964 resultados para Recycled Asphalt Pavement


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"July 1984."


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One significant benefit of asphalt concrete pavement construction is that it may be opened to traffic within one hour after being laid. Therefore, road closure and detour are not necessary, but only temporary lane closure and control of traffic. This one lane construction, even though desirable in regard to maintaining traffic flow, does pose an additional problem. The longitudinal joint at centerline often becomes a maintenance problem. The objective of this research project is to identify construction procedures that will provide an improved centerline joint.


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The objective of the research project was to seek acceptable solutions to the air pollution problem created in the asphalt recycling process using modified conventional equipment.


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Recycled materials replacing part of virgin materials in highway applications has shown great benefits to the society and environment. Beneficial use of recycled materials can save landfill places, sparse natural resources, and energy consumed in milling and hauling virgin materials. Low price of recycled materials is favorable to cost-saving in pavement projects. Considering the availability of recycled materials in the State of Maryland (MD), four abundant recycled materials, recycled concrete aggregate (RCA), recycled asphalt pavement (RAP), foundry sand (FS), and dredged materials (DM), were studied. A survey was conducted to collect the information of current usage of the four recycled materials in States’ Department of Transportation (DOTs). Based on literature review, mechanical and environmental properties, recommendations, and suggested test standards were investigated separately for the four recycled materials in different applications. Constrains in using these materials were further studied in order to provide recommendations for the development of related MD specifications. To measure social and environmental benefits from using recycled materials, life-cycle assessment was carried out with life-cycle analysis (LCA) program, PaLATE, and green highway rating system, BEST-in-Highway. The survey results indicated the wide use of RAP and RCA in hot mix asphalt (HMA) and graded aggregate base (GAB) respectively, while FS and DM are less used in field. Environmental concerns are less, but the possibly low quality and some adverse mechanical characteristics may hinder the widely use of these recycled materials. Technical documents and current specifications provided by State DOTs are good references to the usage of these materials in MD. Literature review showed consistent results with the survey. Studies from experimental research or site tests showed satisfactory performance of these materials in highway applications, when the substitution rate, gradation, temperature, moisture, or usage of additives, etc. meet some requirements. The results from LCA revealed significant cost savings in using recycled materials. Energy and water consumption, gas emission, and hazardous waste generation generally showed reductions to some degree. Use of new recycled technologies will contribute to more sustainable highways.


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Per conglomerato bituminoso di riciclo (Recycled Asphalt Pavement, RAP) si intende il materiale rimosso dalle pavimentazioni stradali in seguito ad opere di manutenzione. Per sua natura, dunque, tale materiale è costituito da aggregati naturali ricoperti da bitume in superficie. Il riciclo del RAP per la produzione di nuovo conglomerato bituminoso è da tempo in uso; tuttavia, una grande quantità di RAP rimane stoccata in impianto o inviato in discarica. Di conseguenza, diversi studi scientifici hanno investigato l’impiego del RAP in sostituzione agli aggregati naturali per la produzione di calcestruzzo, ma ancora non ci sono ricerche specifiche che valutano le caratteristiche del RAP come aggregato e la durabilità sul calcestruzzo realizzato con RAP. Questa tesi si sviluppa nell’ambito di un progetto, finanziato dalla Fondazione Cariplo, sull’economia circolare per l’utilizzo dei RAP nei calcestruzzi (coordinatore del progetto: Politecnico di Milano, partners del progetto: Università di Bologna, UniBO/DICAM e Istituto per le Tecnologie della Costruzione – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, ITC-CNR). Gli obiettivi di questa tesi sono stati la caratterizzazione dei RAP provenienti da cinque siti di produzione differenti e l’analisi di calcestruzzi realizzati con diverse percentuali di RAP e tipi di cemento. Si è voluto studiare come l’impiego di questo materiale di riciclo influenzi le proprietà del calcestruzzo indurito. I risultati ottenuti sui diversi RAP hanno messo in luce differenze fra le diverse forniture e rispetto agli aggregati naturali comunemente utilizzati in miscele di calcestruzzo. Inoltre, lo strato bituminoso esterno influenza notevolmente le proprietà del RAP nei confronti dell’adesione con la matrice cementizia. Nei calcestruzzi contenenti RAP è stato riscontrato un generale aumento di porosità aperta e di macro-porosità rispetto ad un calcestruzzo ordinario, caratteristiche che possono influire sulla durabilità del prodotto.


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In this work four asphalt mixtures were compared in terms of mechanical characteristics. One of the mixtures (control mixture) was used as a reference to the study of three mixtures produced with reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP). One of the recycled mixtures incorporated 30% of RAP and the other two were produced with 50% of RAP. The effect of using a rejuvenator additive (3% rejuvenator) was also evaluated in one of the mixtures with 50% of RAP.


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This demonstration project consisted of three adjacent highway resurfacing projects using asphalt cement concrete removed from an Interstate highway which had become severely rutted. The salvaged asphaltic concrete was later crushed and hauled to a plant site where it was combined with virgin materials to resurface the three projects. Only two of the projects were used for performance evaluation as the third project was in an interchange area including ramps and was otherwise too short. It was concluded that recycling was cost effective and a high quality surface can be constructed using recycled asphalt cement concrete.


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The purpose of this research was to evaluate the performance and the use of asphalt rubber binders and recycled rubber granules in asphalt pavement in the state of Iowa. This five year research project was initiated in June 1991 and it was incorporated into Muscatine County Construction Project US 61 from Muscatine to Blue Grass over an existing 10 in. (25.4 cm) by 24 ft (7.3 m) jointed rigid concrete pavement constructed in 1957. The research site consisted of four experimental sections (one section containing rubber chip, one section containing reacted asphalt rubber in both binder and surface, and two sections containing reacted asphalt rubber in surface) and four control sections. This report contains findings of the University of Northern Iowa research team covering selected responsibilities of the research project "Determination of the aging and changing of the conventional asphalt binder and asphalt-rubber binder". Based on the laboratory test, the inclusion of recycled crumb rubber into asphalt affects the ductility of modified binder at various temperatures.


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The disposal of discarded tires has become a major problem. Different methods of recycling have been researched. Currently, Iowa is researching the use of ground recycled crumb rubber from discarded tires in asphalt rubber cement. Six projects have been completed in Iowa using asphalt rubber cement. This project is located on IA 947 (University Avenue) in Cedar Falls/Waterloo. The project contains one section with asphalt rubber cement used in both the binder and surface courses and one section using asphalt rubber cement in the surface course with a conventional binder. There are two control sections where conventional asphalt pavement was placed.


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The disposal of discarded tires has become a major problem. Different methods of recycling have been researched. Currently, Iowa is researching the use of ground recycled crumb rubber from discarded tires in asphalt rubber cement. Six projects have been completed in Iowa using asphalt rubber cement. This project is located on IA 947 (University Avenue) in Cedar Falls/Waterloo. The project contains one section with asphalt rubber cement used in both the binder and surface courses and one section using asphalt rubber cement in the surface course with a conventional binder. There are two control sections where conventional asphalt pavement was placed.


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Phase II of this study further evaluated the performance of plant-produced warm-mix asphalt (WMA) mixes by conducting additional mixture performance tests at a broader range of temperatures, adding additional pavements to the study, comparing virgin and recovered binder properties, performing pavement condition surveys, and comparing survey data with the Mechanistic Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) forecast for pavement damage over 20 years of service life. Further objectives detailing curing behavior, quality assurance testing, and hybrid technologies were as follows: * Compare the predicted and observed field performance of existing WMA trials produced in the previous Phase I study to that of hot-mix asphalt (HMA) control sections to determine if Phase I conclusions are translating to the field; * Identify any curing effect (and timing of the effect) of WMA mixtures and binders in the field; * Determine how the field-compacted mixture properties and recovered binder properties of WMA compare to those of HMA over time for technologies common to Iowa; * Identify the protocols for WMA sample preparation for volumetric and performance testing that best simulate field conditions. The findings of this study indicate that WMA additives do show statistical differences in mixture properties in some of the mixes tested. These differences will not always be statistically different from mixture to mixture. Multiple factors, such as WMA additive type, amount of recycled asphalt material, construction conditions, and mixture variability all play a role in determining the extent of which WMA and HMA mixes differ. Other significant findings of this study include effects of curing, aging in recovered binders from HMA and WMA cores, and the influence of recycled asphalt shingles (RAS) used with WMA. These findings will be of interest to owner agencies and contractors utilizing WMA technologies.


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The average thickness of the existing asphalt cement concrete (ACC) along route E66 in Tama County was 156 mm (6.13 in.). The rehabilitation strategy called for widening the base using the top 75 mm (3 in.) of the existing ACC by a recycling process involving cold milling and mixing with additional emulsion/rejuvenator. The material was then placed into a widening trench and compacted to match the level of the milled surface. The project had the following results: (1) Cold recycled ACC pavement provided adequate pavement structure for a low volume road; (2) Premature cracking of the ACC in the widened pavement area was caused by compaction of the mix over a saturated subgrade; and (3) Considerably less transverse and longitudinal cracking was observed with 75 mm (3 in.) of cold recycled ACC and a 50 mm (2 in.) hot mix ACC overlay than with a conventional hot mix overlay with no cold recycling. More research should be done on efficient construction procedures and incorporating longer test sections for proper evaluation.


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With the increasing importance of conserving natural resources and moving toward sustainable practices, the aging transportation infrastructure can benefit from these ideas by improving their existing recycling practices. When an asphalt pavement needs to be replaced, the existing pavement is removed and ground up. This ground material, known as reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP), is then added into new asphalt roads. However, since RAP was exposed to years of ultraviolet degradation and environmental weathering, the material has aged and cannot be used as a direct substitute for aggregate and binder in new asphalt pavements. One material that holds potential for restoring the aged asphalt binder to a usable state is waste engine oil. This research aims to study the feasibility of using waste engine oil as a recycling agent to improve the recyclability of pavements containing RAP. Testing was conducted in three phases, asphalt binder testing, advanced asphalt binder testing, and laboratory mixture testing. Asphalt binder testing consisted of dynamic shear rheometer and rotational viscometer testing on both unaged and aged binders containing waste engine oil and reclaimed asphalt binder (RAB). Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) testing was carried out to on the asphalt binders blended with RAB and waste engine oil compare the structural indices indicative of aging. Lastly, sample asphalt samples containing waste engine oil and RAP were subjected to rutting testing and tensile strength ratio testing. These tests lend evidence to support the claim that waste engine oil can be used as a rejuvenating agent to chemically restore asphalt pavements containing RAP. Waste engine oil can reduce the stiffness and improve the low temperature properties of asphalt binders blended with RAB. Waste engine oil can also soften asphalt pavements without having a detrimental effect on the moisture susceptibility.