133 resultados para Reptile.


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The effectiveness of behavioural thermoregulation in reptiles is amplified by cardiovascular responses, particularly by differential rates of heart beat in response to heating and cooling (heart-rate hysteresis). Heart-rate hysteresis is ecologically important in most lineages of ectothermic reptile' and we demonstrate that heart-rate hysteresis in the lizard Pogona vitticeps is mediated by prostaglandins. In a control treatment (administration of saline), heart rates during heating were significantly faster than during cooling at any given body temperature. When cyclooxygenase 1 and 2 enzymes were inhibited, heart rates during heating were not significantly different from those during cooling. Administration of agonists showed that thromboxane B-2 did not have a significant effect on heart rate, but prostacyclin and prostaglandin F-2alpha caused a significant increase (3.5 and 13.6 beats min(-1), respectively) in heart rate compared with control treatments. We speculate that heart-rate hysteresis evolved as a thermoregulatory mechanism that may ultimately be controlled by neurally induced stimulation of nitric oxide production, or maybe via photolytically induced production of vitamin D.


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Reptiles change heart rate and blood flow patterns in response to heating and cooling, thereby decreasing the behavioural cost of thermoregulation. We tested the hypothesis that locally produced vasoactive substances, nitric oxide and prostaglandins, mediate the cardiovascular response of reptiles to heat. Heart rate and blood pressure were measured in eight crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) during heating and cooling and while sequentially inhibiting nitric-oxide synthase and cyclooxygenase enzymes. Heart rate and blood pressure were significantly higher during heating than during cooling in all treatments. Power spectral density of heart rate and blood pressure increased significantly during heating and cooling compared to the preceding period of thermal equilibrium. Spectral density of heart rate in the high frequency band (0.19-0.70 Hz) was significantly greater during cooling in the saline treatment compared to when nitric-oxide synthase and cyclooxygenase enzymes were inhibited. Cross spectral analysis showed that changes in blood pressure preceded heart rate changes at low frequencies (


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The differences in physical properties of air and water pose unique behavioural and physiological demands on semiaquatic animals. The aim of this study was to describe the diving behaviour of the freshwater crocodile Crocodylus johnstoni in the wild and to assess the relationships between diving, body temperature, and heart rate. Time-depth recorders, temperature-sensitive radio transmitters, and heart rate transmitters were deployed on each of six C. johnstoni (4.0-26.5 kg), and data were obtained from five animals. Crocodiles showed the greatest diving activity in the morning (0600-1200 hours) and were least active at night, remaining at the water surface. Surprisingly, activity pattern was asynchronous with thermoregulation, and activity was correlated to light rather than to body temperature. Nonetheless, crocodiles thermoregulated and showed a typical heart rate hysteresis pattern (heart rate during heating greater than heart rate during cooling) in response to heating and cooling. Additionally, dive length decreased with increasing body temperature. Maximum diving length was 119.6 min, but the greatest proportion of diving time was spent on relatively short (


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Amphibian defensive skin secretions and reptile venoms are rich sources of bioactive peptides with potential pharmacological/pharmaceutical applications. As amphibian and reptile populations are in rapid global decline, our research
group has been developing analytical methods that permit generation of robust molecular data from non-invasive skin secretion samples and venom samples. While previously we have demonstrated that parallel proteome and venom gland
transcriptome analyses can be performed on such samples, here we report the presence of DNA that facilitates the more widely-used applications of gene sequencing, such as molecular phylogenetics, in a non-invasive manner that circumvents specimen sacrifice. From this “surrogate” tissue, we acquired partial 12S and 16S rRNA gene sequences that are presented for illustration purposes. Thus from a single sample of amphibian skin secretion and reptile venom, robust and complementary proteome, transcriptome and genome data can be generated for applications in diverse scientific disciplines.


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Os Cerrados sul-americanos abrigam alta diversidade de répteis, incluindo elevado número de endemismos. No entanto, o conhecimento desta diversidade é ainda incompleto frente à acelerada transformação das paisagens naturais no Brasil central. Constituem, portanto, uma das regiões prioritárias para estudo e conservação da biodiversidade mundial. Estudos intensivos sobre a fauna de répteis do Cerrado são necessários e urgentes para melhor compreensão dos processos que levaram à sua origem e distribuição e para subsidiar ações de conservação. Por meio de métodos padronizados, amostramos duas regiões ainda inexploradas da Estação Ecológica Serra Geral do Tocantins, situada na região do Jalapão. Registramos 45 espécies de répteis para a EESGT e entorno, o que representa uma riqueza alta e comparável à de outras regiões bem amostradas do Cerrado. Curvas de acumulação e estimadores indicam que a riqueza local de lagartos e anfisbenídeos aproxima-se da riqueza real enquanto a de serpentes é subestimada. A distribuição não-aleatória das espécies na paisagem concorda com evidências anteriores sugerindo utilização diferencial dos hábitats pelos répteis. Reunindo os resultados do presente estudo com os de levantamentos prévios realizados na região, registramos 88 espécies de répteis para o Jalapão sendo oito registros novos que incluem Bachia oxyrhina uma espécie recém descrita da região. As espécies da área apresentam três padrões gerais de distribuição: (1) espécies endêmicas do Cerrado, (2) espécies compartilhadas com domínios da diagonal de formações abertas sul-americanas, e (3) espécies de ampla ocorrência, compartilhadas também com ecossistemas florestais. Prevalecem espécies de ampla distribuição, porém é grande o número de espécies típicas do Cerrado, incluindo cinco possivelmente endêmicas do Jalapão, e há contribuição importante da fauna da Caatinga. A distribuição dos répteis em escala local e regional demonstra a necessidade de considerar a heterogeneidade paisagística para o planejamento de diretrizes visando à conservação em regiões do Cerrado. Por sua grande extensão, posição biogeográfica e complexidade de relevo e tipos de hábitat, a EESGT tem papel fundamental para a preservação e conhecimento da diversidade de répteis do Cerrado.


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O presente trabalho consiste em um inventário da herpetofauna do Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho (PECB), localizado na região da Serra de Paranapiacaba, Estado de São Paulo. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de coletas em seis áreas dentro do PECB durante um período de 76 dias distribuídos em um ano, e também por meio de consulta a coleções científicas para obtenção de dados secundários. São apresentados resultados sobre a biologia e ocorrência das espécies no PECB e no Brasil, além de fotografias das diferentes espécies que compõem a herpetofauna do PECB. A herpetofauna do PECB pode ser considerada uma das mais diversificadas de São Paulo, com 65 espécies de anfíbios confirmadas e 59 espécies de répteis registrados neste trabalho. Das 65 espécies de anfíbios, 84% (55 spp.) são endêmicas das formações florestais da Mata Atlântica. Devido às características do relevo do PECB, foram encontrados diferentes padrões altitudinais para os anfíbios: 46% das espécies foram registradas apenas em altitudes acima de 500 m, enquanto que 9% são exclusivas das regiões abaixo de 400 m e 45% ocorrem em todas as áreas amostradas do Parque. Das 59 espécies de répteis do PECB, foram registradas 10 espécies de lagartos, 48 de serpentes e um quelônio. Dentre as serpentes coletadas no PECB, a jararaca Bothrops jararaca foi a mais frequente, com 26,9% (N = 14) do total registrado. Espécies de difícil amostragem, como Echinanthera cephalostriata (13,5%; N = 7) e Taeniophallus affinis (7,7%; N = 4), também foram numerosas no PECB. Dentre os lagartos, Enyalius iheringii foi a espécie mais abundante, com 50% (N = 16) de registros. Uma análise de agrupamento entre 25 taxocenoses de anfíbios brasileiras, incluindo o PECB, resultou na formação de quatro agrupamentos principais. A anurofauna do PECB é mais relacionada com as taxocenoses do Parque Estadual Jacupiranga (0,68) e do Parque Estadual Intervales (0,66). Estes Parques se encontram geograficamente próximos e constituem um dos maiores fragmentos preservados de Mata Atlântica no Brasil. Este trabalho é o primeiro a apresentar a lista de répteis do PECB, alem de complementar o conhecimento em relação a fauna de anfíbios do PECB.


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The Piracicaba River basin is considered the most disturbed river basin in the state of So Paulo. Considerable amounts of agricultural residues are seasonally drained into the river, and the region is also highly urbanized and industrialized with an incipient sewage treatment system. The presence of heavy metals has been previously reported for the water and riverbed in Piracicaba river basin. In this study we evaluated 13 heavy metals in the blood of 37 Geoffroy`s side-necked turtles, Phrynops geoffroanus, from Piracicaba River and Piracicamirim Creek, one of its tributaries. Blood levels of As, Co, Cr, Se and Pb varied among sites, whereas Sn varied between males and females. However, no obvious pathology was detected. Serum level of Cu (2,194 ng g(-1)) and Pb (1,150 ng g(-1)) found in this study are the highest ever described for any reptile; however, no clinical symptoms have been detected in the present study. There is no information about the time scale of such contamination, which could be currently subclinical and yet lead to a breakdown in the population reproductive success in a few years. Based on the present study, legal enforcement is urged in order to locate and extirpate heavy metal sources in the Piracicaba River basin. In addition, monitoring should include humans and commercial fish consumed in local markets.


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To understand the role of peptidases in seminal physiology of Crotalus durissus terrificus, intra- and inter-seasonal activity levels of acid (APA), basic (APB), puromycin-sensitive (APN-PS) and puromycin-insensitive neutral (APN-PI), cystyl (CAP), dipeptidyl-IV (DPPIV), type-1 pyroglutamyl (PAP-I) and prolyl-imino (PIP) aminopeptidases as well as prolyl endopeptidase (POP) were evaluated in soluble (SF) and/or membrane-bound (MF) fractions of semen collected from the ductus deferens of the male reproductive tract and from the posterior portion of the uterus. Seminal APB, PIP and POP were detected in SF, while other peptidases were detected in SF and MF. Only the convoluted posterior uterus in winter and autumn had semen. Relative to other examined peptidases, in general, APN-PI, APN-PS and APB activities were predominant in the semen from the uterus and throughout the year in the semen from the ductus deferens, suggesting their great relevance in the seminal physiology of C. d. terrificus. The levels of peptidase activities in the ductus deferens semen varied seasonally and were different from those of semen in the uterus, suggesting that their modulatory actions on susceptible peptides are integrated to the male reproductive cycle events and spermatozoa viability of this snake.


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Seasonal quantitative patterns of acid (APA), basic (APB), puromycin-sensitive (APN-PS) and puromycin-insensitive neutral (APN-PI), cystyl (CAP), dipeptidyl IV (DPPIV), type-1 pyroglutamyl (PAP-I) and prolylimino (PIP) aminopeptidases and prolyl oligopeptidase (POP) activities in soluble (SF) and solubilized membrane-bound (MF) fractions from ductus deferens, vagina and uterus were studied to evaluate their relationships with the reproductive cycle and the extensive long-term spermatozoa storage (LTSS) of the Neotropical rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus. APB, PIP and POP were detected only in SF, while other peptidases were detected in SF and MF. APB, APN-PI and APN-PS were predominant in most tissues in all seasons. Peptidase activities had a common pattern of increment during the dry season (winter/autumn), which coincides with the mating period (autumn) and LTSS in the female (winter), as well as the reduction of spermatozoa motility and maintenance of fertilization capacity of spermatozoa. The high CAP activity in the soluble fraction of the vagina during winter, compared to summer (time of parturition) and spring, coincides with the relaxation of this tissue. In the soluble fraction, the low PAP-1 activity of the ductus deferens coincided with its high activity in the vagina during the winter; and the inverse occurred in summer, which is consistent with the physiological process of preserving spermatozoon viability. In conclusion, the studied peptidase activities had seasonal and tissue-specific characteristics, which suggest a relevant role in the reproductive physiology of C. d. terrificus. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In 82 wild-caught Crocodylus porosus, levels of NADH-MetHb reductase and GSH seem adequate to maintain hemoglobin in its reduced functional state. Studies of C. porosus erythrocytes in vitro show reduction of metHb in the presence of lactate, glucose and plasma, but not pyruvate. These findings, together with recent data which show low metHb in a variety of reptiles, cast doubt on the accepted view that high levels of MetHb are typical of healthy reptiles. One explanation for the sharp contrast between earlier and more recent data could be technical. We found low metHb in Crocodylus johnstoni, Chelodina longicollis and Sphenomorphus quoyi. However, high and variable values reminiscent of many of the earlier data were obtained by omitting final centrifugation prior to spectrophotometry. Interestingly, this step is not part of the standard clinical method but is necessary in analyses of blood with nucleated red cells. These observations suggest that high metHb may not be typical of reptiles after all.


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The cardiac limb of the baroreflex loop was studied in the saltwater crocodile Crocodylus porosus, The classical pharmacological methodology using phenylephrine and sodium nitroprusside was used to trigger blood pressure changes, and the resulting alterations in heart rate were analysed quantitatively using a logistic function. Interindividual differences in resting heart rates and blood pressures were observed, but all seven animals displayed clear baroreflex responses. Atropine and sotalol greatly attenuated the response. A maximal baroreflex gain of 7.2 beats min(-1) kPa(-1) was found at a mean aortic pressure of 6.1 kPa, indicating the active role of the baroreflex in a wide pressure range encompassing hypotensive and hypertensive states. At the lowest mean aortic pressures (5.0 kPa), the synergistic role of the pulmonary-to-systemic shunt in buffering the blood pressure drop also contributes to blood pressure regulation, Pulse pressure showed a better correlation,vith heart rate and also a higher gain than mean aortic, systolic or diastolic pressures, and this is taken as an indicator of the existence of a differential control element working simultaneously with a linear proportional element.


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The effect of N-2 respiration on cerebral blood flow (CBF) velocity on the dorsal surface of cerebellum was examined in the estuarine crocodile, Crocodylus porosus, using epi-illumination microscopy. Twelve minutes of N-2 respiration resulted in a 126% increase in CBF velocity. N-2 respiration had no effect on blood pressure, indicating an underlying cerebral vasodilation. In addition, heart rate increased significantly. Systemic injections of aminophylline and the NO synthase (NOS) inhibitor nitro-L-arginine (L-NA) did not affect the hypoxia induced increase in CBF. We conclude that C. porosus responds to hypoxia with adenosine and nitric oxide (NO) independent cerebral vasodilation, and that this is likely to be a mechanism protecting the brain from energy deficiency during prolonged dives. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.