water-based and therefore have the potential for ion migration, both inward and outward from the restoration, leading to a number of advantages. However, they lack the physical properties required for use in load-bearing areas. A logical classification designed to differentiate the materials was first published by McLean et al in 1994, but in the last 15 years, both types of material have undergone further research and modification. This paper is designed to bring the classification up to date so that the operator can make a suitable, evidence-based, choice when selecting a material for any given situation.
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo proporcionar una base de conocimiento sólida para la restauración ecológica de ríos, basada en la respuesta de comunidades acuáticas a cambios en la conectividad hídrica, factores medioambientales y presión antrópica. La conectividad hídrica lateral resultó ser el factor principal que estructura hábitats y comunidades acuáticas en el Ebro; mientras que la turbidez, salinidad y concentración de nutrientes fueron factores secundarios. La combinación de estos factores establece un marco ecológico que permite realizar predicciones acerca de los patrones taxonómicos y funcionales con más probabilidades de ocurrir en la llanura del Ebro. La posibilidad de que se creen nuevos humedales de forma natural en el Ebro es muy baja, mientras los que quedan están amenazados por una baja renovación del agua. El objetivo de la restauración ecológica debe por tanto consistir en re-establecer un amplio rango de condiciones hídricas, de acuerdo con el potencial sostenible del ecosistema.
Entre 1999 i 2003 es va desenvolupar un projecte Life de restauració a la maresma de La Pletera, afectada per un pla urbanització, i a la llacuna del Ter Vell, amb un elevat grau d'eutròfia (aiguamolls del Baix Ter, NE Península Ibèrica). L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és establir el funcionament d'ambdós ecosistemes, analitzar-ne la problemàtica ambiental i avaluar els efectes de la restauració. A la maresma de la Pletera, es va analitzar el paper de la hidrologia en la composició i dinàmica dels nutrients i del zooplàncton en cinc llacunes, tres de les quals havien estat creades dins el projecte de restauració com a nous refugis per una espècie de peix amenaçada (Aphanius iberus). La hidrologia es va caracteritzar per un llarg període de confinament sense entrades d'aigua, interromput de manera irregular per inundacions puntuals. La dinàmica del nitrogen inorgànic es va relacionar amb les entrades d'aigua, mentre que la del fòsfor, del nitrogen total i de la matèria orgànica es va relacionar amb els processos d'acumulació i reciclatge intern durant el confinament. El zooplàncton es va analitzar mitjançant la combinació d'aproximacions taxonòmiques i de mides. L'estructura de mides de la comunitat es va veure més afectada per les interaccions tròfiques (depredació i competència) mentre que l'estructura taxonòmica va ser més sensible a factors abiòtics (nutrients). El ràpid creixement de la població A. iberus en les noves llacunes va suggerir que aquestes havien proporcionat l'hàbitat adequat per a l'espècie, almenys a curt termini. Les actuacions de restauració a la llacuna del Ter Vell es van centrar en la millora de la qualitat de l'aigua mitjançant (1) la construcció d'uns aiguamolls per depurar l'aigua d'entrada i (2) el dragat del sediment en diversos punts. Simultàniament a la restauració, però de forma independent, la gestió agrícola de l'aigua va reduir dràsticament el cabal d'entrada d'aigua dolça a la llacuna, provocant un canvi en el règim hídric. Es van analitzar els efectes a curt termini d'aquest canvi sobre la limnologia i el zooplàncton de la llacuna. Abans del canvi, la hidrologia era artificial ja que s'havia prolongat l'entrada d'aigua dolça d'acord amb la demanda agrícola, i per tant la llacuna presentava una elevada taxa de renovació de l'aigua i majors concentracions de nutrients. Després del canvi, la hidrologia va dependre més del clima, es van reduir les entrades d'aigua i es va allargar el període de confinament. La composició y dinàmica dels nutrients va tendir a assemblar-se a l'observada a les llacunes de la maresma, mentre que la comunitat del zooplàncton no ho va fer. L'estat ecològic de la llacuna va millorar després del canvi en el règim hídric.
La gestió de xarxes és un camp molt ampli i inclou molts aspectes diferents. Aquesta tesi doctoral està centrada en la gestió dels recursos en les xarxes de banda ampla que disposin de mecanismes per fer reserves de recursos, com per exemple Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) o Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS). Es poden establir xarxes lògiques utilitzant els Virtual Paths (VP) d'ATM o els Label Switched Paths (LSP) de MPLS, als que anomenem genèricament camins lògics. Els usuaris de la xarxa utilitzen doncs aquests camins lògics, que poden tenir recursos assignats, per establir les seves comunicacions. A més, els camins lògics són molt flexibles i les seves característiques es poden canviar dinàmicament. Aquest treball, se centra, en particular, en la gestió dinàmica d'aquesta xarxa lògica per tal de maximitzar-ne el rendiment i adaptar-la a les connexions ofertes. En aquest escenari, hi ha diversos mecanismes que poden afectar i modificar les característiques dels camins lògics (ample de banda, ruta, etc.). Aquests mecanismes inclouen els de balanceig de la càrrega (reassignació d'ample de banda i reencaminament) i els de restauració de fallades (ús de camins lògics de backup). Aquests dos mecanismes poden modificar la xarxa lògica i gestionar els recursos (ample de banda) dels enllaços físics. Per tant, existeix la necessitat de coordinar aquests mecanismes per evitar possibles interferències. La gestió de recursos convencional que fa ús de la xarxa lògica, recalcula periòdicament (per exemple cada hora o cada dia) tota la xarxa lògica d'una forma centralitzada. Això introdueix el problema que els reajustaments de la xarxa lògica no es realitzen en el moment en què realment hi ha problemes. D'altra banda també introdueix la necessitat de mantenir una visió centralitzada de tota la xarxa. En aquesta tesi, es proposa una arquitectura distribuïda basada en un sistema multi agent. L'objectiu principal d'aquesta arquitectura és realitzar de forma conjunta i coordinada la gestió de recursos a nivell de xarxa lògica, integrant els mecanismes de reajustament d'ample de banda amb els mecanismes de restauració preplanejada, inclosa la gestió de l'ample de banda reservada per a la restauració. Es proposa que aquesta gestió es porti a terme d'una forma contínua, no periòdica, actuant quan es detecta el problema (quan un camí lògic està congestionat, o sigui, quan està rebutjant peticions de connexió dels usuaris perquè està saturat) i d'una forma completament distribuïda, o sigui, sense mantenir una visió global de la xarxa. Així doncs, l'arquitectura proposada realitza petits rearranjaments a la xarxa lògica adaptant-la d'una forma contínua a la demanda dels usuaris. L'arquitectura proposada també té en consideració altres objectius com l'escalabilitat, la modularitat, la robustesa, la flexibilitat i la simplicitat. El sistema multi agent proposat està estructurat en dues capes d'agents: els agents de monitorització (M) i els de rendiment (P). Aquests agents estan situats en els diferents nodes de la xarxa: hi ha un agent P i diversos agents M a cada node; aquests últims subordinats als P. Per tant l'arquitectura proposada es pot veure com una jerarquia d'agents. Cada agent és responsable de monitoritzar i controlar els recursos als que està assignat. S'han realitzat diferents experiments utilitzant un simulador distribuït a nivell de connexió proposat per nosaltres mateixos. Els resultats mostren que l'arquitectura proposada és capaç de realitzar les tasques assignades de detecció de la congestió, reassignació dinàmica d'ample de banda i reencaminament d'una forma coordinada amb els mecanismes de restauració preplanejada i gestió de l'ample de banda reservat per la restauració. L'arquitectura distribuïda ofereix una escalabilitat i robustesa acceptables gràcies a la seva flexibilitat i modularitat.
Application of organic materials to soils to enhance N immobilization into microbial biomass, thereby reducing inorganic N concentrations, was studied as a management option to accelerate the reestablishment of the native vegetation on abandoned arable fields on sandy soils the Kiskunsag National Park, Hungary. Sucrose and sawdust were used at three different topographic sites over 4 years. N availability and extractable inorganic N concentrations were significantly reduced in all sites. Soil microbial biomass C and microbial biomass N increased significantly following C additions, but the microbial C to microbial N ratio remained unaffected. It is concluded that the combined application of the rapidly utilized C source (sucrose) promoted N immobilization, whereas the addition of the slowly utilized C source (sawdust) maintained the elevated microbial biomass C and microbial biomass N in the field.
Biochars are biological residues combusted under low oxygen conditions, resulting in a porous, low density carbon rich material. Their large surface areas and cation exchange capacities, determined to a large extent by source materials and pyrolysis temperatures, enables enhanced sorption of both organic and inorganic contaminants to their surfaces, reducing pollutant mobility when amending contaminated soils. Liming effects or release of carbon into soil solution may increase arsenic mobility, whilst low capital but enhanced retention of plant nutrients can restrict revegetation on degraded soils amended only with biochars; the combination of composts, manures and other amendments with biochars could be their most effective deployment to soils requiring stabilisation by revegetation. Specific mechanisms of contaminant-biochar retention and release over time and the environmental impact of biochar amendments on soil organisms remain somewhat unclear but must be investigated to ensure that the management of environmental pollution coincides with ecological sustainability.
This study sought to evaluate the microhardness of root dentine adjacent to glass-ionomer and composite resin restorations after erosive challenge. A crossover study was performed in two phases of 4 consecutive days each. One hundred twelve bovine root dentine slabs were obtained, and standardized box-shaped cavities were prepared at center of each specimen. The prepared cavities were randomly restored with glass-ionomer cement or composite resin. The slabs were randomly assigned among 14 volunteers, which wore intraoral palatal device containing four restored root dentin slabs. Starting on the second day, half of the palatal acrylic devices were immersed extraorally in a lemonade-like carbonated soft drink for 90 s, four times daily for 3 days. Alter 3-day wash-out, dentine slabs restored with the alternative material were placed into palatal appliance and the volunteers started the second phase of this study. After erosive challenges. microhardness measurements were performed. Regardless of the restorative material employed, eroded specimens demonstrated lower microhardness value (p < 0.0001). At eroded condition examined in this study, dentine restored with glass-ionomer cement showed higher microhardness values (p < 0.0001). It may be concluded that the glass-ionomer cement decreases the progression of root dentine erosion at restoration margin. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc J Biomed Mater Res Part B Appl Biomater 93B 304-305, 2010
This paper describes an automatic device for in situ and continuous monitoring of the ageing process occurring in natural and synthetic resins widely used in art and in the conservation and restoration of cultural artefacts. The results of tests carried out under accelerated ageing conditions are also presented. This easy-to-assemble palm-top device, essentially consists of oscillators based on quartz crystal resonators coated with films of the organic materials whose response to environmental stress is to be addressed. The device contains a microcontroller which selects at pre-defined time intervals the oscillators and records and stores their oscillation frequency. The ageing of the coatings, caused by the environmental stress and resulting in a shift in the oscillation frequency of the modified crystals, can be straightforwardly monitored in this way. The kinetics of this process reflects the level of risk damage associated with a specific microenvironment. In this case, natural and artificial resins, broadly employed in art and restoration of artistic and archaeological artefacts (dammar and Paraloid B72), were applied onto the crystals. The environmental stress was represented by visible and UV radiation, since the chosen materials are known to be photochemically active, to different extents. In the case of dammar, the results obtained are consistent with previous data obtained using a bench-top equipment by impedance analysis through discrete measurements and confirm that the ageing of this material is reflected in the gravimetric response of the modified quartz crystals. As for Paraloid B72, the outcome of the assays indicates that the resin is resistant to visible light, but is very sensitive to UV irradiation. The use of a continuous monitoring system, apart from being obviously more practical, is essential to identify short-term (i.e. reversible) events, like water vapour adsorption/desorption processes, and to highlight ageing trends or sudden changes of such trends. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The restoration and recovery of a compromised skull continues to be a challenge to craniofacial surgeons and neurosurgeons. Different operative techniques and implant materials are being used to reconstruct the rigid framework of the skull. However, no currently available materials satisfy all of these criteria. According to this premise, the aim of this study was to report on the currently available materials for the reconstruction of the cranial vault and to describe their main characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages. Although the use of the materials discussed in this study is clearly positive for the reconstruction of skull defects and cranioplasties, there is a need for more complex studies and research into developing these materials to achieve all the ideal prerequisites stipulated by the scientific community and to evaluate their properties and aesthetic and functional results in the long term.
BackgroundEndodontic treatment, involves removal of the dental pulp and its replacement by a root canal filling. Restoration of root filled teeth can be challenging due to structural differences between vital and non-vital root filled teeth. Direct restoration involves placement of a restorative material e.g. amalgam or composite directly into the tooth. Indirect restorations consist of cast metal or ceramic (porcelain) crowns. The choice of restoration depends on the amount of remaining tooth which may influence long term survival and cost. The comparative in service clinical performance of crowns or conventional fillings used to restore root filled teeth is unclear.ObjectivesTo assess the effects of restoration of endodontically treated teeth (with or without post and core) by crowns versus conventional filling materials.Search methodsWe searched the following databases: the Cochrane Oral Health Group's Trials Register, CENTRAL, MEDLINE via OVID, EMBASE via OVID, CINAHL via EBSCO, LILACS via BIREME and the reference lists of articles as well as ongoing trials registries. There were no restrictions regarding language or date of publication. Date of last search was 13 February 2012.Selection criteriaRandomised controlled trials (RCTs) or quasi-randomised controlled trials in participants with permanent teeth which have undergone endodontic treatment. Single full coverage crowns compared with any type of filling materials for direct restoration, as well as indirect partial restorations (e.g. inlays and onlays). Comparisons considered the type of post and core used (cast or prefabricated post), if any.Data collection and analysisTwo review authors independently assessed trial quality and extracted data.Main resultsOne trial judged to be at high risk of bias due to missing outcome data, was included. 117 participants with a root filled premolar tooth restored with a carbon fibre post, were randomised to either a full coverage metal-ceramic crown or direct adhesive composite restoration. At 3 years there was no reported difference between the non-catastrophic failure rates in both groups. Decementation of the post and marginal gap formation occurred in a small number of teeth.Authors' conclusionsThere is insufficient evidence to support or refute the effectiveness of conventional fillings over crowns for the restoration of root filled teeth. Until more evidence becomes available clinicians should continue to base decisions on how to restore root filled teeth on their own clinical experience, whilst taking into consideration the individual circumstances and preferences of their patients.
Secondary caries is the main cause of direct restoration replacement. The purpose of this study was to analyze enamel adjacent to different restorative materials after in situ cariogenic challenge using polarized-light microscopy (PLM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDS). Twelve volunteers, with a low level of dental plaque, a low level of mutans streptococci, and normal salivary flow, wore removable palatal acrylic appliances containing enamel specimens restored with Z250 composite, Freedom composite, Fuji IX glass-ionomer cement, or Vitremer resin-modified glass-ionomer for 14 days. Volunteers dripped one drop of 20% sucrose solution (n = 10) or distilled water (control group) onto each specimen 8 times per day. Specimens were removed from the appliances and submitted to PLM for examination of the lesion area (in mm(2)), followed by dehydration, gold-sputtering, and submission to SEM and EDS. The calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) contents were evaluated in weight per cent (%wt). Differences were found between Z250 and Vitremer, and between Z250 and FujiIX, when analyzed using PLM. Energy-dispersive X-ray analysis results showed differences between the studied materials regarding Ca %wt. In conclusion, enamel adjacent to glass-ionomer cement presented a higher Ca %wt, but this material did not completely prevent enamel secondary caries under in situ cariogenic challenge.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate in vivo the response of the periradicular tissues after endodontic treatment and root filling with Epiphany/Resilon (Penntron Clinical Technologies, LLC, Wallingford, CT) or gutta percha and new Sealapex (SybronEndo, Glendora, CA) in dogs' teeth with or without coronal restoration. Teeth without coronal restorations were used to assess the influence of continuous exposure to the oral environment on the periradicular tissues. Sixty root canals with vital pulps in three dogs were instrumented and obturated in a single session and randomly assigned to one of four groups as follows. group 1: root canal filling with Epiphany/Resilon with coronal restoration, group 2: root canal filling with Sealapex sealer and gutta percha with restoration, group 3: root canal filling with Epiphany/Resilon without restoration, and group 4: root canal filling with Sealapex sealer and gutta percha without coronal restoration. After 90 days, the animals were euthanized, and the maxillas and mandibles were removed and submitted for histologic processing. Longitudinal sections were obtained and stained with hematoxylin and eosin, Mallory's trichrome, and Brown and Brenn stains and examined under light microscopy. There were significant differences found between the four groups (p < 0.05). The results showed that roots canals filled with Epiphany/Resilon, with coronal restoration, had significantly less periradicular inflammation than roots canals filled with gutta percha and Sealapex, with coronal restoration (p = 0.021). No significant difference was observed in the intensity of inflammation between roots canals filled with Epiphany/ Resilon with no restoration and roots filled with gutta percha and Sealapex with restoration (p = 0.269). Roots canals filled with gutta percha and Sealapex sealer without coronal restoration showed the greatest degree of periradicular inflammation.
An analysis was carried out to observe whether the application or not of a composite surface sealant (CSS), as well the moment for CSS application were able to reduce marginal microleakage in compactable composite resin restoration. All the preparations were restored with a compactable composite resin. The restored teeth were randomly assessed. G1 (control group): finished and polished; G2: finished, polished, etched and cover with CSS; G3: immediately after the restoration done the CSS was applied, then finished and polished; G4: CSS applied immediately after the restoration was done, the finished and polished, etched, and covered with CSS. The specimens were isolated with nail polish, thermocycled, immersed in aqueous solution of silver nitrate, and followed in a photo developing solution. The microleakage scores obtained from the occlusal and cervical walls were analyzed with the Kruskall-Wallis nonparametric test. No microleakage was found at the enamel margins. Comparing the microleakage scores at dentin/cementum margins (p < 0.05) it was found that G3 (p = 0.0162) and G4 (p = 0.0187) were able to reduce microleakage when compared with group G2. However the results were not statistically different from the control group. The application of CSS was not able to completely eliminate marginal microleakage at the dentin/cementum margins.
Utilization of contemporary post and core systems has facilitated the aesthetic restoration of endodontically treated teeth. Light transmission and biocompatibility have been enhanced by the introduction of metal-free post systems. The periodontal and endodontic status, root length, and histological structure of the devitalized teeth must be considered in order to achieve successful restoration following endodontic treatment. This article presents various restorative criteria for the aesthetic placement and buildup of post and core materials, as well as the preservation of maximum coronal and root structure.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the resistance to fracture of intact and restored human maxillary premolars. METHOD AND MATERIALS: Thirty noncarious human maxillary premolars, divided into three groups of 10, were submitted to mechanical tests to evaluate their resistance to fracture. Group 1 consisted of intact teeth. Teeth in group 2 received mesio-occlusodistal cavity preparations and were restored with direct resin composite restorations. Teeth in group 3 received mesio-occlusodistal cavity preparations and were restored with ceromer inlays placed with the indirect technique. After restoration, teeth were stored at 37 degrees C for 24 hours and then thermocycled for 500 cycles at temperatures of 5 degrees C and 55 degrees C. RESULTS: Statistical analysis revealed that group 3 (178.765 kgf) had a significantly greater maximum rupture load than did group 1 (120.040 kgf). There was no statistically significant difference between groups 1 and 2 or between groups 2 and 3. CONCLUSION: Class II cavity preparations restored with indirect ceromer inlays offered greater resistance to fracture than did intact teeth. The fracture resistance of teeth restored with resin composite was not significantly different from that of either the ceromer or intact teeth.