30 resultados para Recruiters


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Recruiters make many inferences about applicants' abilities and interpersonal attributes on the basis of applicants' resumes. For example, every once in a while, a good resume leaves a strong positive impression and the recruiter creates a high expectation for the selection interview. What if a disappointing interview follows? Will the great resume help or hurt the candidate? The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of a good resume on the recruiter’s evaluation of a candidate when a non-enthusiastic interview follows as well as the interacting role of gender. The results of two online experiments (n=454) where participants played the role of the recruiter, showed that, on average, a very good resume (vs. no resume) before a non-enthusiastic interview did not affect the recruiter’s evaluation of the candidate. However, when the recruiter’s and the candidate’s gender were taken into consideration, a different picture emerged. While no effect was found for male recruiters, the candidate’s resume had a clear significant impact on female recruiter’s evaluations: when the candidate was also a female, the good resume shown before the non-enthusiastic interview performance tended to help, whereas when the candidate was a male, the good resume had a significant negative effect on female recruiters’ evaluation of the candidate. In sum, in situations where the resume had a strong impact on the recruiter’s evaluation (female recruiters), the direction of the effect was moderated by the candidate’s gender. Gender differences in information processing as well as in-group/out-group biases due to gender matching are used to hypothesize and explain the main findings.


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Replication protein A (RPA) is a highly conserved heterotrimeric single-stranded DNA-binding protein involved in different events of DNA metabolism. In yeast, subunits 1 (RPA-1) and 2 (RPA-2) work also as telomerase recruiters and, in humans, the complex unfolds G-quartet structures formed by the 3' G-rich telomeric strand. In most eukaryotes, RPA-1 and RPA-2 bind DNA using multiple OB fold domains. In trypanosomatids, including Leishmania, RPA-1 has a canonical OB fold and a truncated RFA-1 structural domain. In Leishmania amazonensis, RPA-1 alone can form a complex in vitro with the telomeric G-rich strand. In this work, we show that LaRPA-1 is a nuclear protein that associates in vivo with Leishmania telomeres. We mapped the boundaries of the OB fold DNA-binding domain using deletion mutants. Since Leishmania and other trypanosomatids lack homologues of known telomere end binding proteins, our results raise questions about the function of RPA-1 in parasite telomeres. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC


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Background: NF-kappa B is an essential transcription factor strongly associated to inflammatory response in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP). DHMEQ is a NF-kappa B inhibitor that has been previously described with a greatpotential indecreasing inflammation in diseases other than CRSwNP. The aim of study isto evaluate the ability of DHMEQ to reducethe inflammatory recruiters on CRSwNP and to compare its anti-inflammatory profile as a single-agent or in association with fluticasone propionate (FP). Methods: nasal polyp fibroblasts were cultured in TNF-alpha enriched media. Cells were submitted to three different concentrations (1, 10 and 100nM) of either FP, DHMEQ or both. Inflammatory response was accessed by VCAM-1, ICAM-1 and RANTES expression (by RTQ-PCR) and protein levels by ELISA. Nuclear translocation of NF-kappa B was also evaluated. Results: both FP and DHMEQ inhibited inflammatory recruiters' production and NF-kappa B nuclear translocation. Interestingly, the anti-inflammatory effect from the association steroids plus DHMEQ was more intense than of each drug in separate. Conclusion: DHMEQ seems efficient in modulating the inflammatory process in CRSwNP. The synergic anti-inflammatory effect of DHMEQ and steroids may be a promising strategy to be explored, particularly in the setting of steroid-resistant NP. Copyright (c) 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Background - Expansion of the pharmacists' role within the United Kingdom has raised the question as to whether pharmacy graduates are equipped with the professional skills and attributes they will need to fulfil such roles. Aim - To describe the professional skills and attributes pre-registration recruiters perceive pharmacy graduates should exhibit and to establish whether final year students perceive they possess these skills and attributes. Method - Five individuals were interviewed from a variety of pre-registration employers; 90 final year students completed a questionnaire (response 69.2%). Results - The recruiters thought that whilst graduates possess sufficient knowledge, they show weaknesses such as inability to apply theoretical knowledge into practice and the lack of good communication and interpersonal skills. Conversely, a majority of students felt that they did possess the necessary skills to enter pre-registration training. Conclusion - Schools of pharmacy need to ensure that students have an opportunity to develop key professional skills to assist students in securing pre-registration positions. © 2010 FIP.


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The main purpose of this study was to investigate marketing practices in Taiwan's institutions of higher education and their relationship with students' college choice behaviors and attitudes. The study was conducted in 11 Taiwan's colleges of technology. It employed a multistrand conversion mixed model design, consisting of a qualitative and a quantitative strand. Funnel-sequenced interviews were conducted with 19 college administrators and the results were content analyzed using a constant-comparative method. The administrator interview data were also quantitized and used in cluster analysis of the institutions. Questionnaire data were collected from 1474 freshmen students, and analyzed using several univariate and multivariate statistical techniques including factor analysis, MANOVA, and correspondence analysis. ^ Analyses indicated that a weak relationship existed between institutions' marketing intensity and students' college choice. Students did not consider institutions' recruitment activities useful in their college searching process. They also reported little knowledge of their current school when they were deciding to enroll. Data analysis also revealed that students were practically oriented in their college selection. Academic resources, employability after graduation, and tuition were the most important attributes in students' college selection. Parents and students' social network such as friends and high school teachers were significant personal sources in enrollment decisions while institutions' representatives (i.e., recruiters) were considered the least influential. ^ Using cluster analysis, institutions were divided into three groups based on intensity of marketing efforts. Multivariate analysis of variance did not reveal significant differences between the college choice behaviors and attitudes of students who entered these three types of institutions. ^ Content analysis of the administrators' interviews indicated that the majority of them practiced passive marketing. This was primarily as a result of resistance to active marketing, lack of leadership commitment, insufficient financial and human resources, little faculty involvement, and inexperience in marketing. In comparison to public institutions, private institutions showed a more favorable attitude towards marketing concepts. They were well advanced in their recruitment activities while public schools were relatively hesitant to use marketing. Curriculum issues were not well represented in marketing activities and did not seem to be impacted by marketing needs. Based on the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, it can be concluded that in these colleges, curriculum was more driven by commercial and industrial interest than by students' demands. ^ Theoretical, policy, and methodological implementation of the results were discussed. ^


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Limited literature exists on Ghana's child domestic servants, and researchers have found it difficult to locate and study these children. The research for this dissertation used qualitative research methodologies and non-probabilistic sampling techniques to make it possible to interview child domestic servants, their parents, employers and recruiters in Ghana. The findings from the qualitative analyses informed the second part of this study, which was quantitative and tested hypotheses using crosstabulations and logistic regression analyses that were based on survey data from the Ghana Statistical Service. Explanatory variables in the quantitative analyses included lineage, level of education and relationships to the household head. ^ This study located findings about the processes of children's recruitment into domestic servitude, their working conditions and methods of remuneration in theories of slavery to answer the question of whether or not child domestic servants are slaves. According to the findings, elite households in Ghana exploit children from rural regions because they have taken advantage of a historical practice that allowed children to live with older members of their extended families to provide domestic services and in return, be given the chance to receive formal education or to learn a trade. The participants in the qualitative part of this research described the treatments that they receive from their employers as slavery. Nevertheless, the processes of their recruitment and the age at which most of them accepted such job offers made it difficult to categorize a majority of them as contemporary slaves. ^


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Career fairs are a popular function with hospitality schools. Recruiters' perceptions of these events are important to ensuring their success. The authors report on the results of their survey of recruiters participating in a 1990 career fair at the University of South Carolina, indicating directions other schools may wish to consider.


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Profiling the Campus Recruiter At a Four-Year Hospitality Program, is a written profile, supported by anecdotal rather than stridently empirical evidence, by Al lzzolo, Assistant Professor, College of Hotel Administration, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. “Each year major chain corporations as well as single unit companies interview hospitality students throughout the country. A study conducted at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, was designed to profile the hospitality industry campus recruiter and to provide meaningful data to college students who would be interviewing with these recruiters,” the author initially proffers. “Recruiting at the four-year hospitality program, by its nature, is not a science, nor is it highly quantifiable. The interviewing and selection processes are highly subjective and vary from company to company,” says Izzolo to preface his essay. “Data were collected via a questionnaire specifically designed to answer questions about the recruiters and/or the companies that sent interviewers to the placement office of the university's hospitality program,” our author says to explain the process used to gather information for the piece. Findings of the study indicate that the typical recruiter is male, college educated – but not necessarily in a Hospitality’ curriculum – and almost 80 percent of respondents said they had the authority to hire management trainees. Few campuses are visited by hospitality industry recruitment staff as evidenced by Izzolo’s observations/data. Table 3 analyzes the desirable traits a recruiter deems appropriate for the potential employee candidate. Personal appearance, work experience, grade point average, and verbal communication rank high on the list of distinguishable attributes. The most striking finding in this portion of the study is that a student’s GPA is virtually ignored. “Recruiting for the hospitality industry appears to be very subjective,” Izzolo says. “Recruiters are basing decisions to hire not on knowledge levels as determined by an academic grade point average but rather on criteria much less definitive, such as verbal skills and personal appearance,” our author opines. In closing, Izzolo concedes this is not a definitive study, but is merely a launching pad to a more comprehensive investigation on the recruitment subject.


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A hospitality recruiter profile survey is replicated nine years after the initial study to ascertain if any meaningful changes have occurred among recruiters that might have an effect upon college students and the interviewing process today.


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The author reports on a study done among food service and lodging industry recruiters to determine their perceptions about the value of various international student experiences such as internships and exchanges. The study found that lodging recruiters appreciate the value of these experiences significantly more than their peers in food service and contends that there is a role for both corporate executives and educators in raising recruiters’ awareness of the value of international student experience.


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Ce mémoire tente de répondre à une problématique très importante dans le domaine de recrutement : l’appariement entre offre d’emploi et candidats. Dans notre cas nous disposons de milliers d’offres d’emploi et de millions de profils ramassés sur les sites dédiés et fournis par un industriel spécialisé dans le recrutement. Les offres d’emploi et les profils de candidats sur les réseaux sociaux professionnels sont généralement destinés à des lecteurs humains qui sont les recruteurs et les chercheurs d’emploi. Chercher à effectuer une sélection automatique de profils pour une offre d’emploi se heurte donc à certaines difficultés que nous avons cherché à résoudre dans le présent mémoire. Nous avons utilisé des techniques de traitement automatique de la langue naturelle pour extraire automatiquement les informations pertinentes dans une offre d’emploi afin de construite une requête qui nous permettrait d’interroger notre base de données de profils. Pour valider notre modèle d’extraction de métier, de compétences et de d’expérience, nous avons évalué ces trois différentes tâches séparément en nous basant sur une référence cent offres d’emploi canadiennes que nous avons manuellement annotée. Et pour valider notre outil d’appariement nous avons fait évaluer le résultat de l’appariement de dix offres d’emploi canadiennes par un expert en recrutement.


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Ce mémoire tente de répondre à une problématique très importante dans le domaine de recrutement : l’appariement entre offre d’emploi et candidats. Dans notre cas nous disposons de milliers d’offres d’emploi et de millions de profils ramassés sur les sites dédiés et fournis par un industriel spécialisé dans le recrutement. Les offres d’emploi et les profils de candidats sur les réseaux sociaux professionnels sont généralement destinés à des lecteurs humains qui sont les recruteurs et les chercheurs d’emploi. Chercher à effectuer une sélection automatique de profils pour une offre d’emploi se heurte donc à certaines difficultés que nous avons cherché à résoudre dans le présent mémoire. Nous avons utilisé des techniques de traitement automatique de la langue naturelle pour extraire automatiquement les informations pertinentes dans une offre d’emploi afin de construite une requête qui nous permettrait d’interroger notre base de données de profils. Pour valider notre modèle d’extraction de métier, de compétences et de d’expérience, nous avons évalué ces trois différentes tâches séparément en nous basant sur une référence cent offres d’emploi canadiennes que nous avons manuellement annotée. Et pour valider notre outil d’appariement nous avons fait évaluer le résultat de l’appariement de dix offres d’emploi canadiennes par un expert en recrutement.


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El compromiso laboral entre los trabajadores y las organizaciones es uno de los activos con mayor poder explicativo para consolidar un alto desempeño e incrementar la productividad. Para lograr eso es fundamental conocer cuáles son las vocaciones de los trabajadores actuales y futuros y de qué manera estas motivaciones de carrera encuentran articulación con la misión y la visión de la compañía. El problema es que las empresas fallan sistemáticamente en este proceso. El modelo de anclas de carrera (ac) de Edgar Schein es una metodología que permite conocer cuáles son las motivaciones de carrera de los individuos. Este documento tiene como propósito establecer un vínculo entre las ac y los procesos de selección, vinculación, y retención del capital humano en un contact centre que se desempeña en Bogotá, Colombia. Para alcanzar este propósito, se implementó el modelo de ac en una muestra de 116 trabajadores del área de gestión de esta compañía. El informe presenta el análisis de resultados y las propuestas sugeridas por los autores a la gerencia de la compañía.


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As redes sociais são cada vez mais utlizadas como o principal instrumento de trabalho no mundo atual, sendo por isso, pertinente verificar como as redes sociais, e em específico o LinkedIn, se tornaram uma importante ferramenta de recrutamento, no contexto português. Assim, o objetivo geral deste estudo é analisar a importância do LinkedIn para os headhunters e recrutadores no processo de e-recrutamento, sendo utilizada na metodologia uma abordagem quantitativa com o auxílio de uma ferramenta qualitativa. Durante o estudo serão desenvolvidos os conceitos de e-recrutamento e de headhunting, bem como a evolução das redes sociais e as particularidades do LinkedIn. Conclui-se com este estudo que a rede LinkedIn ainda não é muito utilizada em Portugal, mas no entanto, os headhunters e recrutadores que utilizam a rede LinkedIn consideram que a mesma facilita o processo de recrutamento; Abstract: The Importance of LinkedIn for Headhunters and Recruiters in the E-recruitment Process Social networks are increasingly used as the main working tool in today's world, being therefore relevant to see how social networks, and in particular LinkedIn, have become an important recruitment tool in the Portuguese context. Thus, the aim of this study is to analyze the importance of LinkedIn for headhunters and recruiters in the e-recruitment process using in the methodology a quantitative approach with the aid of a qualitative tool. During the study it will be developed the concepts of e-recruitment and headhunting as well as the evolution of social networks and the particularities of LinkedIn. In this study we conclude that the LinkedIn network is not yet widely used in Portugal, however, headhunters and recruiters that use the LinkedIn network believe that it facilitates the recruitment process.