991 resultados para Ramos, Graciliano 1892-1953 Vidas Secas
Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE
Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE
This paper concentrates on demonstrating that the novel called São Bernardo ,written by Graciliano Ramos, utilizes some literary strategies that cause the effect of being built by rememorizations, which is a vital aspect of several of the author’s titles. Such objective is reached via the analyses of how the following narrative categories: focalization, narrator, characters, story and time converge toward the elaboration of the memory and the comparison between this construction on São Bernardo and Angústia. In order to be successful on this task, three groups of study constitute our theoretical basis: a) critical essays concerning Graciliano Ramos; b) theoretical propositions about the narrative categories; c) academic articles on the constitution of memory. Papers composed by Antonio Candido, Alfredo Bosi, Sonia Brayner, Luís Costa Lima and others are part of the first group. The second one is constituted by propositions of Gérard Genette, Benedito Nunes etc. Finally, on the last one, we find Paul Ricouer and Henri Bergson
This paper, Society, woman and education in Graciliano Ramos' novels, is a study object from the history of woman's education in the 1930 s, it is shown as a reading of woman's representation and the configuration of the Brazilian society in that period. São Bernardo, Angustia and Vidas Secas written by Graciliano Ramos (1892-1953) from Alagoas, are used here as sources associated with the reading of the Constitutions, of the Civil Code and of some presidential messages of that decade, also with the texts produced by other scholars that present some relationship within the thematic of this approach. The representation concepts and the configuration are essential for the production of this text. I run over to the configuration concept given by Chartier (1988, p.21) a definition to representation that can be understood as a relationship between a present image and an absent object that having the value of this because it is hamonized with it. I fall back upon the configuration concept given by Elias (1969) that understands it as been a social group performed by an interdependent network that occurs within individuals as a whole joined by any reason. The totality of each individual actions with each other, permeated by tension points and balance, is what characterizes each configuration; it can be a teachers and students meeting in a classroom or a friends' encounter in the bar table, for instance. The attempt of understanding woman's representation, being educated or not, the hole attributed to her in society according to her instruction degree and the way that same society saw this woman guided me through categories that were defined throughout the successive readings: gender, civil status, education, language domain, sexuality, marriage, family, ideal woman. I accomplish this reading that was possible to do - with the pretension of not having lost the relationship between history and literature nor forgotten each one peculiarities
Trata o presente artigo de uma análise qualitativa e quantitativa das frases ativas produzidas na fala dos protagonistas de quatro obras de ficção de Graciliano Ramos (Caetés, São Bernardo, Angústia e Vidas Secas). Através dessa análise procura-se demonstrar a função daquelas estruturas lingüísticas na caracterização das personagens que as produzem.
Uma leitura atenta da ficção de Graciliano Ramos pode revelar uma forma aguda de refletir o mundo através de uma reflexão anterior sobre a própria linguagem da literatura e da sociedade. É uma leitura desse teor que se pretende mostrar, apoiada na conhecida teoria das funções da linguagem de Jakobson. Num jogo constante entre as funções fática e metalingüística, Graciliano Ramos demonstra visível consciência dos problemas de linguagem, cujo tratamento moderno aponta uma postura bastante crítica (via linguagem) perante o homem e a vida. An attentive of Graciliano Ramos’ fiction reveals a deep form of reflection on the world thorough a previous reflection on the very language of literature and society. Such a reading is here attempted based on Jakobson’s well known theory of language functions. In a constante play between the fatic and the metalinguistic function, Graciliano Ramos demonstrates a clear awareness of the problems of language, whose modern treatment points at a very critical poise (via language) before man and life.
Starting from the set wherein Vidas Secas (1938) stands out, it is possible to establish parameters that make of Graciliano Ramos’ oeuvre the overcoming of realism due to the scope of representation and the quality of formal handling developed by the author, imbibed in the Brazilian and universal literary tradition, and whose result the criticism of Antonio Candido, skilful in taking into account the former critique, points out with precision. Perusing the facts that mark the creation and reception of Vidas Secas (including the production of the movie by Nelson Pereira dos Santos in 1963), the present work is a preamble for analyses that take into account the coherence of Graciliano Ramos with the absorption of expressive resources used by American and European practitioners of a literature engaged in adjusting the expression of contrasts and in reformulating the so-called regionalism
Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 54213
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 57355
The process of migration of the rural northeast workers toward the cities of the south of Brazil in search of work and better living conditions reached millions of individuals and constituted the basis of our industrialization and modernization, especially since the 1930s. The Cinema has not ignored this vast phenomenon and, as much as the literature put the question in debate, particularly since 1960, when our seventh art was assumed as part of the national intelligence. In this article, we observed three narratives that thematize the escape from rural to urban from the northeastern hinterland: Vidas Secas (1963), by Nelson Pereira dos Santos, Trópicos (BR / ITA, 1967), by Gianni Amico, and O Caminho das Nuvens (2003), by Vicente Amorim. Participants of the politicized cinema, Vidas Secas and Trópicos draw the political impasses of the period in the form of movies and in the aesthetic choices, trying to understand the role of these migrants in Brazilian life. Already in O Caminho das Núvens, performed four decades later, the narrative is assumed as part of the cinema of entertainment, thinking the process of migration as a choice, as stated the form of this artwork of the called cinema of the resumption.