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The resistive-type superconducting fault current limiters (RSFCL) prototypes using YBCO-coated conductors have shown current limitation for medium voltage class applications for acting time up to 80 ms. By connecting an air-core reactor in parallel with the RSFCL, thus making an hybrid current limiter, one can extend the acting time for up to 1 s. In this work, we report the performance of a hybrid current limiter subjected to an AC peak fault current of 2 kA during 1 s for which within the first 80 ms the SFCL limits the current concurrently with the air-core reactor, and for the remaining 920 ms, only the air-core reactor limits the current. In order to evaluate the actual conditions for subsequent reconnection of RSFCL to the power grid, the hybrid fault current limiter was tested varying the time interval for recovery from 900 ms and 1.2 s, followed again by the concurrent operation of the hybrid limiter during 1 s (SFCL during 80 ms). From this evaluation test, the recovery time can be measured and compared using the voltage peak generated in superconducting module from the first and second fault test. The recovery time was also determined through the pulsed current method (PCM) on short-length sample test. The results showed that the fault current was limited from 1.9 kA down to 514 A after 1 cycle of 60 Hz frequency, with recovery time lower than 1.2 s for two subsequent fault current tests.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of recovery time after quadriceps muscle fatigue on gait in young adults. Forty young adults (20-40 years old) performed three 8-m gait trials at preferred velocity before and after muscle fatigue, and after 5, 10 and 20min of passive rest. In addition, at each time point, two maximal isometric voluntary contractions were preformed. Muscle fatigue was induced by repeated sit-to-stand transfers until task failure. Spatio-temporal, kinetic and muscle activity parameters, measured in the central stride of each trial, were analyzed. Data were compared between before and after the muscle fatigue protocol and after the recovery periods by one-way repeated measures ANOVA. The voluntary force was decreased after the fatigue protocol (p<0.001) and after 5, 10 and 20min of recovery compared to before the fatigue protocol. Step width (p<0.001) and RMS of biceps femoris (p<0.05) were increased immediately after the fatigue protocol and remained increased after the recovery periods. In addition, stride duration was decreased immediately after the fatigue protocol compared to before and to after 10 and 20min of rest (p<0.001). The anterior-posterior propulsive impulse was also decreased after the fatigue protocol (p<0.001) and remained low after 5, 10 and 20min of rest. We conclude that 20min is not enough to see full recovery of gait after exhaustive quadriceps muscle fatigue.
Purpose The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of intensity and interval of recovery on performance in the bench press exercise, and the response of salivary lactate and alpha amylase levels. Methods Ten sportsman (aged 29 ± 4 years; body mass index 26 ± 2 kg/cm2 ) were divided in two groups: G70 (performing a bench press exercise at 70 % one repetition maximum—1RM), and G90 (performing a bench press exercise at 90 %—1RM). All groups were engaged in three intervals of recovery (30, 60 and 90 s). The maximum number of repetitions (MNR) and total weight lifted were computed, and saliva samples were collected 15 min before and after different intervals of recovery. For the comparison of the performance and biochemistry parameters, ANOVA tests for repeated measurements were conducted, with a significance level set at 5 %. Results In G70, the 30 s MNR was lower than the 60 and 90 s intervals of recovery (p\0.05) and the MNR with the 60 s interval of recovery was lower than the 90 s interval of recovery (p\0.041). Similarly, in G90 with the 30 s of interval of recovery, the sets were lower than observed with the 60 and 90 s (p\0.05), and MNR with the 60 s interval of recovery was lower than the 90 s interval of recovery (p\0.05). The salivary lactate showed an increase after exercise (p\0.05) when compared with the rest period for all groups, and no effects were observed for salivary alpha amylase. Conclusions Based on this result, the sets and reps can be modified to change the recovery time. This effect is very useful to improve the performance in relationship to different fitness levels.
We investigate the use of different direct detection modulation formats in a wavelength switched optical network. We find the minimum time it takes a tunable sampled grating distributed Bragg reflector laser to recover after switching from one wavelength channel to another for different modulation formats. The recovery time is investigated utilizing a field programmable gate array which operates as a time resolved bit error rate detector. The detector offers 93 ps resolution operating at 10.7 Gb/s and allows for all the data received to contribute to the measurement, allowing low bit error rates to be measured at high speed. The recovery times for 10.7 Gb/s non-return-to-zero on–off keyed modulation, 10.7 Gb/s differentially phase shift keyed signal and 21.4 Gb/s differentially quadrature phase shift keyed formats can be as low as 4 ns, 7 ns and 40 ns, respectively. The time resolved phase noise associated with laser settling is simultaneously measured for 21.4 Gb/s differentially quadrature phase shift keyed data and it shows that the phase noise coupled with frequency error is the primary limitation on transmitting immediately after a laser switching event.
Background: Esophageal intubation is a widely utilized technique for a diverse array of physiological studies, activating a complex physiological response mediated, in part, by the autonomic nervous system (ANS). In order to determine the optimal time period after intubation when physiological observations should be recorded, it is important to know the duration of, and factors that influence, this ANS response, in both health and disease. Methods: Fifty healthy subjects (27 males, median age 31.9 years, range 20-53 years) and 20 patients with Rome III defined functional chest pain (nine male, median age of 38.7 years, range 28-59 years) had personality traits and anxiety measured. Subjects had heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP), sympathetic (cardiac sympathetic index, CSI), and parasympathetic nervous system (cardiac vagal tone, CVT) parameters measured at baseline and in response to per nasum intubation with an esophageal catheter. CSI/CVT recovery was measured following esophageal intubation. Key Results: In all subjects, esophageal intubation caused an elevation in HR, BP, CSI, and skin conductance response (SCR; all p < 0.0001) but concomitant CVT and cardiac sensitivity to the baroreflex (CSB) withdrawal (all p < 0.04). Multiple linear regression analysis demonstrated that longer CVT recovery times were independently associated with higher neuroticism (p < 0.001). Patients had prolonged CSI and CVT recovery times in comparison to healthy subjects (112.5 s vs 46.5 s, p = 0.0001 and 549 s vs 223.5 s, p = 0.0001, respectively). Conclusions & Inferences: Esophageal intubation activates a flight/flight ANS response. Future studies should allow for at least 10 min of recovery time. Consideration should be given to psychological traits and disease status as these can influence recovery. The psychological trait of neuroticism retards autonomic recovery following esophageal intubation in health and functional chest pain. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
We investigate the use of different direct detection modulation formats in a wavelength switched optical network. We find the minimum time it takes a tunable sampled grating distributed Bragg reflector laser to recover after switching from one wavelength channel to another for different modulation formats. The recovery time is investigated utilizing a field programmable gate array which operates as a time resolved bit error rate detector. The detector offers 93 ps resolution operating at 10.7 Gb/s and allows for all the data received to contribute to the measurement, allowing low bit error rates to be measured at high speed. The recovery times for 10.7 Gb/s non-return-to-zero on–off keyed modulation, 10.7 Gb/s differentially phase shift keyed signal and 21.4 Gb/s differentially quadrature phase shift keyed formats can be as low as 4 ns, 7 ns and 40 ns, respectively. The time resolved phase noise associated with laser settling is simultaneously measured for 21.4 Gb/s differentially quadrature phase shift keyed data and it shows that the phase noise coupled with frequency error is the primary limitation on transmitting immediately after a laser switching event.
Regulations pertaining to carbon dioxide capture with offshore storage (CCS) require an understanding of the potential localised environmental impacts and demonstrably suitable monitoring practices. This study uses a marine ecosystem model to examine a comprehensive range of hypothetical CO2 leakage scenarios, quantifying both impact and recovery time within the benthic system. Whilst significant mortalities and long recovery times were projected for the larger and longer term scenarios, shorter-term or low level exposures lead to reduced projected impacts. This suggests that efficient monitoring and leak mitigation strategies, coupled with appropriate selection of storage sites can effectively limit concerns regarding localised environmental impacts from CCS. The feedbacks and interactions between physiological and ecological responses simulated reveal that benthic responses to CO2 leakage could be complex. This type of modelling investigation can aid the understanding of impact potential, the role of benthic community recovery and inform the design of baseline and monitoring surveys.
Regulations pertaining to carbon dioxide capture with offshore storage (CCS) require an understanding of the potential localised environmental impacts and demonstrably suitable monitoring practices. This study uses a marine ecosystem model to examine a comprehensive range of hypothetical CO2 leakage scenarios, quantifying both impact and recovery time within the benthic system. Whilst significant mortalities and long recovery times were projected for the larger and longer term scenarios, shorter-term or low level exposures lead to reduced projected impacts. This suggests that efficient monitoring and leak mitigation strategies, coupled with appropriate selection of storage sites can effectively limit concerns regarding localised environmental impacts from CCS. The feedbacks and interactions between physiological and ecological responses simulated reveal that benthic responses to CO2 leakage could be complex. This type of modelling investigation can aid the understanding of impact potential, the role of benthic community recovery and inform the design of baseline and monitoring surveys.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Para avaliar o efeito anestésico do óleo de cravo em lambaris (Astyanax altiparanae), cinco grupos de 30 alevinos (0,6±0,1g) foram expostos às concentrações de 50, 75, 100, 125 e 150mg L-1, medindo-se, respectivamente: tempo de indução à anestesia profunda (caracterizada pela perda de equilíbrio, pela ausência de natação, pela redução dos movimentos operculares e pelas respostas apenas a estímulos táteis mais intensos), tempo de recuperação e taxa de mortalidade após a exposição. Em uma segunda etapa (10 peixes/tratamento), registraram-se, para cada concentração, os tempos de indução e de recuperação após anestesia cirúrgica (movimentos operculares lentos e irregulares e perda de reações a estímulos), anotando-se a mortalidade após seis minutos de exposição. Observou-se redução linear no tempo de indução à anestesia (0,01min mg-1 de anestésico acrescido) e aumento quadrático do tempo de recuperação com a elevação da concentração (resposta máxima estimada em 7,1 minutos). A anestesia profunda foi alcançada em tempo inferior a 1,5 minuto para todas as concentrações, com recuperação mais rápida e sem mortalidade para 50mg L-1. Para indução à anestesia cirúrgica, foram registrados menores tempos nas concentrações 75 e 100mg L-1; porém, com mortalidade de 80% e 100%, respectivamente. A concentração 50mg L-1 promoveu anestesia cirúrgica e recuperação em 3,29±0,71 e 4,97±0,63 minutos, respectivamente, sem mortalidade. Concluiu-se que o óleo de cravo possui efeito anestésico para alevinos de lambari, sendo 50mg L-1 a concentração eficiente e segura para indução à anestesia profunda em até 1,5 minuto e de anestesia cirúrgica em até 3,3 minutos de exposição.
Several high temperature superconductor (HTS) tapes have been developed since the late eighties. Due to the new techniques applied for their production, HTS tapes are becoming feasible and practical for many applications. In this work, we present the test results of five commercial HTS tapes from the BSCCO and YBCO families (short samples of 200 mm). We have measured and analyzed their intrinsic and extrinsic properties and compared their behaviors for fault current limiter (FCL) applications. Electrical measurements were performed to determine the critical current and the n value through the V-I relationship under DC and AC magnetic fields. The resistance per unit length was determined as a function of temperature. The magnetic characteristics were analyzed through susceptibility curves as a function of temperature. As transport current generates a magnetic field surrounding the HTS material, the magnetic measurements indicate the magnetic field supported by the tapes under a peak current 1.5 times higher than the critical current, I(c). By pulsed current tests the recovery time and the energy/volume during a current fault were also analyzed. These results are in agreement with the data found in the literature giving the most appropriate performance conductor for a FCL device (I(peak) = 4 kA) to be used in a 220 V-60 Hz grid.
Aliman AC, Piccioni MA, Piccioni JL, Oliva JL, Auler Junior JOC - Intraosseous Anesthesia in Hemodynamic Studies in Children with Cardiopathy. Background and objectives: Intraosseous (IO) access has been used with good results in emergency situations, when venous access is not available for fluids and drugs infusion. The objective of this study was to evaluate IO a useful technique for anesthesia and fluids infusion during hemodynamic studies and when peripheral intravascular access is unobtainable. The setting was an university hospital hemodynamics unit, and the subjects were twenty one infants with congenital heart disease enrolled for elective hemodynamic study diagnosis. Methods: This study compared the effectiveness of IO access in relation to IV access for infusion of anesthetics agents (ketamine, midazolann, and fentanyl) and fluids during hemodynamic studies. The anesthetic induction time, procedure duration, anesthesia recovery time, adequate hydration, and IV and IO puncture complications were compared between groups. Results: The puncture time was significantly smaller in IO group (3.6 min) that in IV group (9.6 min). The anesthetic onset time (56.3 second) for the IV group was faster than IO group (71.3 second). No significant difference between groups were found in relation to hydration (IV group, 315.5 mL vs IO group, 293.2 mL), and anesthesia recovery time (IO group, 65.2 min vs IV group, 55.0 min). The puncture site was reevaluated after 7 and 15 days without signs of infection or other complications. Conclusions: Results showed superiority for IO infusion when considering the puncture time of the procedure. Due to its easy manipulation and efficiency, hydration and anesthesia by IO access was satisfactory for hemodynamic studies without the necessity of other infusion access.
A prospective randomized trial was conducted to compare the efficacy of a rice-based oral rehydration solution (ORS) with glucose ORS in infants and children under 5 years of age with acute diarrhoea and mild to moderate dehydration (<10%). One hundred children presenting to a large metropolitan teaching hospital were eligible for entry to the study and were randomized to receive rice ORS or glucose ORS. Outcome measures were stool output (SO), duration of illness (DD) and recovery time to introduction of other fluids (RTF) and diet (RTD). Significant differences were found for all outcome measures in favour of the rice ORS group. Mean SO was lower (160 vs 213 mt; P<0.02), mean DD was reduced (17.3 vs 24.3 h; P = 0.03) and median RTF was decreased (12.7 vs 18.1 h; P< 0.001) in the rice ORS group compared with the glucose ORS group. The median rime to introduction of diet and mean length of hospital stay showed similar significant reductions. Our study has shown rice ORS to be an acceptable alternative to glucose ORS in young children and have shown that it is significantly more effective in reducing the course of diarrhoeal illness and the time taken to return to normal drinking and eating habits.
Background: High sodium salicylate doses can cause reversible hearing loss and tinnitus, possibly due to reduced outer hair cell electromotility. Sodium salicylate is known to alter outer hair cell structure and function. This study determined the reversibility and cochlear recovery time after administration of an ototoxic sodium salicylate dose to guinea pigs with normal cochlear function. Study design: Prospective experimental investigation. Methods: All animals received a single 500 mg sodium salicylate dose, but with different durations of action. Function was evaluated before drug administration and immediately before sacrifice. Cochleae were processed and viewed using scanning electron microscopy. Results: Changes in outer hair cell function were observed to be present 2 hours after drug administration, with recovery of normal anatomy beginning after 24 hours. Subsequently, derangement and distortion of cilia reduced, with effects predominantly in row three. At 168 hours, cilia were near-normal but with mild distortions which interfered with normal cochlear physiology. Conclusions: Ciliary changes persisted for up to 168 hours after ototoxic sodium salicylate administration.
Objective To obtain information on tick paralysis in dogs, including the nature of disease, host signalment, tick-host relationship, treatment, disease progression and recovery, and preventive measures. Design A prospective survey of 577 dogs affected by tick paralysis was conducted during 1998. Forty-two veterinary clinics along the eastern coast of Australia were instructed to complete survey forms for the first 15 dogs that presented with tick paralysis during September to November. Results Five percent of dogs died from tick paralysis. Younger dogs were more likely to survive. Long coat length was associated with a greater tick burden but not greater tick size, whereas coat thickness had no bearing on either. Dogs with mild disease recovered more quickly from tick paralysis. Respiratory and gait scores reflected disease severity and were good prognostic indicators. The size of the tick did not reflect the severity of the clinical condition it induced in the host. No method of tick removal or in situ treatment improved recovery time or reduced mortality. However, the time spent in hospital was significantly less for dogs from which the live tick was manually removed. Inspiratory strider. evident in some dogs with tick paralysis, was not related to tick attachment on the neck. The use of acepromazine maleate or dexamethasone did not reduce recovery time or mortality. Increasing the dose of tick antitoxin serum (TAS) above 0.1 mL/kg had no effect on mortality or recovery time. Dogs with severe disease that received an additional dose of TAS were significantly less likely to survive. Subcutaneous use of TAS at the site of tick attachment was of no benefit in reducing mortality or time to initial clinical improvement. A registered preventative product had not been used on the majority of dogs. Clipping the coat to search for ticks did not reduce mortality. Conclusions Therapy needs to address cardiopulmonary dysfunction that may be due directly to the effect of tick toxin and not just respiratory compromise caused by progressive respiratory muscle failure.