923 resultados para Reader Response approach
This thesis compares contemporary anglophone and francophone rewritings of traditional fairy tales for adults. Examining material dating from the 1990s to the present, including novels, novellas, short stories, comics, televisual and filmic adaptations, this thesis argues that while the revisions studied share similar themes and have comparable aims, the methods for inducing wonder (where wonder is defined as the effect produced by the text rather than simply its magical contents) are diametrically opposed, and it is this opposition that characterises the difference between the two types of rewriting. While they all engage with the hybridity of the fairy-tale genre, the anglophone works studied tend to question traditional narratives by keeping the fantasy setting, while francophone works debunk the tales not only in relation to questions of content, but also aesthetics. Through theoretical, historical, and cultural contextualisation, along with close readings of the texts, this thesis aims to demonstrate the existence of this francophone/anglophone divide and to explain how and why the authors in each tradition tend to adopt such different views while rewriting similar material. This division is the guiding thread of the thesis and also functions as a springboard to explore other concepts such as genre hybridity, reader-response, and feminism. The thesis is divided into two parts; the first three chapters work as an in-depth literature review: after examining, in chapters one and two, the historical and contemporary cultural field in which these works were created, chapter three examines theories of fantasy and genre hybridity. The second part of the thesis consists of textual studies and comparisons between francophone and anglophone material and is built on three different approaches. The first (chapter four) looks at selected texts in relation to questions of form, studying the process of world building and world creation enacted when authors combine and rewrite several fairy tales in a single narrative world. The second (chapter five) is a thematic approach which investigates the interactions between femininity, the monstrous, and the wondrous in contemporary tales of animal brides. Finally, chapter six compares rewritings of the tale of ‘Bluebeard’ with a comparison hinged on the representation of the forbidden room and its contents: Bluebeard’s cabinet of wonder is one that he holds sacred, one where he sublimates his wives’ corpses, and it is the catalyst of wonder, terror, and awe. The three contextual chapters and the three text-based studies work towards tracing the tangible existence of the division postulated between francophone and anglophone texts, but also the similarities that exist between the two cultural fields and their roles in the renewal of the fairy-tale genre.
The purpose of the study was to compare the English III success of students whose home language is Haitian Creole (SWHLIHC) with that of the more visible African American high school students in the Miami Dade County Public Schools System, in an effort to offer insight that might assist educators in facilitating the educational success of SWHLIHC in American Literature class. The study was guided by two important theories on how students interact with and learn from literature. They are Reader Response Theory which advocates giving students the opportunity to become involved in the literature experience (Rosenblatt, 1995), and Critical Literacy, a theory developed by Paolo Freire and Henry Giroux, which espouses a critical approach to analysis of society that enables people to analyze social problems through lenses that would reveal social inequities and assist in transforming society into a more equitable entity. Data for the study: 10th grade reading FCAT scores, English III/American Literature grades, and Promotion to English IV records for the school year 2010-2011 were retrieved from the records division of the Miami Dade County Public Schools System. The study used a quantitative methods approach, the central feature of which was an ex post facto design with hypotheses (Newman, Newman, Brown, & McNeely, 2006). The ex post facto design with hypotheses was chosen because the researcher postulated hypotheses about the relationships that might exist between the performances of SWHLIHC and those of African American students on the three above mentioned variables. This type of design supported the researcher’s purpose of comparing these performances. One way analysis of variance (ANOVA), two way ANOVAs, and chi square tests were used to examine the two groups’ performances on the 10th grade reading FCAT, their English III grades, and their promotion to English IV. The study findings show that there was a significant difference in the performance of SWHLIHC and African American high school students on all three independent variables. SWHLIHC performed significantly higher on English III success and promotion to English IV. African American high school students performed significantly higher on the reading FCAT.
Different procedures to obtain atom condensed Fukui functions are described. It is shown how the resulting values may differ depending on the exact approach to atom condensed Fukui functions. The condensed Fukui function can be computed using either the fragment of molecular response approach or the response of molecular fragment approach. The two approaches are nonequivalent; only the latter approach corresponds in general with a population difference expression. The Mulliken approach does not depend on the approach taken but has some computational drawbacks. The different resulting expressions are tested for a wide set of molecules. In practice one must make seemingly arbitrary choices about how to compute condensed Fukui functions, which suggests questioning the role of these indicators in conceptual density-functional theory
The essay offers a thorough analysis on the issue of the reception of XXth Century Italian Literature in Spain. The age af the avant-garde and the late Fifties are signalled as the decisive moments in the affirmation of such influence, whereas the Sixties mark the beginning of a declining phase, which had different outcomes in poetry and in narrative. In defining this complex trajectory, a wide range of cultural indicators have been used (such as: translations; anthologies; militant criticism; the influence upon individual writers or rather upon relevant reading communities etc.), and the limitations imposed by the specific cultural and epistemological expectations, considered in their well determined historical context, have also been observed.
Depuis qu’en 1977, en quatrième de couverture de Fils, Serge Doubrovsky employa le mot « autofiction » pour décrire son roman, les études doubrovskiennes ont eu tendance à se focaliser sur les questions génériques que sous-tendait ce néologisme. Ainsi on a écarté un autre aspect, tout aussi important, de l’œuvre de l’auteur : celui du lien avec le lecteur qui, en plus d’être mis en scène dans chacune des autofictions doubrovskiennes, est associé dès Fils au rapport complexe, inextricable et conflictuel entre les sexes. « J’écris mâle, me lis femelle », dit le narrateur-écrivain ‘Serge Doubrovsky’ – lui qui vivra sous nos yeux une série d’histoires passionnelles avec des compagnes qui sont également ses lectrices. Repris d’épisode en épisode, le rapport entre le héros doubrovskien et sa compagne du moment rappelle les hypothèses de Doubrovsky dans Corneille ou la dialectique du héros (1963), inspirées de la dialectique hégélienne du Maître et de l’Esclave. Cette thèse s’attache donc à analyser la relation dialectique auteur-lectrice telle que mise en scène et approfondie dans l’ensemble de l’édifice autofictionnel. Après présentation et étude des mécanismes dont se sert l’auteur pour construire son Lecteur Modèle (Première partie), les trois autres sections principales de la thèse sont consacrées à l’analyse de Fils et Un amour de soi (1977 et 1982 ; Deuxième partie) ; du Livre brisé et de l’Après-vivre (1989 et 1994 ; Troisième partie) ; et enfin de Laissé pour conte (1999 ; Quatrième partie). Il s’agira enfin de montrer la portée non seulement littéraire, mais également sociale (la réflexion s’élargit à chaque épisode pour aborder les questions de la réception contemporaine de l’œuvre littéraire) et historique (le motif Maître-Esclave s’inscrit dans l’Histoire de l’Europe du XXe siècle, plus précisément la Seconde Guerre mondiale et la Shoah) du thème dialectique doubrovskien.
Ce mémoire porte sur l’œuvre chantée de Michel Latraverse, dit Plume. Nous y définissons le projet esthétique de cet auteur-compositeur-interprète en nous questionnant sur l’auditeur anticipé dans ses chansons. D’une part, nous constatons que Latraverse mise sur une forme d’hybridité quand il se définit en tant qu’artiste. L’hétérogénéité de ses influences lui permet d’explorer un grand nombre de styles musicaux et d’aborder une multitude de sujets. Dans ses textes, il cherche le beau à travers la simplicité et la bassesse du quotidien. Cependant, il tend malgré tout à exposer la laideur du monde en développant un réflexe d’exclusion qui n’épargne personne, brisant par le fait même toutes les solidarités. D’autre part, à l’aide des théories de la lecture, nous montrons que Latraverse, en puisant à la fois aux cultures savante et populaire, et malgré ses réflexes d’exclusion, rend possible un rapprochement entre des lecteurs aux compétences parfois très inégales. À la fin, nous concluons que Plume Latraverse opère un rabaissement systématique de l’humain afin d’en ramener l’existence à sa plus simple expression, physique et corporelle. C’est ainsi qu’il crée une communauté du bas où chacun a sa place et au sein de laquelle l’exclusion n’est plus possible.
A literary text is a milieu in which different intermedial relations can occur. Borrowing on Bolter and Grusin’s notion of remediation and displacing the latter from digital technologies to literature, this article defines three strategies by which a novel can convoke modes that are conventionally related to other forms of mediation. The breaking points and the blanks that result from these intermedial strategies are then discussed from a reader-response perspective, to substantiate the hypothesis that a strong intermedial dynamic in a novel enhances the reader’s activity. Océan mer serves as a ground for an analysis that demonstrates the dynamism of the interactions that characterize such an intermedial object.
El texto permite al lector aproximarse al conocimiento de las dinámicas de participación en las ciudades y reconocer su importancia para la generación de una cultura cívica, el surgimiento de la acción colectiva y la consolidación de una responsabilidad compartida entre la sociedad civil y el Estado. La ciudadanía y la gobernabilidad son dos aspectos necesarios para la vida en los centros urbanos en la actualidad, para su construcción es necesario realizar procesos impulsados desde las administraciones municipales o por los ciudadanos, uno de los mecanismos es la formulación de los planes de desarrollo bajo el modelo de planeación participativa.
El texto permite al lector aproximarse al conocimiento de las dinámicas del pago por servicios ambientales en Colombia, la importancia de preservar los páramos como ecosistemas primordiales para el abastecimiento y regulación del recurso hídrico, la inclusión del sector privado y las comunidades locales como participes de procesos de conservación del medio ambiente y por último, la correlación cada vez más presente e ineludible, entre bienestar socio-económico y un medio ambiente sano.
Hoy en día, la competitividad del sector logístico de un país constituye una de las bases para capitalizar las nuevas oportunidades de negocio que actualmente ofrecen los mercados internacionales. Sin embargo, la compleja infraestructura de Colombia sumado a las extensas cadenas de suministro de algunos de los principales sectores que conforman la economía nacional, no solo han afectado el desempeño del sector logístico colombiano, sino también han impedido que numerosas empresas colombianas logren aprovechar los 13 acuerdos comerciales vigentes entre Colombia y más de 50 países del continente americano y europeo. Este es el caso del sector farmacéutico colombiano, donde la complejidad del sector logístico nacional ha impedido en algunos casos, cumplir con los requerimientos del cliente, optimizar los tiempos de respuesta y disminuir los costos de distribución demandados por la industria. En este contexto, la investigación que nos compete describe de manera inicial y a través de indicadores macroeconómicos, la realidad del sector farmacéutico a nivel nacional e internacional. Posteriormente, los indicadores de productividad y competitividad de la industria farmacéutica nacional son abordados mediante el análisis de todas las actividades demandadas por cada uno de los eslabones que conforman la cadena de suministros del sector. Adicionalmente, el estudio comprende las problemáticas actuales del sector farmacéutico nacional y un caso de estudio relacionado con los costos que demandaría la exportación de un producto farmacéutico hacia el mercado internacional. Finalmente, mediante la opinión directa de 20 laboratorios farmacéuticos nacionales e internacionales, la presente investigación le brinda al lector un acercamiento hacia la realidad que atraviesa la industria farmacéutica colombiana en cuanto a la competitividad de sus procesos logísticos.
Different procedures to obtain atom condensed Fukui functions are described. It is shown how the resulting values may differ depending on the exact approach to atom condensed Fukui functions. The condensed Fukui function can be computed using either the fragment of molecular response approach or the response of molecular fragment approach. The two approaches are nonequivalent; only the latter approach corresponds in general with a population difference expression. The Mulliken approach does not depend on the approach taken but has some computational drawbacks. The different resulting expressions are tested for a wide set of molecules. In practice one must make seemingly arbitrary choices about how to compute condensed Fukui functions, which suggests questioning the role of these indicators in conceptual density-functional theory
Michelena Otero, Sofía Gabriela","ECUADOR","SIGLO XX","2011","Este artículo está dedicado a uno de los poetas más lúcidos y coherentes de la poesía ecuatoriana: Francisco Granizo Ribadeneira (Quito, 1925-2009). En una primera parte, se desarrollan algunos aspectos biográficos del poeta, esto permitirá que los lectores se acerquen de una manera mucho más humana y familiar a la vida de Granizo, conozcan al niño y al hombre que fue y, así, se intuyan ciertas características que están reflejadas en su poesía. Granizo nunca mencionó nada de su vida personal, nadie lo buscó para saber de él ni de su trabajo académico y diplomático, por esta razón es importante hacerlo aquí, para reivindicar su labor de poeta y de hombre de cultura. Luego se realiza un análisis de los tres ejes temáticos relevantes en la poesía de Granizo. En primer lugar, el amor, ese eterno desencuentro con el ser amado que representa y se fusiona al tiempo con la naturaleza, con Dios, con el momento primigenio y, al final, con la muerte. En segundo lugar, el misticismo, ese ímpetu religioso que gobierna la relación hombre-Dios y que obliga a que la voz poemática permanezca en una constante búsqueda de lo absoluto, es decir, del Origen. Y, en tercer lugar, la blasfemia, ese momento caótico, desesperante y contradictorio que surge como una consecuencia del fracaso amoroso y místico.
The paper considers students’ views of why reading aloud takes place and what are its effects.The results of two small focus-group discussions are presented, in which high school students were given the opportunity to express their responses to the practice of reading aloud in the classroom. Their responses are considered in the context of theoretical perspectives: pedagogical, reader-response and social/vocational. Analysis of responses reveals acknowledgement that reading aloud is not only a useful skill but also that it is a site of anxiety and even conflict.
The aim of this research is to exhibit how literary playtexts can evoke multisensory trends prevalent in 21st century theatre. In order to do so, it explores a range of practical forms and theoretical contexts for creating participatory, site-specific and immersive theatre. With reference to literary theory, specifically to semiotics, reader-response theory, postmodernism and deconstruction, it attempts to revise dramatic theory established by Aristotle’s Poetics. Considering Gertrude Stein’s essay, Plays (1935), and relevant trends in theatre and performance, shaped by space, technology and the everchanging role of the audience member, a postdramatic poetics emerges from which to analyze the plays of Mac Wellman and Suzan-Lori Parks. Distinguishing the two textual lives of a play as the performance playtext and the literary playtext, it examines the conventions of the printed literary playtext, with reference to models of practice that radicalize the play form, including works by Mabou Mines, The Living Theatre and Fiona Templeton. The arguments of this practice-led Ph.D. developed out of direct engagement with the practice project, which explores the multisensory potential of written language when combined with hypermedia. The written thesis traces the development process of a new play, Rumi High, which is presented digitally as a ‘hyper(play)text,’ accessible through the Internet at www.RumiHigh.org. Here, ‘playwrighting’ practice is expanded spatially, collaboratively and textually. Plays are built, designed and crafted with many layers of meaning that explore both linguistic and graphic modes of poetic expression. The hyper(play)text of Rumi High establishes playwrighting practice as curatorial, where performance and literary playtexts are in a reciprocal relationship. This thesis argues that digital writing and reading spaces enable new approaches to expressing the many languages of performance, while expanding the collaborative network that produces the work. It questions how participatory forms of immersive and site-specific theatre can be presented as interactive literary playtexts, which enable the reader to have a multisensory experience. Through a reflection on process and an evaluation of the practice project, this thesis problematizes notions of authorship and text.
We investigate the spin Hall conductivity sigma (xy) (z) of a clean 2D electron gas formed in a two-subband well. We determine sigma (xy) (z) as arising from the inter-subband induced spin-orbit (SO) coupling eta (Calsaverini et al., Phys. Rev. B 78:155313, 2008) via a linear-response approach due to Rashba. By self-consistently calculating eta for realistic wells, we find that sigma (xy) (z) presents a non-monotonic (and non-universal) behavior and a sign change as the Fermi energy varies between the subband edges. Although our sigma (xy) (z) is very small (i.e., a parts per thousand(a)`` e/4 pi aEuro(3)), it is non-zero as opposed to linear-in-k SO models.