865 resultados para Renal replacement therapy


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to explore women's decision-making about the balance of risks and benefits of taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) based on the latest evidence from the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) trial of combined HRT. METHODS: Women aged 50-69 years, who were eligible for the Women's International Study of long Duration Oestrogen after Menopause (WISDOM) trial, were invited to participate in one of eight focus groups. Participants were asked to discuss their views about taking HRT based on the latest international evidence. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Eighty-two women participated overall. Qualitative content analysis was applied to the discussion transcripts. Women regarded the decisions they make about taking HRT as highly personal, and, for women currently taking HRT, the overwhelming reason for continuation was perceived improvement in quality of life regardless of either the risks or the benefits in the longer term.


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The actual proportion of eligible people who participate in clinical trials is low. Consequently, a qualitative study of the willingness of women who are postmenopausal to participate in a long-term randomized control trial of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) designed to investigate the prevention of degenerative diseases was conducted. Focus group methodology was employed to explore the personal and social aspects of decision making about trial participation. Participants were randomly selected from the patient age-sex registers of four University of Adelaide general practices. Twenty-one women participated in four focus groups. The reasons for and against trial participation were examined using qualitative content analysis; ( n = 18) women were unwilling to participate in the trial. The lack of perceived individual benefit, minimal altruism, the risk of breast cancer and side effects, not wanting to take unnecessary medication, a ten-year commitment, and negative experiences of HRT use, were the main reasons given for not entering the trial. Of the few women ( n = 3) who clearly would enter the trial, free prescriptions and a positive history of using HRT were the main reasons for participation. The perceived disadvantages of clinical trials of HRT deter women from participating in a long-term clinical trial of HRT. An investment in education and information to eligible participants about both the risks and potential benefits of HRT may improve trial recruitment.


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Aim: Opioid replacement therapy (ORT) is an established therapy for a patient group that has been associated with nutrition-related comorbidities. This paper aims to assess the nutritional intake and supplementation in ORT patients, determine the extent of nutritional/dietary advice supplied to ORT patients and to briefly examine patients' perception of pharmacists' provision of nutritional advice. Methods: The nutritional intake of ORT patients receiving treatment in community pharmacies within the Australian Capital Territory was assessed via a 24-hour recall survey. Food intake data were analysed via nutrient analysis software and compared with Australian Nutrition Reference Values and the nutrient intakes of the Australian population. Patients were surveyed to determine supplement use and perceptions of nutritional advice gained by pharmacists. Results: Potential insufficient intake of various macronutrients and micronutrients was observed in both sexes. Less than 25 of patients recorded supplement use. Fifteen percent of males and 21 of females stated that they had approached a pharmacist with a nutrition-related query. All patients who received nutritional advice followed the advice. Conclusions: ORT patients dosing at community pharmacies appear to have poor nutritional intake. ORT patients appear to be receptive to pharmacist's advice. Community pharmacists can potentially increase the beneficial health outcomes in this population through the proactive supply of accurate nutritional advice.


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Objectives: Glutathionyl haemoglobin (GS-Hb) belonging to the class of glutathionylated proteins has been investigated as a possible marker of oxidative stress in different chronic diseases. The purpose of this study was to examine whether glutathionyl haemoglobin can serve as an oxidative stress marker in non-diabetic chronic renal failure patients on different renal replacement therapies (RRT) through its quantitation, and characterization of the specific binding site of glutathione in haemoglobin molecule by mass spectrometric analysis. Design and methods: The study group consisted of non-diabetic chronic renal failure patients on renal replacement therapy (RRT): hemodialysis (HD), continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) and renal allograft transplant (Txp) patients. Haemoglobin samples of these subjects were analyzed by liquid chromatography electrospray ionization mass spectrometry for GS-Hb quantitation. Characterization of GS-Hb was done by tandem mass spectrometry. Levels of erythrocyte glutathione (GSH) and lipid peroxidation (as thiobarbituric acid reacting substances) were measured spectrophotometrically, while glycated baernoglobin (HbA1c) was measured by HPLC. Results: GS-Hb levels were markedly elevated in the dialysis group and marginally in the transplant group as compared to the controls. GS-Hb levels correlated positively with lipid peroxidation and negatively with the erythrocyte glutathione levels in RRT groups indicating enhanced oxidative stress. De novo sequencing of the chymotryptic fragment of GS-Hb established that glutathione is attached to Cys-93 of the beta globin chain. Mass spectrometric quantitation of total glycated haemoglobin showed good agreement with HbA1c estimation by conventional HPLC method. Conclusions: Glutathionyl haemoglobin can serve as a clinical marker of oxidative stress in chronic debilitating therapies like RRT. Mass spectrometry provides a reliable analytical tool for quantitation and residue level characterization of different post-translational modifications of haemoglobin. (c) 2007 The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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O número de pacientes com doença renal crônica está aumentando, em todo o mundo, em escala alarmante. Como resultado, observamos um elevado quantitativo de indivíduos que dependem do acesso e do tratamento dialítico para garantir sobrevida e qualidade de vida. Esse cuidado, entretanto, apresenta significativos problemas em diversas localidades do país. Ainda que uma estrutura adequada seja condição necessária, mas não suficiente, para um cuidado de qualidade, pode-se supor que aumente a probabilidade da assistência prestada ter um potencial de promover resultados em saúde mais positivos. Este estudo, descritivo e de caráter normativo, objetivou mapear os serviços de terapia dialítica existentes no município de Volta Redonda que oferecem procedimentos para o SUS e examinar sua conformidade com os padrões mínimos presentes nas diversas resoluções e demais legislações a respeito, focando em aspectos da estrutura e processo. Para tal, utilizou-se de três estratégias complementares: (a) busca de dados secundários presentes nas bases de dados nacionais e municipais; (b) entrevistas com os responsáveis técnicos pelas duas unidades existentes no município, com o responsável pela Superintendência de Controle, Avaliação e Auditoria da SMS/VR e pela Vigilância Sanitária Estadual, e (c) exame das cópias dos relatórios de vistoria sanitária realizada nos serviços nos anos de 2010 e 2011. Os resultados são apresentados em seis categorias: (1) conhecimento sobre o processo de admissão e preparo dos pacientes para entrada em Terapia Renal Substitutiva; (2) conformidade dos serviços de diálise existentes em Volta Redonda às exigências legais, desdobrando em estrutura física, parque de equipamentos, modalidades de diálise oferecida, controle e qualidade da água utilizada na diálise, atividades de controle de infecções e de proteção à saúde dos trabalhadores; (3) fluxo de encaminhamento dos pacientes em tratamento dialítico para transplante; (4) monitoramento dos indicadores de avaliação periódica dos serviços de Diálise; (5) produção assistencial desses serviços; e, por fim,(6) ações de controle e avaliação desenvolvidas junto às Unidades de Terapia Renal Substitutiva. O estudo permitiu identificar que, em diversos aspectos, os serviços de diálise de Volta Redonda estão fora de conformidade às exigências legais expressas nas diversas portarias e resoluções que tratam da estrutura e condições de funcionamento dos serviços de terapia renal substitutiva. Isso é grave e pode estar significando que os pacientes que se utilizam destes serviços possam, de alguma maneira, estar recebendo um cuidado longe do adequado. Foi também mostrada a dificuldade do serviço de Controle, Avaliação e Auditoria da SMS/VR em montar trabalho conjunto de monitoramento no cumprimento das exigências realizadas pelo órgão de vigilância estadual, que pode contribuir para melhorar a qualidade da assistência recebida pelos pacientes renais crônicos em Volta Redonda.


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O estudo tem como objetivo geral avaliar a razão de custo-utilidade do tratamento da infecção pelo vírus da hepatite C (VHC) em pacientes dialisados, candidatos a transplante renal, tendo como esquemas terapêuticos alternativos o interferon-_ em monoterapia; o interferon peguilado em monoterapia; o interferon-_ em terapia combinada com ribavirina e o interferon peguilado em terapia combinada com ribavirina, comparando-os com o nãotratamento. A perspectiva do estudo foi a do Sistema Único de Saúde(SUS), que também serviu de base para estimar o impacto orçamentário da estratégia de tratamento mais custo efetiva. Para o alcance dos objetivos, foi construído um modelo de Makov para simulação de custos e resultados de cada estratégia avaliada. Para subsidiar o modelo, foi realizada uma revisão de literatura, a fim de definir os estados de saúde relacionados à infecção pelo vírus da hepatite C em transplantados e a probabilidade de transição entre os estados. Medidas de utilidade foram derivadas de consultas a especialistas. Os custos foram derivados da tabela de procedimentos do SUS. Os resultados do estudo demonstraram que o tratamento da infecção pelo VHC antes do transplante renal é mais custo-efetivo que o não tratamento, apontando o interferon-a como a melhor opção. O impacto orçamentário para adoção dessa estratégia pelo SUS corresponde a 0,3% do valor despendido pelo SUS com terapia renal substitutiva ao longo do ano de 2007.


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As disnatremias são os distúrbios hidroeletrolíticos mais comuns, sendo relatados em cerca de 30-40% dos pacientes hospitalizados. Quando presentes na admissão em Unidade de Tratamento Intensivo (UTI) são fatores de risco independentes de pior prognóstico, estando associadas à maior letalidade hospitalar. Mesmo disnatremias limítrofes (130 135 mEq/l na hiponatremia e 145 a 150 mEq/L na hipernatremia) têm sido associadas a um maior tempo de internação na UTI e a um aumento de letalidade hospitalar, independente da gravidade da doença de base. A concentração sérica do sódio é mantida por um fino controle, por meio da regulação renal do sal e da água. Pacientes com doença renal crônica (DRC) em tratamento conservador ou em terapia renal substitutiva, apresentam maior prevalência de disnatremia. Embora a hiponatremia seja mais frequente nessa população, o diagnóstico de hipo- ou hipernatremia tem sido associado a uma maior mortalidade. Não há relato claro na literatura da prevalência de disnatremias na injúria renal aguda (IRA), em especial nos casos mais graves, em que há indicação de suporte dialítico. O presente estudo teve como objetivos avaliar a prevalência da disnatremia e o seu impacto no prognóstico de pacientes gravemente enfermos com IRA e necessidade de suporte renal (SR) na UTI.Em um período de 44 meses (de dezembro de 2004 a julho 2008) foram incluídos de forma prospectiva todos os pacientes que iniciaram SR em 14 UTIs de 3 hospitais terciários do Rio de Janeiro. Dados clínicos e laboratoriais foram coletados prospectivamente e lançados em uma planilha eletrônica para posterior análise com o software R. Os desfechos de interesse foram letalidade na UTI e no hospital. As variáveis que, além do sódio, apresentavam associação com os desfechos de interesse na análise bivariada, foram selecionadas e incluídas no modelo de regressão logística múltipla.Um total de 772 pacientes foram incluídos no estudo. A mediana da idade foi de 75 [IIQ: 61-82 anos]; 81,5% (IC: 78,4%-84%) foram admitidos na UTI por complicações clínicas. A presença de pelo menos uma comorbidade (hipertensão, diabetes, doença coronariana, insuficiência cardíaca, doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica ou cirrose) esteve presente em 84% dos pacientes. A maior parte dos pacientes (72,5%, IC: 69,2%-75,7%) apresentava o diagnóstico de sepse. Os principais fatores contribuinte para IRA foram sepse (72%) e isquemia/choque (66%). A mortalidade na UTI foi de 64,6% (IC: 61,1%-68%) e a hospitalar foi de 69,7% (IC: 66,3%-72,9%). O diagnóstico de disnatremia foi frequente, estando presente em 47,3% (IC: 43,7%-50,9%) dos pacientes. A hipernatremia foi significantemente mais frequente do que a hiponatremia (33,7% X 13,6%, p=0.001) na população estudada. Na análise multivariada, os pacientes mais idosos, a admissão clínica, o número de comorbidades e o número de disfunções orgânicas estiveram associados a uma maior letalidade hospitalar. Os paciente com hipernatremia grave (>155 mEq/l) apresentaram maior associação com o óbito na UTI e no hospital [odds ratio (OR) ajustado de 3.39 (1,48-7,8) e 2,87 (1,2-6,89), respectivamente], apesar de todos terem sido submetidos ao SR durante a internação na UTI. O estudo demonstrou que as disnatremias são altamente prevalentes em pacientes com IRA e necessidade de diálise na UTI. Diferente do que tem sido demonstrado na população de UTI e na com DRC, a hipernatremia é o distúrbio do sódio mais frequentemente observado na população estudada. A idade mais avançada, a admissão clínica, o número de comorbidades e o número de disfunções orgânicas e a hipernatremia grave estão associados a um pior desfecho na IRA com necessidade de SR na UTI.


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Transgenic common carp, Cyprinus carpio, produced by the microinjection of fertilized eggs with a linearized chimeric plasmid pMThGH, a human growth hormone (hGH) gene with a mouse metallothionein-I (MT) gene promoter in pBR322, were used to produce F1 and F2 transgenics. Following hypophysectomy of the transgenic F2 common carp, non-transgenic common carp and non-transgenic crucian carp, growth was monitored for up to 110 days. In addition, recombinant hGH was injected subcutaenously into a group of the non-transgenic crucian carp. Growth rate analyses indicated that (1) hypophysectomy of non-transgenic common carp and crucian carp results in the cessation of growth, (2) hGH administration can stimulate the growth of hypophysectomized crucian carp and (3) hypophysectomized hGH-transgenic common carp continue to grow in the absence of their own growth hormone, suggesting that the hGH-transgene is being expressed in tissues other than the pituitary.


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Effective dosages for enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) in Pompe disease are much higher than for other lysosomal storage disorders, which has been attributed to low cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptor (CI-MPR) in skeletal muscle. We have previously demonstrated the benefit of increased CI-MPR-mediated uptake of recombinant human acid-α-glucosidase during ERT in mice with Pompe disease following addition of albuterol therapy. Currently we have completed a pilot study of albuterol in patients with late-onset Pompe disease already on ERT for >2 yr, who were not improving further. The 6-min walk test (6MWT) distance increased in all 7 subjects at wk 6 (30±13 m; P=0.002), wk 12 (34±14 m; P=0.004), and wk 24 (42±37 m; P=0.02), in comparison with baseline. Grip strength was improved significantly for both hands at wk 12. Furthermore, individual subjects reported benefits; e.g., a female patient could stand up from sitting on the floor much more easily (time for supine to standing position decreased from 30 to 11 s), and a male patient could readily swing his legs out of his van seat (hip abduction increased from 1 to 2+ on manual muscle testing). Finally, analysis of the quadriceps biopsies suggested increased CI-MPR at wk 12 (P=0.08), compared with baseline. With the exception of 1 patient who succumbed to respiratory complications of Pompe disease in the first week, only mild adverse events have been reported, including tremor, transient difficulty falling asleep, and mild urinary retention (requiring early morning voiding). Therefore, this pilot study revealed initial safety and efficacy in an open label study of adjunctive albuterol therapy in patients with late-onset Pompe disease who had been stable on ERT with no improvements noted over the previous several years.


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Twenty-three patients with end-stage renal failure due to diabetic nephropathy received renal replacement treatment. All patients had insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Nineteen transplants were performed in seventeen patients. Two-year graft survival for all transplants was 74% with a two-year patient survival post-transplantation of 81%. Overall two-year patient survival was 73%, compared with 82% in non-diabetic patients receiving renal replacement treatment. In diabetic patients accepted for treatment there was a high incidence of non-renal complications, particularly vascular disease. An aggressive approach to the treatment of vascular disease in these patients may improve overall survival rates.


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Inherited disorders of renal structure and function are relatively common causes of end-stage renal disease requiring renal replacement therapy. A family history of haematuria, urinary tract infection or renal failure can alert the clinician to the possible diagnosis of underlying renal genetic abnormalities. In practice, the commonest inherited renal disorder is autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), characterized by multiple kidney cysts associated with hypertension and renal failure. Insights into the cell biology of ADPKD are informing new therapeutic approaches to limit cyst growth and prevent progressive renal failure. Non-visible haematuria is a clinical finding that presents a diagnostic challenge because it has so many possible causes. Mutations in the genes encoding collagen proteins within the glomerular basement membrane (GBM) can disrupt its normal barrier function. Thin basement membrane nephropathy, caused by GBM collagen gene mutations, is a relatively common cause of familial haematuria that normally has a good long-term prognosis. Alport syndrome is a rare and genetically heterogeneous condition leading to renal failure in men inheriting the X-linked gene defect. Single-gene defects may cause diverse renal tubular disorders, such as predisposition to renal calculi, diabetes insipidus, renal tubular acidosis or hypertension with associated electrolyte imbalance. Gene mutations responsible for familial renal cancer syndromes, such as tuberous sclerosis complex and von Hippel–Lindau disease, have also been identified


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A previous study in Dutch dialysis patients showed no survival difference between patients with diabetes as primary renal disease and those with diabetes as a co-morbid condition. As this was not in line with our hypothesis, we aimed to verify these results in a larger international cohort of dialysis patients.


For the present prospective study, we used data from the European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA) Registry. Incident dialysis patients with data on co-morbidities (n?=?15,419) were monitored until kidney transplantation, death or end of the study period (5 years). Cox regression was performed to compare survival for patients with diabetes as primary renal disease, patients with diabetes as a co-morbid condition and non-diabetic patients.


Of the study population, 3,624 patients (24%) had diabetes as primary renal disease and 1,193 (11%) had diabetes as a co-morbid condition whereas the majority had no diabetes (n?=?10,602). During follow-up, 7,584 (49%) patients died. In both groups of diabetic patients mortality was higher compared with the non-diabetic patients. Mortality was higher in patients with diabetes as primary renal disease than in patients with diabetes as a co-morbid condition, adjusted for age, sex, country and malignancy (HR 1.20, 95% CI 1.10, 1.30). An analysis stratified by dialysis modality yielded similar results.


Overall mortality was significantly higher in patients with diabetes as primary renal disease compared with those with diabetes as a co-morbid condition. This suggests that survival in diabetic dialysis patients is affected by the extent to which diabetes has induced organ damage.


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This research investigates the relationship between elevated trace elements in soils, stream sediments and stream water and the prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). The study uses a collaboration of datasets provided from the UK Renal Registry Report (UKRR) on patients with renal diseases requiring treatment including Renal Replacement Therapy (RRT), the soil geochemical dataset for Northern Ireland provided by the Tellus Survey, Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI) and the bioaccessibility of Potentially Toxic Elements (PTEs) from soil samples which were obtained from the Unified Barge Method (UBM). The relationship between these factors derives from the UKRR report which highlights incidence rates of renal impaired patients showing regional variation with cases of unknown aetiology. Studies suggest a potential cause of the large variation and uncertain aetiology is associated with underlying environmental factors such as the oral bioaccessibility of trace elements in the gastrointestinal tract.
As previous research indicates that long term exposure is related to environmental factors, Northern Ireland is ideally placed for this research as people traditionally live in the same location for long periods of time. Exploratory data analysis and multivariate analyses are used to examine the soil, stream sediments and stream water geochemistry data for a range of key elements including arsenic, lead, cadmium and mercury identified from a review of previous renal disease literature. The spatial prevalence of patients with long term CKD is analysed on an area basis. Further work includes cluster analysis to detect areas of low or high incidences of CKD that are significantly correlated in space, Geographical Weighted Regression (GWR) and Poisson kriging to examine locally varying relationship between elevated concentrations of PTEs and the prevalence of CKD.