967 resultados para Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA


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Sixty-three Paracoccidioides brasiliensis isolates obtained from three nine-banded armadillos (Dasypus novem-cinctus), one Amazonian armadillo's and 19 clinical isolates were compared by random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis with the primer OPG-19. The isolates were divided into three major clusters, I, II and III. Coincidences between human and armadillo isolates were observed in clusters I and II. Cluster III consisted only of armadillos' isolates. The results suggested that (I) humans may acquire P. brasiliensis infection by contact with armadillo's environment, (II) there may be P. brasiliensis genotypes peculiar to the animal, and (III) individual armadillos may be infected with P brasiliensis cells with different genotypes.


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Two Brazilian populations of Psammolestes tertius (Ceara and Minas Gerais) collected from thornbird nests (Furnariidae) were compared by male genital morphology, morphametry, isoenzymes, and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Merle genitalia showed no difference between the populations. In contrast, morphometry, isoenzyme, and RAPD clearly distinguished the two populations. Possible mechanisms of dispersal and the origin of Psammolestes are discussed.


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Cytogenetic and random amplified polymorphic DNA analyses carried out in the species Leptodactylus podicipinus, L. ocellatus, L. labyrinthicus, and L. fuscus from rural and urban habitats of the northwest region of São Paulo State, Brazil, showed that the karyotypes (2n = 22), constitutive heterochromatin distribution and nucleolus organizer region (NOR) location did not differ between the populations from the two environments. The in situ hybridization with an rDNA probe confirmed the location of the NORs on chromosome 8 revealing an in tandem duplication of that region in one of the chromosomes of L. fuscus. DAPI showed that part of the C-band-positive heterochromatin is rich in AT, including that in the proximity the NORs in L. podicipinus and L. ocellatus. The molecular analyses showed that the two populations (urban and rural) of L. podicipinus and L. fuscus are similar from a genetic point of view. The urban and rural populations of species L. ocellatus and L. labyrinthicus showed differences in genetic structures, probably due to urbanization which interferes with the dispersion of those frogs. The marked differences observed between the two populations of L. ocellatus can be representing the cryptic condition of the species. Unweighted pair-group method of analysis and genetic distance analysis detected the genetic proximity between L. ocellatus and L. fuscus. The results indicate that there was no reduction in the genetic diversity in the populations from the urban environment; however, the survival of these frogs would not be guaranteed in the case of an increase in human impact especially for populations of L. labyrinthicus and L. ocellatus. ©FUNPEC-RP.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Controversy still exists over the adaptive nature of variation of enzyme loci. In conifers, random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) represent a class of marker loci that is unlikely to fall within or be strongly linked to coding DNA. We have compared the genetic diversity in natural populations of black spruce [Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.] using genotypic data at allozyme loci and RAPD loci as well as phenotypic data from inferred RAPD fingerprints. The genotypic data for both allozymes and RAPDs were obtained from at least six haploid megagametophytes for each of 75 sexually mature individuals distributed in five populations. Heterozygosities and population fixation indices were in complete agreement between allozyme loci and RAPD loci. In black spruce, it is more likely that the similar levels of variation detected at both enzyme and RAPD loci are due to such evolutionary forces as migration and the mating system, rather than to balancing selection and overdominance. Furthermore, we show that biased estimates of expected heterozygosity and among-population differentiation are obtained when using allele frequencies derived from dominant RAPD phenotypes.


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Based on morphological features alone, there is considerable difficulty in identifying the 5 most economically damaging weed species of Sporobolus [ viz. S. pyramidalis P. Beauv., S. natalensis ( Steud.) Dur and Schinz, S. fertilis ( Steud.) Clayton, S. africanus (Poir.) Robyns and Tourney, and S. jacquemontii Kunth.] found in Australia. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based random amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD) technique was used to create a series of genetic markers that could positively identify the 5 major weeds from the other less damaging weedy and native Sporobolus species. In the initial RAPD pro. ling experiment, using arbitrarily selected primers and involving 12 species of Sporobolus, 12 genetic markers were found that, when used in combination, could consistently identify the 5 weedy species from all others. Of these 12 markers, the most diagnostic were UBC51(490) for S. pyramidalis and S. natalensis; UBC43(310,2000,2100) for S. fertilis and S. africanus; and OPA20(850) and UBC43(470) for S. jacquemontii. Species-specific markers could be found only for S. jacquemontii. In an effort to understand why there was difficulty in obtaining species-specific markers for some of the weedy species, a RAPD data matrix was created using 40 RAPD products. These 40 products amplified by 6 random primers from 45 individuals belonging to 12 species, were then subjected to numerical taxonomy and multivariate system (NTSYS pc version 1.70) analysis. The RAPD similarity matrix generated from the analysis indicated that S. pyramidalis was genetically more similar to S. natalensis than to other species of the 'S. indicus complex'. Similarly, S. jacquemontii was more similar to S. pyramidalis, and S. fertilis was more similar to S. africanus than to other species of the complex. Sporobolus pyramidalis, S. jacquemontii, S. africanus, and S. creber exhibited a low within-species genetic diversity, whereas high genetic diversity was observed within S. natalensis, S. fertilis, S. sessilis, S. elongates, and S. laxus. Cluster analysis placed all of the introduced species ( major and minor weedy species) into one major cluster, with S. pyramidalis and S. natalensis in one distinct subcluster and S. fertilis and S. africanus in another. The native species formed separate clusters in the phenograms. The close genetic similarity of S. pyramidalis to S. natalensis, and S. fertilis to S. africanus may explain the difficulty in obtaining RAPD species-specific markers. The importance of these results will be within the Australian dairy and beef industries and will aid in the development of integrated management strategy for these weeds.


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Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis of 35 Paracoccidioides brasiliensis isolates was carried out to evaluate the correlation of RAPD profiles with the virulence degree or the type of the clinical manifestations of human paracoccidioidomycosis. The dendrogram presented two main groups sharing 64% genetic similarity. Group A included two isolates from patients with chronic paracoccidioidomycosis; group B comprised the following isolates showing 65% similarity: two non-virulent, six attenuated, five virulent, eight from patients with chronic paracoccidioidomycosis and two from patients with acute paracoccidioidomycosis. The virulent Pb18 isolate and six attenuated or non-virulent samples derived from it were genetically indistinguishable (100% of similarity). Thus, in our study, RAPD patterns could not discriminate among 35 P. brasiliensis isolates according to their differences either in the degree of virulence or in the type of the clinical manifestation of this fungal infection. © 2002 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Procypris rabaudi (Tchang) is a cyprinid fish endermic to middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River. Besides in main stream and large tributaries, there exists an early matured, small-sized ecological type in a small tributary, Tang River. In this study, mitochondrial DNA cytochrome h (cyt b) gene sequence analysis and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis were performed to investigate the differentiation of the Tang River population from the Mudong reach population of the Yangtze River, with the purpose of conservation and exploitation of this fish. In the 1140 bps of cyt b gene sequence surveyed, 20 sites were found polymorphic, which defined 23 haplotypes. Among them, four haplotypes accounted for 54.4% of all individuals, while population-specific haplotypes occurred in low frequencies. Analysis of molecular variation on cyt b data revealed no significant partition existing between Tang River population and Mudong reach population. Analyses of 132 RAPD loci suggested that genetic variation between populations was significant, though values of different F-ST were not very high. The results revealed low genetic diversity and the beginning of population differentiation, suggesting that Tang River population should be designated as a separate Management Unit.


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Microsatellite DNA has been developed into one of the most popular genetic markers. We have identified and cloned microsatellite loci in the genome of a free-living protozoan Euglena gracilis FACHB-848, using the random amplified microsatellites method (RAMS). The digoxigenin-labelled oligonucleotides(CT)(10) and (GT)(10) served as probes to detect complementary sequences in the randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprints produced by means of Southern blotting. Subsequently, positive RAPD fragments were cloned. From a total of 31 RAPD primer profiles, eight microsatellite loci of E. gracilis were detected and characterized. Further, six sites (i.e. EGMS1, EGMS3, EGMS4, EGMS5, EGMS6, and EGMS7) showed polymorphisms. We found a GT or CT microsatellite every 10.5 kb in the genome of E. gracilis, and similar to animal genomes, the (GT)(n) motif was much more abundant than the (CT)(n) motif. These polymorphic microsatellite DNA will serve as advantageous molecular markers for studying the genetic diversity and molecular ecology of Euglena.


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Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli ( EPEC) strains are important agents of infantile diarrhea all over the world, gaining even greater importance in developing countries. EPEC have also been isolated from various animal species, but most isolates belong to serotypes that differ from those recovered from humans. However, it has been demonstrated that several isolates from non- human primates belong to the serogroups and/ or serotypes related to those implicated in human disease. The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic differences between thirteen strains isolated from non- human primates and the same number of strains isolated from human infections. Human isolates belonged to the same serogroup/ serotype as the monkey strains and the evaluation was done by analysis of random amplified polymorphic DNA. Dendrogram analysis showed that there was no clustering between human and monkey strains. Human and non- human isolates of the EPEC serotypes O127:H40 and O128:H2 shared 90 and 87% of their bands, respectively, indicating strong genomic similarity between the strains, leading to the speculation that they may have arisen from the same pathogenic clone. To our knowledge, this study is the first one comparing genomic similarity between human and non- human primate strains and the results provide further evidence that monkey EPEC strains correlate with human EPEC, as suggested in a previous investigation.


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Phytophthora root rot, caused by Phytophthora medicaginis, is a major limitation to lucerne ( Medicago sativa L.) production in Australia and North America. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) involved in resistance to P. medicaginis were identified in a lucerne backcross population of 120 individuals. A genetic linkage map was constructed for tetraploid lucerne using 50 RAPD ( randomly amplified polymorphic DNA), 104 AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) markers, and one SSR ( simple sequence repeat or microsatellite) marker, which originated from the resistant parent (W116); 13 markers remain unlinked. The linkage map contains 18 linkage groups covering 2136.5 cM, with an average distance of 15.0 cM between markers. Four of the linkage groups contained only either 2 or 3 markers. Using duplex markers and repulsion phase linkages the map condensed to 7 homology groups and 2 unassigned linkage groups. Three regions located on linkage groups 2, 14, and 18, were identified as associated with root reaction and the QTLs explained 6 - 15% of the phenotypic variation. The research also indicates that different resistance QTLs are involved in conferring resistance in different organs. Two QTLs were identified as associated with disease resistance expressed after inoculation of detached leaves. The marker, W11-2 on group 18, identified as associated with root reaction, contributed 7% of the phenotypic variation in leaf response in our population. This marker appears to be linked to a QTL encoding a resistance factor contributing to both root and leaf reaction. One other QTL, not identified as associated with root reaction, was positioned on group 1 and contributed to 6% of the variation. This genetic linkage map provides an entry point for future molecular-based improvement of lucerne in Australia, and markers linked to the QTLs we have reported should be useful for marker-assisted selection for partial resistance to P. medicaginis in lucerne.


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Thraustochytrids have become of considerable industrial and scientific interest in the past decade due to their health benefits. They have been proven to be the principle source in marine and estuarine fish diets with high percentage of long chain (LC) or polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Therefore, the oil extracted from fish for human document.forms[0].elements[13].select();consumption is rich in PUFA with high omega-3 fatty acid content. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) of all of the omega-3 fatty acids, are considered beneficial essential oils for humans with a wide range of health benefits. These include brain and neural development in infants, general wellbeing of adults and drug delivery through precursor molecules. They have become one of the most extensively studied organisms for industrial oil preparations as PUFA extraction from fish becomes less profitable. Many forms of these Thraustochytrid oils are being trialled for human consumption all over the world. In Australia, there has been little research performed on these organisms in the past ten years. A few Australian studies have been conducted in the form of comparative studies related to PUFA production within the related genera, but not focussed on their identification or cellular and genomic characterisation. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to investigate the morphological and genetic characteristics of Australian Thraustochytrids in order to aid in their identification and characterisation, as well as to better understand the effect of environmental conditions in the regulation of PUFA production. It was also noted that there was a knowledge gap in the preservation and total genomic DNA extraction of these organisms for the purposes of scientific research. The cryopreservation of these organisms for studies around the world follows existing generic methods. However, it is well understood that many of these generic methods attract not only high costs for chemicals, but also uses considerable storage space and other resources, all of which can be improved with new or modified approaches. In this context, a simple and inexpensive bead preservation method is described, without compromising the storage shelf life. We also describe, for the first time, the effects of culture age on the successful cryopreservation of Thraustochytrids. It was evident in the literature that DNA and RNA extractions for molecular and genetic studies of Thraustochytrids follow the classical phenol-chloroform extraction methods. It was also observed that modern protocols failed to avoid the use of phenol-chloroform rather than improving preparation and cell disruption. In order to provide a high quantity and quality DNA extraction, a modified protocol has been introduced that employs the use of modern commercial extraction kits and standard laboratory equipment. Thraustochytrids have been shown to be highly conserved in their 18S rDNA gene sequences, which is used as the current standard for identification. It was demonstrated that the 18S rDNA gene sequence limits the recognition of closely related genera or within the genera from each member. Therefore, it was proposed that another profile, such as a randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) based profiling system, be tested for use in the characterisation of Thraustochytrids. The RAPD profiles were shown to provide a unique DNA fingerprint for each isolate and small variations in their genome were able to be detected. This method involved the use of a minimum number of standard arbitrary primers and with an increase in the number of different primers used, a very high discrimination between organisms could be achieved. However, the method was not suitable for taxonomic purposes because the results did not correlate with other taxonomic features such as morphology. Another knowledge gap was found with respect to Australian Thraustochytrid growth characteristics, in that these had not been recorded and published. In order to rectify this, a record of colony and microscopic features of 12 selected isolates was performed. The results of preliminary studies indicated that further microbiological and biochemical studies are needed for full characterisation of these organisms. This information is of great importance to bio-prospecting of new Thraustochytrids from Australian ecosystems and would allow for their accurate identification, and so permit the prediction of their PUFA capability by comparison with related genera/species. It was well recognized that environmental stress plays a role in the PUFA production and is mainly due to the reactive oxygen species as abiotic stress (Chiou et al., 2001; Okuyama et al., 2008; Shabala et al., 2009; Shabala et al., 2001). In this aspect, this study makes the first attempt towards better understanding of this phenomenon by way of the use of real-time PCR for the detection of environmental effects on the regulation of PUFA production. Three main environmental conditions including temperature, pH and oxygen availability were monitored as stress inducers. In summary, this study provides novel approaches for the preservation and handling of Thraustochytrids, their molecular biological features, taxonomy, characterisation and responses to environmental factors with respect to their oil production enzymes. The information produced from this study will prove to be vital for both industrial and scientific investigations in the future.


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Two biotypes of hydrilla [Hydrilla verticillata(L.f.) Royle] occur in the United States, a dioecious type centered in the southeast and a monoecious type in the central Atlantic and northeastern states. Ecosystem managers need tools to distinguish the types as the ranges of each type expand and begin to overlap. A molecular tool using the randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) procedure is available but its use is limited by a need for reference samples. We describe an alternative molecular tool which uses “universal primers” to sequence the trnL intron and trnL-F intergenic spacer of the chloroplast genome. This sequence yields three differences between the biotypes (two gaps and one single nucleotide polymorphism). A primer has been designed which ends in a gap that shows up only in the dioecious plant. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using this primer produces a product for the monoecious but not the dioecious plant.


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The diversity of gynogenetic, artificial sex reversal and natural silver carp and bighead carp is examined using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method. All of the 187 bands are obtained and 19 (10.16%) of them are polymorphic in gynogenetic silver carp. Meanwhile 32 (15.61%) out of 205 bands are polymorphic in control group. In gynogenetic bighead carp a total of 232 bands are identified and 11 (4.74%) out of them are polymorphic, while 25 (10.37%) out of 241 bands are polymorphic in control group. The genetic distance of four populations is calculated and it is 0.102 and 0.023 for gynogenetic silver carp and gynogenetic bighead carp respectively. The values of natural silver carp and bighead carp are 0.161 and 0.104. From the UPGMA trees constructed based on genetic distance, the sex reversal individuals that match with the gynogenetic female individuals are picked out. A new breeding process of establishing a pure line is developed.