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The approach adopted for investigating the relationship between rainfall characteristics and pollutant wash-off process is commonly based on the use of parameters which represent the entire rainfall event. This does not permit the investigation of the influence of rainfall characteristics on different sectors of the wash-off process such as first flush where there is a high pollutant wash-off load at the initial stage of the runoff event. This research study analysed the influence of rainfall characteristics on the pollutant wash-off process using two sets of innovative parameters by partitioning wash-off and rainfall characteristics. It was found that the initial 10% of the wash-off process is closely linked to runoff volume related rainfall parameters including rainfall depth and rainfall duration while the remaining part of the wash-off process is primarily influenced by kinetic energy related rainfall parameters, namely, rainfall intensity. These outcomes prove that different sectors of the wash-off process are influenced by different segments of a rainfall event.


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Remote detection of management-related trend in the presence of inter-annual climatic variability in the rangelands is difficult. Minimally disturbed reference areas provide a useful guide, but suitable benchmarks are usually difficult to identify. We describe a method that uses a unique conceptual framework to identify reference areas from multitemporal sequences of ground cover derived from Landsat TM and ETM+ imagery. The method does not require ground-based reference sites nor GIS layers about management. We calculate a minimum ground cover image across all years to identify locations of most persistent ground cover in years of lowest rainfall. We then use a moving window approach to calculate the difference between the window's central pixel and its surrounding reference pixels. This difference estimates ground-cover change between successive below-average rainfall years, which provides a seasonally interpreted measure of management effects. We examine the approach's sensitivity to window size and to cover-index percentiles used to define persistence. The method successfully detected management-related change in ground cover in Queensland tropical savanna woodlands in two case studies: (1) a grazing trial where heavy stocking resulted in substantial decline in ground cover in small paddocks, and (2) commercial paddocks where wet-season spelling (destocking) resulted in increased ground cover. At a larger scale, there was broad agreement between our analysis of ground-cover change and ground-based land condition change for commercial beef properties with different a priori ratings of initial condition, but there was also some disagreement where changing condition reflected pasture composition rather than ground cover. We conclude that the method is suitably robust to analyse grazing effects on ground cover across the 1.3 x 10(6) km(2) of Queensland's rangelands. Crown Copyright (c) 2012 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Grazing by domestic livestock is one of the most widespread uses of the rangelands of Australia. There is limited information on the effects of grazing by domestic livestock on the vertebrate fauna of Australia and the establishment of a long-term grazing experiment in north-eastern Queensland at Wambiana provided an opportunity to attempt an examination of the changes in vertebrate fauna as a consequence of the manipulation of stocking rates. The aim was to identify what the relative effects of vegetation type, stocking rate and other landscape-scale environmental factors were on the patterns recorded. Sixteen 1-ha sites were established within three replicated treatments (moderate, heavy and variable stocking rates). The sites were sampled in the wet and dry seasons in 1999-2000 (T-0) and again in 2003-04 (T-1). All paddocks of the treatments were burnt in 1999. Average annual rainfall declined markedly between the two sampling periods, which made interpretation of the data difficult. A total of 127 species of vertebrate fauna comprising five amphibian, 83 bird, 27 reptile and 12 mammal species were recorded. There was strong separation in faunal composition from T-0 to T-1 although changes in mean compositional dissimilarity between the grazing stocking rate treatments were less well defined. There was a relative change in abundance of 24 bird, four mammal and five reptile species from T-0 to T-1. The generalised linear modelling identified that, in the T-1 data, there was significant variation in the abundance of 16 species explained by the grazing and vegetation factors. This study demonstrated that vertebrate fauna assemblage did change and that these changes were attributable to the interplay between the stocking rates, the vegetation types on the sites surveyed, the burning of the experimental paddocks and the decrease in rainfall over the course of the two surveys. It is recommended that the experiment is sampled again but that the focus should be on a rapid survey of abundant taxa (i.e. birds and reptiles) to allow an increase in the frequency of sampling and replication of the data. This would help to articulate more clearly the trajectory of vertebrate change due to the relative effects of stocking rates compared with wider landscape environmental changes. Given the increasing focus on pastoral development in northern Australia, any opportunity to incorporate the collection of data on biodiversity into grazing manipulation experiments should be taken for the assessment of the effects of land management on faunal species.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): This report shows that the mean wintertime polar-front jet stream structure consists of three long waves. Prominent ridges in the jet stream flow occur near the longitudes of India, eastern Pacific/west coast of North America, and eastern Atlantic/British Isles; prominent troughs occur near the longitudes of the Middle East, western Pacific, and western Atlantic/east coast of North America. ... One of the climatological ridges occurs along the west coast of North America ... just off the central Oregon coast. The position of the jet stream at this location appears to be the main reason most Pacific storms pass to the north of California. Sustained rainfall in northern and central California occurs only when the storm track is displaced southward of this climatological position.


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This study aimed to establish relationships between maize yield and rainfall on different temporal and spatial scales, in order to provide a basis for crop monitoring and modelling. A 16-year series of maize yield and daily rainfall from 11 municipalities and micro-regions of Rio Grande do Sul State was used. Correlation and regression analyses were used to determine associations between crop yield and rainfall for the entire crop cycle, from tasseling to 30 days after, and from 5 days before tasseling to 40 days after. Close relationships between maize yield and rainfall were found, particularly during the reproductive period (45-day period comprising the flowering and grain filling). Relationships were closer on a regional scale than at smaller scales. Implications of the crop-rainfall relationships for crop modelling are discussed.


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The majority of vegetation reconstructions from the Neotropics are derived from fossil pollen records extracted from lake sediments. However, the interpretation of these records is restricted by limited knowledge of the contemporary relationships between the vegetation and pollen rain of Neotropical ecosystems, especially for more open vegetation such as savannas. This research aims to improve the interpretation of these records by investigating the vegetation and modern pollen rain of different savanna ecosystems in Bolivia using vegetation inventories, artificial pollen traps and surface lake sediments. Two types of savanna were studied, upland savannas (cerrado), occurring on well drained soils, and seasonally-inundated savannas occurring on seasonally water-logged soils. Quantitative vegetation data are used to identify taxa that are floristically important in the different savanna types and to allow modern pollen/vegetation ratios to be calculated. Artificial pollen traps from the upland savanna site are dominated by Moraceae (35%), Poaceae (30%), Alchornea (6%) and Cecropia (4%). The two seasonally-inundated savanna sites are dominated by Moraceae (37%), Poaceae (20%), Alchornea (8%) and Cecropia (7%), and Moraceae (25%), Cyperaceae (22%), Poaceae (19%) and Cecropia (9%), respectively. The modern pollen rain of seasonally-inundated savannas from surface lake sediments is dominated by Cyperaceae (35%), Poaceae (33%), Moraceae (9%) and Asteraceae (5%). Upland and seasonally-flooded savannas were found to be only subtly distinct from each other palynologically. All sites have a high proportion of Moraceae pollen due to effective wind dispersal of this pollen type from areas of evergreen forest close to the study sites. Modern pollen/vegetation ratios show that many key woody plant taxa are absent/under-represented in the modern pollen rain (e.g., Caryocar and Tabebuia). The lower-than-expected percentages of Poaceae pollen, and the scarcity of savanna indicators, in the modern pollen rain of these ecosystems mean that savannas could potentially be overlooked in fossil pollen records without consideration of the full pollen spectrum available.


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Com o objetivo de estudar o controle em pré-emergência de Brachiaria decumbens e Panicum maximum pelo herbicida S-metolachlor em função do intervalo de tempo entre a aplicação e a ocorrência de chuva e da quantidade de palha de cana-de-açúcar na superfície do solo, dois experimentos foram desenvolvidos em vasos mantidos em casa de vegetação. No primeiro, foram estudadas cinco quantidades de palha sobre o solo (0, 3, 6, 10 e 15 t ha-1) e cinco dosagens de S-metolachlor (0; 0,96; 1,44; 1,92 e 2,40 kg ha-1). No outro, foram avaliadas duas quantidades de palha sobre o solo (0 e 10 t ha-1) e sete intervalos de tempo entre a aplicação de S-metolachlor e a simulação de chuva (1 dia antes; logo após; 4, 8, 12, 16 e 20 dias após a aplicação). As dosagens de S-metolachlor não foram afetadas pelos níveis de palha na superfície do solo. Além disso, sem a manutenção de palha sobre o solo, o controle das plantas daninhas pelo herbicida S-metolachlor não foi influenciado pelos intervalos de tempo entre a aplicação e a simulação de chuva, até 20 dias. Com 10 t ha-1 de palha, o controle de B. decumbens e P. maximum pelo S-metolachlor não foi prejudicado quando choveu até 12 dias da sua aplicação ou um dia antes, mas, nesse caso apenas para P. maximum.


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With seeds collected monthly during one year from 53 1-m(2) seed traps, we investigated the seed rain and seed limitation in a gallery forest planted in 1994 in SE Brazil. Contrasting animal- (zoochorous) and wind-dispersed (anemochorous) plants we investigated (1) which aspects of the composition and structure of the vegetation influence the abundance and species richness of the seed rain; (2) if such influences differ between zoochorous and anemochorous seeds; (3) if the abundance and richness of the seed rain sampled under zoochorous and nonzoochorous plant species differ; and (4) if seed limitation (given by the proportion of sites to which seeds were not dispersed) differs between zoochorous and anemochorous plant species, and also between species that have been planted and those that further colonized the area (colonists). Seed rain was intense and dominated by anemochorous species. The overall seed rain was not influenced by the vegetation parameters we analyzed (canopy height and cover, plant size, abundance, and richness) or by the plant species above the seed trap. The abundance and richness of zoochorous seeds in a given spot was influenced by the abundance and richness of zoochorous plants in its immediate vicinity. Seed limitation was higher for anemochorous than zoochorous species and higher for planted than for colonist species. We concluded with recommendations for the initial establishment of a planted forest, including the homogeneous distribution of zoochorous plants to permit a spatially homogeneous zoochorous seedfall, which will likely enhance the chances of survival and successful establishment of seeds.


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Bamboos often negatively affect tree recruitment, survival, and growth, leading to arrested tree regeneration in forested habitats. Studies so far have focused on the effects of bamboos on the performance of seedlings and saplings, but the influence of bamboos on forest dynamics may start very early in the forest regeneration process by altering seed rain patterns. We tested the prediction that the density and composition of the seed rain are altered and seed limitation is higher in stands of Guadua tagoara (B or bamboo stands), a large-sized woody bamboo native from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, compared to forest patches without bamboos (NB or non-bamboo stands). Forty 1 m(2) seed traps were set in B and NB stands, and the seed rain was monitored monthly for 1 year. The seed rain was not greatly altered by the presence of bamboos: rarefied seed species richness was higher for B stands, patterns of dominance and density of seeds were similar between stands, and differences in overall composition were slight. Seed limitation, however, was greater at B stands, likely as a resulted of reduced tree density. Despite Such reduced density, the presence of trees growing amidst and over the bamboos seems to play a key role in keeping the seeds falling in B stands because they serve as food sources for frugivores or simply as perches for them. The loss of such trees may lead to enhanced seed limitation, contributing ultimately to the self-perpetuating bamboo disturbance cycle. (C) 2008 Elsevier B,V. All rights reserved.


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Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar o controle em pré-emergência de Ipomoea hederifolia e Ipomoea quamoclit pelo herbicida sulfentrazone em função do intervalo de tempo entre a aplicação e a ocorrência de chuva e da manutenção ou não de palha de cana-de-açúcar na superfície do solo. Três experimentos foram desenvolvidos: dois em casa de vegetação e um em campo. Nos experimentos em casa de vegetação, foram estudadas três doses de sulfentrazone (0, 0,6 e 0,9 kg ha-1) pulverizado em duas quantidades de palha na superfície do solo (0 e 10 t ha-1) e cinco intervalos de tempo entre a sua aplicação e a simulação de chuva (0, 20, 40, 60 e 90 dias). No experimento em campo, foram avaliados cinco tratamentos de herbicida (sulfentrazone a 0,6 e 0,9 kg ha-1; sulfentrazone + hexazinone a 0,6 + 0,25 kg ha-1; amicarbazone a 1,4 kg ha-1; e imazapic a 0,147 kg ha-1) e duas testemunhas sem aplicação. A manutenção ou não da palha de cana sobre o solo também foi estudada. em casa de vegetação, a aplicação de 0,6 kg ha-1 de sulfentrazone foi suficiente para o controle adequado de I. hederifolia e I. quamoclit num ambiente seco com até 90 dias sem chuva após a aplicação. Os 20 mm de chuva simulados após a aplicação do herbicida foram suficientes para remover o sulfentrazone da palha para o solo, pois o efeito biológico de controle de I. hederifolia e I. quamoclit não foi alterado. em campo, sem ou com a permanência de palha de cana sobre o solo, o sulfentrazone isolado (0,6 e 0,9 kg ha-1) ou em mistura com hexazinone (0,6 + 0,25 kg ha-1) foi eficaz para I. hederifolia e I. quamoclit, com resposta similar ou melhor que a do amicarbazone (1,4 kg ha-1) e imazapic (0,147 kg ha-1).