1000 resultados para Radiative processes


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Desde el año 2004 el código ARWEN ha sido utilizado con éxito para simular y diseñar experimentos relacionados con blancos para fusión por confinamiento inercial [146], astrofísica de laboratorio [145], plasmas como amplificadores de láseres de rayos X [107] o plasmas creados por láser para la medición de espectros de transmisión. Para la realización de estas simulaciones es necesario, además de métodos de alto orden precisos y que presenten buenas propiedades conservativas, conocer ciertas propiedades de los plasmas. En el caso de la fluidodinámica y la conducción electrónica necesitaremos conocer la ecuación de estado [94, 49, 36], y para el transporte de la radiación será preciso disponer de los datos de absorción y emisión [104, 95, 40]. Hasta el año 2009 ARWEN dependía de códigos externos para la generación de estas tablas de opacidad, careciendo de control sobre los métodos empleados para su generación. Además estos códigos asumían equilibrio local termodinámico (LTE), limitando su validez a rangos de alta densidad y baja temperatura. En el marco de esta tesis se ha desarrollado el código BIGBART para la generación de tablas detalladas de opacidad y emisividad para su uso en el módulo de transporte de radiación. De esta forma el grupo dispondrá de su propia herramienta de generación de propiedades radiativas. El código desarrollado es capaz de tratar plasmas en estado fuera de equilibrio (non-LTE) mediante el modelo colisional-radiativo, extendiendo así el rango de validez de las tablas generadas. El trabajo desarrollado para implementar un código LTE/non-LTE estacionario es el siguiente Cálculo de estructura y datos atómicos. Se ha acoplado en código FAC a BIGBART, incorporando la capacidad para generar potenciales atómicos para una configuración y el cálculo de funciones de onda de electrones en orbitales ligados y libres. Aproximaciones y métodos para la obtención de tasas y secciones eficaces de procesos. Se han incluido y programado los modelos implementados en FAC para el cálculo de secciones eficaces de fotoionización, y tasas de decaimiento de emisión espontánea y autoionización. Además se ha incluido el modelo Plane-Wave Born (PWBA) para el cálculo de las secciones eficaces de ionización y excitación colisional. Modelos para la obtención de la distribución de estados iónicos dentro del plasma. Se ha programado un solver LTE basado en la ecuación de Saha-Boltzmann con efectos de ionización por presión debida a los iones adyacentes. También se ha implementado un modelo non-LTE colisionalradiativo para la resolución del sistema de ecuaciones que nos permite obtener la densidad de estados iónicos fuera de equilibrio. Modelo non-LTE RADIOM. Se ha implementado el modelo RADIOM para aproximar efectos de no-equilibrio mediante cálculos LTE a una temperatura equivalente, menor o igual que la temperatura electrónica real. Cálculo de las propiedades espectrales de absorción y emisión. Se han implementado los modelos para el cálculo de los perfiles espectrales de absorción y emisión para procesos entre niveles ligados, ligado-libre y librelibre. Aprovechando el trabajo realizado en este sentido, durante el transcurso de esta tesis se amplió el código BIGBART para tratar problemas con dependencia temporal. La extensión para tratar este tipo de problemas se orientó a la simulación numérica de la interacción de láseres ultra intensos en el rango XUV/rayos X. Para ello, además de adaptar el modelo non-LTE colisionalradiativo se incluyeron procesos adicionales asociados a la interacción de la materia con fotones altamente energéticos. También se han incluido modelos para el cálculo de las propiedades ópticas, y por ende las propiedades dieléctricas de la materia irradiada, de gran interés en algunas aplicaciones novedosas de estos láseres intensos. Debido a la naturaleza fuertemente fuera de equilibrio en la interacción de fotones de alta energía con la materia, se incluyó el tratamiento de la distribución de electrones libres fuera de equilibrio en la aproximación de Fokker-Planck, tanto para condiciones degeneradas como no degeneradas. El trabajo desarrollado en el código non-LTE con dependencia temporal es el siguiente Procesos asociados a láseres intensos XUV/rayos X. Se ha implementado el cálculo de procesos radiativos estimulados de absorción y emisión por el láser. También se han incluido procesos asociados a la creación de vacantes en capas internas electrónicas (Shake), además de doble autoionización y doble fotoionización. Cálculo de propiedades ópticas y dieléctricas en blancos sólidos. Se ha implementado un modelo para la absorción por bremsstrahlung inverso en blancos en estado sólido. Con el coeficiente de extinción debido a procesos de fotoabsorción resonante, fotoionización y bremsstrahlung inverso se obtiene el ´ındice de refracción mediante la relación de Kronig-Kramers. Electrones fuera de equilibrio. Se ha tratado la evolución de la distribución de electrones, cuando no está justificado asumir que es Maxwelliana o de Fermi-Dirac, mediante la aproximación de Fokker-Planck para la colisión entre electrones libres. En la resolución de la ecuación de Fokker-Planck se han incluido los procesos inelásticos por colisiones con iones y términos fuente por interacción con el láser y otros procesos. ABSTRACT Since 2004 the ARWEN code has been successfully used to simulate and design targets for inertial confinement fusion experiments [146], laboratory astrophysics [145], plasmas as X-ray lasers amplifiers [107] or laser created plasmas for measuring transmission spectra. To perform these simulations it is necessary, in addition to high order precise methods with good conservative properties, to know certain properties of plasmas. For fluid dynamic and electronic conduction we need to know the equation of state [94, 49, 36], and for radiation transport it will be necessary to have the data of the absorption and emission [104, 95, 40]. Until 2009 ARWEN depended on external codes to generate these opacity tables, lacking of control over the methods used for their generation. Besides, these codes assumed local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE), limiting their validity ranges to high densities and low temperatures. As part of this thesis it has been developed the BIGBART code for generating detailed opacity and emissivity tables for use in the radiation transport module. This group will have its own tool for the generation of radiative properties. The developed code is capable of treating plasmas out of equilibrium (non-LTE) by means of a collisional-radiative model, extending the range of validity of the generated tables. The work to implement an LTE/non-LTE steady-state code is as follows Calculation of structure and atomic data. the FAC code was coupled to BIGBART, incorporating the ability to generate atomic potentials for calculating configuration wave functions for bound and free electrons. Approaches and methods for obtaining cross sections and processes rates. We have included and reprogrammed in Fortran the models implemented in FAC for calculation of photoionization cross sections and decay rates of spontaneous emission and autoionization. We also included the Plane- Wave Born (PWBA) model to calculate the cross sections of ionization and collisional excitation. Models for the obtention of the distribution of ionic states within the plasma. We programmed a LTE solver based on the Saha-Boltzmann equation with pressure ionization effects due to adjacent ions. It has also been implemented a non-LTE collisional-radiative model for solving the system of equations that allows us to obtain the density of ionic states out of equilibrium. Non-LTE RADIOM model. We have implemented the non-LTE RADIOM model to approximate non-equilibrium effects with LTE data at an equivalent temperature, lower or equal to the actual electronic temperature. Calculation of the spectral absorption and emission properties. Models have been implemented for the calculation of the spectral profiles of absorption and emission processes between bound levels, free-bound and free-free. Taking advantage of the work done in this direction throughout the course of this thesis the code BIGBART was extended to treat time-dependent problems. The extension to treat such problems is oriented to the numerical simulation of the interaction of ultra intense lasers in the XUV/X-ray range. For this range, in addition to adapting the non-LTE collisional-radiative model, additional processes associated with the interaction of matter with high energy photons. We also included models for calculation of the optical properties, and therefore the dielectric properties of the irradiated material, of great interest in some novel applications of these intense lasers. Due to the strong non-equilibrium nature of the interaction of high energy photons with matter, we included the treatment of the distribution of free electrons out of equilibrium in the Fokker-Planck approximation for both degenerate and non-degenerate conditions. The work in the non-LTE time-dependent code is as follows Processes associated with intense XUV/X-ray lasers. We have implemented the calculation of stimulated radiative processes in absorption and emission. Also we included processes associated with the creation of electronic vacancies in inner shells (Shake), double autoionization and double photoionization. Calculation of optical and dielectric properties in solid targets. We have implemented a model for inverse bremsstrahlung absorption in solid targets. With the extinction coefficient from resonant photoabsorption, photoionization and inverse bremsstrahlung the refractive index is obtained by the Kramers-Kronig relation. Electrons out of equilibrium. We treat the evolution of the electron distribution, when it is not justified to assume a Maxwellian or Fermi-Dirac distribution, by the Fokker-Planck approximation for collisions between electrons. When solving the Fokker-Planck equation we included inelastic collision processes with ions and source terms by interaction with the laser and other processes.


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The substitution of Cu, Sn or Zn in the quaternary Cu2ZnSnS4 semiconductor by impurities that introduce intermediate states in the energy bandgap could have important implications either for photovoltaic or spintronic applications. This allows more generation–recombination channels than for the host semiconductor. We explore and discuss this possibility by obtaining the ionization energies from total energy first-principles calculations. The three substitutions of Cu, Sn and Zn by impurities are analyzed. From these results we have found that several impurities have an amphoteric behavior with the donor and acceptor energies in the energy bandgap. In order to analyze the role of the ionization energies in both the radiative and non-radiative processes, the host energy bandgap and the acceptor and the donor energies have been obtained as a function of the inward and outward impurity-S displacements. We carried out the analysis for both the natural and synthetic CZTS. The results show that the ionization energies are similar, whereas the energy band gaps are different.


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Context. Runaway O- and early B-type stars passing through the interstellar medium at supersonic velocities and characterized by strong stellar winds may produce bow shocks that can serve as particle acceleration sites. Previous theoretical models predict the production of high-energy photons by nonthermal radiative processes, but their efficiency is still debated. Aims. We aim to test and explain the possibility of emission from the bow shocks formed by runaway stars traveling through the interstellar medium by using previous theoretical models. Methods. We applied our model to AE Aurigae, the first reported star with an X-ray detected bow shock, to BD+43 3654, in which the observations failed in detecting high-energy emission, and to the transition phase of a supergiant star in the late stages of its life. Results. From our analysis, we confirm that the X-ray emission from the bow shock produced by AE Aurigae can be explained by inverse Compton processes involving the infrared photons of the heated dust. We also predict low high-energy flux emission from the bow shock produced by BD+43 3654, and the possibility of high-energy emission from the bow shock formed by a supergiant star during the transition phase from blue to red supergiant. Conclusions. Bow shocks formed by different types of runaway stars are revealed as a new possible source of high-energy photons in our neighborhood.


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Context. Runaway O- and early B-type stars passing through the interstellar medium at supersonic velocities and characterized by strong stellar winds may produce bow shocks that can serve as particle acceleration sites. Previous theoretical models predict the production of high-energy photons by nonthermal radiative processes, but their efficiency is still debated. Aims. We aim to test and explain the possibility of emission from the bow shocks formed by runaway stars traveling through the interstellar medium by using previous theoretical models. Methods. We applied our model to AE Aurigae, the first reported star with an X-ray detected bow shock, to BD+43 3654, in which the observations failed in detecting high-energy emission, and to the transition phase of a supergiant star in the late stages of its life. Results. From our analysis, we confirm that the X-ray emission from the bow shock produced by AE Aurigae can be explained by inverse Compton processes involving the infrared photons of the heated dust. We also predict low high-energy flux emission from the bow shock produced by BD+43 3654, and the possibility of high-energy emission from the bow shock formed by a supergiant star during the transition phase from blue to red supergiant. Conclusions. Bow shocks formed by different types of runaway stars are revealed as a new possible source of high-energy photons in our neighborhood.


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The effective atomic number is widely employed in radiation studies, particularly for the characterisation of interaction processes in dosimeters, biological tissues and substitute materials. Gel dosimeters are unique in that they comprise both the phantom and dosimeter material. In this work, effective atomic numbers for total and partial electron interaction processes have been calculated for the first time for a Fricke gel dosimeter, five hypoxic and nine normoxic polymer gel dosimeters. A range of biological materials are also presented for comparison. The spectrum of energies studied spans 10 keV to 100 MeV, over which the effective atomic number varies by 30 %. The effective atomic numbers of gels match those of soft tissue closely over the full energy range studied; greater disparities exist at higher energies but are typically within 4 %.


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In a search for new phenomena in a signature suppressed in the standard model of elementary particles (SM), we compare the inclusive production of events containing a lepton, a photon, significant transverse momentum imbalance (MET), and a jet identified as containing a b-quark, to SM predictions. The search uses data produced in proton-antiproton collisions at 1.96 TeV corresponding to 1.9 fb-1 of integrated luminosity taken with the CDF detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. We find 28 lepton+photon+MET+b events versus an expectation of 31.0+4.1/-3.5 events. If we further require events to contain at least three jets and large total transverse energy, simulations predict that the largest SM source is top-quark pair production with an additional radiated photon, ttbar+photon. In the data we observe 16 ttbar+photon candidate events versus an expectation from SM sources of 11.2+2.3/-2.1. Assuming the difference between the observed number and the predicted non-top-quark total is due to SM top quark production, we estimate the ttg cross section to be 0.15 +- 0.08 pb.


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Idealized explicit convection simulations of the Met Office Unified Model exhibit spontaneous self-aggregation in radiative-convective equilibrium, as seen in other models in previous studies. This self-aggregation is linked to feedbacks between radiation, surface fluxes, and convection, and the organization is intimately related to the evolution of the column water vapor field. Analysis of the budget of the spatial variance of column-integrated frozen moist static energy (MSE), following Wing and Emanuel [2014], reveals that the direct radiative feedback (including significant cloud longwave effects) is dominant in both the initial development of self-aggregation and the maintenance of an aggregated state. A low-level circulation at intermediate stages of aggregation does appear to transport MSE from drier to moister regions, but this circulation is mostly balanced by other advective effects of opposite sign and is forced by horizontal anomalies of convective heating (not radiation). Sensitivity studies with either fixed prescribed radiative cooling, fixed prescribed surface fluxes, or both do not show full self-aggregation from homogeneous initial conditions, though fixed surface fluxes do not disaggregate an initialized aggregated state. A sensitivity study in which rain evaporation is turned off shows more rapid self-aggregation, while a run with this change plus fixed radiative cooling still shows strong self-aggregation, supporting a “moisture memory” effect found in Muller and Bony [2015]. Interestingly, self-aggregation occurs even in simulations with sea surface temperatures (SSTs) of 295 K and 290 K, with direct radiative feedbacks dominating the budget of MSE variance, in contrast to results in some previous studies.


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The influence of atmospheric aerosols on Earth's radiation budget and hence climate, though well recognized and extensively investigated in recent years, remains largely uncertain mainly because of the large spatio-temporal heterogeneity and the lack of data with adequate resolution. To characterize this diversity, a major multi-platform field campaign ICARB (Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, gases and Radiation Budget) was carried out during the pre-monsoon period of 2006 over the Indian landmass and surrounding oceans, which was the biggest such campaign ever conducted over this region. Based on the extensive and concurrent measurements of the optical and physical properties of atmospheric aerosols during ICARB, the spatial distribution of aerosol radiative forcing was estimated over the entire Bay of Bengal (BoB), northern Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea (AS) as well as large spatial variations within these regions. Besides being considerably lower than the mean values reported earlier for this region, our studies have revealed large differences in the forcing components between the BoB and the AS. While the regionally averaged aerosol-induced atmospheric forcing efficiency was 31 +/- 6 W m(-2) tau(-1) for the BoB, it was only similar to 18 +/- 7 W m(-2) tau(-1) for the AS. Airborne measurements revealed the presence of strong, elevated aerosol layers even over the oceans, leading to vertical structures in the atmospheric forcing, resulting in significant warming in the lower troposphere. These observations suggest serious climate implications and raise issues ranging from the impact of aerosols on vertical thermal structure of the atmospheric and hence cloud formation processes to monsoon circulation.


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The planet Mars is the Earth's neighbour in the Solar System. Planetary research stems from a fundamental need to explore our surroundings, typical for mankind. Manned missions to Mars are already being planned, and understanding the environment to which the astronauts would be exposed is of utmost importance for a successful mission. Information of the Martian environment given by models is already now used in designing the landers and orbiters sent to the red planet. In particular, studies of the Martian atmosphere are crucial for instrument design, entry, descent and landing system design, landing site selection, and aerobraking calculations. Research of planetary atmospheres can also contribute to atmospheric studies of the Earth via model testing and development of parameterizations: even after decades of modeling the Earth's atmosphere, we are still far from perfect weather predictions. On a global level, Mars has also been experiencing climate change. The aerosol effect is one of the largest unknowns in the present terrestrial climate change studies, and the role of aerosol particles in any climate is fundamental: studies of climate variations on another planet can help us better understand our own global change. In this thesis I have used an atmospheric column model for Mars to study the behaviour of the lowest layer of the atmosphere, the planetary boundary layer (PBL), and I have developed nucleation (particle formation) models for Martian conditions. The models were also coupled to study, for example, fog formation in the PBL. The PBL is perhaps the most significant part of the atmosphere for landers and humans, since we live in it and experience its state, for example, as gusty winds, nightfrost, and fogs. However, PBL modelling in weather prediction models is still a difficult task. Mars hosts a variety of cloud types, mainly composed of water ice particles, but also CO2 ice clouds form in the very cold polar night and at high altitudes elsewhere. Nucleation is the first step in particle formation, and always includes a phase transition. Cloud crystals on Mars form from vapour to ice on ubiquitous, suspended dust particles. Clouds on Mars have a small radiative effect in the present climate, but it may have been more important in the past. This thesis represents an attempt to model the Martian atmosphere at the smallest scales with high resolution. The models used and developed during the course of the research are useful tools for developing and testing parameterizations for larger-scale models all the way up to global climate models, since the small-scale models can describe processes that in the large-scale models are reduced to subgrid (not explicitly resolved) scale.


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Interaction between forests and the atmosphere occurs by radiative and turbulent transport. The fluxes of energy and mass between surface and the atmosphere directly influence the properties of the lower atmosphere and in longer time scales the global climate. Boreal forest ecosystems are central in the global climate system, and its responses to human activities, because they are significant sources and sinks of greenhouse gases and of aerosol particles. The aim of the present work was to improve our understanding on the existing interplay between biologically active canopy, microenvironment and turbulent flow and quantify. In specific, the aim was to quantify the contribution of different canopy layers to whole forest fluxes. For this purpose, long-term micrometeorological and ecological measurements made in a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forest at SMEAR II research station in Southern Finland were used. The properties of turbulent flow are strongly modified by the interaction between the canopy elements: momentum is efficiently absorbed in the upper layers of the canopy, mean wind speed and turbulence intensities decrease rapidly towards the forest floor and power spectra is modulated by spectral short-cut . In the relative open forest, diabatic stability above the canopy explained much of the changes in velocity statistics within the canopy except in strongly stable stratification. Large eddies, ranging from tens to hundred meters in size, were responsible for the major fraction of turbulent transport between a forest and the atmosphere. Because of this, the eddy-covariance (EC) method proved to be successful for measuring energy and mass exchange inside a forest canopy with exception of strongly stable conditions. Vertical variations of within canopy microclimate, light attenuation in particular, affect strongly the assimilation and transpiration rates. According to model simulations, assimilation rate decreases with height more rapidly than stomatal conductance (gs) and transpiration and, consequently, the vertical source-sink distributions for carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor (H2O) diverge. Upscaling from a shoot scale to canopy scale was found to be sensitive to chosen stomatal control description. The upscaled canopy level CO2 fluxes can vary as much as 15 % and H2O fluxes 30 % even if the gs models are calibrated against same leaf-level dataset. A pine forest has distinct overstory and understory layers, which both contribute significantly to canopy scale fluxes. The forest floor vegetation and soil accounted between 18 and 25 % of evapotranspiration and between 10 and 20 % of sensible heat exchange. Forest floor was also an important deposition surface for aerosol particles; between 10 and 35 % of dry deposition of particles within size range 10 30 nm occurred there. Because of the northern latitudes, seasonal cycle of climatic factors strongly influence the surface fluxes. Besides the seasonal constraints, partitioning of available energy to sensible and latent heat depends, through stomatal control, on the physiological state of the vegetation. In spring, available energy is consumed mainly as sensible heat and latent heat flux peaked about two months later, in July August. On the other hand, annual evapotranspiration remains rather stable over range of environmental conditions and thus any increase of accumulated radiation affects primarily the sensible heat exchange. Finally, autumn temperature had strong effect on ecosystem respiration but its influence on photosynthetic CO2 uptake was restricted by low radiation levels. Therefore, the projected autumn warming in the coming decades will presumably reduce the positive effects of earlier spring recovery in terms of carbon uptake potential of boreal forests.


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An experimental setup using radiative heating has been used to understand the thermo-physical phenomena and chemical transformations inside acoustically levitated cerium nitrate precursor droplets. In this transformation process, through infrared thermography and high speed imaging, events such as vaporization, precipitation and chemical reaction have been recorded at high temporal resolution, leading to nanoceria formation with a porous morphology. The cerium nitrate droplet undergoes phase and shape changes throughout the vaporization process. Four distinct stages were delineated during the entire vaporization process namely pure evaporation, evaporation with precipitate formation, chemical reaction with phase change and formation of final porous precipitate. The composition was examined using scanning and transmission electron microscopy that revealed nanostructures and confirmed highly porous morphology with trapped gas pockets. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and high speed imaging of the final precipitate revealed the presence of trapped gases in the form of bubbles. TEM also showed the presence of nanoceria crystalline structures at 70 degrees C. The current study also looked into the effect of different heating powers on the process. At higher power, each phase is sustained for smaller duration and higher maximum temperature. In addition, the porosity of the final precipitate increased with power. A non-dimensional time scale is proposed to correlate the effect of laser intensity and vaporization rate of the solvent (water). The effect of acoustic levitation was also studied. Due to acoustic streaming, the solute selectively gets transported to the bottom portion of the droplet due to strong circulation, providing it rigidity and allows it become bowl shaped. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, the importance of investigation on terrestrical processes in arid areas for mankind's living environment protection and local economy development as well as its present state of the art are elucidated. A coupling model, which evaluates heat, mass, momentum and radiative fluxes in the SPAC system, is developed for simulating microclimate over plant and bare soil. Especially, it is focussed on the details of turbulence transfer. For illustration, numerical simulation of the water-heat exchange processes at Shapotou Observatory, GAS, Ninxia Province are conducted, and the computational results show that the laws of land-surface processes are rather typical in the arid areas.


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Modeling of fluid flows in crystal growth processes has become an important research area in theoretical and applied mechanics. Most crystal growth processes involve fluid flows, such as flows in the melt, solution or vapor. Theoretical modeling has played an important role in developing technologies used for growing semiconductor crystals for high performance electronic and optoelectronic devices. The application of devices requires large diameter crystals with a high degree of crystallographic perfection, low defect density and uniform dopant distribution. In this article, the flow models developed in modeling of the crystal growth processes such as Czochralski, ammonothermal and physical vapor transport methods are reviewed. In the Czochralski growth modeling, the flow models for thermocapillary flow, turbulent flow and MHD flow have been developed. In the ammonothermal growth modeling, the buoyancy and porous media flow models have been developed based on a single-domain and continuum approach for the composite fluid-porous layer systems. In the physical vapor transport growth modeling, the Stefan flow model has been proposed based on the flow-kinetics theory for the vapor growth. In addition, perspectives for future studies on crystal growth modeling are proposed. (c) 2008 National Natural Science Foundation of China and Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier Limited and Science in China Press. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports an extensive analysis of the defect-related localized emission processes occurring in InGaN/GaN-based light-emitting diodes (LEDs) at low reverse- and forward-bias conditions. The analysis is based on combined electrical characterization and spectrally and spatially resolved electroluminescence (EL) measurements. Results of this analysis show that: (i) under reverse bias, LEDs can emit a weak luminescence signal, which is directly proportional to the injected reverse current. Reverse-bias emission is localized in submicrometer-size spots; the intensity of the signal is strongly correlated to the threading dislocation (TD) density, since TDs are preferential paths for leakage current conduction. (ii) Under low forward-bias conditions, the intensity of the EL signal is not uniform over the device area. Spectrally resolved EL analysis of green LEDs identifies the presence of localized spots emitting at 600 nm (i.e., in the yellow spectral region), whose origin is ascribed to localized tunneling occurring between the quantum wells and the barrier layers of the diodes, with subsequent defect-assisted radiative recombination. The role of defects in determining yellow luminescence is confirmed by the high activation energy of the thermal quenching of yellow emission (Ea =0.64&eV). © 2012 IEEE.


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In this paper, recent progresses in optical analysis of dislocation-related physical properties in GaN-based epilayers are surveyed with a brief review. The influence of dislocations on both near-band edge emission and yellow luminescence (YL) is examined either in a statistical way as a function of dislocation density or focused on individual dislocation lines with a high spatial resolution. Threading dislocations may introduce non-radiative recombination centers and enhance YL, but their effects are affected by the structural and chemical environment. The minority carrier diffusion length may be dependent on either dislocation density or impurity doping as confirmed by the result of photovoltaic spectra. The in situ optical monitoring of the strain evolution process is employed during GaN heteroepitaxy using an AIN interlayer. A typical transition of strain from compression to tension is observed and its correlation with the reduction and inclination of threading dislocation lines is revealed. (c) 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.