995 resultados para Reproducció asexual
In previous immuno-epidemiological studies of the naturally acquired antibody responses to merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP-1) of Plasmodium vivax, we had evidence that the responses to distinct erythrocytic stage antigens could be differentially regulated. The present study was designed to compare the antibody response to three asexual erythrocytic stage antigens vaccine candidates of P. vivax. Recombinant proteins representing the 19 kDa C-terminal region of MSP-1(PvMSP19), apical membrane antigen n-1 ectodomain (PvAMA-1), and the region II of duffy binding protein (PvDBP-RII) were compared in their ability to bind to IgG antibodies of serum samples collected from 220 individuals from the state of Pará, in the North of Brazil. During patent infection with P. vivax, the frequency of individuals with IgG antibodies to PvMSP1(19), PvAMA-1, and PvDBP-RII were 95, 72.7, and 44.5% respectively. Although the frequency of responders to PvDBP-RII was lower, this frequency increased in individuals following multiple malarial infections. Individually, the specific antibody levels did not decline significantly nine months after treatment, except to PvMSP1(19). Our results further confirm a complex regulation of the immune response to distinct blood stage antigens. The reason for that is presently unknown but it may contribute to the high risk of re-infection in individuals living in the endemic areas.
The effects of artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) on transmission of Plasmodium falciparum were evaluated after a policy change instituting the use of ACTs in an endemic area. P. falciparum gametocyte carriage, sex ratios and inbreeding rates were examined in 2,585 children at presentation with acute falciparum malaria during a 10-year period from 2001-2010. Asexual parasite rates were also evaluated from 2003-2010 in 10,615 children before and after the policy change. Gametocyte carriage declined significantly from 12.4% in 2001 to 3.6% in 2010 (@@χ² for trend = 44.3, p < 0.0001), but sex ratios and inbreeding rates remained unchanged. Additionally, overall parasite rates remained unchanged before and after the policy change (47.2% vs. 45.4%), but these rates declined significantly from 2003-2010 (@@χ² for trend 35.4, p < 0.0001). Chloroquine (CQ) and artemether-lumefantrine (AL) were used as prototype drugs before and after the policy change, respectively. AL significantly shortened the duration of male gametocyte carriage in individual patients after treatment began compared with CQ (log rank statistic = 7.92, p = 0.005). ACTs reduced the rate of gametocyte carriage in children with acute falciparum infections at presentation and shortened the duration of male gametocyte carriage after treatment. However, parasite population sex ratios, inbreeding rates and overall parasite rate were unaffected.
Sexual reproduction is extremely widespread in spite of its presumed costs relative to asexual reproduction, indicating that it must provide significant advantages. One postulated benefit of sex and recombination is that they facilitate the purging of mildly deleterious mutations, which would accumulate in asexual lineages and contribute to their short evolutionary life span. To test this prediction, we estimated the accumulation rate of coding (nonsynonymous) mutations, which are expected to be deleterious, in parts of one mitochondrial (COI) and two nuclear (Actin and Hsp70) genes in six independently derived asexual lineages and related sexual species of Timema stick insects. We found signatures of increased coding mutation accumulation in all six asexual Timema and for each of the three analyzed genes, with 3.6- to 13.4-fold higher rates in the asexuals as compared with the sexuals. In addition, because coding mutations in the asexuals often resulted in considerable hydrophobicity changes at the concerned amino acid positions, coding mutations in the asexuals are likely associated with more strongly deleterious effects than in the sexuals. Our results demonstrate that deleterious mutation accumulation can differentially affect sexual and asexual lineages and support the idea that deleterious mutation accumulation plays an important role in limiting the long-term persistence of all-female lineages.
En aquest volum apleguem tots els documents sobre reproducció assistidaelaborats pel grup d'opinió de l'Observatori de Bioètica i Dret, analitzant fi lper randa les conclusions llavors exposades i deixant constància del seu impacteconcret en cada norma. En cadascun dels cinc Documents es respecta la versióoriginal i s'hi afegeix un comentari general sobre la seva repercussió i una revisióde les Conclusions, indicant-hi detalladament les normes en què es recullen les nostres propostes.
En aquest volum apleguem tots els documents sobre reproducció assistidaelaborats pel grup d'opinió de l'Observatori de Bioètica i Dret, analitzant fi lper randa les conclusions llavors exposades i deixant constància del seu impacteconcret en cada norma. En cadascun dels cinc Documents es respecta la versióoriginal i s'hi afegeix un comentari general sobre la seva repercussió i una revisióde les Conclusions, indicant-hi detalladament les normes en què es recullen les nostres propostes.
Resolving the paradox of sex, with its twofold cost to genic transmission, remains one of the major unresolved questions in evolutionary biology. Counting this genetic cost has now gone genomic. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Kraaijeveld et al. (2012) describe the first genome-scale comparative study of related sexual and asexual animal lineages, to test the hypothesis that asexuals bear heavier loads of deleterious transposable elements. A much higher density of such parasites might be expected, due to the inability of asexual lineages to purge transposons via mechanisms exclusive to sexual reproduction. They find that the answer is yes--and no--depending upon the family of transposons considered. Like many such advances in testing theory, more questions are raised by this study than answered, but a door has been opened to molecular evolutionary analyses of how responses to selection from intragenomic parasites might mediate the costs of sex.
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Environmental shifts and lifestyle changes may result in formerly adaptive traits becoming non-functional or maladaptive. The subsequent decay of such traits highlights the importance of natural selection for adaptations, yet its causes have rarely been investigated. To study the fate of formerly adaptive traits after lifestyle changes, we evaluated sexual traits in five independently derived asexual lineages, including traits that are specific to males and therefore not exposed to selection. At least four of the asexual lineages retained the capacity to produce males that display normal courtship behaviours and are able to fertilize eggs of females from related sexual species. The maintenance of male traits may stem from pleiotropy, or from these traits only regressing via drift, which may require millions of years to generate phenotypic effects. By contrast, we found parallel decay of sexual traits in females. Asexual females produced altered airborne and contact signals, had modified sperm storage organs, and lost the ability to fertilize their eggs, impeding reversals to sexual reproduction. Female sexual traits were decayed even in recently derived asexuals, suggesting that trait changes following the evolution of asexuality, when they occur, proceed rapidly and are driven by selective processes rather than drift.
Per perpetuar-se a si mateixa, qualsevol societat, en qualsevol temps o lloc, necessita la confluencia de la reproducció de les especies i de la producció de béns. La relació entre I'una i I'altra ha tingut diverses configuracions histbriques. En les societats occidentals actuals el sistema socio-econbmic pot ser vist constituyt pels dos subsistemes bisics, caracteritzats per I'esfera industrial -produir per a I'exterior- i l'esfera domestica -producció per al consum familiar-. Addicionalment, s'hi pot incloure un tercer subsistema: I'esfera pública, la qual té un paper bhicament redisuibutiu. L'objectiu general del treball és el d'analitzar el paper del treball domestic en la reproducció social. Des del marc tebric establert es despren que cada família, per garantir la seva supervivtncia i reproducció, combinari tres tipus d'ingressos: I'ingrés monetari (assalariat i no assalariat), els serveis proporcionats per les administracions públiques (salari social) i el treball domtstic. El seu pes relatiu variari segons el grup social al qual pertany la família. Consegüentment, per a qualsevol mesurament del treball domestic mínimament realista, els grups socials s'han de considerar de manera separada a fi d'establir les necessitats de cada grup. L'objectiu concret va ser el d'establir una mesura relativa del treball domestic, és a dir, analitzar la proporció de les necessitats totals de la família cobertes per la producció domestica en relació els altres dos mitjans, és a dir: l'ingrés monetari i els serveis públics. El treball de camp es dugué a terme a ]'kea Metropolitana de Barcelona durant el mes de febrer de 1990.
Background: Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are important symbionts of most plant species, promoting plant diversity and productivity. This symbiosis is thought to have contributed to the early colonisation of land by plants. Morphological stasis over 400 million years and the lack of an observed sexual stage in any member of the phylum Glomeromycota led to the controversial suggestion of AMF being ancients asexuals. Evidence for recombination in AMF is contradictory. Results: We addressed the question of recombination in the AMF Glomus intraradices by sequencing 11 polymorphic nuclear loci in 40 morphologically identical isolates from one field. Phylogenetic relationships among genotypes showed a reticulate network pattern providing a rationale to test for recombination. Five statistical tests predicted multiple recombinant regions in the genome of a core set of isolates. In contrast, five clonal lineages had fixed a large number of differences. Conclusion: Our data show that AMF from one field have undergone recombination but that clonal lineages coexist. This finding has important consequences for understanding AMF evolution, co-evolution of AMF and plants and highlights the potential for commercially introduced AMF inoculum recombining with existing local populations. Finally, our results reconcile seemingly contradictory studies on whether AMF are clonal or form recombining populations.
Asexual reproduction is particularly common among introduced species, probably because it helps to overcome the negative effects associated with low population densities during colonization. The ant Cerapachys biroi has been introduced to tropical and subtropical islands around the world since the beginning of the last century. In this species, workers can reproduce via thelytokous parthenogenesis. Here, we use genetic markers to reconstruct the history of anthropogenic introductions of C. biroi, and to address the prevalence of female parthenogenesis in introduced and native populations. We show that at least four genetically distinct lineages have been introduced from continental Asia and have led to the species' circumtropical establishment. Our analyses demonstrate that asexual reproduction dominates in the introduced range and is also common in the native range. Given that C. biroi is the only dorylomorph ant that has successfully become established outside of its native range, this unusual mode of reproduction probably facilitated the species' worldwide spread. On the other hand, the rare occurrence of haploid males and at least one clear case of sexual recombination in the introduced range show that C. biroi has not lost the potential for sex. Finally, we show that thelytoky in C. biroi probably has a genetic rather than an infectious origin, and that automixis with central fusion is the most likely underlying cytological mechanism. This is in accordance with what is known for other thelytokous eusocial Hymenoptera.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The coexistence of hermaphrodites and female-sterile individuals, or androdioecy, has been documented in only a handful of plants and animals. This study reports its existence in the plant species Cardamine amara (Brassicaceae), in which female-sterile individuals have shorter pistils than seed-producing hermaphrodites. METHODS: Morphological analysis, in situ manual pollination, microsatellite genotyping and differential gene expression analysis using Arabidopsis microarrays were used to delimit variation between female-sterile individuals and hermaphrodites. KEY RESULTS: Female sterility in C. amara appears to be caused by disrupted ovule development. It was associated with a 2.4- to 2.9-fold increase in clonal propagation. This made the pollen number of female-sterile genets more than double that of hermaphrodite genets, which fulfils a condition of co-existence predicted by simple androdioecy theories. When female-sterile individuals were observed in wild androdioecious populations, their ramet frequencies ranged from 5 to 54 %; however, their genet frequencies ranged from 11 to 29 %, which is consistent with the theoretically predicted upper limit of 50 %. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that a combination of sexual reproduction and increased asexual proliferation by female-sterile individuals probably explains the invasion and maintenance of female sterility in otherwise hermaphroditic populations. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the coexistence of female sterility and hermaphrodites in the Brassicaceae.
La irrupció dels mitjans digitals està generant en les famílies amb adolescents noves formes d'estar junts i de relacionar-se amb l'exterior, que són viscuts sovint amb ansietat per part dels pares. Per estudiar les normes que tant els pares com els seus fills estan generant per regular-les, i com aquestes regulacions es relacionen amb la reproducció de l'avantatge i el desavantatge generalitzat, es proposa superar l'orientació restringida dels riscos i oportunitats i fixar-se en canvi en la manera comles cultures i identitats familiars generen equilibris particulars en les tensions normatives del treball, el consum i l'autenticitat. Mitjançant una recerca empírica qualitativa amb 23 famílies de dos centres d'educació secundària de l'àrea metropolitana de Barcelona, es constata que enlloc de buscar com normes o estils parentals concrets es relacionen amb diferents posicions socials, és preferible analitzar com les diferents cultures i identitats familiars regulen l'adquisició d'autonomia per part dels fills. Aspectes com la familiaritat i reflexivitat vers la tecnologia, l'establiment de rutines i horaris familiars o els contextos relacionals esdevenen així claus per entendre la reproducció de l'avantatge generalitzat. Aquests elements permeten contextualitzar dinàmicament la complexa combinació de les regulacions implícites i explícites en el procés de maduració dels fills.
Se presentan los resultados de un estudio sobre la ultraestructura y la multiplicación asexual de Microspora quadrata Hazen (Microsporaceae, Chlorophyta) en muestras procedentes de los lagos prepirenaicos, de tipo cárstico, de Basturs y Estaña. M. quadrata presenta las características ultraestructurales propias de la familia Microsporaceae; sus filamentos producen dos tipos de zoosporas biflageladas: esféricas y elípticas. Se describe, asimismo, el proceso de elongación de las zoosporas y se discute su función.
Transposable elements (TEs) and other repetitive DNA can accumulate in the absence of recombination, a process contributing to the degeneration of Y-chromosomes and other nonrecombining genome portions. A similar accumulation of repetitive DNA is expected for asexually reproducing species, given their entire genome is effectively nonrecombining. We tested this expectation by comparing the whole-genome TE loads of five asexual arthropod lineages and their sexual relatives, including asexual and sexual lineages of crustaceans (Daphnia water fleas), insects (Leptopilina wasps), and mites (Oribatida). Surprisingly, there was no evidence for increased TE load in genomes of asexual as compared to sexual lineages, neither for all classes of repetitive elements combined nor for specific TE families. Our study therefore suggests that nonrecombining genomes do not accumulate TEs like nonrecombining genomic regions of sexual lineages. Even if a slight but undetected increase of TEs were caused by asexual reproduction, it appears to be negligible compared to variance between species caused by processes unrelated to reproductive mode. It remains to be determined if molecular mechanisms underlying genome regulation in asexuals hamper TE activity. Alternatively, the differences in TE dynamics between nonrecombining genomes in asexual lineages versus nonrecombining genome portions in sexual species might stem from selection for benign TEs in asexual lineages because of the lack of genetic conflict between TEs and their hosts and/or because asexual lineages may only arise from sexual ancestors with particularly low TE loads.