900 resultados para Repertory grid
The aim of this study is to identify cognitive variables that predict disordered eating attitudes in a nonclinical sample composed of 50 female university students. Repertory grid technique was used to assess cognitive features of self-construing and cognitive conflicts. Drive for Thinness and Body Dissatisfaction scales from the Eating Disorder Inventory 2 were used as dependent variables, as previous studies suggested that high scores on these scales are associated with the risk of developing or aggravating eating syndromes. Results suggest that drive for thinness can be associated with cognitive conflicts, whereas body dissatisfaction may be higher for those who construct themselves as inadequate and similar to others. In addition, both dependent variables were predicted by being younger and having a higher body mass index.
Background Depression is one of the more severe and serious health problems because of its morbidity, disabling effects and for its societal and economic burden. Despite the variety of existing pharmacological and psychological treatments, most of the cases evolve with only partial remission, relapse and recurrence. Cognitive models have contributed significantly to the understanding of unipolar depression and its psychological treatment. However, success is only partial and many authors affirm the need to improve those models and also the treatment programs derived from them. One of the issues that requires further elaboration is the difficulty these patients experience in responding to treatment and in maintaining therapeutic gains across time without relapse or recurrence. Our research group has been working on the notion of cognitive conflict viewed as personal dilemmas according to personal construct theory. We use a novel method for identifying those conflicts using the repertory grid technique (RGT). Preliminary results with depressive patients show that about 90% of them have one or more of those conflicts. This fact might explain the blockage and the difficult progress of these patients, especially the more severe and/or chronic. These results justify the need for specific interventions focused on the resolution of these internal conflicts. This study aims to empirically test the hypothesis that an intervention focused on the dilemma(s) specifically detected for each patient will enhance the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for depression. Design A therapy manual for a dilemma-focused intervention will be tested using a randomized clinical trial by comparing the outcome of two treatment conditions: combined group CBT (eight, 2-hour weekly sessions) plus individual dilemma-focused therapy (eight, 1-hour weekly sessions) and CBT alone (eight, 2-hour group weekly sessions plus eight, 1-hour individual weekly sessions). Method Participants are patients aged over 18 years meeting diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder or dysthymic disorder, with a score of 19 or above on the Beck depression inventory, second edition (BDI-II) and presenting at least one cognitive conflict (implicative dilemma or dilemmatic construct) as assessed using the RGT. The BDI-II is the primary outcome measure, collected at baseline, at the end of therapy, and at 3- and 12-month follow-up; other secondary measures are also used. Discussion We expect that adding a dilemma-focused intervention to CBT will increase the efficacy of one of the more prestigious therapies for depression, thus resulting in a significant contribution to the psychological treatment of depression. Trial registration ISRCTN92443999; ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01542957.
Background Depression is one of the more severe and serious health problems because of its morbidity, disabling effects and for its societal and economic burden. Despite the variety of existing pharmacological and psychological treatments, most of the cases evolve with only partial remission, relapse and recurrence. Cognitive models have contributed significantly to the understanding of unipolar depression and its psychological treatment. However, success is only partial and many authors affirm the need to improve those models and also the treatment programs derived from them. One of the issues that requires further elaboration is the difficulty these patients experience in responding to treatment and in maintaining therapeutic gains across time without relapse or recurrence. Our research group has been working on the notion of cognitive conflict viewed as personal dilemmas according to personal construct theory. We use a novel method for identifying those conflicts using the repertory grid technique (RGT). Preliminary results with depressive patients show that about 90% of them have one or more of those conflicts. This fact might explain the blockage and the difficult progress of these patients, especially the more severe and/or chronic. These results justify the need for specific interventions focused on the resolution of these internal conflicts. This study aims to empirically test the hypothesis that an intervention focused on the dilemma(s) specifically detected for each patient will enhance the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for depression. Design A therapy manual for a dilemma-focused intervention will be tested using a randomized clinical trial by comparing the outcome of two treatment conditions: combined group CBT (eight, 2-hour weekly sessions) plus individual dilemma-focused therapy (eight, 1-hour weekly sessions) and CBT alone (eight, 2-hour group weekly sessions plus eight, 1-hour individual weekly sessions). Method Participants are patients aged over 18 years meeting diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder or dysthymic disorder, with a score of 19 or above on the Beck depression inventory, second edition (BDI-II) and presenting at least one cognitive conflict (implicative dilemma or dilemmatic construct) as assessed using the RGT. The BDI-II is the primary outcome measure, collected at baseline, at the end of therapy, and at 3- and 12-month follow-up; other secondary measures are also used. Discussion We expect that adding a dilemma-focused intervention to CBT will increase the efficacy of one of the more prestigious therapies for depression, thus resulting in a significant contribution to the psychological treatment of depression. Trial registration ISRCTN92443999; ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01542957.
The notion that human beings face internal conflicts is very old in the field of psychotherapy. Also, it is common the idea that symptoms could be derived from those conflicts. However, attempts for developing ways of appraising those conflicts so that they can be measured and tested empirically are almost inexistent. Precisely, the Multi- Centre Dilemma Project is aimed at investigating the role of those conflicts, termed implicative dilemmas or dilemmatic constructs, in health using the Repertory Grid Technique as a method to identify them. So far, a higher presence of those conflicts has been found in a variety of clinical problems (depression, social phobia, somatic problems, etc.) in comparison to non-clinical samples. Therefore, it seems convenient to develop a form of intervention aimed to dealing and resolving these conflicts. In this paper a therapy manual focused on implicative dilemmas resolution is presented. It consists of a structured intervention for 15 sessions, designed mainly for research and training in psychotherapy, and based on Personal Construct Psychotherapy.
Apesar da importância econômica e social da aguardente de cana brasileira, são ainda muito escassos os estudos sobre sua qualidade sensorial, porém as crescentes exigências do mercado, tem feito crescer a preocupação com a qualidade dessa bebida. A aguardente de cana é muito apreciada por seu aroma e sabor característicos, que podem ainda melhorar pelo envelhecimento em recipientes de madeira. O complexo processo que ocorre durante o envelhecimento depende além de vários fatores, do tipo de madeira empregada, do tempo de maturação e obviamente da qualidade inicial do destilado. A análise descritiva quantitativa, metodologia muito aplicada na caracterização dos atributos sensoriais de alimentos e bebidas, foi utilizada neste trabalho para estudar o perfil sensorial da aguardente de cana, durante o envelhecimento, em toneis de carvalho. Nesse sentido, foram analisadas amostras de aguardente envelhecidas durante zero, 12, 24, 36 e 48 meses em um tonel de carvalho de 200 litros e duas amostras comerciais, sendo uma delas envelhecida. Dezesseis provadores pré-selecionados através de testes triangulares e análise sequencial, geraram pelo método rede (Kelly's Repertory Grid Method), os termos descritores das aguardentes. Após a etapa de treinamento, foram selecionados 10 provadores com base em seu poder de discriminação, repetibilidade e concordância com a equipe no uso de escalas. As amostras foram então apresentadas e avaliadas pelos provadores, em cabines individuais de forma monádica, com quatro repetições. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância, teste de médias de Tukey e à Análise de Componentes Principais. Os termos descritores escolhidos em consenso pelos membros da equipe sensorial foram: coloração amarela, aroma alcoólico, aroma de madeira, aroma de baunilha, doçura inicial, doçura residual, sabor alcóolico inicial, sabor alcóolico residual, sabor de madeira inicial, sabor de madeira residual, sabor agressivo, adstringente e ácido. Os resultados obtidos revelaram mudanças significativas (p£0,05) das características sensoriais da aguardente ao longo do envelhecimento. Após 48 meses em tonel de carvalho, a bebida apresentou aroma de madeira, doçura inicial e residual, aroma de baunilha, coloração amarela, gosto inicial e residual de madeira pronunciados, sendo os descritores o aroma alcoólico, agressividade, sabor inicial e residual de álcool, significativamente inferiores aos das demais amostras.
Edulcorantes em solução, com a mesma equivalência de doçura, podem apresentar características sensoriais que os tornam diferentes entre si. O presente estudo teve como objetivo realizar Análise Descritiva Quantitativa de soluções de aspartame (APM), extrato de folhas de estévia (SrB) e mistura ciclamato/sacarina 2:1 (C/S) em diferentes níveis de doçura, ou seja, em equivalência de doçura a uma solução aquosa de sacarose a 3, 10, 20 e 30%. Onze provadores, pré-selecionados através de análise seqüencial, tendo como critério suas habilidades de discriminação, foram treinados após o levantamento da terminologia descritiva. Após o treinamento, os provadores foram selecionados através de seu poder de discriminação, reproducibilidade e concordância com a equipe no uso de escalas. Os termos descritivos dos edulcorantes, para todos os níveis de doçura, gerados através do método rede (Kelly's Repertory Grid Method) foram: doçura inicial, doçura residual, amargo inicial, amargo residual, residual de alcaçuz, corpo e acidez. Os resultados obtidos para cada nível de doçura foram analisados através de análise de variância, teste de Tukey e Análise de Componentes Principais. A análise descritiva foi efetiva em caracterizar o perfil sensorial dos edulcorantes em diferentes concentrações, evidenciando as mudanças no perfil com o aumento de suas concentrações.
Queijos Mozarela de leite de búfala obtidos pelo método tradicional e da acidificação direta foram submetidos ao teste descritivo de perfil livre, utilizando-se 10 provadores pré-selecionados através do teste triangular. Inicialmente, os provadores realizaram o levantamento de atributos através do método Rede (Kelly's Repertory Grid). A seguir, foram elaboradas para cada provador, as listas de definições de atributos e das fichas de avaliação com escalas não estruturadas de 9 pontos. As amostras de cada processamento foram avaliadas com 3 repetições. No total, foram realizadas 14 sessões, sendo 3 para a seleção dos provadores, 2 para levantamento de atributos, 1 para checagem das fichas e 9 para avaliação das amostras. Os dados foram analisados pela Análise Procrustes Generalizada, utilizando o programa Procrustes PC. Os resultados mostraram que houve uma alta repetibilidade entre os provadores, assim como entre os processamentos. As amostras foram diferenciadas principalmente pelos atributos de aparência e textura. O queijo Mozarela elaborado pelo método tradicional apresentou cor mais branca, maior firmeza e elasticidade. O queijo elaborado pela acidificação direta, apresentou-se mais macio, com maior umidade e coloração esverdeada. Pode-se concluir que o método do Perfil Livre foi eficiente para o estudo com 2 amostras.
A Análise Descritiva Quantitativa(ADQ) foi empregada para caracterização das amostras de pós de cacau que representaram a amplitude do delineamento composto rotacional central 2 do processo de alcalinização dos "nibs" de cacau. As variáveis independentes foram faixas de temperatura de 60 a 120 ºC, de tempo de 30 a 150min e de concentração de K2CO3 de 1,22 a 4,78%. Foram avaliadas oito amostras de pó de cacau representativas das variações de cor e aceitabilidade do total das amostras obtidas experimentalmente e duas amostras de marcas comerciais. A análise do aroma foi feita diretamente nos pós de cacau alcalinizados e a dos demais atributos na forma de bebida achocolatada (2% do pó de cacau e 7% de açúcar em leite desnatado esterilizado). Doze provadores selecionados com base no seu poder de discriminação, reprodutibilidade e concordância com a equipe geraram em consenso, pelo método de rede (Kelly's Repertory Grid Method), três termos descritos para o aroma (alcalino, chocolate e queimado) e doze para os achocolatados (solubilidade, marrom, marrom avermelhado, chocolate, queimado, caramelo, doce, adstringente, alcalino, amargo, salgado e corpo). As avaliações das amostras foram feitas monadicamente com três repetições e em cabines individuais. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos a ANOVA, teste de Tukey e Análise de Componentes Principais. As avaliações dos aromas dos pós de cacau mostraram relação direta entre o aroma alcalino e os teores de álcali, temperatura e tempo do processo. De modo geral, os produtos com menores concentrações de K2CO3 (1,22 - 3,00% ) apresentaram aroma e sabor de chocolate mais fortes. Encontrou-se uma relação direta entre os teores de álcali no produto e o sabor alcalino, queimado e adstringente e uma relação inversa com a luminosidade da cor. Assim, as amostras com maior concentração de K2CO3 (4,78%), foram consideradas pela equipe sensorial, as de mais forte sabor e aroma alcalino, queimado e adstringente, assim como de cor marrom e marrom avermelhado mais escura. Todos os processos levaram à obtenção de amostras com alta solubilidade e fraco sabor amargo.
The present study was a phenomenological investigation of adolescent constructs of stress and academic achievement. The study utilised a modified version of George Kelly's Repertory Grid Technique to provide direct insight into adolescent stress and academic achievement. The premise of the study was that only students who exhibited extreme cases of stress and academic achievement levels would be examined. The investigation identified and examined the adolescents who exhibited these extremes and explored the underlying constructs that defined these differences. It was expected that if adolescents were able to identify the stressors in their lives, how these stressors affect their lives, and how these stressors affect their academic performance, then suggestions could be made to help students to better cope with stress and to improve their academic achievement level. Further, based on the results of the study, the pedagogical implications for classroom research are provided. Phenomenological inquiries, using modified, and less complex versions of the repertory grid, can be conducted pre-, mid-, and postacademic terms, to determine and to monitor the stressors and the academic performance of the students in a classroom. Specific assessments for individual students will help teachers to better exercise their knowledge and understanding of the realm of teaching and learning strategies (e.g., Gardiner's Multiple Intelligences) that exist.
A convenience sample of twenty registered nurses was recruited from two' general hospitals and two community college nursing schools. Kelly's (1955) Personal Construct Theory provided the theoretical framework to discover how nurses perceived themselves as educators. The nurses completed a self-administered Self-Perception Inventory (Soares, 1983) to determine their perception of self as nurse and ideal self as nurse. In an interview, each of the nurses constructed a rank-order repertory grid adapted from Kelly's (1955) Role Repertory Construct Test. Twelve constructs derived from the Self-Perception Inventory (Soares, 1983) were ranked according to a list of ten elements common to a teaching situation. Rank order correlations among the constructs were determined with Spearman's rho. Using a dependent samples t-test, significant differences were found between perceptions of current and ideal self for staff nurses. Significant differences were also found between nurse educators' perceptions of self and ideal self as nurse. No significant differences were determined in perceptions of self as nurse and ideal self as nurse between the staff nurse and nurse educator groups with an independent samples t-test. However, observations of single constructs revealed that although several constructs are shared between the groups in the perception of self in a teaching situation, both groups hold constructs that operate exclusively in their separate domains. The nature and strength of the relationships between the common and unique constructs are different for each group. Nurses I self-perceptions appear to be influenced by the historical development of nursing, role socialization during nursing education, social expectations and gender issues in the health care system.
The intent in this study was to investigate in what ways teachers· beliefs about education and teaching are expressed in the specific teaching behaviours they employ, and whether teaching behaviours, as perceived by their students, are correlated with students· critical thinking and self-directed learning. To this end the relationships studied were: among faCUlty members· philosophy of teaching, locus of control orientation, psychological type, and observed teaching behaviour; and among students· psychological type, perceptions of teaching behaviour, self-directed learning readiness, and critical thinking. The overall purpose of the study was to investigate whether the implicit goals of higher education, critical thinking and self-direction, were actually accounted for in the university classroom. The research was set within the context of path-goal theory, adapted from the leadership literature. Within this framework, Mezirow·s work on transformative learning, including the influences of Habermas· writings, was integrated to develop a theoretical perspective upon which to base the research methodology. Both qualitative and quantitative methodologies were incorporated. Four faCUlty and a total of 142 students participated in the study. Philosophy of teaching was described through faCUlty interviews and completion of a repertory grid. Faculty completed a descriptive locus of control scale, and a psychological type test. Observations of their teaching behaviour were conducted. Students completed a Teaching Behaviour Assessment Scale, the Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale, a psychological type test, and the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal. A small sample of students were interviewed. Follow-up discussions with faculty were used to validate the interview, observation, teaching behaviour, and repertory grid data. Results indicated that some discrepancies existed between faculty's espoused philosophy of teaching and their observed teaching behaviour. Instructors' teaching behaviour, however, was a function of their personal theory of practice. Relationships were found between perceived teaching behaviour and students· self-directed learning and critical thinking, but these varied across situations, as would be predicted from path-goal theory. Psychological type of students and instructor also accounted for some of the variability in the relationships studied. Student psychological type could be shown as a partial predictor of self-directed learning readiness. The results were discussed in terms of theory development and implications for further research and practice.
Determinar aquellas variables en la conducta del líder que se perciben como más adecuadas para el mejor funcionamiento del centro, o sea que producen mayor satisfacción por un lado y un mayor grado de eficacia por otro; elaborar un cuestionario que recoja aquellas variables que se aprecien adecuadas e importantes para la actuación del líder en nuestros centros educativos. La hipótesis de partida gira en torno a la idea de que el liderazgo transformacional puede ser el más eficaz y adecuado para dirigir los centros siempre hacia el cambio y hacia la mejora. 7 centros de primaria y 7 de secundaria en el sector público. Se llevó a cabo a lo largo de cinco fases; en la primera, se llevó a cabo la recogida de infomación inicial y un estudio de los centros. En una segunda y tercera fase, se han llevado a cabo las entrevistas; en una cuarta fase, se elaboró el cuestionario sobre liderazgo. Finalmente en una quinta fase se analizaron los resultados del cuestionario. Las técnicas e instrumentos de recogida de datos se van a basar en el Repertory Grid Technique. Se comenta el análisis de los resultados, al pasar el cuestionario, y se confirma que el liderazgo transformacional es el que mejor responde a las necesidades que demandan los centros educativos, para iniciar procesos de mejora en el ámbito de la dirección del centro.
This research explores whether patterns of typographic differentiation influence readers’ impressions of documents. It develops a systematic approach to typographic investigation that considers relationships between different kinds of typographic attributes, rather than testing the influence of isolated variables. An exploratory study using multiple sort tasks and semantic differential scales identifies that readers form a variety of impressions in relation to how typographic elements are differentiated in document design. Building on the findings of the exploratory study and analysis of a sample of magazines, the research describes three patterns of typographic differentiation: high, moderate, and low. Each pattern comprises clusters of typographic attributes and organisational principles that are articulated in relation to a specified level of typographic differentiation (amplified, medium, or subtle). The patterns are applied to two sets of controlled test material. Using this purposely-designed material, the influence of patterns of typographic differentiation on readers’ impressions of documents is explored in a repertory grid analysis and a paired comparison procedure. The results of these studies indicate that patterns of typographic differentiation consistently shape readers’ impressions of documents, influencing judgments of credibility, document address, and intended readership; and suggesting particular kinds of engagement and genre associations. For example, high differentiation documents are likely to be considered casual, sensationalist, and young; moderate differentiation documents are most likely to be seen as formal and serious; and low differentiation examples are considered calm. Typographic meaning is shown to be created through complex, yet systematic, interrelationships rather than reduced to a linear model of increasing or decreasing variation. The research provides a way of describing typographic articulation that has application across a variety of disciplines and design practice. In particular, it illuminates the ways in which typographic presentation is meaningful to readers, providing knowledge that document producers can use to communicate more effectively.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore and understand the process of successful introduction of total quality management (TQM) in Poland and the way in which it impacted on identity of Polish managers. Design/methodology/approach – The study is based on a combination of ethnographic research and repertory grid interviews. Findings – The process of TQM introduction and implementation is examined through the application of translation as a model incorporating cultural and socio-economical dimensions in addition to individual and organizational levels that shaped the development of TQM in Poland. It then draws on the idea of fantasy as theorized in Lacanian psychoanalysis in order to incorporate the unconscious element of translation process which is missing from Latour’s theorization and which forms an important aspect of adoption of new technology and the emergence of a new post-transition generation of managers in Poland. The paper argues that a complex combination of contextual factors, amongst them the notion of fantasy shaped the process of translation of TQM to Poland, the identity formation of Polish managers and to the emergence of a new post-transition generation of managers in Poland. Originality/value – This paper contributes to the literature on the post-command transition by illustrating this process through the fantasy of total quality management explored in a specific socio-cultural and geographical context and by combining the idea of Latour’s translation with Lacanian fantasy.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)