880 resultados para Receptive vocabulary
Nous avons examiné la nature du lien, additif ou interactif, entre les capacités attentionnelles et les habiletés de motricité fine et leur influence sur les habiletés d’écriture ultérieures. Les mesures de l’échantillon (n=439) de l’étude montréalaise sur le préscolaire en milieu défavorisé (MLEPS) à la maternelle incluent des questionnaires aux enseignants, des évaluations sur la connaissance des nombres et du vocabulaire réceptif des élèves et caractéristiques familiales rapportées par les parents. En 3ème année, les mesures proviennent de questionnaires aux enseignants. Selon les résultats des régressions multiples de notre modèle, un élève qui avait de bonnes capacités d’attention ou de motricité fine à la maternelle, avait plus de chances d’avoir de bonnes habiletés d’écriture en 3ème année. L’interaction entre l’attention et la motricité fine était aussi significative, ce qui signifie que les capacités d’attention, avec l’influence des habiletés de motricité fine, prédisent davantage les habiletés d’écriture ultérieure. Il est pertinent de mesurer la réussite scolaire en écriture puisque les élèves à l’école peuvent investir de 31 à 60% de leur temps à réaliser des tâches motrices et 85% de celles-ci incluraient un crayon et du papier (McHale & Cermak, 1992). L’écriture serait aussi importante que les mathématiques et la lecture pour la réussite scolaire (Cutler & Graham, 2008). En identifiant les éléments clés de la réussite en écriture, nous pourrons mieux intervenir et soutenir les élèves, et ainsi, nous pourrions augmenter leurs chances de vivre des expériences positives à l’école, d’obtenir un diplôme et d’ intégrer le marché du travail.
This paper presents an account of the literacy activities engaged in by the parents of 29 children around the time that the children were about to start school at Key Stage 1. Fifteen of the children were reading fluently before they began school and the remaining fourteen were matched for age, sex, receptive vocabulary scores, preschool group attended and socio-economic family status, but not reading fluently. In order to ascertain that the fluent readers were not simply coming from homes where literacy activities were more in evidence, parents were asked to report on their own literacy activities. The data obtained indicated that there were no systematic differences in the activities of the two sets of parents. They also showed that there was a considerable amount of literacy activity evidence in the homes. It is argues that, whilst the home environment is highly instrumental in nurturing literacy development, it is not enough to account for precocious reading ability.
This paper reports on the progress made by a group of fourteen 11-year-old children who had been originally identified as being precocious readers before they started primary school at the age of 5-years. The data enable comparisons to be made with the performance of the children when they were younger so that a six year longitudinal analysis can be made. The children who began school as precocious readers continued to make progress in reading accuracy, rate and comprehension, thereby maintaining their superior performance relative to a comparison group. However, their progress appeared to follow the same developmental trajectory as that of the comparison group. Measures of phonological awareness showed that there are long term, stable individual differences which correlated with all measures of reading. The children who were reading precociously early showed significantly higher levels of phonological awareness than the comparison children. In addition, they showed the same levels of performance on this task as a further group of high achieving young adults. A positive effect of being able to read at precociously early age was identified in the significantly higher levels of receptive vocabulary found amongst the these children. The analyses indicated that rises in receptive vocabulary resulted from reading performance rather than the other way round
It is widely assumed that the British are poorer modern foreign language (MFL) learners than their fellow Europeans. Motivation has often been seen as the main cause of this perceived disparity in language learning success. However, there have also been suggestions that curricular and pedagogical factors may play a part. This article reports a research project investigating how German and English 14- to 16-year-old learners of French as a first foreign language compare to one another in their vocabulary knowledge and in the lexical diversity, accuracy and syntactic complexity of their writing. Students from comparable schools in Germany and England were set two writing tasks which were marked by three French native speakers using standardised criteria aligned to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEF). Receptive vocabulary size and lexical diversity were established by the X_lex test and a verb types measure respectively. Syntactic complexity and formal accuracy were respectively assessed using the mean length of T-units (MLTU) and words/error metrics. Students' and teachers' questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were used to provide information and participants' views on classroom practices, while typical textbooks and feedback samples were analysed to establish differences in materials-related input and feedback in the two countries. The German groups were found to be superior in vocabulary size, and in the accuracy, lexical diversity and overall quality – but not the syntactic complexity – of their writing. The differences in performance outcomes are analysed and discussed with regard to variables related to the educational contexts (e.g. curriculum design and methodology).
Background There is a need to develop and adapt therapies for use with people with learning disabilities who have mental health problems. Aims To examine the performance of people with learning disabilities on two cognitive therapy tasks (emotion recognition and discrimination among thoughts, feelings and behaviours). We hypothesized that cognitive therapy task performance would be significantly correlated with IQ and receptive vocabulary, and that providing a visual cue would improve performance. Method Fifty-nine people with learning disabilities were assessed on the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI), the British Picture Vocabulary Scale-II (BPVS-II), a test of emotion recognition and a task requiring participants to discriminate among thoughts, feelings and behaviours. In the discrimination task, participants were randomly assigned to a visual cue condition or a no-cue condition. Results There was considerable variability in performance. Emotion recognition was significantly associated with receptive vocabulary, and discriminating among thoughts, feelings and behaviours was significantly associated with vocabulary and IQ. There was no effect of the cue on the discrimination task. Conclusion People with learning disabilities with higher IQs and good receptive vocabulary were more likely to be able to identify different emotions and to discriminate among thoughts, feelings and behaviours. This implies that they may more easily understand the cognitive model. Structured ways of simplifying the concepts used in cognitive therapy and methods of socialization and education in the cognitive model are required to aid participation of people with learning disabilities.
This study investigated the long-term effect of classroom-based input manipulation on children’s use of subordination in a story re-telling task; it also explored the role of receptive vocabulary skills and expressive grammatical abilities in predicting the likelihood of priming. During a two-week priming phase, 47 monolingual English-speaking five- year-olds heard 10 stories, one a day, that either contained a high proportion of subordinate clauses (subordination condition) or a high proportion of coordi- nate clauses (coordination condition). Post-intervention, there was a significant group difference in likelihood of subordinate use which persisted ten weeks after the priming. Neither expressive grammatical nor receptive vocabulary skills were positively correlated with the likelihood of subordinate use. These findings show that input manipulation can have a facilitative effect on the use of complex syntax over several weeks in a realistic communicative task.
TEMA: aspectos genéticos, cognitivos e de linguagem na Síndrome de Williams-Beuren (SWB). OBJETIVO: revisar a literatura sobre a SWB, destacando aspectos genéticos, cognitivos e de linguagem. CONCLUSÕES: a literatura mostrou que a etiologia da SWB é conhecida, embora o diagnóstico precoce pode ser difícil pela variabilidade de manifestações clínicas dessa condição. O fenótipo variável tem sido atribuído a deleção de vários genes na região 7q11.23. que inclui o gene da elastina. A deleção desse gene é identificada pelo estudo citogenético molecular denominado Hibridização in situ por Fluorescência (FISH). A freqüência populacional desta síndrome é de 1 em 20,000 nascimentos e é resultante de uma alteração genética de novo. O quadro da SWB é caracterizado principalmente por fácies típica conhecida como face de duende, alterações cardíacas, prejuízos cognitivos e aspectos comportamentais que incluem a linguagem. A característica falante e sociável associada as dificuldades viso-construtivas conferem a esta síndrome um quadro neuro-cognitivo peculiar. A deficiência mental é variável e pode ou não estar presente. Estudos que descreveram as habilidades de linguagem nesta síndrome destacaram que a habilidade sintática pode estar íntegra ou parcialmente íntegra, a produção verbal pode ser precisa e inteligível, mostrando a integridade do sistema fonológico. O vocabulário receptivo-auditivo é citado em alguns estudos como adequado e em outros como prejudicado para a idade mental. Pesquisas na área têm produzido, resultados incongruentes com respeito ao perfil de habilidades cognitivas e lingüísticas nos portadores dessa condição. A correlação entre as habilidades de linguagem e a cognição e a divergência de achados na literatura serão abordadas neste artigo.
Purpose: This study evaluated the impact of socioeconomic factors on children's performance on tests of working memory and vocabulary.Method: Twenty Brazilian children, aged 6 and 7 years, from low-income families, completed tests of working memory ( verbal short-term memory and verbal complex span) and vocabulary ( expressive and receptive). A further group of Brazilian children from families of higher socioeconomic status matched for age, gender, and nonverbal ability also participated in the study.Results: Children from the low socioeconomic group obtained significantly lower scores on measures of expressive and receptive vocabulary than their higher income peers but no significant group differences were found on the working memory measures.Conclusion: Measures of working memory provide assessments of cognitive abilities that appear to be impervious to substantial differences in socioeconomic background. As these measures are highly sensitive to language ability and learning in general, they appear to provide useful methods for diagnosing specific learning difficulties that are independent of environmental opportunity.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Researchers in the field of Augmentative and Alternative Communication point out the lack of instruments for assessing children and young people with a complex communication needs. This study's focus is the selection of words for creating an instrument for the vocabulary range in non-speaking children aged two to eleven years and eleven months. Three studies were performed. The first study identified and described tools available for assessing receptive vocabulary and their respective word lists. The second identified and described research that presented word inventories or word lists. The third study identified the vocabulary reported by parents and teachers. The words that were identified in the three studies were analyzed according to: the number of times they occurred; the Picture Communication Symbols system classification; and a semantic and syntactic classification. Based on these studies the following criteria for vocabulary selection were established for word selection: the 45 words which appeared in all three studies, the words that occurred five times or more, considering the three studies, representing 167 (14.14%) words; the words identified in study one or two, but that had been reported by the families - 183 (19.37% out of 945 words) - or by teachers - 108 (11.43% out of 945 words). The word list was composed of 269 items, classified in 18 semantic and syntactic topics; it represents an initial tool for professionals in the field of health and education to set goals for beginning assessment of children and teenagers who are users of Augmentative and Alternative Communication systems.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Studies on learning by exclusion have shown that participants tend to select a new object or a new figure when a new word is dictated, rejecting the objects and figures they already know or that were associated with other words. This study aimed at training conditional relations between dictated word-picture and between picture-printed word, by exclusion, and verify whether this training would be a condition for the emergence of relations between dictated word-printed word, printed word-figure, picture naming and reading. We also investigated whether responding to the words dictated with a female voice generalized to other frequencies such as male and child voices. Participants were five children between five and nine years old, with acute neurosensorial bilateral hearing impairment, users of cochlear implant Nucleus 24k®. They were exposed, individually, to tasks that consisted in selecting a comparison stimulus (either picture or printed word) related to the sample (either dictated word or picture). Words with lowest scores on a pre-test were used. The relations between dictated word-figure (AB) and figure-printed word (BC) were taught by exclusion. We assessed the emergence of the relations between dictated and printed words (AC), printed word and picture (CB), male and child voices generalization (A’C and A’’C), naming (BD) and reading (CD). All the children responded by exclusion and learned relations AB and BC, showing receptive vocabulary; AC and CB relations also were learned, consistent with class formation. Responding generalized to male and child voices, but data on naming were not systematic. Learning by exclusion was similar to that of children with typical hearing and these results describe some conditions that can improve receptive verbal repertoire.
El estudio evalúa el impacto de un programa de promoción del desarrollo lingüístico y cognitivo para niños de 5 años implementado según dos modalidades: una que implicó acciones de alfabetización familiar en los hogares de los niños (modalidad intensiva) y otra que incluyó la participación de los niños en las salas de jardín de infantes (modalidad extensiva). La evaluación del impacto se realizó por medio de un diseño pre-test ? post-test. Se tomaron pruebas de vocabulario receptivo (VR), producción de categorías (PC) y escritura a una muestra de 214 niños participantes de la modalidad intensiva, 69 participantes de la modalidad extensiva y un grupo control de no participó del programa (49 niños). Los resultados mostraron que la participación en la modalidad intensiva implicó un mayor incremento en las habilidades infantiles de VR, PC que en la modalidad extensiva. A su vez ambas modalidades experimentales mostraron un mayor incremento en las variables examinadas respecto de las observadas en el grupo control. No se detectaron efectos de la escolaridad de la madre y la asistencia previa al jardín. Los resultados mostraron correlaciones significativas entre todas las variables analizadas y el valor predictivo de los puntajes en VR a principio de año respecto de los puntajes en VR y escritura a fin de año
El estudio evalúa el impacto de un programa de promoción del desarrollo lingüístico y cognitivo para niños de 5 años implementado según dos modalidades: una que implicó acciones de alfabetización familiar en los hogares de los niños (modalidad intensiva) y otra que incluyó la participación de los niños en las salas de jardín de infantes (modalidad extensiva). La evaluación del impacto se realizó por medio de un diseño pre-test ? post-test. Se tomaron pruebas de vocabulario receptivo (VR), producción de categorías (PC) y escritura a una muestra de 214 niños participantes de la modalidad intensiva, 69 participantes de la modalidad extensiva y un grupo control de no participó del programa (49 niños). Los resultados mostraron que la participación en la modalidad intensiva implicó un mayor incremento en las habilidades infantiles de VR, PC que en la modalidad extensiva. A su vez ambas modalidades experimentales mostraron un mayor incremento en las variables examinadas respecto de las observadas en el grupo control. No se detectaron efectos de la escolaridad de la madre y la asistencia previa al jardín. Los resultados mostraron correlaciones significativas entre todas las variables analizadas y el valor predictivo de los puntajes en VR a principio de año respecto de los puntajes en VR y escritura a fin de año
El estudio evalúa el impacto de un programa de promoción del desarrollo lingüístico y cognitivo para niños de 5 años implementado según dos modalidades: una que implicó acciones de alfabetización familiar en los hogares de los niños (modalidad intensiva) y otra que incluyó la participación de los niños en las salas de jardín de infantes (modalidad extensiva). La evaluación del impacto se realizó por medio de un diseño pre-test ? post-test. Se tomaron pruebas de vocabulario receptivo (VR), producción de categorías (PC) y escritura a una muestra de 214 niños participantes de la modalidad intensiva, 69 participantes de la modalidad extensiva y un grupo control de no participó del programa (49 niños). Los resultados mostraron que la participación en la modalidad intensiva implicó un mayor incremento en las habilidades infantiles de VR, PC que en la modalidad extensiva. A su vez ambas modalidades experimentales mostraron un mayor incremento en las variables examinadas respecto de las observadas en el grupo control. No se detectaron efectos de la escolaridad de la madre y la asistencia previa al jardín. Los resultados mostraron correlaciones significativas entre todas las variables analizadas y el valor predictivo de los puntajes en VR a principio de año respecto de los puntajes en VR y escritura a fin de año