112 resultados para REGNANS F-MUELL


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The developmental phases of giant cells induced by root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne exigua) in rubber plant (Hevea brasiliensis) root were studied in relation to its number and size evaluated in eight sample dates. The results were subject to cluster analysis and principal component analysis. Sample dates were clearly distinct regarding giant cell development. As a result, the nematode infestation cycle was characterized by the following sequential phases: initial, equilibrium, choice and final.


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Latex is the main product extracted from rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis). In Brazil, at the end of the production cycle of latex, the wood of rubber tree is traditionally used for energy purposes, but several international studies have reported consolidated practices of adding value to it. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the quality of wood and classify it structurally based on its mechanical properties. Six 20-year-old trees of the clone GT 1 of rubber tree proceeding from Itajobi, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil were sampled. Reduced dimensions specimens in the radial direction of the wood were produced to evaluate the quality by compression parallel to the grain, static bending and Janka hardness tests. Two specimens, one from the lower log (since the ground up to breast height) and one from the higher log (from breast height up to 2.50 m) were produced for structural classification of the wood based on the characteristic strength in compression parallel to the grain (NBR 7190 norm, 1997). The wood was classified as C40 (fc0k ≥ 40 MPa) class. Results revealed that the strength was not statistically different in the radial direction (except for the Janka hardness), though tending to increase from pith to bark.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This research aimed to evaluate the wood and charcoal quality of hybrids clone of the crossing C. citriodora with C. torelliana in two different locations for charcoal production. Seven with 3,75 years old clones, planted at country of Itamarandiba – MG, and six 6,42 years old clones, planted in Dionísio – MG, were studied. For wood and charcoal quality analysis, samples were collected along the stem of the trees until the commercial height. Properties study of the wood was done by chemical analysis, basic density, superior heat power, and thermogravimetric analysis. The wood samples were carbonized in laboratory conditions with heating rate of 1.67 0 C.min -1 , starting at 100 0 C until 450 0 C and keeping on this temperature for 30 minutes. It were determined the carbonizations gravimetric yield, all in dry basis. The wood quality was evaluated based on the chemical immediate analysis, relative apparent density, and gross heating value. The experiment was installed according to the completely randomized design, with five repetitions. The collected data were submitted to analysis of variance and, when the evaluated effects were significant by “F” test, was applied the Scott-Knott test at 5% probability for multiple comparisons. For correlation analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient, tested by the "t" test at 5% probability was used. Results showed variability of wood between the genetic materials evaluated in relation to place and plant crossing. The thermal analysis of the wood showed significant variation between clones and it was possible to differentiate two stages of degradation (hemicelluloses and cellulose). The majority of the clones presented satisfactory properties for the charcoal production, while, clone 3, planted in Itamarandiba, obtained the best performance due it have the higher yield and energetic efficiency, thus, achieving the best potential for charcoal production. However, clone 9, planted in Dionísio, was the less indicated for charcoal production since it presented the lowest energetic efficiency, gravimetric yield, and densities.


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Para o registro de fitoterápicos e disponibilização deles para os usuários, a ANVISA estabelece parâmetros de eficácia, qualidade e segurança e, estipula requisitos de controle semelhantes àqueles aplicados aos medicamentos sintéticos. Este trabalho relata a investigação da casca de Himatanthus lancifolius e seus extratos, a fim de contribuir para a padronização dos derivados desta espécie vegetal; os ensaios foram desenvolvidos utilizando amostras comerciais Q e S e uma autêntica, E, fornecida pela EMBRAPA. A comparação microquímica, anatômica e cromatográfica de Q, S e E não permite que se caracterizem as amostras comerciais como H. lancifolius. A presença de uleína não pôde ser caracterizada em qualquer amostra, mesmo em E. Os dados de CCD e CLAE mostram que as três amostras têm perfil cromatográfico diferente. As características morfológicas e a caracterização microquímica das cascas de H. lancifolius mostram córtex com grupos de fibras do floema primário inclusos, com cristais e lactíferos na região do floema secundário, e positividade para alcalóides, flavonóides, açúcares redutores e amido. O método de quantificação desenvolvido mostra alta seletividade a 281nm, o que confere confiança para a detecção dos alcalóides. O método é robusto, de acordo com o regulamento em vigor e mostra linearidade, precisão e robustez, ao lado da acessibilidade, sendo ainda de fácil execução. A fração de alcalóides totais do extrato aquoso da amostra coletada (E) representa 0,219% do extrato seco. Espera-se com este trabalho ter contribuído para reduzir a insuficiência de métodos de controle da qualidade para fitoterápicos preparados a partir de Himatanthus lancifolius.


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Brazilian southeastern region has soil and climate conditions suitable for the growing of rubber trees, and most part of national yield arises from São Paulo State. The aims proposed for this work were to determine the diversity, the richness and the seasonal occurrence of mites found in a rubber tree crop in a triennial survey with monthly samplings, as well as to estimate the populational density of the major phytophagous species. This study found 74,407 mites from 26 species belonging to 10 families. The phytophagous and predators represented 95.4% and 3.9% of the total abundance, respectively. Twelve species were rare, six accessories and eight constant. The families Phytoseiidae and Tydeidae had the greatest richness (five and four species, respectively). The most numerous species was Calacarus heveae Feres (50,573), with great abundance at the end of rainy season until the beginning of dry season. Among predators, the most abundant were Zetzellia quasagistemas Hernandes & Feres (1,345), Pronematus sp. (455), Zetzellia agistzellia Hernandes & Feres (409) and Euseius citrifolius Denmark & Muma (243). C. heveae had greatest densities on March and April 2003, and Lorryia formosa Cooreman and Tenuipalpus heveae Baker on March and May 2001, respectively. Many stigmaeids were observed in association with colonies of L. formosa preying their eggs and immatures.


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A Região Sudeste do Brasil apresenta aspectos edafo-climáticos favoráveis para o plantio e desenvolvimento da seringueira, sendo o estado de São Paulo o maior produtor nacional de látex. Este trabalho teve como objetivos determinar, através de coletas mensais durante três anos de estudo, a diversidade, a riqueza de espécies e a sua sazonalidade, bem como realizar estimativas de densidade populacional das principais espécies de ácaros presentes nas folhas. Todos os ácaros foram montados em lâminas de microscopia, totalizando 74.407 indivíduos, de 26 espécies pertencentes a 10 famílias. Os fitófagos representaram 95,4% do total de indivíduos coletados e os predadores 3,9%. Doze espécies foram consideradas acidentais, seis foram acessórias e oito constantes. Apresentaram maior número de espécies as famílias Phytoseiidae (cinco) e Tydeidae (quatro). A espécie mais abundante foi Calacarus heveae Feres (50.573), com maior abundância nos meses correspondentes ao término da estação chuvosa e início da estação seca na região. Dentre os predadores, a mais abundante foi Zetzellia quasagistemas Hernandes & Feres (1.345), seguida por Pronematus sp. (455), Zetzellia agistzellia Hernandes & Feres (409) e Euseius citrifolius Denmark & Muma (243). C. heveae apresentou maior densidade populacional em março e abril de 2003, e Lorryia formosa Cooreman e Tenuipalpus heveae Baker em março e maio de 2001, respectivamente. Muitos estigmeídeos foram observados associados a agrupamentos de L. formosa predando seus ovos e estágios imaturos.


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Backhousia citriodora is a commercially valuable Australian woody species that has a reputation for being recalcitrant in forming adventitious roots from cuttings. A study was carried out to determine whether maturation and plant genotype influenced rooting. It also tried to establish whether genotypic differences in rooting ability were related to characteristics of the cutting material. The rooting of cuttings in B. citriodora declines after maturation and is strongly influenced by genotype. The cutting characteristics of actively growing axillary buds, wide stems and mature leaves are associated with rooting and survival but not related to genotype. Furthermore, the 8-24 weeks required by B. citriodora to form roots from cuttings makes it difficult to distinguish between the characteristics that increase rooting and those characteristics that enhance survival. A subsequent disbudding experiment demonstrated that axillary buds per se have an inhibitory effect on rooting. This suggests that the presence of actively growing axillary buds are an indication of overall growth and condition of the stock plant unrelated to the formation of adventitious rooting. The effects of other cutting characteristics on rooting are also discussed. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A 67-year-old plantation of Flindersia brayleyana F. Muell. in the wet tropics of north-cast Queensland had developed with minimal management. Before thinning, the stand had a canopy stem density of 770 stems ha(-1) of which 564 were F brayleyana, a stand basal area of 78 m(2) ha(-1), a mean stem diameter at breast height (dbh) of 36 cm, and a mean dbh increment of 5.2 mm year(-1) over the life of the plantation and 0.5 mm year I at the time of thinning. Sixty-three percent of the trees had crown ratios (crown diameter determined from foliage projected area: dbh) of less than 12. Thinning treatments removed 57% of the canopy stems and 45% of the stand basal area. Mean dbh increment over 2.5 years after thinning on basaltic soil was 5.8 +/- 0.3 mm year(-1), but for trees with crown ratio


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A 2-year study was carried out on established trees at two sites in southeastern Queensland, Australia, to identify environmental factors that influenced rooting of Backhousia citriodora from cuttings. Complex interactions of rainfall events above 20 mm from the preceding month and mean maximum temperature on stock plants resulted in a correlation with rooting success of r = 0.81 and 0.74 for sites at The University Of Queensland, Gatton Campus, and Cedar Glen, respectively. A more detailed investigation under controlled environmental conditions showed that maintaining stock plants at temperatures between 10 and 30degreesC had no direct effect on rooting capacity. However, temperature was correlated with growth, which may have an indirect effect on root formation. In spring floral initiation was found to only delay rooting and had no effect on the final rooting percentage. A series of seasonal experiments demonstrated that application of the auxins indole-3-acetic acid, indole-3-butyric acid and napthaleneacetic acid over a range of concentrations (1000-8000 mug/ml) did not significantly increase rooting compared to the control and there is no practical advantage in applying auxins. Seasonal results and the temperature experiment also suggest that under a glasshouse environment with higher temperatures in winter and an adequate supply of water, B. citriodora cuttings can be successfully rooted over the whole year. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.