971 resultados para RF-sputtering
The present study discusses the effect of iron doping in TiO2 thin films deposited by rf sputtering. Iron doping induces a structural transformation from anatase to rutile and electrical measurements indicate that iron acts as an acceptor impurity. Thermoelectric power measurement shows a transition between n-type and p-type electrical conduction for an iron concentration around 0.13 at.%. The highest p-type conductivity at room temperature achieved by iron doping was 10(-6) S m(-1).
Luminescence spectroscopy has been used to characterize MgO films prepared by rf-sputtering. A clear correlation is found between the appearance of an emission peak centered at approximately 460 nm and the detection of ferromagnetic ordering in the samples. We suggest that cationic vacancies are responsible for the blue-light emission by introducing p states into the electronic band-gap. In accordance with this, our results strongly indicate that cationic vacancies are at the heart of the appearance of long-range magnetic ordering in MgO films.
N-type as well P-type top-gate microcrystalline silicon thin film transistors (TFTs) are fabricated on glass substrates at a maximum temperature of 200 °C. The active layer is an undoped μc-Si film, 200 nm thick, deposited by Hot-Wire Chemical Vapor. The drain and source regions are highly phosphorus (N-type TFTs) or boron (P-type TFTs)-doped μc-films deposited by HW-CVD. The gate insulator is a silicon dioxide film deposited by RF sputtering. Al-SiO 2-N type c-Si structures using this insulator present low flat-band voltage,-0.2 V, and low density of states at the interface D it=6.4×10 10 eV -1 cm -2. High field effect mobility, 25 cm 2/V s for electrons and 1.1 cm 2/V s for holes, is obtained. These values are very high, particularly the hole mobility that was never reached previously.
There is an increasing demand for renewable energies due to the limited availability of fossil and nuclear fuels and due to growing environmental problems. Photovoltaic (PV) energy conversion has the potential to contribute significantly to the electrical energy generation in the future. Currently, the cost for photovoltaic systems is one of the main obstacles preventing production and application on a large scale. The photovoltaic research is now focused on the development of materials that will allow mass production without compromising on the conversion efficiencies. Among important selection criteria of PV material and in particular for thin films, are a suitable band gap, high absorption coefficient and reproducible deposition processes capable of large-volume and low cost production. The chalcopyrite semiconductor thin films such as Copper indium selenide and Copper indium sulphide are the materials that are being intensively investigated for lowering the cost of solar cells. Conversion efficiencies of 19 % have been reported for laboratory scale solar cell based on CuInSe2 and its alloys. The main objective of this thesis work is to optimise the growth conditions of materials suitable for the fabrication of solar cell, employing cost effective techniques. A typical heterojunction thin film solar cell consists of an absorber layer, buffer layer and transparent conducting contacts. The most appropriate techniques have been used for depositing these different layers, viz; chemical bath deposition for the window layer, flash evaporation and two-stage process for the absorber layer, and RF magnetron sputtering for the transparent conducting layer. Low cost experimental setups were fabricated for selenisation and sulphurisation experiments, and the magnetron gun for the RF sputtering was indigenously fabricated. The films thus grown were characterised using different tools. A powder X-ray diffractometer was used to analyse the crystalline nature of the films. The energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) and scanning electron microscopy i (SEM) were used for evaluating the composition and morphology of the films. Optical properties were investigated using the UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer by recording the transmission/absorption spectra. The electrical properties were studied using the two probe and four probe electrical measurements. Nature of conductivity of the films was determined by thermoprobe and thermopower measurements. The deposition conditions and the process parameters were optimised based on these characterisations.
Màster en Nanociència i Nanotecnologia curs 2006-2007. Directors: Francesca Peiró i Martínez and Jordi Arbiol i Cobos
The main challenges in the deposition of cathode materials in thin film form are the reproduction of stoichiometry close to the bulk material and attaining higher rates of deposition and excellent crystallinity at comparatively lower annealing temperatures. There are several methods available to develop stoichiometric thin film cathode materials including pulsed laser deposition; plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, electron beam evaporation, electrostatic spray deposition and RF magnetron sputtering. Among them the most versatile method is the sputtering technique, owing to its suitability for micro-fabricating the thin film batteries directly on chips in any shape or size, and on flexible substrates, with good capacity and cycle life. The main drawback of the conventional sputtering technique using RF frequency of 13.56MHz is its lower rate of deposition, compared to other deposition techniques A typical cathode layer for a thin film battery requires a thickness around one micron. To deposit such thick layers using convention RF sputtering, longer time of deposition is required, since the deposition rate is very low, which is typically 10-20 Å/min. This makes the conventional RF sputtering technique a less viable option for mass production in an economical way. There exists a host of theoretical and experimental evidences and results that higher excitation frequency can be efficiently used to deposit good quality films at higher deposition rates with glow discharge plasma. The effect of frequencies higher than the conventional one (13.56MHz) on the RF magnetron sputtering process has not been subjected to detailed investigations. Attempts have been made in the present work, to sputter deposit spinel oxide cathode films, using high frequency RF excitation source. Most importantly, the major challenge faced by the thin film battery based on the LiMn2O4 cathode material is the poor capacity retention during charge discharge cycling. The major causes for the capacity fading reported in LiMn2O4cathode materials are due to, Jahn-Teller distortion, Mn2+ dissolution into the electrolyte and oxygen loss in cathode material during cycling. The work discussed in this thesis is an attempt on overcoming the above said challenges and developing a high capacity thin film cathode material.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden magneto-optische Speicherschichten und ihre Kopplungen untereinander untersucht. Hierzu wurden zum Einen die für die magneto-optische Speichertechnologie "klassischen" Schichten aus RE/TM-Legierungen verwendet, zum Anderen aber auch erfolgreich Granate integriert, die bisher nicht in diesem Anwendungsgebiet verwendet wurden. Einleitend werden die magneto-optischen Verfahren, die resultierenden Anforderungen an die dünnen Schichten und die entsprechenden physikalischen Grundlagen diskutiert. Außerdem wird auf das Hochfrequenz-Sputtern von RE/TM-Legierungen eingegangen und die verwendeten magneto-optischen Messverfahren werden erläutert [Kap. 2 & 3]. Die Untersuchungen an RE/TM-Schichten bestätigen die aus der Literatur bekannten Eigenschaften. Sie lassen sich effektiv, und für magneto-optische Anwendungen geeignet, über RF-Sputtern herstellen. Die unmittelbaren Schicht-Parameter, wie Schichtdicke und Terbium-Konzentration, lassen sich über einfache Zusammenhänge einstellen. Da die Terbium-Konzentration eine Änderung der Kompensationstemperatur bewirkt, lässt sich diese mit Messungen am Kerr-Magnetometer überprüfen. Die für die Anwendung interessante senkrechte magnetische Anisotropie konnte ebenfalls mit den Herstellungsbedingungen verknüpft werden. Bei der Herstellung der Schichten auf einer glatten Glas-Oberfläche (Floatglas) zeigt die RE/TM-Schicht bereits in den ersten Lagen ein Wachstumsverhalten, das eine senkrechte Anisotropie bewirkt. Auf einer Quarzglas- oder Keramik-Oberfläche wachsen die ersten Lagen in einer durch das Substrat induzierten Struktur auf, danach ändert sich das Wachstumsverhalten stetig, bis eine senkrechte Anisotropie erreicht wird. Dieses Verhalten kann auch durch verschiedene Pufferschichten (Aluminium und Siliziumnitrid) nur unwesentlich beeinflusst werden [Kap. 5 & Kap. 6]. Bei der direkten Aufbringung von Doppelschichten, bestehend aus einer Auslese-Schicht (GdFeCo) auf einer Speicherschicht (TbFeCo), wurde die Austausch-Kopplung demonstriert. Die Ausleseschicht zeigt unterhalb der Kompensationstemperatur keine Kopplung an die Speicherschicht, während oberhalb der Kompensationstemperatur eine direkte Kopplung der Untergitter stattfindet. Daraus ergibt sich das für den MSR-Effekt erwünschte Maskierungsverhalten. Die vorher aus den Einzelschichten gewonnen Ergebnisse zu Kompensationstemperatur und Wachstumsverhalten konnten in den Doppelschichten wiedergefunden werden. Als Idealfall erweist sich hier die einfachste Struktur. Man bringt die Speicherschicht auf Floatglas auf und bedeckt diese direkt mit der Ausleseschicht [Kap. 7]. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass es möglich ist, den Faraday-Effekt einer Granatschicht als verstärkendes Element zu nutzen. Im anwendungstauglichen, integrierten Schichtsystem konnten die kostengünstig, mit dem Sol-Gel-Verfahren produzierten, Granate die strukturellen Anforderungen nicht erfüllen, da sich während der Herstellung Risse und Löcher gebildet haben. Bei der experimentellen Realisierung mit einer einkristallinen Granatschicht und einer RE/TM-Schicht konnte die prinzipielle Eignung des Schichtsystems demonstriert werden [Kap. 8].
The health risks associated with the inhalation or ingestion of cadmium are well documented([1,2]). During the past 18 years, EU legislation has steadily been introduced to restrict its use, leaving a requirement for the development of replacement materials. This paper looks at possible alternatives to various cadmium II-VI dielectric compounds used in the deposition of optical thin-films for various opto-electronic devices. Application areas of particular interest are for infrared multilayer interference filter fabrication and solar cell industries, where cadmium-based coatings currently find widespread use. The results of single and multilayer designs comprising CdTe, CdS, CdSe and PbTe deposited onto group IV and II-VI materials as interference filters for the mid-IR region are presented. Thin films of SnN, SnO2, SnS and SnSe are fabricated by plasma assisted CVD, reactive RF sputtering and thermal evaporation. Examination of these films using FTIR spectroscopy, SEM, EDX analysis and optical characterisation methods provide details of material dispersion, absorption, composition, refractive index, energy band gap and layer thicknesses. The optimisation of deposition parameters in order to synthesise coatings with similar optical and semiconductor properties as those containing cadmium has been investigated. Results of environmental, durability and stability trials are also presented.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The nonlinear refractive index, n(2), of films based on the new glass system Sb(2)O(3)-Sb(2)S(3) was measured at 1064 nm with laser pulses of 15 ps, using a single-beam nonlinear image technique in presence of a phase object. The films were prepared from bulk glasses by RF-sputtering. A large value of n(2) = 3 x 10-(15) m(2)/W, which is three orders of magnitude larger than for CS(2), was determined. The result shows the strong potential of antimony-sulfide glass films for integrated nonlinear optics. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work reports on the mechanical properties of germanium-rich amorphous carbon-germanium alloys prepared by RF sputtering of a germanium/graphite target under an argon/hydrogen atmosphere. Nano-hardness, elastic modulus and stress were investigated as a function of the carbon content. The stress, which is reduced by the incorporation of carbon, was related to the film structure and to the difference in the Ge-Ge and Ge-C bond length. Contrary to what was expected, the hardness and elastic modulus of the alloys are lower than the corresponding values for pure amorphous hydrogenated germanium film, which in turn has both properties also smaller than those of crystalline germanium. These properties are analyzed in terms of the structural properties of the films. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V All rights reserved.
This work presents for the first time to our knowledge the fabrication and characterization of rib waveguides produced with PbO-GeO2 (PGO) thin films. The target was manufactured using pure oxides ( 60 PbO-40 GeO2, in wt%) and amorphous thin films were produced with the RF sputtering technique. PGO thin films present small absorption in the visible and in the near infrared and refractive index of similar to 2.0. The definition of the rib waveguide structure was made using conventional optical lithography followed by plasma etching, performed in a Reactive Ion Etching (RIE) reactor. Light propagation mode in the waveguide structure was analyzed using integrated optic simulation software. Optical loss measurements were performed to determine the propagation loss at 633 nm, for ribs with height of 70 nm and width of 3-5 mu m; experimental values around 2 dB/cm were found for the propagation loss and confirmed the theoretical calculations. The results obtained demonstrate that PGO thin films are potential candidates for application in integrated optics. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This work presents studies of GeO2-PbO thin films deposited by RF Sputtering for fabrication of rib-waveguide. GeO2-PbO vitreous targets were prepared melting the reagents in alumina crucible. Thin films were deposited at room temperature using pure Ar plasma, at 5 mTorr pressure and RF power of 40 W on substrates of (100) silicon wafers. Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy (RBS) analyses were employed for the determination of the chemical elements present in the GeO2-PbO film. Geometry and sidewall of the waveguides were investigated by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The mode propagation in the waveguide structure of GeO2-PbO thin films was analyzed using an integrated optic simulation software to obtain a monomode propagation. © The Electrochemical Society.
We report, for the first time to our knowledge, experimental results on pedestal waveguides produced with Yb3+/Er3+ codoped Bi2O3-WO3-TeO2 thin films deposited by RF Sputtering for photonic applications. Thin films were deposited using Ar/O-2 plasma at 5 mTorr pressure and RF power of 40 W on substrates of silicon wafers. The definition of the pedestal waveguide structure was made using conventional optical lithography followed by plasma etching. Propagation losses around 2.0 dB/cm and 2.5 dB/cm were obtained at 633 and 1050 nm, respectively, for waveguides in the 20-100 mu m width range. Single-mode propagation was measured for waveguides width up to 10 mu m and 12 mu m, at 633 nm and 1050 nm, respectively; for larger waveguides widths multi-mode propagation was obtained. Internal gain of 5.6 dB at 1530 nm, under 980 nm excitation, was measured for 1.5 cm waveguide length (similar to 3.7 dB/cm). The present results show the possibility of using Yb3+/Er3+ codoped Bi2O3-WO3-TeO2 pedestal waveguide for optical amplifiers. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The influence of both thermal treatment and laser irradiation on the structural and optical properties of films in the Sb 2 O 3 –Sb 2 S 3 system was investigated. The films were prepared by RF-sputtering using glass compositions as raw materials. Irreversible photodarkening effect was observed after exposure the films to a 458nm solid state laser. It is shown, for the first time, the use of holographic technique to measure “in situ”, simultaneously and independently, the phase and amplitude modulations in glassy films. The films were also photo-crystallized and analysed “in situ” using a laser coupled to a micro-Raman equipment. Results showed that Sb 2 S 3 crystalline phase was obtained after irradiation. The effect of thermal annealing on the structure of the films was carried out. Different from the result obtained by irradiation, thermal annealing induces the crystallization of the Sb 2 O 3 phase. Photo and thermal induced effects on films were studied using UV–Vis and Raman spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM), thermal analysis (DSC), X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy (MEV) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).