901 resultados para Regional Professional Leadership Network (RPLN)


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In 2010 a group of teacher educators from four universities, experienced in rural and remote education, formed the Tertiary Educators Rural, Regional and Remote Network (TERRR Network). The collaborative goal was to improve the quality of graduates taking appointments beyond the metropolitan areas of Western Australia. The TERRR Network developed a research project to improve the capacity of universities to prepare teachers for employment in rural and remote locations. A range of outcomes emerged from the project, including: 1) the development of seven rural and remote-oriented curricula modules linked to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers; 2) a cross-institutional field experience, and; 3) the development of a community of practice involving the Department of Education, universities and schools to address the logistical implications of placing pre-service students in rural and remote locations. This paper reports on the five phases of the project design, with a focus on learning in the field and concludes with reflections on the collaborative process used by the four universities in order to ensure that research evidence informs future policy and program development.


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One of the main problems that public institutions face in the management of protected areas, such as the European Natura 2000 network, is determining how to design and implement sustainable management plans that account for the wide range of marketed and non-marketed benefits they provide to society. This paper presents an application of a stated preference valuation approach aimed at evaluating the social preferences of the population of the Basque Country, Spain, for the key attributes of a regional Natura 2000 network site. According to our results, individuals’ willingness-to-pay (WTP) is higher for attributes associated with non-use values (native tree species and biodiversity conservation) than for attributes associated with use values (agricultural development and commercial forestry). The paper concludes that management policies related to Natura 2000 network sites should account for both for the importance of non-use values and the heterogeneity of the population's preferences in order to minimize potential land use conflicts.


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Communities play a critical role in supporting pre-service teachers during rural and regional professional experience. This support, coupled with access to teacher educators and university resources, appears to positively influence graduate attitudes toward taking up a rural appointment. These are among the key findings to emerge from open-ended responses within 263 surveys completed for the Rethinking Teacher Education for Rural and Regional Sustainability—Renewing Teacher Education for Rural and Regional Australia project (TERRAnova). The national surveys, collected annually from 2008-2010, monitored the impact of state-based financial incentives designed to promote rural and regional professional experience. Findings discussed in this article have implications for teacher educators and rural school leaders as they work in partnership with communities to support pre-service teachers on rural and regional practicum.


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As with other professions, the declining rates of recruitment and retention of lawyers in rural and regional Australia is of significant concern. Whilst the causes of this vary between communities, common depictions of the rural and regional lawyer’s role indicate that employment as a lawyer in such areas is characterised by unique personal and professional challenges. Nonetheless, employment as a rural and regional lawyer also offers practitioners rewarding opportunities and lifestyle benefits. Research from other disciplines indicates that the challenges inherent in rural and regional professional practice may be alleviated, and benefits more easily harnessed, via place conscious discipline-specific curriculum that sensitises tertiary students to, and prepares them for, the rural and regional career context.Largely oriented towards substantive content to satisfy external accrediting bodies, undergraduate legal education does not typically acknowledge the ‘places’in which graduates will practice as professionals. This article argues however that there is scope to incorporate place within legal education, and documents an innovative curriculum development project which embeds place consciousness to better prepare law students for employment in rural and regional legal practice.Drawing upon methods from other disciplines, the project team designed a curriculum package which aims to sensitise students to the rural and regional legal practice context, and equip them with the skills to overcome challenges and take advantage of the opportunities available in a rural or regional professional career.


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Social work is experiencing an unprecedented degree of institutional instability, particularly in the advanced industrial nations which, to varying degrees and via differing paths, have abandoned the Keynesian Welfare State. It has been replaced with a fundamentally different workfare regime in which operates on quite different assumptions – all of which pose fundamental challenges to social work. The degree of change is such that it can be understood as institutional change. The profession needs a number of strategies in response the contemporary de-stabilization. Drawing on theoretical and empirical literature about institutional change we show why it is that professional leadership is crucial in the current environment. The paper reviews what in currently know about leadership, both in general and in relation to social work. Referring to the notion of institutional entrepreneurs and on the role played by other non-social work professional associations in situations of change, we articulate what role leadership can play. We conclude with recommendations about how leadership could be promoted, particularly by the professional associations.


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Emphasizing the global and regional importance of mountain ecosystem services and referring to the anticipated future environmental changes affecting the provision of these services, this chapter takes a closer look at the Carpathian Mountains. In addition to climate change and general effects of globalization, rapid socioeconomic transformations after the fall of the Iron Curtain pose an extra challenge to the sustainable development of the region. Describing the early efforts of organizing mountain science through programs such as UNESCO MAB and UNEP at the global scale, this chapter focuses on the recent history of research coordination for the European mountains, in particular on the activities of the Carpathian Convention and the European Program of the Mountain Research Initiative, which were among main driving factors for the initiation of the Science for the Carpathians (S4C) network. This regional mountain research network was established in 2008 to foster scientific collaboration and communication and to promote applied research and capacity building, which in turn would support sustainable development in the Carpathian Mountains. Forum Carpaticum, a biennial open science conference, has become a central activity of the S4C network counting more than 400 members today.


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Group living in animals is a well-studied phenomenon, having been documented extensively in a wide range of terrestrial, freshwater, and marine species. Although social dynamics are complex across space and time, recent technological and analytical advances enable deeper understanding of their nature and ecological implications. While for some taxa, a great deal of information is known regarding the mechanistic underpinnings of these social processes, knowledge of these mechanisms in elasmobranchs is lacking. Here, we used an integrative and novel combination of direct observation, accelerometer biologgers, and recent advances in network analysis to better understand the mechanistic bases of individual-level differences in sociality (leadership, network attributes) and diel patterns of locomotor activity in a widespread marine predator, the lemon shark (Negaprion brevirostris). We found that dynamic models of interaction based on Markov chains can accurately predict juvenile lemon shark social behavior and that lemon sharks did not occupy consistent positions within their network. Lemon sharks did however preferentially associate with specific group members, by sex as well as by similarity or nonsimilarity for a number of behavioral (nonsimilarity: leadership) and locomotor traits (similarity: proportion of time swimming "fast," mean swim duration; nonsimilarity: proportion of swimming bursts/transitions between activity states). Our study provides some of the first information on the mechanistic bases of group living and personality in sharks and further, a potential experimental approach for studying fine-scale differences in behavior and locomotor patterns in difficult-to-study organisms.


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Working with families has long been a fundamental tenet of quality child care services. While there is broad agreement that family participation in child care offers multiple benefits to all concerned, many educators continue to identify this as one of the more challenging aspects of their work. There are a number of perceived barriers to participation, including time constraints, different needs and expectations and the lack of confidence and capacity to support genuine participation. What is interesting, and often overlooked, is that these are shared issues and relate to both educators and parents. Recognising the importance and challenge of family participation in child care, the Brisbane South Professional Support Network PSN), a network facilitated by the Health and Community Services Workforce Council is leading a collaborative research project to build educator knowledge and capacity to promote and support relationship building, meaningful dialogue and genuine partnerships in child care. This article reports on findings from the first phase of this study, identifying parent views and experiences of partnership and articipation in child care services. Findings highlight preferred methods of information sharing and seeking, identify barriers to communication and participation and provide insight into parent expectations of partnerships with educators.


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The capacity of educators to work in partnership with families is considered to be a hallmark of quality practice in education and care. The rationale is that ‘children thrive when families and educators work together in partnership to support young children’s learning’ (DEEWR 2009, p. 9).To support genuine partnerships, the Brisbane South Professional Support Network (PSN) is leading a collaborative project, with the Health and Community Services Workforce Council and Queensland University of Technology (QUT), known as the ‘Family Participation in ECEC project’. The overarching aim of the project is to investigate different perspectives of family partnership in ECEC, with a focus on information sharing, information seeking and family participation,to build educator capacity to establish and maintain genuine partnerships with families. Maintaining a practical focus, and linking to the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care (Quality Area 6), the study findings offer insight into the different ways that diverse families and educators may view and experience partnership, and as such provide a sound basis for critical reflection, professional learning and improved practice.


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Número monográfico: El viaje y sus discursos


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo pensar a formação e a prática profissional do psicólogo no Brasil. Com essa finalidade, contribuições de Bruno Latour, Isabelle Stengers e Vinciane Despret foram recrutadas como aliadas. A partir da leitura de estudos realizados a respeito do tema, de documentos pertinentes à regulamentação da profissão e do curso, bem como de material produzido durante o processo de definição das Diretrizes Curriculares para o Curso de Psicologia, buscou-se acompanhar os movimentos de actantes envolvidos e as relações estabelecidas entre diferentes versões do que é fazer psicologia no Brasil. Resultados de pesquisa desenvolvida para o Conselho Federal de Psicologia são tomados como referência para propor novos pontos para reflexão sobre o tema.


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The transition to becoming a leader is perhaps the least understood and most difficult in business. This Portfolio of Exploration examines the development of conscious awareness and meaning complexity as key transformational requirements to operate competently at leadership level and to succeed in a work environment characterised by change and complexity. It recognises that developing executive leadership capability is not just an issue of personality increasing what we know or expertise. It requires development of complexity in terms of how we know ourselves, relate to others, construe leadership and organisation, problem solve in business and understand the world as a whole. The exploration is grounded in the theory of adult mental development as outlined by Robert Kegan (1982, 1994) and in his collaborations with Lisa Laskow Lahey (2001, 2009). The theory points to levels of consciousness which impact on how we make meaning of and experience the world around us and respond to it. Critically it also points to transformational processes which enable us to evolve how we make meaning of our world as a means to close the mismatch between the demands of this world and our ability to cope. The exploration is laid out in three stages. Using Kegan’s (1982, 1994) theory as a framework it begins with a reflection of my career to surface how I made meaning of banking, management and subsequently leadership. In stage two I engage with a range of source thinkers in the areas of leadership, decision making, business, organisation, growth and complexity in a transformational process of developing greater conscious and complex understanding of organisational leadership (also recognising ever increasing complexity in the world). Finally, in stage three, I explore how qualitative changes as a result of this transformational effort have benefitted my professional, leadership and organisational capabilities.


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Translational and transdisciplinary research is needed to tackle complex public health problems. This article has three aims. Firstly, to determine how academics and non-academics (practitioners, policy makers and community workers) identified with the goals of the UKCRC Centre of Excellence for Public Health in Northern Ireland and how their attitudes varied in terms of knowledge brokerage and translation. Secondly, to map and analyse the network structure of the public health sector and the placement of the Centre within this. Thirdly, to aggregate responses from members of the network by work setting to construct the trans-sectoral network and devise the Root Mean Sum of Squares to determine the quality and potential value of connections across this network.The analysis was based on data collected from 98 individuals who attended the launch of the Centre in June 2008. Analysis of participant expectations and personal goals suggests that the academic members of the network were more likely to expect the work of the Centre to produce new knowledge than non-academics, but less likely to expect the Centre to generate health interventions and influence health policy. Academics were also less strongly oriented than non-academics to knowledge transfer as a personal goal, though more confident that research findings would be diffused beyond the immediate network. A central core of five nodes is crucial to the overall configuration of the regional public health network in Northern Ireland, with the Centre being well placed to exert influence within this. Though the overall network structure is fairly robust, the connections between some component parts of the network - such as academics and the third sector - are unidirectional.Identifying these differences and core network structure is key to translational and transdisciplinary research. Though exemplified in a regional study, these techniques are generalisable and applicable to many networks of interest: public health, interdisciplinary research or organisational involvement and stakeholder linkage.


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O surgimento da Web 2.0 imprimiu uma mudança na postura dos utilizadores da Web que passaram a poder não apenas ler e pesquisar, como também colaborar e produzir e publicar informação, adotando uma postura ativa. As redes sociais são uma poderosa ferramenta à qual recorrem movimentos sociais e políticos, o mundo da publicidade e do marketing, com evidentes efeitos nos indivíduos e na sociedade. Por seu lado, o desenvolvimento profissional de professores é um processo permanente, pelo que é reconhecida a importância da aprendizagem ao longo da vida em ambientes formais, não-formais e informais. Neste contexto, as redes sociais surgem como potenciais instrumentos de comunicação, interação, partilha e trabalho colaborativo, determinantes para o crescimento profissional dos docentes que almejam uma contínua aprendizagem. Este estudo de caso, que se centra na Interactic 2.0, uma rede social profissional essencialmente dirigida a educadores e criada numa aplicação Web 2.0 (Ning), teve como principal objetivo verificar em que medida esta rede social, ao possibilitar a formação e o desenvolvimento de uma comunidade de prática online, contribui para o desenvolvimento profissional dos docentes do ensino não superior. Os dados obtidos através da aplicação de inquéritos por questionário aos membros da Interactic 2.0, de entrevistas aos administradores da rede e da análise de interações num grupo específico da rede, revelam que os docentes do ensino não superior utilizam as ferramentas Web 2.0 para fins profissionais, nomeadamente as redes sociais, as aplicações de escritório online e os blogues. Conscientes dos riscos associados às redes sociais, mas também da necessidade de um constante enriquecimento profissional, os professores do ensino não superior reconhecem o interesse das redes sociais em geral, e da Interactic 2.0 em particular, como privilegiados instrumentos de partilha que contribuem para a sua atualização sobre aspetos curriculares e pedagógicos. Muito embora apenas concorram para o fomento do trabalho colaborativo entre professores, a Interactic 2.0 contribui para o aumento das competências digitais dos seus membros e para uma melhor integração das TIC em contexto educativo. A Interactic 2.0 é, portanto, uma comunidade de prática, constituída por um vasto número de pessoas com um interesse comum, que partilham e constroem conhecimento em torno de um domínio, criando um espaço partilhado de reflexão crítica sobre os temas em torno da educação.


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The organic agricultural sector of Uganda is among the most developed in Africa in terms of its professional institutional network and high growth rates of number of certified farmers and land area. Smallholder farmers are certified organic through contract production for export companies using a group certification scheme (internal control system - ICS). The ICS is a viable and well-accepted tool to certify small-scale producers in developing countries all over the world. Difficulties in certification are still stated to be among the main constraints for Uganda’s organic sector development. Therefore, this paper reports a qualitative case study comprising 34 expert interviews in two organic fresh-produce export companies in central Uganda, aiming to explore the challenges which underlie organic certification with ICS. The study shows that farmers cannot be labelled as ‘organic by default’ but deliberately engage in organic production as a marketing strategy. The small quantities purchased by the organic companies lead to a difficult marketing situation for the farmers, causing production and infiltration risks on the farm level. These risks require increased control that challenges the companies organizationally. The risks and control needs are a reason to involve farmers in ICS procedures and innovatively adapt the ICS by means of a bypass around formal perspective restrictions. The paper discusses different perspectives on risks, risk control and certification.