910 resultados para RESIDENCIA HABITUAL
Cuando los infantes y adolescentes son sustraídos del lugar de su residencia habitual para ser trasladados a otros países, desconociéndose el derecho de quien tiene su custodia, se crean mecanismos legales de colaboración interestatal para lograr su retorno y en particular para lograr la materialización del principio del interés superior de los niños, niñas y adolescentes. Para tal efecto, se establece un trámite administrativo que debe ser adelantado ante la Autoridad Central de cada Estado, que para nuestro caso es el Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar, y cuando éste es insuficiente o no se ve la necesidad de agotarlo, en sede judicial se acude al procedimiento verbal sumario en donde la pretensión es la Restitución internacional del infante o adolescente. Este texto pretende abordar este procedimiento judicial en tres capítulos: 1) los Aspectos Filosóficos en donde se analiza la principialística existente, 2) la Evolución Normativa en donde se hace una revisión exhaustiva de las normas nacionales e internacionales sobre el tema y 3) los Aspectos Procesales más relevantes en donde se analizan las etapas y actuaciones procesales, se plantean situaciones problemáticas y se proponen posibles soluciones que resultan de utilidad, frente a un tema que apenas comienza a ser objeto de estudio en Colombia, a pesar de su frecuente ocurrencia.
Fueron seleccionados aleatoriarmente el 62 por ciento de estudiantes de primero a quinto cursos de la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de Cuenca, 2006 (158 y 99 respectivamente; 257 en total) a ellos de les aplicó una encuesta sobre hábitos alimentarios, por recordatorio de semana anterior; y se registraron sus medidas antropométricas. El análisis estadístico de la encuesta muestra que no hay diferencias significativas entre los estudiantes de primero y quinto cursos, tampoco se encuentran una influencia significativa de las variables sexo, lugar de residencia habitual, ni lugar de preparación de alimentos. Entre los productos más consumidos se hallan granos, edulcorantes, alcohol, gaseosa. Las comidas tradicionales de la región no aparecen en la dieta, Predominan los consumos excesivos en todos los niveles y alrededor de un 20 por ciento de los encuestados tienen dietas consideradas saludables
Principal topic: Is habitual entrepreneurship different? Answering this is important to the field, however there is little systematic evidence, thus far. We addresses this by examining the role experience plays at three possible points of difference: motivations, actions and expectations; and by comparing those currently in the process of starting a business with those who have recent success in business creation. Firstly, we assess the balance of opportunity versus necessity motivation, internally versus externally stimulated decision processes and future growth aspirations. Literature suggests novices are more likely motivated to nascency out of necessity, and favour a manageable business size, while habitual entrepreneurs are more likely motivated by internally stimulated or idea driven processes. Secondly, we examine actions undertaken by successful experienced founders during gestation, contrasting ‘information collection’ and ‘opportunity definition’. Drawing on prior research we expect novices more likely to have enacted ‘information search’ while habitual entrepreneurs enact ‘opportunity definition’. Thirdly, we examine perceptions of venture success, where findings on overconfidence suggest that habitual entrepreneurs expect a higher chance of success for their ventures, while inexperience leads novices to underestimate the difficulty of entrepreneurial survival. Method: Empirical evidence to test these conjectures was drawn from a screened random sample of over 1100 Australian nascent and newly started business ventures. This information was collected during 2007/8 using a telephone survey. Results and Implications: Why do habitual entrepreneurs keep coming back? Findings suggest that while the pursuit of opportunity is shared by novice and experienced entrepreneur alike, consideration of repeat entrepreneurship may be motivated by a desire for growth. While idea driven motivations might not delineate a distinction during nascency, it does seem to be a factor contributing to the success of young firms. This warrants further research. How do habitual entrepreneurs behave differently? It seems they act to clearly define market opportunities as a matter of priority during venture gestation. What effect does entrepreneurial experience have on future expectations? Clearly a sense of realism is drawn over the difficulties that might be faced, and accords more circumspect judgements of venture survival. This finding informs practitioners considering entrepreneurship for the first time.
The present study investigated metabolic responses to fat and carbohydrate ingestion in lean male individuals consuming an habitual diet high or low in fat. Twelve high-fat phenotypes (HF) and twelve low-fat phenotypes (LF) participated in the study. Energy intake and macronutrient intake variables were assessed using a food frequency questionnaire. Resting (RMR) and postprandial metabolic rate and substrate oxidation (respiratory quotient; RQ) were measured by indirect calorimetry. HF had a significantly higher RMR and higher resting heart rate than LF. These variables remained higher in HF following the macronutrient challenge. In all subjects the carbohydrate load increased metabolic rate and heart rate significantly more than the fat load. Fat oxidation (indicated by a low RQ) was significantly higher in HF than in LF following the fat load; the ability to oxidise a high carbohydrate load did not differ between the groups. Lean male subjects consuming a diet high in fat were associated with increased energy expenditure at rest and a relatively higher fat oxidation in response to a high fat load; these observations may be partly responsible for maintaining energy balance on a high-fat (high-energy) diet. In contrast, a low consumer of fat is associated with relatively lower energy expenditure at rest and lower fat oxidation, which has implications for weight gain if high-fat foods or meals are periodically introduced to the diet.
This thesis investigates profiling and differentiating customers through the use of statistical data mining techniques. The business application of our work centres on examining individuals’ seldomly studied yet critical consumption behaviour over an extensive time period within the context of the wireless telecommunication industry; consumption behaviour (as oppose to purchasing behaviour) is behaviour that has been performed so frequently that it become habitual and involves minimal intentions or decision making. Key variables investigated are the activity initialised timestamp and cell tower location as well as the activity type and usage quantity (e.g., voice call with duration in seconds); and the research focuses are on customers’ spatial and temporal usage behaviour. The main methodological emphasis is on the development of clustering models based on Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) which are fitted with the use of the recently developed variational Bayesian (VB) method. VB is an efficient deterministic alternative to the popular but computationally demandingMarkov chainMonte Carlo (MCMC) methods. The standard VBGMMalgorithm is extended by allowing component splitting such that it is robust to initial parameter choices and can automatically and efficiently determine the number of components. The new algorithm we propose allows more effective modelling of individuals’ highly heterogeneous and spiky spatial usage behaviour, or more generally human mobility patterns; the term spiky describes data patterns with large areas of low probability mixed with small areas of high probability. Customers are then characterised and segmented based on the fitted GMM which corresponds to how each of them uses the products/services spatially in their daily lives; this is essentially their likely lifestyle and occupational traits. Other significant research contributions include fitting GMMs using VB to circular data i.e., the temporal usage behaviour, and developing clustering algorithms suitable for high dimensional data based on the use of VB-GMM.
This chapter reports on a study that reveals the essence of participation in urban spaces by ten children who live with various physical conditions: Muscular Dystrophy, Cerebral Palsy, and Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases. These conditions affect muscle and movement differently resulting in diverse ways in which children move through space (personal mobility). The children at the time of the research were 9-12 years of age residing in South-east Queensland, Australia. The approach and methods selected for this study, interpretive phenomenological inquiry and grounded theory, were chosen for their capacity to capture the complexity and multiple interactions of the child’s urban living. The confronting and poignant accounts by children and their families of their experiences produced a new way of understanding the concept of participation, as a ‘journey of becoming involved.’ Their accounts of performing everyday routines (e.g. leaving home, getting in and out of the car, and entering places) in urban spaces (neighbourhood streets, schools, open spaces, shopping centres, and hospitals) revealed differences in the way settings were experienced. These differences were associated with the interplay between the body, space and context. Where interplays were problematic, explicit decisions about children’s involvement were made. These decisions were described in terms of ‘avoid going’, ‘pick and choose’, ‘discontinue’, ‘accept’, or ‘contest.’ What these decisions mean is some spaces are avoided, some journeys are discontinued, and some barriers encountered in journeys are normalised as everyday experiences, i.e. ‘tolerable discrimination’. These actions resulted in experiences of non-participation or partial–tokenistic participation. The key substantive contribution of the research lies in the identification of points in children’s journeys that shape participation experience. These points identify where future interventions in policy, programming and design can be made to make real and sustaining changes to lives of children and their families in geographies crucial to urban living.
This article critiques the usefulness of habitual residence as the sole connecting factor in Hague Convention child abduction cases. This is achieved by examining the quality of this jurisdiction in light of changes in the gender dynamics underpinning international parental child abduction and the transnational family phenomenon. Arguably, the child’s habitual residence as a home environment of the nature anticipated by the Convention’s drafters is an increasingly outdated construct. This is due to an increase in both the number of abducting primary-carer mothers, and their families’ growing mobility. Judicial determinations of habitual residence made during Conven- tion return proceedings are entrenched in the state-centric paradigm. This paradigm is becoming increasingly incompatible with the lives of families which experience international parental child abduction.
Although a number of studies have examined the role of gastric emptying (GE) in obesity, the influences of habitual physical activity level, body composition and energy expenditure (EE) on GE have received very little consideration. In this study, we have compared GE in active and inactive males, and we have characterised relationships with body composition (fat and fat free mass) and EE. Forty-four males (Active: n=22, Inactive: n=22; range BMI 21-36kg/m2; range percent fat mass 9-42%) were studied, with GE of a standardised (1676 kJ) pancake meal being assessed by 13C-octanoic acid breath test, body composition by air displacement plethysmography, resting metabolic rate (RMR) by indirect calorimetry and activity EE (AEE) by accelerometry. Results showed that GE was faster in active compared to inactive males (mean ±SD half time (t1/2): Active: 157±18 and Inactive: 179±21 min, p<0.001). When data from both groups were pooled, GE t1/2 was associated with percent fat mass (r=0.39, p<0.01) and AEE (r =-0.46, p<0.01). After controlling for habitual physical activity status, the association between AEE and GE remained, but not that for percent fat mass and GE. BMI and RMR were not associated with GE. In summary, faster GE is considered to be a marker of a habitually active lifestyle in males, and is associated with a higher AEE and lower percent fat mass. The possibility that GE contributes to a gross physiological regulation (or dysregulation) of food intake with physical activity level deserves further investigation.
Resumen: El presente trabajo investiga la actuación de la Embajada de España con respecto a la entrada a la Argentina de inmigrantes con antecedentes anarquistas durante fines del siglo XIX y los primeros dos años del siglo XX. Registra además el interés por seguir los movimientos de dichos inmigrantes en el país. Se destaca el rol de la documentación diplomática, mediante la cual la Embajada española se mantenía en permanente contacto con el gobierno central, con las autoridades argentinas y con los consulados del interior para intercambiar información. A través de las fuentes se puede observar la labor de “inteligencia ideológica” que se realizó y el detallado conocimiento que se tenía sobre los anarquistas, sus vías de traslado hacia nuestro país, sus profesiones, paraderos, domicilios, relaciones, y las minuciosas descripciones físicas de los sospechados. En esta política se nota la coparticipación entre la Embajada de España y las instituciones argentinas para desligarse de elementos que denominaban “no deseados”. También se consideran las relaciones entre el anarquismo argentino y el español, así como la importancia de la prensa revolucionaria, aun sobre la misma España. La vigilancia que ejercía la Embajada española sobre los inmigrantes, el control sobre los anarquistas españoles en la Argentina y la influencia de éstos sobre los sucesos de la Península demuestran a las claras la preocupación del gobierno hispano en la cuestión.
Coleção Marcio Moreira Alves.
La existencia de un acelerado envejecimiento de la poblaci??n a nivel mundial ha hecho que la sanidad se plantee buscar alternativas con el fin de atajar y solucionar este tipo de problemas. En el presente trabajo se intenta ver todo lo que rodea a las ca??das y como prevenirlas aportando una base te??rica para entender mejor lo que este problema conlleva. En la parte emp??rica del trabajo, mediante la actividad f??sica adaptada y la realizaci??n del test de Tinetti se pretende observar como dicha actividad f??sica, en el colectivo de la tercera edad, puede mejorar el estado f??sico reduciendo dichas ca??das. Los resultados obtenidos del estudio aluden a la actividad f??sica adaptada como una estrategia no farmacol??gica muy v??lida para la mejora de la salud y prevenci??n de ca??das.
A associação inversa da ingestão de cálcio dietético com adiposidade corporal e pressão arterial está documentada em estudos epidemiológicos. Achados experimentais sugerem que este fenômeno pode ser mediado por alterações na concentração intracelular de cálcio ([Ca]i). Existem poucos estudos relacionando o cálcio dietético com a [Ca]i. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a relação da ingestão habitual de cálcio dietético com a [Ca]i, adiposidade corporal, perfil metabólico, biomarcadores inflamatórios, pressão arterial e função endotelial em mulheres. Para tanto, foi desenvolvido estudo transversal, com 76 mulheres na pré-menopausa submetidas à avaliação: dietética (questionário de frequência alimentar validado); da [Ca]i em eritrócitos (espectrometria de absorbância atômica); da gordura corporal (GC) total [índice de massa corporal (IMC) e % GC por bioimpedância elétrica] e central [perímetro da cintura (PC), e razão cintura quadril (RCQ)]; do perfil metabólico (glicose, colesterol e frações, insulina e HOMA-IR); dos biomarcadores inflamatórios [adiponectina e proteína C-reativa (PCR)]; dos biomarcadores da função endotelial [molécula de adesão intracelular-1 (ICAM-1), molécula de adesão celular vascular-1 (VCAM-1) e E-Selectina]; da função endotelial avaliada pelo equipamento Endo-PAT2000; e da pressão arterial. Calcitriol, paratormônio, cálcio sérico e cálcio urinário completaram o metabolismo do cálcio. As participantes foram estratificadas em 2 grupos de acordo com a ingestão habitual de cálcio: Grupo com baixa ingestão de cálcio ou BIC (n=32; ingestão de cálcio <600mg/d) e Grupo com elevada ingestão de cálcio ou AIC (n=44; ingestão de cálcio ≥600mg/d). A média da idade foi semelhante entre os grupos (Grupo BIC: 31,41,4 vs Grupo AIC: 31,41,4anos; p=0,99). Após ajustes para fatores de confundimento (idade, ingestão de energia, bebida alcoólica, proteína, carboidratos e lipídios), o Grupo AIC, em comparação com o BIC, apresentou valores significativamente mais baixos de IMC (25,65,3 vs 26,9 6,0 kg/m; p=0,02), PC (84,413,6 vs 87,815,3cm; p=0,04), % GC (31,15,9 vs 33,35,6 %; p=0,003), pressão arterial diastólica (68,210,8 vs 72,411,2 mm Hg; p=0,04) e pressão arterial média (80,1310,94 vs 83,8611,70 mmHg; p=0,04); e significativamente mais altos de HDL-colesterol (58,612,2 vs 52,912,2 mg/dL; p=0,004) e adiponectina (34572,1 19472,8 vs 31910,319385,1 ng/mL; p=0,05). A [Ca]i e as outras variáveis avaliadas não diferiram entre os grupos, mesmo após ajustes. Neste estudo realizado com mulheres, o maior consumo de cálcio se associou com valores mais baixos de adiposidade corporal total e central, pressão arterial diastólica e média; além de valores mais elevados de HDL-colesterol e adiponectina
Lan honen bidez, Espainiako Pentsioak aztertu dira. Horretarako, lehenik eta behin, pentsioen diseinu oro-korra aztertu eta Espainiako Gizarte Segurantzaren eredua definitu da. Bigarrenik, Pentsio Sistemako erregimenak kontuan hartuz, Erregimen Orokorra hartu da oinarri -hau baita espainiar erregimen erabiliena- eta bere ezaugarriak azaldu dira. Azkenik, Lan Bizitzen Lagin Jarraitutik (LBLJ) lorturiko datuen bidez, ustez pentsioengan eragina duten aldagai ezberdinen (gizabanakoaren sexua, jarduera ekonomikoa, bizilekua eta hezkuntza-maila) aukeraketa egin da eta hauen bilakaera aztertu da 2005-2012 urte bitarteetan. Egindako analisien emaitza nagusiak oinarri hartuz, esan daiteke hainbat direla pentsioen zenbatekoan - Oinarri Arautzaile eta Erretiratze Adinean - eragina duten aldagaiak eta ondorioz, gizabanakoen ordainsarian desberdintasunak sortzen dituztenak.(EUSKERA)