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Switzerland is an example of a state that has adopted specific solutions as regards the election and execution of executive power, which has generated the common conviction that the Swiss Confederation is among the most solid democracies in the world. Recent years have shown, however, that political practice has brought about a significant evolution of Swiss solutions as the distribution of power in the parliament has resulted in the abolition of the ‘magical formula’ that guaranteed the great (and stable) government coalition, and the emergence of initiatives aiming at changing the principles along which executive power is elected in Switzerland. The purpose of considerations presented in this paper is to analyze the specific character of how the executive institutions function in the Swiss Confederation, answer the question of what directions the changes to the composition of the Federal Council are taking, as well as address the directions of evolutionary changes to the principles of electing the members of the Swiss government.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Gestão das Organizações, Ramo de Gestão de Empresas Orientador: Professor Doutor Orlando Manuel Martins Marques de Lima Rua
We report the generation and analysis of functional data from multiple, diverse experiments performed on a targeted 1% of the human genome as part of the pilot phase of the ENCODE Project. These data have been further integrated and augmented by a number of evolutionary and computational analyses. Together, our results advance the collective knowledge about human genome function in several major areas. First, our studies provide convincing evidence that the genome is pervasively transcribed, such that the majority of its bases can be found in primary transcripts, including non-protein-coding transcripts, and those that extensively overlap one another. Second, systematic examination of transcriptional regulation has yielded new understanding about transcription start sites, including their relationship to specific regulatory sequences and features of chromatin accessibility and histone modification. Third, a more sophisticated view of chromatin structure has emerged, including its inter-relationship with DNA replication and transcriptional regulation. Finally, integration of these new sources of information, in particular with respect to mammalian evolution based on inter- and intra-species sequence comparisons, has yielded new mechanistic and evolutionary insights concerning the functional landscape of the human genome. Together, these studies are defining a path for pursuit of a more comprehensive characterization of human genome function.
Leprosy is a slowly evolving disease that occurs mainly in adults. In this study, the Mamaría Village, state of Portuguesa was selected because it had one of the highest prevalence rates (13.25%) of leprosy cases in 1997. Between 1998-2004, 20.2% of the 89 cases registered in this village were less than 15 years old and 61.8% were males. Pau-cibacillary (PB) lesions were the predominant clinical forms identified, although also multibacillary (MB) forms were found. Additionally, 76% of the patients were bacteriologically negative. At the time of diagnosis, 75% of the patients presented with grade 0 disabilities, 23% with grade 1 and 2% with grade 2. Serum samples were collected from 18 PB and 15 MB patients, in addition to 14 family contacts, at the beginning and end of treatment. All the groups were re-evaluated during a three-year period (2008-2011). The proteins used for evaluation were ML0405, ML2331 and LID-1. These mycobacterial proteins were highly specific for Mycobacterium leprae and the IgG responses decreased in both MB and PB patients during multidrug treatment. Our results suggest that these antigens could be used as markers for successful treatment of non-reactional lepromatous patients.
The goal of this study was to demonstrate the usefulness of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the serodiagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) and extrapulmonary TB (EPTB). This assay used 20 amino acid-long, non-overlapped synthetic peptides that spanned the complete Mycobacterium tuberculosis ESAT-6 and Ag85A sequences. The validation cohort consisted of 1,102 individuals who were grouped into the following five diagnostic groups: 455 patients with PTB, 60 patients with EPTB, 40 individuals with non-EPTB, 33 individuals with leprosy and 514 healthy controls. For the PTB group, two ESAT-6 peptides (12033 and 12034) had the highest sensitivity levels of 96.9% and 96.2%, respectively, and an Ag85A-peptide (29878) was the most specific (97.4%) in the PTB groups. For the EPTB group, two Ag85A peptides (11005 and 11006) were observed to have a sensitivity of 98.3% and an Ag85A-peptide (29878) was also the most specific (96.4%). When combinations of peptides were used, such as 12033 and 12034 or 11005 and 11006, 99.5% and 100% sensitivities in the PTB and EPTB groups were observed, respectively. In conclusion, for a cohort that consists entirely of individuals from Venezuela, a multi-antigen immunoassay using highly sensitive ESAT-6 and Ag85A peptides alone and in combination could be used to more rapidly diagnose PTB and EPTB infection.
BACKGROUND The purpose of this multicenter Spanish study was to evaluate the response to immediate-release methylphenidate by children and adults diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), as well as to obtain information on current therapy patterns and safety characteristics. METHODS This multicenter, observational, retrospective, noninterventional study included 730 patients aged 4-65 years with a diagnosis of ADHD. Information was obtained based on a review of medical records for the years 2002-2006 in sequential order. RESULTS The ADHD predominantly inattentive subtype affected 29.7% of patients, ADHD predominantly hyperactive-impulsive was found in 5.2%, and the combined subtype in 65.1%. Overall, a significant lower Clinical Global Impression (CGI) score and mean number of DSM-IV TR (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fourth Edition, Text Revision) symptoms by subtype were found after one year of treatment with immediate-release methylphenidate; CGI decreased from 4.51 to 1.69, symptoms of inattention from 7.90 to 4.34, symptoms of hyperactivity from 6.73 to 3.39, and combined subtype symptoms from 14.62 to 7.7. Satisfaction with immediate-release methylphenidate after one year was evaluated as "very satisfied" or "satisfied" by 86.90% of the sample; 25.75% of all patients reported at least one adverse effect. At the end of the study, 41.47% of all the patients treated with immediate-release methylphenidate were still receiving it, with a mean time of 3.80 years on therapy. CONCLUSION Good efficacy and safety results were found for immediate-release methylphenidate in patients with ADHD.
Describe la identificación de tres focos principales de contaminación del Puerto de Callao, los mismos que están vinculados a: 1.- aguas provenientes del río Rímac; 2.- aguas de la rada interior del puerto, por la lenta remoción de las aguas, a las actividades del puerto y derrame ocasionales de petróleo, desechos industriales del SIMA y desechos del terminal pesquero; 3.- el área frente al muelle de guerra Camotal, donde la contaminación es principalmente por descarga de desechos de los buques y derrame de petróleo debido al transporte de estos y a las descargas periódicas de los restaurantes ubicados en el litoral.
|elite posao. I osje]ate da negdje, neki poslodavac nudi upravo onakav posao kakav vi \elite -posao na kojem va=e znanje i vje=tine mogu do]i do punog izra\aja, a koji, u isto vrijeme, predstavlja izazov i daje mogu]nost napretka. Da biste ostvarili ovaj korak morate se pripremiti na dobro planiranu potragu za poslom. Imate proizvod koji \elite prodati - va=e znanje, vje=tinu i iskustvo-vas same. Ono =to treba da nau[ite je kako da =to uspje=nije predstavite sebe na tr\i=tu. Neke od informacija datih u ovoj bro=uri mogu vam u tome pomo]i bez obzira da li ste tek zavr=ili =kolu spremni da otpo[nete poslovnu karijeru, ili tra\ite novi posao nakon 20 godina rada. NOTE: BOSNIAN
|elite posao. I osje]ate da negdje, neki poslodavac nudi upravo onakav posao kakav vi \elite -posao na kojem va=e znanje i vje=tine mogu do]i do punog izra\aja, a koji, u isto vrijeme, predstavlja izazov i daje mogu]nost napretka. Da biste ostvarili ovaj korak morate se pripremiti na dobro planiranu potragu za poslom. Imate proizvod koji \elite prodati - va=e znanje, vje=tinu i iskustvo-vas same. Ono =to treba da nau[ite je kako da =to uspje=nije predstavite sebe na tr\i=tu. Neke od informacija datih u ovoj bro=uri mogu vam u tome pomo]i bez obzira da li ste tek zavr=ili =kolu spremni da otpo[nete poslovnu karijeru, ili tra\ite novi posao nakon 20 godina rada. NOTE: BOSNIAN
En los últimos años las Universidades tradicionalmente presenciales han apostado por la incorporación de la tecnología en los procesos académicos, muestra de ello es la proliferación de campus virtuales que acogen entornos virtuales de aprendizaje. La Universitat d"Andorra utiliza un entorno virtual de aprendizaje desde hace 8 años. El presente trabajo analiza los usos del entorno por parte del profesorado con el objetivo de proponer mejoras que reviertan en la mejora del aprendizaje por parte de los estudiantes. Se ha seguido una metodología descriptiva que combina técnicas cuantitativas y técnicas cualitativas, se ha distribuido un cuestionario dirigido al profesorado y se han realizado dos grupos de discusión dirigidos a profesores y estudiantes respectivamente. Los resultados de este estudio han permitido identificar las necesidades de formación del profesorado de la Universitat d"Andorra y realizar un plan de acciones para la mejora del uso del entorno virtual que en el momento de hacer el estudio prácticamente se reducía a una herramienta de compartición de documentación.
Background: Although randomized clinical trials (RCTs) are considered the gold standard of evidence, their reporting is often suboptimal. Trial registries have the potential to contribute important methodologic information for critical appraisal of study results. Methods and Findings: The objective of the study was to evaluate the reporting of key methodologic study characteristics in trial registries. We identified a random sample (n = 265) of actively recruiting RCTs using the World Health Organization International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) search portal in 2008. We assessed the reporting of relevant domains from the Cochrane Collaboration’s ‘Risk of bias’ tool and other key methodological aspects. Our primary outcomes were the proportion of registry records with adequate reporting of random sequence generation, allocation concealment, blinding, and trial outcomes. Two reviewers independently assessed each record. Weighted overall proportions in the ICTRP search portal for adequate reporting of sequence generation, allocation concealment, blinding (including and excluding open label RCT) and primary outcomes were 5.7% (95% CI 3.0–8.4%), 1.4% (0–2.8%), 41% (35–47%), 8.4% (4.1–13%), and 66% (60–72%), respectively. The proportion of adequately reported RCTs was higher for registries that used specific methodological fields for describing methods of randomization and allocation concealment compared to registries that did not. Concerning other key methodological aspects, weighted overall proportions of RCTs with adequately reported items were as follows: eligibility criteria (81%), secondary outcomes (46%), harm (5%) follow-up duration (62%), description of the interventions (53%) and sample size calculation (1%). Conclusions: Trial registries currently contain limited methodologic information about registered RCTs. In order to permit adequate critical appraisal of trial results reported in journals and registries, trial registries should consider requesting details on key RCT methods to complement journal publications. Full protocols remain the most comprehensive source of methodologic information and should be made publicly available.
Tutkimukseni aiheena on Suomessa asuvien bosnialaistaustaisten nuorten aikuisten nykyidentiteetti sekä kulttuurisen monimuotoisuuden ja etnisen murroksen näkyminen arjessa. Kotoutumistutkimuksen sijaan olen kiinnostunut ennen kaikkea identiteetin kokemisesta ja muovautumisesta silloin, kun etnisyys on määrittävä tekijä sekä lähtö- että tulomaassa. Tutkimuskysymyksenäni on, kuinka kansallisuus, etnisyys ja kulttuurinen monimuotoisuus näkyvät sekä muovaavat arkea ja identiteettiä pakolaistaustaisten nuorten aikuisten uudessa elinympäristössä, kun lähtösyyt kotimaasta ovat olleet pitkälti etnisyyteen pohjautuvia. Kuinka etninen identiteetti muotoutuu ja mikä on kahden kulttuurin merkitys etnisyyden määrittelyssä? Mikä on kahden eri kotimaan ja kahden eri kulttuurin rooli arjessa ja identiteettipuhunnassa? Tärkeimpänä tutkimusaineistona ovat bosnialaistaustaisten nuorten aikuisten parissa tekemäni teemahaastattelut. Haastateltavani ovat vuosina 1992–1995 käydyn Bosnian sodan vuoksi pakolaisina Suomeen muuttaneita tai heidän jälkeläisiään. Tein kymmenen teemahaastattelua haastatellen viittä naista ja viittä miestä, jotka kaikki asuvat Varsinais-Suomen alueella. Lisäksi vierailin Bosniassa ymmärtääkseni paremmin sekä haastattelemieni nuorten aikuisten taustaa ja lähtökohtia että heidän ylirajaista arkeaan. Olen lähestynyt identiteetin kokemista kulttuurin, etnisyyden, uskonnon, paikan ja paikallisuuden sekä kodin ja kotimaan käsitteiden kautta. Näistä kaikilla on oma merkityksensä identiteetin muovautumisessa, ja identiteetin kokemiseen vaikuttavat sekä entinen että nykyinen kotimaa. Bosnialaisuus vaikuttaa vahvana taustalla identiteetin kokemisessa, mutta myös suomalainen kulttuuri ja arki muovaavat etnistä ja paikallista identiteettiä. Samalla on kuitenkin huomattava, että identiteettiä ei voi nähdä tiukkarajaisena eikä sitä voi asettaa selviin rajoihin. Identiteetti on jatkuvassa prosessissa ja sidoksissa myös muihin arjen tekijöihin kuin etnisyyteen, paikallisuuteen ja yhteisön kulttuuriin. Lopulta kyse on aina ihmisyksilöistä ja heidän persoonallisesta identiteetin kokemuksestaan.