985 resultados para Range extension
The Maracaibo false coral snake Erythrolamprus pseudocorallus, previously known only from Venezuela, is recorded from five departments in Colombia. These new data include the westernmost and the southernmost records presently known for the species. Two specimens previously identified as E. aesculapii, from the localities of El Valle, Distrito Federal, Venezuela, and Yarumal, Antioquia, Colombia, are now attributed to E. pseudocorallus, the first one representing the northeasternmost record of the species. Morphological characterization of E. pseudocorallus is expanded based on the new specimens.
A cave bat community from a semiarid region in eastern Brazil was studied during the dry season. A high diversity was observed, with thirteen species recorded. Except for Micronycteris minuta and Lionycteris spurrelli, these bats were also found in other Brazilian karstic areas. The commonest species were the hematophague Desmodus rotundus, the omnivore Carollia perspicillata, and the insectivore Natalus stramineus. The bats formed itinerant colonies, moving frequently inside the cave. L. spurrelli was previously known from Amazonia, usually associated with evergreen forests. The present record extends its range 1600 km to the south. A disjunct distribution explains some morphological differentiation between Amazonia and Olhos d'Agua cave populations. The latter may be a relict of former continuous forest vegetation, which has been fragmented after the climatic optimum. Dispersion through the Cerrado forest gallery is also possible.
New records of the Rufous-faced Crake, Laterallus xenopterus (Gruiformes: Rallidae) in Brazil and observations about its habitat. The Rufous-faced Crake, Laterallus xenopterus, is a bird that is rarely spotted at Paraguay, central Brazil, and central Bolivia. There are known species records at the Brazilian states of Distrito Federal, Sao Paulo, and Minas Gerais. Here, we provide information about new areas of occurrence for this species in Brazil and detailed observations of its habitats. In October 2012, two individuals were registered in the municipality of Cristalina, state of Goias. In December 2012, the species was found in a new locality of Distrito Federal and at the municipality of Patrocinio, Minas Gerais. In February 2013, a new record for this species was obtained in the municipality of Itiquira, Mato Grosso. In all occasions, the bird was spotted in humid environments, which were characterized by the presence of grass and a thin water layer.
Mesoclemmys heliostemma (Testudines: Chelidae) was described based on five vouchered specimens and nine live specimens from the western Amazon basin. Some authors questioned its status as a valid species, suggesting that it represents a junior synonym of M. raniceps. Here, we report on eight additional specimens from eastern Peru and northern Brazil, and provide descriptive statistics of morphological characters for hatchlings, juveniles, and adults of M. heliostemma, M. raniceps, and M. gibba. We also test for group differences through univariate and multivariate statistical analyses, and discuss some advantages of this methodology. Our data suggest that all three taxa are morphologically divergent, and that M. heliostemma is a valid species.
Tolerance to low temperature and high pressure may allow shallow-water species to extend bathymetric range in response to changing climate, but adaptation to contrasting shallow-water environments may affect tolerance to these factors. The brackish shallow-water shrimp Palaemon varians demonstrates remarkable tolerance to elevated hydrostatic pressure and low temperature, but inhabits a highly variable environment: environmental adaptation may therefore make P. varians tolerances unrepresentative of other shallow-water species. Critical thermal maximum (CTmax), critical hydrostatic pressure maximum (CPmax), and acute respiratory response to hydrostatic pressure were assessed in the shallow-water shrimp Palaemon serratus, which inhabits a more stable intertidal habitat. P. serratus’ CTmax was 22.3°C when acclimated at 10°C, and CPmax was 5.9, 10.1, and 14.1 MPa when acclimated at 5, 10, and 15°C respectively: these critical tolerances were consistently lower than P. varians. Respiratory responses to acute hyperbaric exposures similarly indicated lower tolerance to hydrostatic pressure in P. serratus than in P. varians. Contrasting tolerances likely reflect physiological adaptation to differing environments and reveal that the capacity for depth-range extension may vary among species from different habitats.
We present a novel stereo-to-multiview video conversion method for glasses-free multiview displays. Different from previous stereo-to-multiview approaches, our mapping algorithm utilizes the limited depth range of autostereoscopic displays optimally and strives to preserve the scene's artistic composition and perceived depth even under strong depth compression. We first present an investigation of how perceived image quality relates to spatial frequency and disparity. The outcome of this study is utilized in a two-step mapping algorithm, where we (i) compress the scene depth using a non-linear global function to the depth range of an autostereoscopic display and (ii) enhance the depth gradients of salient objects to restore the perceived depth and salient scene structure. Finally, an adapted image domain warping algorithm is proposed to generate the multiview output, which enables overall disparity range extension.
Los patógenos han desarrollado estrategias para sobrevivir en su entorno, infectar a sus huéspedes, multiplicarse dentro de estos y posteriormente transmitirse a otros huéspedes. Todos estos componentes hacen parte de la eficacia biológica de los patógenos, y les permiten ser los causantes de enfermedades infecciosas tanto en hombres y animales, como en plantas. El proceso de infección produce efectos negativos en la eficacia biológica del huésped y la gravedad de los efectos, dependerá de la virulencia del patógeno. Por su parte, el huésped ha desarrollado mecanismos de respuesta en contra del patógeno, tales como la resistencia, por la que reduce la multiplicación del patógeno, o la tolerancia, por la que disminuye el efecto negativo de la infección. Estas respuestas del huésped a la infección producen efectos negativos en la eficacia biológica del patógeno, actuando como una presión selectiva sobre su población. Si la presión selectiva sobre el patógeno varía según el huésped, se predice que un mismo patógeno no podrá aumentar su eficacia biológica en distintos huéspedes y estará más adaptado a un huésped y menos a otro, disminuyendo su gama de huéspedes. Esto supone que la adaptación de un patógeno a distintos huéspedes estará a menudo dificultada por compromisos (trade-off) en diferentes componentes de la eficacia biológica del patógeno. Hasta el momento, la evidencia de compromisos de la adaptación del patógeno a distintos huéspedes no es muy abundante, en lo que se respecta a los virus de plantas. En las últimas décadas, se ha descrito un aumento en la incidencia de virus nuevos o previamente descritos que producen enfermedades infecciosas con mayor gravedad y/o diferente patogenicidad, como la infección de huéspedes previamente resistentes. Esto se conoce como la emergencia de enfermedades infecciosas y está causada por patógenos emergentes, que proceden de un huésped reservorio donde se encuentran adaptados. Los huéspedes que actúan como reservorios pueden ser plantas silvestres, que a menudo presentan pocos síntomas o muy leves a pesar de estar infectados con diferentes virus, y asimismo se encuentran en ecosistemas con ninguna o poca intervención humana. El estudio de los factores ecológicos y biológicos que actúan en el proceso de la emergencia de enfermedades infecciosas, ayudará a entender sus causas para crear estrategias de prevención y control. Los virus son los principales patógenos causales de la emergencia de enfermedades infecciosas en humanos, animales y plantas y un buen modelo para entender los procesos de la emergencia. Asimismo, las plantas a diferencia de los animales, son huéspedes fáciles de manipular y los virus que las afectan, más seguros para el trabajo en laboratorio que los virus de humanos y animales, otros modelos también usados en la investigación. Por lo tanto, la interacción virus – planta es un buen modelo experimental para el estudio de la emergencia de enfermedades infecciosas. El estudio de la emergencia de virus en plantas tiene también un interés particular, debido a que los virus pueden ocasionar pérdidas económicas en los cultivos agrícolas y poner en riesgo la durabilidad de la resistencia de plantas mejoradas, lo que supone un riesgo en la seguridad alimentaria con impactos importantes en la sociedad, comparables con las enfermedades infecciosas de humanos y animales domésticos. Para que un virus se convierta en un patógeno emergente debe primero saltar desde su huésped reservorio a un nuevo huésped, segundo adaptarse al nuevo huésped hasta que la infección dentro de la población de éste se vuelva independiente del reservorio y finalmente debe cambiar su epidemiología. En este estudio, se escogió la emergencia del virus del mosaico del pepino dulce (PepMV) en el tomate, como modelo experimental para estudiar la emergencia de un virus en una nueva especie de huésped, así como las infecciones de distintos genotipos del virus del moteado atenuado del pimiento (PMMoV) en pimiento, para estudiar la emergencia de un virus que aumenta su patogenicidad en un huésped previamente resistente. El estudio de ambos patosistemas nos permitió ampliar el conocimiento sobre los factores ecológicos y evolutivos en las dos primeras fases de la emergencia de enfermedades virales en plantas. El PepMV es un patógeno emergente en cultivos de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum) a nivel mundial, que se describió primero en 1980 infectando pepino dulce (Solanum muricatum L.) en Perú, y casi una década después causando una epidemia en cultivos de tomate en Holanda. La introducción a Europa posiblemente fue a través de semillas infectadas de tomate procedentes de Perú, y desde entonces se han descrito nuevos aislados que se agrupan en cuatro cepas (EU, LP, CH2, US1) que infectan a tomate. Sin embargo, el proceso de su emergencia desde pepino dulce hasta tomate es un interrogante de gran interés, porque es uno de los virus emergentes más recientes y de gran importancia económica. Para la emergencia de PepMV en tomate, se recolectaron muestras de tomate silvestre procedentes del sur de Perú, se analizó la presencia y diversidad de aislados de PepMV y se caracterizaron tanto biológicamente (gama de huéspedes), como genéticamente (secuencias genomicas). Se han descrito en diferentes regiones del mundo aislados de PMMoV que han adquirido la capacidad de infectar variedades previamente resistentes de pimiento (Capsicum spp), es decir, un típico caso de emergencia de virus que implica la ampliación de su gama de huéspedes y un aumento de patogenicidad. Esto tiene gran interés, ya que compromete el uso de variedades resistentes obtenidas por mejora genética, que es la forma de control de virus más eficaz que existe. Para estudiar la emergencia de genotipos altamente patogénicos de PMMoV, se analizaron clones biológicos de PMMoV procedentes de aislados de campo cuya patogenicidad era conocida (P1,2) y por mutagénesis se les aumentó la patogenicidad (P1,2,3 y P1,2,3,4), introduciendo las mutaciones descritas como responsables de estos fenotipos. Se analizó si el aumento de la patogenicidad conlleva un compromiso en la eficacia biológica de los genotipos de PMMoV. Para ello se evaluaron diferentes componentes de la eficacia biológica del virus en diferentes huéspedes con distintos alelos de resistencia. Los resultados de esta tesis demuestran: i). El potencial de las plantas silvestres como reservorios de virus emergentes, en este caso tomates silvestres del sur de Perú, así como la existencia en estas plantas de aislados de PepMV de una nueva cepa no descrita que llamamos PES. ii) El aumento de la gama de huéspedes no es una condición estricta para la emergencia de los virus de plantas. iii) La adaptación es el mecanismo más probable en la emergencia de PepMV en tomate cultivado. iv) El aumento de la patogenicidad tiene un efecto pleiotrópico en distintos componentes de la eficacia biológica, así mismo el signo y magnitud de este efecto dependerá del genotipo del virus, del huésped y de la interacción de estos factores. ABSTRACT host Pathogens have evolved strategies to survive in their environment, infecting their hosts, multiplying inside them and being transmitted to other hosts. All of these components form part of the pathogen fitness, and allow them to be the cause of infectious diseases in humans, animals, and plants. The infection process produces negative effects on the host fitness and the effects severity will depend on the pathogen virulence. On the other hand, hosts have developed response mechanisms against pathogens such as resistance, which reduces the growth of pathogens, or tolerance, which decreases the negative effects of infection. T he se responses of s to infection cause negative effects on the pathogen fitness, acting as a selective pressure on its population. If the selective pressures on pathogens va ry according to the host s , probably one pathogen cannot increase its fitness in different hosts and will be more adapted to one host and less to another, decreasing its host range. This means that the adaptation of one pathogen to different hosts , will be often limited by different trade - off components of biological effectiveness of pathogen. Nowadays , trade - off evidence of pathogen adaptation to different hosts is not extensive, in relation with plant viruses. In last decades, an increase in the incidence of new or previously detected viruses has been described, causing infectious diseases with increased severity and/or different pathogenicity, such as the hosts infection previously resistants. This is known as the emergence of infectious diseases and is caused by emerging pathogens that come from a reservoir host where they are adapted. The hosts which act as reservoirs can be wild plants, that often have few symptoms or very mild , despite of being infected with different viruses, and being found in ecosystems with little or any human intervention. The study of ecological and biological factors , acting in the process of the infectious diseases emergence will help to understand its causes to create strategies for its prevention and control. Viruses are the main causative pathogens of the infectious diseases emergence in humans, animals and plants, and a good model to understand the emergency processes. Likewise, plants in contrast to animals are easy host to handle and viruses that affect them, safer for laboratory work than viruses of humans and animals, another models used in research. Therefore, the interaction plant-virus is a good experimental model for the study of the infectious diseases emergence. The study of virus emergence in plants also has a particular interest, because the viruses can cause economic losses in agricultural crops and threaten the resistance durability of improved plants, it suppose a risk for food security with significant impacts on society, comparable with infectious diseases of humans and domestic animals. To become an emerging pathogen, a virus must jump first from its reservoir host to a new host, then adapt to a new host until the infection within the population becomes independent from the reservoir, and finally must change its epidemiology. In this study, the emergence of pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) in tomato, was selected as experimental model to study the emergence of a virus in a new host specie, as well as the infections of different genotypes of pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV) in pepper, to study the emergence of a virus that increases its pathogenicity in a previously resistant host. The study of both Pathosystems increased our knowledge about the ecological and evolutionary factors in the two first phases of the emergence of viral diseases in plants. The PepMV is an emerging pathogen in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) in the world, which was first described in 1980 by infecting pepino (Solanum muricatum L.) in Peru, and almost after a decade caused an epidemic in tomato crops in Netherlands. The introduction to Europe was possibly through infected tomato seeds from Peru, and from then have been described new isolates that are grouped in four strains (EU, LP, CH2, US1) that infect tomato. However, the process of its emergence from pepino up tomato is a very interesting question, because it is one of the newest emerging viruses and economically important. For the PepMV emergence in tomato, wild tomato samples from southern Peru were collected, and the presence and diversity of PepMV isolates were analyzed and characterized at biological (host range) and genetics (genomic sequences) levels. Isolates from PMMoV have been described in different world regions which have acquired the ability to infect pepper varieties that were previously resistants (Capsicum spp), it means, a typical case of virus emergence which involves the host range extension and an increased pathogenicity. This is of great interest due to involve the use of resistant varieties obtained by breeding, which is the most effective way to control virus. To study the emergence of highly pathogenic genotypes of PMMoV, biological clones from field isolates whose pathogenicity was known were analyzed (P1,2) and by mutagenesis we increased its pathogenicity (P1,2,3 and P1,2, 3,4), introducing the mutations described as responsible for these phenotypes. We analyzed whether the increased pathogenicity involves a trade-off in fitness of PMMoV genotypes. For this aim, different components of virus fitness in different hosts with several resistance alleles were evaluated. The results of this thesis show: i). The potential of wild plants as reservoirs of emerging viruses, in this case wild tomatoes in southern Peru, and the existence in these plants of PepMV isolates of a new undescribed strain that we call PES. ii) The host range expansion is not a strict condition for the plant virus emergence. iii) The adaptation is the most likely mechanism in the PepMV emergence in cultivated tomato. iv) The increased pathogenicity has a pleiotropic effect on several fitness components, besides the sign and magnitude of this effect depends on the virus genotype, the host and the interaction of both.
A great deal of attention has recently been focused on a new class of smart materials-so-called left-handed media-that exhibit highly unusual electromagnetic properties and promise new device applications. Left-handed materials require negative permeability ν, an extreme condition that has so far been achieved only for frequencies in the microwave to terahertz range. Extension of the approach described in ref. 7 to achieve the necessary high-frequency magnetic response in visible optics presents a formidable challenge, as no material-natural or artificial-is known to exhibit any magnetism at these frequencies. Here we report a nanofabricated medium consisting of electromagnetically coupled pairs of gold dots with geometry carefully designed at a 10-nm level. The medium exhibits a strong magnetic response at visible-light frequencies, including a band with negative ν. The magnetism arises owing to the excitation of an antisymmetric plasmon resonance. The high-frequency permeability qualitatively reveals itself via optical impedance matching. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of engineering magnetism at visible frequencies and pave the way towards magnetic and left-handed components for visible optics. © 2005 Nature Publishing Group.
This dissertation develops a new mathematical approach that overcomes the effect of a data processing phenomenon known as “histogram binning” inherent to flow cytometry data. A real-time procedure is introduced to prove the effectiveness and fast implementation of such an approach on real-world data. The histogram binning effect is a dilemma posed by two seemingly antagonistic developments: (1) flow cytometry data in its histogram form is extended in its dynamic range to improve its analysis and interpretation, and (2) the inevitable dynamic range extension introduces an unwelcome side effect, the binning effect, which skews the statistics of the data, undermining as a consequence the accuracy of the analysis and the eventual interpretation of the data. ^ Researchers in the field contended with such a dilemma for many years, resorting either to hardware approaches that are rather costly with inherent calibration and noise effects; or have developed software techniques based on filtering the binning effect but without successfully preserving the statistical content of the original data. ^ The mathematical approach introduced in this dissertation is so appealing that a patent application has been filed. The contribution of this dissertation is an incremental scientific innovation based on a mathematical framework that will allow researchers in the field of flow cytometry to improve the interpretation of data knowing that its statistical meaning has been faithfully preserved for its optimized analysis. Furthermore, with the same mathematical foundation, proof of the origin of such an inherent artifact is provided. ^ These results are unique in that new mathematical derivations are established to define and solve the critical problem of the binning effect faced at the experimental assessment level, providing a data platform that preserves its statistical content. ^ In addition, a novel method for accumulating the log-transformed data was developed. This new method uses the properties of the transformation of statistical distributions to accumulate the output histogram in a non-integer and multi-channel fashion. Although the mathematics of this new mapping technique seem intricate, the concise nature of the derivations allow for an implementation procedure that lends itself to a real-time implementation using lookup tables, a task that is also introduced in this dissertation. ^
This dissertation develops a new mathematical approach that overcomes the effect of a data processing phenomenon known as "histogram binning" inherent to flow cytometry data. A real-time procedure is introduced to prove the effectiveness and fast implementation of such an approach on real-world data. The histogram binning effect is a dilemma posed by two seemingly antagonistic developments: (1) flow cytometry data in its histogram form is extended in its dynamic range to improve its analysis and interpretation, and (2) the inevitable dynamic range extension introduces an unwelcome side effect, the binning effect, which skews the statistics of the data, undermining as a consequence the accuracy of the analysis and the eventual interpretation of the data. Researchers in the field contended with such a dilemma for many years, resorting either to hardware approaches that are rather costly with inherent calibration and noise effects; or have developed software techniques based on filtering the binning effect but without successfully preserving the statistical content of the original data. The mathematical approach introduced in this dissertation is so appealing that a patent application has been filed. The contribution of this dissertation is an incremental scientific innovation based on a mathematical framework that will allow researchers in the field of flow cytometry to improve the interpretation of data knowing that its statistical meaning has been faithfully preserved for its optimized analysis. Furthermore, with the same mathematical foundation, proof of the origin of such an inherent artifact is provided. These results are unique in that new mathematical derivations are established to define and solve the critical problem of the binning effect faced at the experimental assessment level, providing a data platform that preserves its statistical content. In addition, a novel method for accumulating the log-transformed data was developed. This new method uses the properties of the transformation of statistical distributions to accumulate the output histogram in a non-integer and multi-channel fashion. Although the mathematics of this new mapping technique seem intricate, the concise nature of the derivations allow for an implementation procedure that lends itself to a real-time implementation using lookup tables, a task that is also introduced in this dissertation.
The red pandora, Pagellus bellottii Steindachner, 1882, is a tropical and subtropical demersal Sparidae (Porgies) that lives over hard or sandy bottoms in coastal marine waters. It mostly occurs at depths ranging from 10 to 50 metres. It is distributed in the eastern Atlantic, from the Strait of Gibraltar to Angola and the Canary Islands where it is occasionally recorded (Bauchot and Hureau, 1986; Franqueville, 1983). The species is also recorded in the southwestern Mediterranean, in the Alboran Sea, off the Algerian coasts and in the Gulf of Gabes (Oral, 2010). The records of the species in the eastern Mediterranean, Syrian and Israeli waters (Fricke, et al. 2014, Fig. 1) is questioned. We consider these records are misidentification of Pagrus pagrus (Linnaeus, 1758). Pagellus bellottii was also included in the checklist of the fishes from Portugal as a consequence of records coming from the Algarve region, about 36°59′ N, 8° W, the northernmost records in Atlantic waters (de Castro, 1967; Erzini et al., 1996; Carneiro et al., 2014; Carneiro com. pers.). Some specimens were also recorded in Spanish Mediterranean waters, in the Bay of Almería about 36°47′ N, 2°25′ W (Lucena, et al. 1982), the northernmost records for the Mediterranean waters. Herein, the first record of P. bellottii in the Bay of Biscay is reported.
An extension of the Ye and Shreeve group contribution method [C. Ye, J.M. Shreeve, J. Phys. Chem. A 111 (2007) 1456–1461] for the estimation of densities of ionic liquids (ILs) is here proposed. The new version here presented allows the estimation of densities of ionic liquids in wide ranges of temperature and pressure using the previously proposed parameter table. Coefficients of new density correlation proposed were estimated using experimental densities of nine imidazolium-based ionic liquids. The new density correlation was tested against experimental densities available in literature for ionic liquids based on imidazolium, pyridinium, pyrrolidinium and phosphonium cations. Predicted densities are in good agreement with experimental literature data in a wide range of temperatures (273.15–393.15 K) and pressures (0.10–100 MPa). For imidazolium-based ILs, the mean percent deviation (MPD) is 0.45% and 1.49% for phosphonium-based ILs. A low MPD ranging from 0.41% to 1.57% was also observed for pyridinium and pyrrolidinium-based ILs.
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