910 resultados para Relações públicas - Administração municipal


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This paper presents a new playing field for the public relations professional: the start-ups. This new company, with characteristics of fast growth and high-risk investments, becomes an alternative and, at the same time, opportunity for innovative projects that turns from theory into real business, product or service. This way, the work starts on the context of innovation and spread of new ideas, so people can understand the importance of the promotion and study of new ways to market. Faced with this context, public relations professionals are becoming essential in the mediating process of scenario analysis for the implantation of start-ups, as well as the communication of innovation and insight in this new business environment


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This monograph covers the issues related to the understanding of the new organization's cenary of the globalized society, computerized, which was reflected even within organizations. In this sense, we present a reflection on the theme of segmentation of audiences, especially based on the proposition of France (2008), regarded as important within the professional activities of Public Relations. Issues related to information technology, particularly the history of the internet and social media are presented as a reflection of this new company and also as strategic tools for the establishment of a fruitful relationship with the public organizations. All topics presented will support the monograph's study objects, presenting the Brazilian DeMolay Order, focusing on the challenges faced by the management of the National Bureau 2011/2012, that through integrated actions of communication and relationships, especially the virtual environment, resulted in the growth participant's numbers in the activities proposed by the national administration


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This study examines some characteristics of the contemporary reality and its influence on the dynamics of the organizational activities, in particular, related to the quality management. Discusses capitalist logic of maximization of profits that has been sophisticated in face of new scenarios that arise with society evolution. It also proposes a reflection on the philosophies and formats of management that fits with the desire to meet the needs of society through the expansion of quality - now a reference for the production processes and management systems. The work highlights the relations between communication and quality, pointing them as fundamental to the use of fissures on the evolution of the capitalist system in developing programs, philosophies and management systems. The intention is to turn able ways to contemplate the needs and interests of the largest number of public and variables in a different relation than the usual, in which a few wins and many lose


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Public organizations today ar constantly developing relationship strategies with audiences in search of acceptance before the public. The objective of this wor is to present strategies of Governmental Public Relations and Political Marketing that can be implemented by communication professionals in government. Therefore, duscysses principles and instruments of the objects mentioned, conducting study on actions taken by the Municipality of Botucatu city during the anniversary year of 2012, with na emphasis on the social event, Food Court Solidarity. The instruments studied contribute to the strengthening of relations between government and citizens, while complying with its commitments under its plan, meeting the demands of the population


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This research has the finality to search for the Public Relations professional valorization considering new ways of business acting. So it addresses how would be the performance of this professional in a management with Corporate Governance. This way different kinds of references were researched specially business aspects, definitions and history of the public relations, corporate governance, communication and complexity in the organizations. By the end we analyzed the communication in complex organizations and how the public relations professional could be useful in the process


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The contemporary organizations establish complex networks of relationships with their audiences. However, it is the socio-historical setting of the organizations that allow that their internal structures, management and culture as well as their interests and goals in relation to the macro social environment to be understood. To understand what is currently proposed as institutional relations, it is necessary to search on that socio-historical source the progress in the studies of management and organizational communication aiming to prove the assumptions underlying this strategic role within organizations. In order to do that, this project raises ethnographic aspects of the institutional relationships to see what is proposed by the organizations and, therefore, highlights the lack of detailed studies in this area. From this survey, it is clear the possible role of public relations in contributing to studies, plans and execution of institutional relations according to the basement in the humanities and communication processes of networks of relationships between organizations


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The present work this is an exploratory study on the retail, considering its importance in the Brazilian economic scenario, in order to analyze their challenges in their different formats. This study emphasizes the importance of Competitive Intelligence area to complex sectors such as retail, and verify the professional skills of PR to act in this context, considering their academic training and skills developed in this process, focusing on his multidisciplinary approach to manage actions in strategic areas


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The objective of this study is a explanation about the action possibilities of the Public Relations professional as a manager of communication between the musical celebrity and his publics. For this purpose, a bibliographical research was made about Internet question like his history, the evolution of Web 2.0 and even about different kinds of virtualization, introducing with interactivity. Other researches was been made like social culture topics and even the studies of Public Relations actions in the artistic scene, acting like a manager of different publics relationships in the virtual contacts. A study case with the virtual communication tools employed in the career of Hugo e Tiago, one of the country artists in Brazil, is also in this studies. Otherwise, the study explains about the different ways of Public Relations actions, his upgrades along with the new communication tools and his new types of making relations with more and more different publics. Working with new strategies and keeping his objectives in the organization and public relationship, Public Relations brands a new vision to this type of communication professional, who becomes even more important in the actual organizations scenario


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The proposal of this article is discuss about the concept of social responsibility in the context of the activity of Public Relations in order to verify how this concept is related to the notion of Peace Culture. It is a complex concept supported by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) which, among other objectives, seeks to interpret and also paid up organizational objectives to local and global demands by articulating social actions that lead to a sustainable development and management of cities. For this, we will defend the use of audiovisual resource for awareness of stakeholders as a strategic tool in Public Relations for the efficacy of topics related to "Sustainable Cities Program”, about which we will briefly discuss. The Program is a nonpartisan initiative that focuses on the sustainable management of cities so it functions as a tool that assists municipal managers in making strategic decisions.


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This paper, result of a bibliographic review, documentary research and interview with a professional of public relations area (PR), presents a scenario analysis tool and the way how the public relations professional can use it. Are pointed some abilities and strategic skills of this professional that can actually enable him to the prospection, building and analyze of scenarios, from the perspective of relationship with the organization publics. The scenario analysis tool is a strategic way to make some decisions, being used to the analysis of junctures, that can back up organizations' actions and activities, considering possible future results, in other words, the consequences and the developments caused by certain organization attitude or stance. On the end of this paper, we present a propose of strategic plan to Public Relations, using a suggested use for the tool


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Analisa o contexto de produção de serviços da Coordenação de Relações Públicas da Câmara dos Deputados, de modo a evidenciar possíveis disfunções que dificultem a realização das atribuições dos profissionais de relações públicas da Casa. Investiga as variáveis de organização do trabalho, das condições de trabalho e das relações sociais de trabalho. Articula técnicas de coleta e análise de dados qualitativa e quantitativa, utilizando a Escala de Condições, Organização e Relações Sociais de Trabalho - ECORT.


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O presente trabalho desenvolve-se em duas partes, a teórica e a prática. Resultando na introdução aos temas da diplomática contemporânea como metodologia para analisar os documentos de um arquivo concreto (a autarquia de Portalegre). Perspectivou-se a metodologia consubstanciada numa abordagem ascendente (Bottom up) sem, no entanto, esquecer o trabalho antecedente que preparou o terreno para a aplicação do método diplomático. Esse trabalho assentou numa consistente caracterização da organização em todos os seus parâmetros, orgânico, funcional, regional, legal, social, documental, que permitiu com segurança o preenchimento das fichas de recolha dos documentos escolhidos. A parte prática revela a aplicação da análise diplomática e sintetiza a sua utilidade nas conclusões e propostas de melhoria nas funções arquivísticas, de classificação e comunicação. Aflorou-se levemente a questão do manual de procedimentos, como subproduto deste tipo de análise, que pode verdadeiramente funcionar como elo de ligação entre o arquivo e a organização. ABSTRACT: This paper develops in two parts, theory and practice. Introduces the theme contemporary diplomatic as a method to analyze the documents for a specific archive (The municipality of Portalegre). Prospect of the methodology reflected in a bottom-up approach, without forgetting the previous work, which paved the way for the application of diplomatic methods. It was based on a consistent characterization of the organization in all of its parameters: organic, functional, regional, legal, social, documentary, allowing safe completion of the characterization form of the chosen documents. A practical application of diplomatic analysis reveals and summarizes the usefulness of the findings and proposals for improvement in archival functions - classification and communication. It was touched lightly the issue of the procedures manual, as a byproduct of this type of analysis, that can truly function as a link between the archive and the organization


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O presente trabalho de investigação centrou-se na análise dos processos de tomada de decisão estratégica em Relações Públicas, enquanto situações de interacção entre agentes interdependentes, que podem ser compreendidas como jogos. O conceito de "jogo" deve ser entendido num sentido lato, apresentando uma estrutura base que permitindo reconhecer modelos de interacção possibilita a definição de situações de jogo onde aparentemente estas não existem.


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Nas últimas décadas, temos vindo a discutir as Relações Públicas como se as suas fronteiras como profissão e disciplina científica estivessem bem definidas, o que continua a não ser verdade. Mesmo se pudéssemos defender as Relações Públicas como uma disciplina completa e integrada, com um corpo de conhecimento coerente e autónomo, não deixaria de ser pertinente discutir os seus novos desenvolvimentos. Quando falamos de stakeholders, esquecemo-nos muitas vezes daqueles que estão silenciosamente perto de nós e que apenas se manifestam quando, por um motivo ou outro, se transformam, por exemplo, em grupos de pressão. Como poderão facilmente compreender, refiro-me à comunicação enquanto um conceito genérico e às comunidades na sua abordagem mais contextual. Para as organizações do Terceiro Sector, este deve ser, precisamente, defendido como um dos principais e centrais stakeholders.Recorrendo ao exemplo de uma organização portuguesa dedicada à causa da Doença de Alzheimer, a Associação Alzheimer Portugal, pretende-se demonstrar que a Comunicação Institucional deve começar a ser vista como indo mais além daquilo que são as suas concepções básicas. Apresenta-se, portanto, um projecto de uma estratégia de Relações Públicas que se constitui, por um lado, como uma forma de verificação empírica da tese aqui defendida e, por outro lado, como um projecto chave na mão para ser implementado na referida Associação.


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Cada marca possui um património tangível e intangível que demarca o seu valor no mercado, ou seja a sua Brand Equity. Contudo, os recursos tangíveis estão cada vez mais sujeitos a ser copiados pela concorrência, levando a que a estratégia de diferenciação e inovação da marca sobreviva, apenas, a curto prazo. Desta forma, os recursos tangíveis deixaram há muito de ser o focus para as marcas, pois é urgente a procura de alternativas viáveis, de forma a consolidar a sua presença no mercado.A alternativa é inequívoca: apostar no lado intangível - na sua identidade, personalidade e nas relações que daí emergem!O aparecimento das Redes Sociais foi, inequivocamente, um estímulo para que hoje grande parte das marcas não prescindisse a sua presença na rede. Devido às suas especificidades, particularidades, e também a forma como é encarada, as Redes Sociais são defendidas como um espaço obrigatório para as marcas. Ainda assim, há que saber estar nestas plataformas e, por esta razão, este estudo defende as Relações Públicas como a grande mais-valia para as marcas.