1000 resultados para Reinforced Soil
The technique of reinforcing soil for foundation improvement is well established. This paper addresses the aspect of settlement of reinforced sand foundations, where the major part of the existing work deals with the aspect of bearing capacity. A detailed analysis is made paying individual attention to soil, reinforcement, and the interface between the two. A three-dimensional, nonlinear finite-element analysis is presented that uses a three-dimensional, nonlinear soil-reinforcement interface friction element, along with other threedimensional elements to model the system. The results of the analysis are compared with those from tests conducted in the laboratory and are found to be in good agreement. The studies lead to a better understanding of the behavior of the system at different stages of loading
Object of this thesis has been centrifuge modelling of earth reinforced retaining walls with modular blocks facing in order to investigate on the influence of design parameters, such as length and vertical spacing of reinforcement, on the behaviour of the structure. In order to demonstrate, 11 models were tested, each one with different length of reinforcement or spacing. Each model was constructed and then placed in the centrifuge in order to artificially raise gravitational acceleration up to 35 g, reproducing the soil behaviour of a 5 metre high wall. Vertical and horizontal displacements were recorded by means of a special device which enabled tracking of deformations in the structure along its longitudinal cross section, essentially drawing its deformed shape. As expected, results confirmed reinforcement parameters to be the governing factor in the behaviour of earth reinforced structures since increase in length and spacing improved structural stability. However, the influence of the length was found out to be the leading parameter, reducing facial deformations up to five times, and the spacing playing an important role especially in unstable configurations. When failure occurred, failure surface was characterised by the same shape (circular) and depth, regardless of the reinforcement configuration. Furthermore, results confirmed the over-conservatism of codes, since models with reinforcement layers 0.4H long showed almost negligible deformations. Although the experiments performed were consistent and yielded replicable results, further numerical modelling may allow investigation on other issues, such as the influence of the reinforcement stiffness, facing stiffness and varying backfills.
This work illustrates a soil-tunnel-structure interaction study performed by an integrated,geotechnical and structural,approach based on 3D finite element analyses and validated against experimental observations.The study aims at analysing the response of reinforced concrete framed buildings on discrete foundations in interaction with metro lines.It refers to the case of the twin tunnels of the Milan (Italy) metro line 5,recently built in coarse grained materials using EPB machines,for which subsidence measurements collected along ground and building sections during tunnelling were available.Settlements measured under freefield conditions are firstly back interpreted using Gaussian empirical predictions. Then,the in situ measurements’ analysis is extended to include the evolving response of a 9 storey reinforced concrete building while being undercrossed by the metro line.In the finite element study,the soil mechanical behaviour is described using an advanced constitutive model. This latter,when combined with a proper simulation of the excavation process, proves to realistically reproduce the subsidence profiles under free field conditions and to capture the interaction phenomena occurring between the twin tunnels during the excavation. Furthermore, when the numerical model is extended to include the building, schematised in a detailed manner, the results are in good agreement with the monitoring data for different stages of the twin tunnelling. Thus, they indirectly confirm the satisfactory performance of the adopted numerical approach which also allows a direct evaluation of the structural response as an outcome of the analysis. Further analyses are also carried out modelling the building with different levels of detail. The results highlight that, in this case, the simplified approach based on the equivalent plate schematisation is inadequate to capture the real tunnelling induced displacement field. The overall behaviour of the system proves to be mainly influenced by the buried portion of the building which plays an essential role in the interaction mechanism, due to its high stiffness.
Results of pedogeomorphological, geochronological and paleobotanical investigations are presented covering the last ca. 4,000 years. The study sites are located in the heavily degraded Kyichu River catchment around Lhasa at 3,600-4,600 m a.s.l. Repeatedly, colluvial sediments have been recorded overlying paleosols. These deposits can be divided into i) coarse-grained sediments with a high proportion of stones and boulders originating from alluvial fans and debris flows, ii) matrix supported sediments with some stones and boulders originating from mudflows or combined colluvial processes such as hillwash plus rock fall, and iii) fine-grained sediments originating from hill wash. The IRSL multi-level dating of profile QUG 1 points to a short-time colluvial sedimentation between 1.0 ± 0.1 and 0.8 ± 0.1 ka. In contrast, dated paleosols of profile GAR 1 (7,908 ± 99 and 3,668 ± 57 BP) encompass a first colluvial episode. Here, the upper colluvial sedimentation took place during several periods between 2.6 ± 0.3 and 0.4 ± 0.1 ka. For the first time in Tibet, a systematic extraction, determination and dating of charcoals from buried paleosols was conducted. The charcoals confirm the Late Holocene presence of juniper forests or woodlands in a now treeless, barren environment. A pollen diagram from Lhasa shows a distinct decline of pollen of the Jumperus-type around 4,140 ± 50 BP, which is interpreted as indicating a clearing of forests on the adjacent slopes. It is assumed that the environmental changes from forests to desertic rangelands since ca. 4,000 BP have been at least reinforced by humans.
In the context of the present conference paper culverts are defined as an opening or conduit passing through an embankment usually for the purpose of conveying water or providing safe pedestrian and animal crossings under rail infrastructure. The clear opening of culverts may reach values of up to 12m however, values around 3m are encountered much more frequently. Depending on the topography, the number of culverts is about 10 times that of bridges. In spite of this, their dynamic behavior has received far less attention than that of bridges. The fundamental frequency of culverts is considerably higher than that of bridges even in the case of short span bridges. As the operational speed of modern high-speed passenger rail systems rises, higher frequencies are excited and thus more energy is encountered in frequency bands where the fundamental frequency of box culverts is located. Many research efforts have been spent on the subject of ballast instability due to bridge resonance, since it was first observed when high-speed trains were introduced to the Paris/Lyon rail line. To prevent this phenomenon from occurring, design codes establish a limit value for the vertical deck acceleration. Obviously one needs some sort of numerical model in order to estimate this acceleration level and at that point things get quite complicated. Not only acceleration but also displacement values are of interest e.g. to estimate the impact factor. According to design manuals the structural design should consider the depth of cover, trench width and condition, bedding type, backfill material, and compaction. The same applies to the numerical model however, the question is: What type of model is appropriate for this job? A 3D model including the embankment and an important part of the soil underneath the culvert is computationally very expensive and hard to justify taking into account the associated costs. Consequently, there is a clear need for simplified models and design rules in order to achieve reasonable costs. This paper will describe the results obtained from a 2D finite element model which has been calibrated by means of a 3D model and experimental data obtained at culverts that belong to the high-speed railway line that links the two towns of Segovia and Valladolid in Spain
Current design practices recommend to comply with the capacity protection principle, which pays special attention to ensuring an elastic response of the foundations under ground motion events. However, in cases such as elevated reinforced concrete (RC) pile-cap foundation typologies, this design criterion may lead to conservative designs, with excessively high construction costs. Reinforced concrete elevated pile-cap foundations is a system formed by a group of partially embedded piles connected through an aboveground stayed cap and embedded in soil. In the cases when they are subjected to ground motions, the piles suffer large bending moments that make it difficult to maintain their behavior within the elastic range of deformations. Aiming to make an in-depth analysis of the nonlinear behavior of elevated pile-cap foundations, a cyclic loading test was performed on a concrete 2x3 pile configuration specimen of elevated pile-cap foundation. Two results of this test, the failure mechanism and the ductile behavior, were used for the calibration of a numerical model built in OpenSees framework, by using a pushover analysis. The calibration of the numerical model enabled an in-depth study of the seismic nonlinear response of this kind of foundations. A parametric analysis was carried for this purpose, aiming to study how sensitive RC elevated pile-cap foundations are, when subjected to variations in the diameter of piles, reinforcement ratios, external loads, soil density or multilayer configurations. This analysis provided a set of ductility factors that can be used as a reference for design practices and which correspond to each of the cases analyzed.
Every year in the US and other cold-climate countries considerable amount of money is spent to restore structural damages in conventional bridges resulting from (or “caused by”) salt corrosion in bridge expansion joints. Frequent usage of deicing salt in conventional bridges with expansion joints results in corrosion and other damages to the expansion joints, steel girders, stiffeners, concrete rebar, and any structural steel members in the abutments. The best way to prevent these damages is to eliminate the expansion joints at the abutment and elsewhere and make the entire bridge abutment and deck a continuous monolithic structural system. This type of bridge is called Integral Abutment Bridge which is now widely used in the US and other cold-climate countries. In order to provide lateral flexibility, the entire abutment is constructed on piles. Piles used in integral abutments should have enough capacity in the perpendicular direction to support the vertical forces. In addition, piles should be able to withstand corrosive environments near the surface of the ground and maintain their performance during the lifespan of the bridge. Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) piles are a new type of pile that can not only accommodate large displacements, but can also resist corrosion significantly better than traditional steel or concrete piles. The use of FRP piles extends the life of the pile which in turn extends the life of the bridge. This dissertation studies FRP piles with elliptical shapes. The elliptical shapes can simultaneously provide flexibility and stiffness in two perpendicular axes. The elliptical shapes can be made using the filament winding method which is a less expensive method of manufacturing compared to the pultrusion or other manufacturing methods. In this dissertation a new way is introduced to construct the desired elliptical shapes with the filament winding method. Pile specifications such as dimensions, number of layers, fiber orientation angles, material, and soil stiffness are defined as parameters and the effects of each parameter on the pile stresses and pile failure have been studied. The ANSYS software has been used to model the composite materials. More than 14,000 nonlinear finite element pile models have been created, each slightly different from the others. The outputs of analyses have been used to draw curves. Optimum values of the parameters have been defined using generated curves. The best approaches to find optimum shape, angle of fibers and types of composite material have been discussed.
Mine drainage is an important environmental disturbance that affects the chemical and biological components in natural resources. However, little is known about the effects of neutral mine drainage on the soil bacteria community. Here, a high-throughput 16S rDNA pyrosequencing approach was used to evaluate differences in composition, structure, and diversity of bacteria communities in samples from a neutral drainage channel, and soil next to the channel, at the Sossego copper mine in Brazil. Advanced statistical analyses were used to explore the relationships between the biological and chemical data. The results showed that the neutral mine drainage caused changes in the composition and structure of the microbial community, but not in its diversity. The Deinococcus/Thermus phylum, especially the Meiothermus genus, was in large part responsible for the differences between the communities, and was positively associated with the presence of copper and other heavy metals in the environmental samples. Other important parameters that influenced the bacterial diversity and composition were the elements potassium, sodium, nickel, and zinc, as well as pH. The findings contribute to the understanding of bacterial diversity in soils impacted by neutral mine drainage, and demonstrate that heavy metals play an important role in shaping the microbial population in mine environments.
Low-density nanostructured foams are often limited in applications due to their low mechanical and thermal stabilities. Here we report an approach of building the structural units of three-dimensional (3D) foams using hybrid two-dimensional (2D) atomic layers made of stacked graphene oxide layers reinforced with conformal hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) platelets. The ultra-low density (1/400 times density of graphite) 3D porous structures are scalably synthesized using solution processing method. A layered 3D foam structure forms due to presence of h-BN and significant improvements in the mechanical properties are observed for the hybrid foam structures, over a range of temperatures, compared with pristine graphene oxide or reduced graphene oxide foams. It is found that domains of h-BN layers on the graphene oxide framework help to reinforce the 2D structural units, providing the observed improvement in mechanical integrity of the 3D foam structure.
Mining activities pose severe environmental risks worldwide, generating extreme pH conditions and high concentrations of heavy metals, which can have major impacts on the survival of organisms. In this work, pyrosequencing of the V3 region of the 16S rDNA was used to analyze the bacterial communities in soil samples from a Brazilian copper mine. For the analysis, soil samples were collected from the slopes (geotechnical structures) and the surrounding drainage of the Sossego mine (comprising the Sossego and Sequeirinho deposits). The results revealed complex bacterial diversity, and there was no influence of deposit geographic location on the composition of the communities. However, the environment type played an important role in bacterial community divergence; the composition and frequency of OTUs in the slope samples were different from those of the surrounding drainage samples, and Acidobacteria, Chloroflexi, Firmicutes, and Gammaproteobacteria were responsible for the observed difference. Chemical analysis indicated that both types of sample presented a high metal content, while the amounts of organic matter and water were higher in the surrounding drainage samples. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (N-MDS) analysis identified organic matter and water as important distinguishing factors between the bacterial communities from the two types of mine environment. Although habitat-specific OTUs were found in both environments, they were more abundant in the surrounding drainage samples (around 50 %), and contributed to the higher bacterial diversity found in this habitat. The slope samples were dominated by a smaller number of phyla, especially Firmicutes. The bacterial communities from the slope and surrounding drainage samples were different in structure and composition, and the organic matter and water present in these environments contributed to the observed differences.
Silver nanoparticles have attracted considerable attention due to their beneficial properties. But toxicity issues associated with them are also rising. The reports in the past suggested health hazards of silver nanoparticles at the cellular, molecular, or whole organismal level in eukaryotes. Whereas, there is also need to examine the exposure effects of silver nanoparticle to the microbes, which are beneficial to humans as well as environment. The available literature suggests the harmful effects of physically and chemically synthesised silver nanoparticles. The toxicity of biogenically synthesized nanoparticles has been less studied than physically and chemically synthesised nanoparticles. Hence, there is a greater need to study the toxic effects of biologically synthesised silver nanoparticles in general and mycosynthesized nanoparticles in particular. In the present study, attempts have been made to assess the risk associated with the exposure of mycosynthesized silver nanoparticles on a beneficial soil microbe Pseudomonas putida. KT2440. The study demonstrates mycosynthesis of silver nanoparticles and their characterisation by UV-vis spectrophotometry, FTIR, X-ray diffraction, nanosight LM20 - a particle size distribution analyzer and TEM. Silver nanoparticles obtained herein were found to exert the hazardous effect at the concentration of 0.4μg/ml, which warrants further detailed investigations concerning toxicity.
Quantifying global patterns of terrestrial nitrogen (N) cycling is central to predicting future patterns of primary productivity, carbon sequestration, nutrient fluxes to aquatic systems, and climate forcing. With limited direct measures of soil N cycling at the global scale, syntheses of the (15)N:(14)N ratio of soil organic matter across climate gradients provide key insights into understanding global patterns of N cycling. In synthesizing data from over 6000 soil samples, we show strong global relationships among soil N isotopes, mean annual temperature (MAT), mean annual precipitation (MAP), and the concentrations of organic carbon and clay in soil. In both hot ecosystems and dry ecosystems, soil organic matter was more enriched in (15)N than in corresponding cold ecosystems or wet ecosystems. Below a MAT of 9.8°C, soil δ(15)N was invariant with MAT. At the global scale, soil organic C concentrations also declined with increasing MAT and decreasing MAP. After standardizing for variation among mineral soils in soil C and clay concentrations, soil δ(15)N showed no consistent trends across global climate and latitudinal gradients. Our analyses could place new constraints on interpretations of patterns of ecosystem N cycling and global budgets of gaseous N loss.
Mineral Nutrition Of Campos Rupestres Plant Species On Contrasting Nutrient-impoverished Soil Types.
In Brazil, the campos rupestres occur over the Brazilian shield, and are characterized by acidic nutrient-impoverished soils, which are particularly low in phosphorus (P). Despite recognition of the campos rupestres as a global biodiversity hotspot, little is known about the diversity of P-acquisition strategies and other aspects of plant mineral nutrition in this region. To explore nutrient-acquisition strategies and assess aspects of plant P nutrition, we measured leaf P and nitrogen (N) concentrations, characterized root morphology and determined the percentage arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) colonization of 50 dominant species in six communities, representing a gradient of soil P availability. Leaf manganese (Mn) concentration was measured as a proxy for carboxylate-releasing strategies. Communities on the most P-impoverished soils had the highest proportion of nonmycorrhizal (NM) species, the lowest percentage of mycorrhizal colonization, and the greatest diversity of root specializations. The large spectrum of leaf P concentration and variation in root morphologies show high functional diversity for nutritional strategies. Higher leaf Mn concentrations were observed in NM compared with AM species, indicating that carboxylate-releasing P-mobilizing strategies are likely to be present in NM species. The soils of the campos rupestres are similar to the most P-impoverished soils in the world. The prevalence of NM strategies indicates a strong global functional convergence in plant mineral nutrition strategies among severely P-impoverished ecosystems.
Application of calcium silicate (SiCa) as soil acidity corrective was evaluated in a Rhodic Hapludox soil with palisade grass conducted under pasture rotation system with different grazing intensities. Experimental design was complete randomized blocks with four grazing intensities - grazing intensities were imposed by forage supply (50, 100, 150 and 200 kg t-1 of DM per LW) - in experimental plots with four replicates and, in the subplots, with seven doses of calcium silicate combined with lime: 0+0, 2+0, 4+0, 6+0, 2+4, 4+2 and 0+6 t ha-1, respectively. In the soil, it was evaluated the effect of four levels of calcium silicate (0, 2, 4 and 6 t ha-1) at 45, 90, and 365 days at three depths (0-10, 10-20 and 20-40 cm) and at 365 days, it was included one level of lime (6 t ha-1). For determination of leaf chemical composition and silicate content in the soil, four levels of calcium silicate (0, 2, 4 and 6 t ha-1) were evaluated at 45 and 365 days and at 45 days only for leaf silicate, whereas for dry matter production, all corrective treatments applied were evaluated in evaluation seasons. Application of calcium silicate was positive for soil chemical traits related to acidity correction (pH(CaCl2), Ca, Mg, K, H+Al and V), but the limestone promoted better results at 365 days. Leaf mineral contents were not influenced by application of calcium silicate, but there was an increase on silicate contents in leaves and in the soil. Dry matter yield and chemical composition of palisade grass improved with the application of correctives.
Gaseous N losses from soil are considerable, resulting mostly from ammonia volatilization linked to agricultural activities such as pasture fertilization. The use of simple and accessible measurement methods of such losses is fundamental in the evaluation of the N cycle in agricultural systems. The purpose of this study was to evaluate quantification methods of NH3 volatilization from fertilized surface soil with urea, with minimal influence on the volatilization processes. The greenhouse experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with 13 treatments and five replications, with the following treatments: (1) Polyurethane foam (density 20 kg m-3) with phosphoric acid solution absorber (foam absorber), installed 1, 5, 10 and 20 cm above the soil surface; (2) Paper filter with sulfuric acid solution absorber (paper absorber, 1, 5, 10 and 20 cm above the soil surface); (3) Sulfuric acid solution absorber (1, 5 and 10 cm above the soil surface); (4) Semi-open static collector; (5) 15N balance (control). The foam absorber placed 1 cm above the soil surface estimated the real daily rate of loss and accumulated loss of NH3N and proved efficient in capturing NH3 volatized from urea-treated soil. The estimates based on acid absorbers 1, 5 and 10 cm above the soil surface and paper absorbers 1 and 5 cm above the soil surface were only realistic for accumulated N-NH3 losses. Foam absorbers can be indicated to quantify accumulated and daily rates of NH3 volatilization losses similarly to an open static chamber, making calibration equations or correction factors unnecessary.