100 resultados para Reprocessing Emdr
A joint reprocessing of GPS, GLONASS and SLR observations has been carried out at TU Dresden, TU Munich, AIUB and ETH Zurich. Common a priori models have been applied for the processing of all types of observation to ensure both consistent parameter estimates and the rigorous combination of microwave and optical measurements. Based on that reprocessing results, we evaluate the impact of adding GLONASS observations to the standard GPS data processing. In particular, changes in station position time series and day boundary overlaps of consecutive satellite arcs are analyzed. In addition, the GNSS orbits derived from microwave measurements are validated using independent SLR range measurements. Our SLR residuals indicate a significant improvement compared to previous results. Furthermore, we evaluate the performance of our high-rate (30s) combined GNSS satellite clocks and discuss associated zero-difference phase residuals.
The International GNSS Service (IGS) provides operational products for the GPS and GLONASS constellation. Homogeneously processed time series of parameters from the IGS are only available for GPS. Reprocessed GLONASS series are provided only by individual Analysis Centers (i. e. CODE and ESA), making it difficult to fully include the GLONASS system into a rigorous GNSS analysis. In view of the increasing number of active GLONASS satellites and a steadily growing number of GPS+GLONASS-tracking stations available over the past few years, Technische Universität Dresden, Technische Universität München, Universität Bern and Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich performed a combined reprocessing of GPS and GLONASS observations. Also, SLR observations to GPS and GLONASS are included in this reprocessing effort. Here, we show only SLR results from a GNSS orbit validation. In total, 18 years of data (1994–2011) have been processed from altogether 340 GNSS and 70 SLR stations. The use of GLONASS observations in addition to GPS has no impact on the estimated linear terrestrial reference frame parameters. However, daily station positions show an RMS reduction of 0.3 mm on average for the height component when additional GLONASS observations can be used for the time series determination. Analyzing satellite orbit overlaps, the rigorous combination of GPS and GLONASS neither improves nor degrades the GPS orbit precision. For GLONASS, however, the quality of the microwave-derived GLONASS orbits improves due to the combination. These findings are confirmed using independent SLR observations for a GNSS orbit validation. In comparison to previous studies, mean SLR biases for satellites GPS-35 and GPS-36 could be reduced in magnitude from −35 and −38 mm to −12 and −13 mm, respectively. Our results show that remaining SLR biases depend on the satellite type and the use of coated or uncoated retro-reflectors. For Earth rotation parameters, the increasing number of GLONASS satellites and tracking stations over the past few years leads to differences between GPS-only and GPS+GLONASS combined solutions which are most pronounced in the pole rate estimates with maximum 0.2 mas/day in magnitude. At the same time, the difference between GLONASS-only and combined solutions decreases. Derived GNSS orbits are used to estimate combined GPS+GLONASS satellite clocks, with first results presented in this paper. Phase observation residuals from a precise point positioning are at the level of 2 mm and particularly reveal poorly modeled yaw maneuver periods.
L'EMDR est une thérapie qui a été développée pour traiter les souvenirs traumatiques, puis proposée pour traiter une variété de troubles psychologiques. Ce texte est le premier à recenser en français les études qui ont évalué l'efficacité de cette forme de thérapie. L'efficacité de l'EMDR est d'abord démontrée à l'aide d'études de cas qui comportent des limites importantes. Les études de cas basées sur un protocole expérimental donnent des résultats plus mitigés. Les études contrôlées qui examinent l'efficacité de l'EMDR sont ensuite décrites en fonction du type de contrôle exercé et du type de trouble traité. L'EMDR est aussi efficace que la thérapie cognitivocomportementale pour traiter le trouble de stress posttraumatique, mais pas pour le traitement de la phobie spécifique ni du trouble panique. De plus, les études montrent de façon répétée que l'absence des mouvements oculaires ne modifie pas l'efficacité de l'EMDR. Une analyse des différences et des similitudes entre l'EMDR et l'approche cognitivo-comportementale est présentée. Les caractéristiques pseudo-scientifiques qui ont marquées le développement et la diffusion de l'EMDR sont aussi abordées.