997 resultados para Resourceful Adolescent Program


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RAP-A was developed to meet the need for a universal resilience building program for teenagers which could be readily implemented in a school setting. A universal program targets all teenagers in a particular grade as opposed to those at higher risk for depression (indicated or selective approaches) or a treatment group. It is easier to recruit and engage adolescents in a universal approach where students do not face the risk of stigmatisation by being singled out for intervention. The Resourceful Adolescent Program (RAP: Shochet, Holland & Whitefield, 1997) was developed to meet this need.


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Despite an increased risk of mental health problems in adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), there is limited research on effective prevention approaches for this population. Funded by the Cooperative Research Centre for Living with Autism, a theoretically and empirically supported school-based preventative model has been developed to alter the negative trajectory and promote wellbeing and positive mental health in adolescents with ASD. This conceptual paper provides the rationale, theoretical, empirical and methodological framework of a multilayered intervention targeting the school, parents, and adolescents on the spectrum. Two important interrelated protective factors have been identified in community adolescent samples, namely the sense of belonging (connectedness) to school, and the capacity for self and affect regulation in the face of stress (i.e., resilience). We describe how a confluence of theories from social psychology, developmental psychology and family systems theory, along with empirical evidence (including emerging neurobiological evidence) supports the interrelationships between these protective factors and many indices of wellbeing. However, the characteristics of ASD (including social and communication difficulties, and frequently difficulties with changes and transitions, and diminished optimism and self-esteem) impair access to these vital protective factors. The paper describes how evidenced-based interventions at the school level for promoting inclusive schools (using the Index for Inclusion), and interventions for adolescents and parents to promote resilience and belonging (using the Resourceful Adolescent Program (RAP)), are adapted and integrated for adolescents with ASD. This multisite proof of concept study will confirm whether this multilevel school-based intervention is promising, feasible and sustainable.


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Young carers are at increased risk of developing mental health and social problems. The objective was to pilot a camp-based resiliencebuilding programme for young carers. Twelve young carers (12 to 14 years) recruited from Carers Queensland attended a 3-day resilience-building camp adapted from the Resourceful Adolescent Program. One month after the camp, carers participated in a semistructured telephone interview. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. Two key themes emerged. The first, coping self-efficacy, included subthemes of affect regulation, interpersonal skills, and recognition of strengths and coping ability. The second key theme, social benefits, included opportunities for respite and social engagement. Overall, participants reported enjoying the camp and would recommend it to other young carers, yet they were able to provide some suggestions to improve future camps. Implementing an integrative resilience-building program such as the Resourceful Adolescent Program in a camp format shows promise as a way of both engaging and benefiting young carers, as well as selective populations more generally.


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Background: Literature on scoliosis screening is vast, however because of the observational nature of available data and methodological flaws, data interpretation is often complex, leading to incomplete and sometimes, somewhat misleading conclusions. The need to propose a set of methods for critical appraisal of the literature about scoliosis screening, a comprehensive summary and rating of the available evidence appeared essential. METHODS: To address these gaps, the study aims were: i) To propose a framework for the assessment of published studies on scoliosis screening effectiveness; ii) To suggest specific questions to be answered on screening effectiveness instead of trying to reach a global position for or against the programs; iii) To contextualize the knowledge through expert panel consultation and meaningful recommendations. The general methodological approach proceeds through the following steps: Elaboration of the conceptual framework; Formulation of the review questions; Identification of the criteria for the review; Selection of the studies; Critical assessment of the studies; Results synthesis; Formulation and grading of recommendations in response to the questions. This plan follows at best GRADE Group (Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development and Evaluation) requirements for systematic reviews, assessing quality of evidence and grading the strength of recommendations. CONCLUSIONS: In this article, the methods developed in support of this work are presented since they may be of some interest for similar reviews in scoliosis and orthopaedic fields.


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O trabalho desenvolvido com adolescentes, pensando na promoção de sua saúde, bem como em seu desenvolvimento saudável por meio de espaços que atendam suas necessidades, tem sido de responsabilidade também de organizações sociais. Em especial, quando se tem o objetivo de prepará- los para o mundo do trabalho, porém com uma proposta mais ampla, ou seja, como uma preparação para suas relações na vida, pela passagem de um processo de aprendizagem, de amadurecimento, por meio da construção de ações significativas para vida. Esta é a proposta do Centro de Orientação ao Adolescente de Campinas COMEC , organização não governamental, que conta com um Progr ama de Aprendizagem Profissional- PAP . Sendo assim, esse estudo tem como objetivo caracterizar, por meio de prontuários, uma amostra de 280 adolescentes, compreender a percepção deles no processo vivido e identificar as expectativas na admissão, demissão e desligamento do programa - PAP. A pesquisa teve como participantes adolescentes de 14 a 17 anos, do gênero feminino e masculino, do ensino fundamental e médio (7ª série E.F até 3ª série E.M). Os formulários foram preenchidos em três momentos: primeiro quando o adolescente participava da seleção para ingressar no programa, segundo, quando ele iniciava o trabalho na empresa e no término do contrato do adolescente com o programa. Os resultados obtidos por meio dos prontuários dos adolescentes mostraram que a percepção que eles têm a respeito do programa é positiva. Perceberam-se sentimentos de medo, insegurança, alegrias e desejos a respeito das atividades que os preparam para a inserção no mercado formal de trabalho, e o quanto o acompanhamento pelo programa permite outro olhar para esta inclusão. Ainda que o trabalho juvenil não seja a solução para as necessidades econômicas de muitas famílias, o trabalho educativo tem sido visto como uma forma de permitir que o adolescente vivencie sua primeira experiência de trabalho, respeitando sua condição de pessoa em desenvolvimento. Porém, em alguns casos, acabam por contribuir de forma significativa no orçamento familiar.(AU)


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O trabalho desenvolvido com adolescentes, pensando na promoção de sua saúde, bem como em seu desenvolvimento saudável por meio de espaços que atendam suas necessidades, tem sido de responsabilidade também de organizações sociais. Em especial, quando se tem o objetivo de prepará- los para o mundo do trabalho, porém com uma proposta mais ampla, ou seja, como uma preparação para suas relações na vida, pela passagem de um processo de aprendizagem, de amadurecimento, por meio da construção de ações significativas para vida. Esta é a proposta do Centro de Orientação ao Adolescente de Campinas COMEC , organização não governamental, que conta com um Progr ama de Aprendizagem Profissional- PAP . Sendo assim, esse estudo tem como objetivo caracterizar, por meio de prontuários, uma amostra de 280 adolescentes, compreender a percepção deles no processo vivido e identificar as expectativas na admissão, demissão e desligamento do programa - PAP. A pesquisa teve como participantes adolescentes de 14 a 17 anos, do gênero feminino e masculino, do ensino fundamental e médio (7ª série E.F até 3ª série E.M). Os formulários foram preenchidos em três momentos: primeiro quando o adolescente participava da seleção para ingressar no programa, segundo, quando ele iniciava o trabalho na empresa e no término do contrato do adolescente com o programa. Os resultados obtidos por meio dos prontuários dos adolescentes mostraram que a percepção que eles têm a respeito do programa é positiva. Perceberam-se sentimentos de medo, insegurança, alegrias e desejos a respeito das atividades que os preparam para a inserção no mercado formal de trabalho, e o quanto o acompanhamento pelo programa permite outro olhar para esta inclusão. Ainda que o trabalho juvenil não seja a solução para as necessidades econômicas de muitas famílias, o trabalho educativo tem sido visto como uma forma de permitir que o adolescente vivencie sua primeira experiência de trabalho, respeitando sua condição de pessoa em desenvolvimento. Porém, em alguns casos, acabam por contribuir de forma significativa no orçamento familiar.(AU)


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O trabalho desenvolvido com adolescentes, pensando na promoção de sua saúde, bem como em seu desenvolvimento saudável por meio de espaços que atendam suas necessidades, tem sido de responsabilidade também de organizações sociais. Em especial, quando se tem o objetivo de prepará- los para o mundo do trabalho, porém com uma proposta mais ampla, ou seja, como uma preparação para suas relações na vida, pela passagem de um processo de aprendizagem, de amadurecimento, por meio da construção de ações significativas para vida. Esta é a proposta do Centro de Orientação ao Adolescente de Campinas COMEC , organização não governamental, que conta com um Progr ama de Aprendizagem Profissional- PAP . Sendo assim, esse estudo tem como objetivo caracterizar, por meio de prontuários, uma amostra de 280 adolescentes, compreender a percepção deles no processo vivido e identificar as expectativas na admissão, demissão e desligamento do programa - PAP. A pesquisa teve como participantes adolescentes de 14 a 17 anos, do gênero feminino e masculino, do ensino fundamental e médio (7ª série E.F até 3ª série E.M). Os formulários foram preenchidos em três momentos: primeiro quando o adolescente participava da seleção para ingressar no programa, segundo, quando ele iniciava o trabalho na empresa e no término do contrato do adolescente com o programa. Os resultados obtidos por meio dos prontuários dos adolescentes mostraram que a percepção que eles têm a respeito do programa é positiva. Perceberam-se sentimentos de medo, insegurança, alegrias e desejos a respeito das atividades que os preparam para a inserção no mercado formal de trabalho, e o quanto o acompanhamento pelo programa permite outro olhar para esta inclusão. Ainda que o trabalho juvenil não seja a solução para as necessidades econômicas de muitas famílias, o trabalho educativo tem sido visto como uma forma de permitir que o adolescente vivencie sua primeira experiência de trabalho, respeitando sua condição de pessoa em desenvolvimento. Porém, em alguns casos, acabam por contribuir de forma significativa no orçamento familiar.(AU)


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Objectives: This paper sought to identify the behaviour change targets for an injury prevention program; Skills for Preventing Injury in Youth, SPIY. The aim was to explore how such behaviours could subsequently be implemented and evaluated in the program. Methods and Design: The quantitative procedure involved a survey with 267 Year 8 and 9 students (mean age 13.23 years) regarding their engagement in risk-taking behaviours that may lead to injury. The qualitative study involved 30 students aged 14 to 17 years reporting their experiences of injury and risk-taking. Results: Injury risk behaviours co-occurred among three-quarters of those who reported engaging in any alcohol use or transport or violence related injury risk behaviour. Students described in detail some of these experiences. Conclusions: The selection process of identifying target behaviours for change for an injury prevention program is described. Adolescents’ description of such risk behaviours can inform the process of operationalising and contextualising program content and deciding on evaluation methodology. The design of an effective injury prevention program involves considerable preparatory work and this paper was able to describe the process of identifying the behavioural targets for change that can be operationalised and evaluated in the injury prevention program, SPIY.


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This paper reports on the development of a school-based intervention to reduce risk-taking and associated injuries. There is limited but important evidence that intervention design should ensure participation does not lead to an increase in target risk behaviors with some studies in alcohol and drug prevention finding unexpected negative effects. The short-term evaluation of Skills for Preventing Injury in Youth (SPIY) examined change in interpersonal violence, alcohol and transport-related risks. Intervention (n = 360) and comparison (n = 180) students were surveyed pre/post-intervention. A qualitative analysis based on focus groups (70 students) explored experiences of change. Findings indicate significant positive changes reinforced by students’ reports. A decrease in reported risk-taking for the intervention group and an increase in the comparison group were observed. These findings endorse SPIY as a useful curriculum approach to reducing injuries and lend support to the future conduct of a long-term outcome evaluation.


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The Extended Adolescent Injury Checklist (E-AIC), a self-report measure of injury based on the model of the Adolescent Injury Checklist (AIC), was developed for use in the evaluation of school-based interventions. The three stages of this development involved focus groups with adolescents and consultations with medical staff, pilot testing of the revised AIC in a high school context, and use of the finalised checklist in pre- and post-questionnaires to examine its utility. Results revealed that responses to the final version of the E-AIC were meaningful and remained consistent over time. The E-AIC appears to be a promising measure of adolescent injury that is simple, time-efficient and appropriate for use in the evaluation of school-based injury prevention programs.


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The school environment plays an important role in shaping adolescent outcomes, and research increasingly demonstrates the need to target the school social context in health promotion programs. This paper describes the research process undertaken to design a school connectedness component of an injury prevention program for early adolescents, Skills for Preventing Injury in Youth (SPIY). The connectedness component takes the form of a professional development workshop for teachers on increasing students’ connectedness to school, and this paper describes the research process used to construct program material. It also describes the methods used to encourage teachers’ implementation of connectedness strategies following program delivery. A multi-stage process of data collection included, (i) surveys with 540 Grade 9 students to examine links between school connectedness and risk-related injury, (ii) a systematic literature review of previously-evaluated school connectedness programs to determine key strategies that encourage implementation fidelity and program effectiveness, and (iii) interviews with 14 high school teachers to understand current use of connectedness strategies and ideas for program design. Findings from each stage are discussed in terms of how results informed the program design. The survey data provided information from which to frame program content, and the results of the systematic review demonstrated effective program strategies. The teacher interview data also provided program content incorporating target participants’ views and aligning with their priorities, which is important to ensure effective implementation of program strategies. A comprehensive design process provides an understanding of methods for, and may encourage, teachers’ future implementation of program strategies.


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Background Injury is the leading cause of adolescent death and injury around the road is a common source of adolescent injuries. Skills for Preventing Injury in Youth (SPIY) is a comprehensive program developed in Australia for early adolescents (term-long curriculum, including looking out for friends, first-aid training coupled with teacher school-connectedness professional development). Jessors’ Protection-Risk Framework guided the program approach focusing on building protective relationships. Method A randomized controlled trial with 35 schools was undertaken. Students completed surveys at baseline, six-months post-intervention and twelve-months post intervention. There were 1686 students (56% female) who completed the twelve-month survey, including the Extended-Adolescent Injury Checklist whereby students self-report on medically-treated injuries over the previous three-months (only road-related items are reported in this study; cycling, motorcycle riding, pedestrian, and riding as a passenger). Randomly selected SPIY classes also participated in focus groups and reported on perceptions of SPIY and injury risk behavior. Results As a check of randomization baseline differences of the variables were examined, with no significant differences between intervention and control groups. At the 12-month follow-up, there were fewer medically-treated injuries among the intervention students compared with the control group, particularly associated with being a passenger. The process evaluation revealed students perceived change in injury risk and risk behaviors. Conclusions While data analyses are continuing, the results indicate that the program seeking to encourage adolescents to look out for their friends, build connections to school and provide first aid skills training goes some way to reducing self-reported medically-treated injuries around the road.


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The purpos e of this phenomenological research is to explore the meaning of a YMCA-sponsored after-school recreation program in the lives of four adolescent boys. Listening to youth voice is impor t ant to the ability of othe r s to design, implement and evaluate high-quality programs tha t facilitate learning opportunities tha t a r e meaningful to participants. Within the context of interviews, task-based activities we r e used to ga the r data. Guided by Creswell's analytic spiral (1998), data wa s analyzed according to van Manen's (1990) thematic analysis and Caeilli's (2000) creative narrative analysis. It wa s found tha t this after-school progr am provided the s e adolescents with the opportunity to escape from the i r monotonous after-school activities and the instability of the i r home and school environments. Also, they we r e connected wi th positive peers, caring adults and the wide r community, opportunities tha t we r e limited in othe r aspects of the i r lives. Methodological issues a r e also discussed.


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This study evaluated the effectiveness of a healthy body image program. In total, 421 adolescent boys completed a five-session intervention program or a wait list control group. There were no differences between the intervention and the control group at post-intervention or any of the follow-up times. Boys in the intervention group who were one standard deviation above the mean on body dissatisfaction at baseline, demonstrated a reduction in negative affect in the intervention group at post-test and 6 months follow-up. Prevention programs need to target boys who are at risk of adopting health risk behaviors, rather than being universally applied.