998 resultados para Religious Architecture


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The research established that the architectural outcome is often determined by functional needs of the denominational group and more importantly the way they experience transcendence: becoming either an outwardly visible, devoted sacred space or one that denies architectural expression and becomes an ostensible virtual sacred space.


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The objective of this paper is to reassess the central factors which have shaped the Indian architecture. The author puts forward the concept of plurality introduced by Western art historians and argues that the diversity of the Indian architecture should not be explained in terms of religious differences, but in terms of the socio-economical situation in South Asia. He also elaborates on the Hindu caste system and its impact on the Indian architecture.


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Kathmandu has been the last few cities in the world which retained its medieval urban culture up until twentieth century. Various Hindu and Buddhist religious practices shaped the arrangement of houses, roads and urban spaces giving the city a distinctive physical form, character and a unique oriental nativeness. In recent decades, the urban culture of the city has been changing with the forces of urbanisation and globalisation and the demand for new buildings and spaces. New residential design is increasingly dominated by distinctive patterns of Western suburban ideal comprising detached or semi-detached homes and high rise tower blocks. This architectural iconoclasm can be construed as a rather crude response to the indigenous spaces and builtform. The paper attempts to dismantle the current tension between traditional and contemporary 'culture' (and hence society) and housing (or builtform) in Kathmandu by engaging in a discussion that cuts across space, time and meaning of building. The paper concludes that residential architecture in Kathmandu today stands disoriented and lost in the transition.


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Résumé Cet ouvrage examine les fondements du mouvement de conservation architecturale moderne. Dans ce contexte, la création de la « Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings » par William Morris est considéré comme le point culminant d’un processus historique qui mena à l’apparition du mouvement. Sa genèse est présentée comme ayant été le résultat d’une confrontation entre deux visions utopiques du moyen-âge; celle de l’Église Anglicane et celle de William Morris. Un survol détaillé des origines, des résultats et des effets de la « Renaissance Gothique » ouvre tout grand sur les sources littéraires, idéologiques et religieuses qui y donnèrent sa force. Les grands programmes de restaurations qui ont vu le jour en Angleterre à l’ère victorienne sont examinés en relation avec l’Église Anglicane et caractérisés par les motivations idéologiques de celle-ci. Bien que ce memoire ne réussit pas à démontré de manière sans équivoque que la création du mouvement de conservation architectural moderne par Morris fut essentiellement en reaction au programme idéologique de l’Église Anglicane au dix-neuvième siècle, nous y retrouvons néanmoins une réévaluation des causes et de l’impact de la « Renaissance Gothique » qui, de manière significative, allaient à l’encontre des croyances et des principes les plus chers à Morris. Il existe une quantité admirable d’ouvrages examinant les travaux et l’impact de William Morris en littérature et en arts, ainsi que son activisme socialiste. Cependant, il serait juste de constater qu’en comparaison, la grande contribution qu’il apporta à la protection de l’architecture patrimoniale a certainement été négligée dans les publications à son sujet. Ce projet de recherche examine les éléments et les conditions qui ont motivé Morris à créer un mouvement qui encore aujourd’hui continue de croitre en importance et en influence.


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Cities have been substantially affected and many transformed by increasing cultural diversity resulting from waves of migration. The central role and dynamism of cultural diversity evident in retail and commercial streetscapes has dominated the debates on global and contemporary urban culture (Sandercock 2003). Architecture has been implicit as the background to these debates, but restaurants, residential, religious, institutional and community buildings, ethnic clubs and reception centres, constructed and adapted by migrant communities, provide evidence of the material change of the architecture of localities and neighbourhoods.


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À la fin du 19e siècle, l’Iran commence à se transformer radicalement. Ce changement est le résultat d’un processus de métamorphose socioculturelle, avec le désir d’effacer les méthodes du passé et de recommencer ; une ambition de faire un renouvellement fondamental dans la société, en bénéficiant des grandes idées progressistes de l'Occident moderne. Cette volonté s’est renforcée à la suite des premières visites en Europe d’étudiants et de Nassereddin Shah, le roi de l'Iran, dans les années 1870. Dans ce contexte, les Iraniens et leurs gouvernants, considérant leurs infériorités politico-économiques, ont décidé de remplacer les frustrations internationales par des idées nationalistes et une propagande de suprématie raciale ou religieuse, notamment concertant « l'identité culturelle ». Suivant ces tentatives pour réformer les infrastructures sociopolitiques de l'Iran, tous les domaines culturels du pays, incluant l’architecture, ont été modifiés, selon les idéologies des dirigeants de l’Iran pendant trois périodes historiques du pays : l'époque Qadjar (dès le règne de Nassereddin Shah en 1848), l'époque Pahlavi (1925-1979) et l'époque Post-révolution islamique (1979- jusqu'à présent). L'idée générale de notre mémoire est d'étudier le processus de modernisation de l'architecture de l'Iran, de même que les influences majeures de tous ces changements, concrétisés par des fusions éclectiques et des idées pluralistes – souvent basées sur la politique. De là, en usant des approches de l’histoire sociale et culturelle de l’art, nous analysons des exemples de monuments de l'architecture publique de l'Iran depuis l'entrée de l'Iran dans la modernité, pour chacune des trois périodes mentionnées. Cela, afin de comprendre si les architectes iraniens ont trouvé de nouvelles conceptions pour opérer un déploiement créatif des principes traditionnels et pour trouver de nouvelles orientations dans le processus général de leur évolution architecturale. Autrement dit, nous cherchons à savoir si l'architecture iranienne, avec tous les changements stylistiques dans le processus de conceptualisation, a pu trouver - depuis l'intervention de la modernité occidentale et de l'architecture moderne - son propre langage de la modernité en architecture.


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This thesis examines a design approach in landscape architecture in which cultural and historical values are reinterpreted in a contemporary urban environment. The site of this project is located in Managua's lakeside area, which was destroyed by hurricane Mitch in 1998. The lakeside area has been an attraction to Managua's residents because of its beautiful views and fresh breezes. The majority of Nicaragua's population is of indigenous descent; however, Managua's urban environment is predominantly of European influence. The pre-Columbian heritage of Nicaraguans is hidden in their cultural expressions, such as the names of places and religious rituals. This project provides a new lakeside area for Managua in which cultural identity in landscape architecture is represented in the use of the site and in a rescue of Managua's residents' pride in their pre-Columbian heritage. The lakeside renovation was planned using pre-Columbian design methodology and vocabulary to create a functional and environmentally sens~velandscape.


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À la fin du 19e siècle, l’Iran commence à se transformer radicalement. Ce changement est le résultat d’un processus de métamorphose socioculturelle, avec le désir d’effacer les méthodes du passé et de recommencer ; une ambition de faire un renouvellement fondamental dans la société, en bénéficiant des grandes idées progressistes de l'Occident moderne. Cette volonté s’est renforcée à la suite des premières visites en Europe d’étudiants et de Nassereddin Shah, le roi de l'Iran, dans les années 1870. Dans ce contexte, les Iraniens et leurs gouvernants, considérant leurs infériorités politico-économiques, ont décidé de remplacer les frustrations internationales par des idées nationalistes et une propagande de suprématie raciale ou religieuse, notamment concertant « l'identité culturelle ». Suivant ces tentatives pour réformer les infrastructures sociopolitiques de l'Iran, tous les domaines culturels du pays, incluant l’architecture, ont été modifiés, selon les idéologies des dirigeants de l’Iran pendant trois périodes historiques du pays : l'époque Qadjar (dès le règne de Nassereddin Shah en 1848), l'époque Pahlavi (1925-1979) et l'époque Post-révolution islamique (1979- jusqu'à présent). L'idée générale de notre mémoire est d'étudier le processus de modernisation de l'architecture de l'Iran, de même que les influences majeures de tous ces changements, concrétisés par des fusions éclectiques et des idées pluralistes – souvent basées sur la politique. De là, en usant des approches de l’histoire sociale et culturelle de l’art, nous analysons des exemples de monuments de l'architecture publique de l'Iran depuis l'entrée de l'Iran dans la modernité, pour chacune des trois périodes mentionnées. Cela, afin de comprendre si les architectes iraniens ont trouvé de nouvelles conceptions pour opérer un déploiement créatif des principes traditionnels et pour trouver de nouvelles orientations dans le processus général de leur évolution architecturale. Autrement dit, nous cherchons à savoir si l'architecture iranienne, avec tous les changements stylistiques dans le processus de conceptualisation, a pu trouver - depuis l'intervention de la modernité occidentale et de l'architecture moderne - son propre langage de la modernité en architecture.


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Lost in history, the ruin of ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ was not recognized separated from its birthplace, i.e. nature, for more than 700 years. Yet, within its silent presence, the monument dominated the name of the region: ‘Paharpur’ (land of hillock), according to its appearance surrounds by its flat land topo¬graphy. Discovered in 1919, the single largest Buddhist Vihara (monas¬tery) of ancient Bengal came into light, pronouncing the flou¬rishing minute of Buddhist architecture, once dominant religious force of the subcontinent. The earliest historical monumental architecture of greater Asia, had long been deriving itself from the Buddhist monastic architecture as early as VI century BC. In line of history, the discovery of ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ contributed attesting the sensitivities of a highly sophisticated architectonic typology of Vihara Architecture in the land of ancient Bengal. The recovery of ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ was not only from its cradle of nature, but also from its remarkable existence imprinted in the reign of Pala dynasty (750 - 1155 AD) announcing the existential foothold of man in his nature. The existential foothold of ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ comprises the factors, responsible in shaping the anchorage of the mo¬nument since the birth of Vihara architecture, as early as 530 BC. These factors not only denote the building technology in response to its environment but also the amalgamation of be¬lief, upon which the dwellers transformed the site as a place announcing their existence on earth. This research paper aims at exploring the existential foothold of ‘Somapura Mahavihara’, in terms of its territorial, functional, structural, social, cultural, religious sym¬bolic hierarchies of human achievement while clarifying the architectonic typology that shaped ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ through evolution process of ‘Vihara Architecture’. This understanding intends to combine the archaeological knowledge with comparative architectural analysis of contem¬porary Viharas of ancient Bengal, to define the singularity of ‘Somapura Mahavihara’. In consequence, the glorious past of ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ is intended to portray through iden¬tifying the relation of religious and functional rationalism with the connotation of art, architecture and belief moulded within natural forces, as one complete entity; RESUMO: Vihara Arquitetura: Definindo a posição existencial do século VIII Budista mosteiro “Somapura Mahavihara” de Bengala antiga. Perdidas na História, as ruínas de ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ foram confundidas com uma montanha durante mais de setecentos anos. Contudo, no seu silêncio presente, o monumento marcou a toponímia da região; ‘Paharpur’ significa ‘a terra do outeiro’, evidenciando a singularidade deste monumento numa região dominada por uma extensa planície. Em 1919, foi descoberto o maior mosteiro budista da antiga região de Bengal, demonstrando a prosperidade da arquitectura budista. Tem¬poralmente, a descoberta de ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ contribuiu para atestar a evolução e a sofisticação da tipologia arquitectónica denominada ‘Arquitectura Vihara’, existente na antiga região de Bengal. A noção de pegada existencial de ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ compreende os factores responsáveis por moldar a ancoragem do monumento ao lugar em que se insere desde o início da arquitectura Vihara, que remonta a 530 a.C. Estes factores evidenciam a tecnologia construtiva empregue para responder ao ambiente envolvente mas também a evolução da religião, factores estes que os monges construtores consideraram ao transformar o lugar e anunciar a sua existência na Terra. Esta investigação tem por objectivo explorar a noção de pegada existencial de ‘Somapura Mahavihara’, nas suas dimensões territoriais, funcionais, estruturais, sociais, culturais e nas hierarquias simbólicas das realizações humanas para clarificar a tipologia arquitectónica que deu forma a ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ durante a evolução da arquitectura Vihara. Este entendimento pretende combinar/cruzar o conhecimen¬to arqueológico com estudos arquitectónicos comparativos de Viharas na antiga região de Bengal, com o objectivo de definir a singularidade de ‘Somapura Mahavihara’. Neste estudo estudar-se-á também o confronto entre a dimensão religiosa e a artística (divino vs. humano), integrados na arquitectura de ‘Somapura Mahavihara’ em perfeita harmonia.


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The earliest scholars were not concerned about preparing extensive investigations linking the Persian-period building remains excavated in the entire Levant together. Moreover, the research interests of scholars caused some impediments to the study of this period viz in the last decades; the Achaemenid period has been neglected by the scholars who -in turn- focused on the earlier and later periods for religious reasons. Too, while some regions have been studied abundantly, but it was not the case in other areas, which makes our knowledge is incomplete. From the explanation side, some scholars try to interpret the architectural remains from an ethnic perspective or unsubstantiated personal fancies, so their arguments were utterly lacking any objectivity. This thesis explores what are the Persian architectural and ornamental impacts on the Levantine architecture and the relations between Persian-period sites in Syria-Palestine region. Too, the architectural remains and their contents benefited us to clarify the settlement patterns in the regions being discussed. The author analyzed the ground plans of the buildings and their architectural features and ornamental motifs by conducting a descriptive, analytical, and interpretative study. He also conducted comparisons with similar buildings outside the Levant, especially in Fars to obtain a more comprehensive and systematic study, and then extracting any direct or indirect Persian influences. This has given us a better understanding of the nature of the social, political, and religious life in the entire Levant and the knowledge gap has been bridged to a satisfying extent. This study has demonstrated a few of the Achaemenid impacts, especially on the northern coastline of the Levant.